
Sumac Park is a sprawling recreation area with two large grassy fields, a baseball diamond, a fitness area, and a children's space. The fields are wide enough to accommodate weekend tai chi as well as ultimate frisbee. The children's playground has a slide, a swing set, a jungle gym, and wood chips to cushion unexpected falls. The fitness area includes a number of outdoor workout stations with instructions. There are also two barbeque pits to allow for picnics. One thing the park lacks is much in the way of tree cover; there are a handful of small trees along the edges of the park, but by and large the only shade is provided by pavilions constructed for that purpose.
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Post by RC~ »

Aw, that must have sucked. Not being able to have cats, because somebody was allergic. And there were cats that needed a home. Alessio was glad that neither of his parents were allergic. Or himself.

"Mi-". Michelle, Massimo, Jeff and Julius. That was what he wanted to say, but Penelope interrupted.

Al hadn't notice the uncomfortable look of Adelaide during the hug Penelope pointed out, when he was about to answer. Maybe a sign that he was just bad at reading people.

Michelle, Massimo, Jeff and Julius. Another memorable sentence he could remember. People asking for the name of the cats wasn't a rarity.

The dating comment was making him uncomfortable himself. He didn't date Penelope. He wouldn't. Never will. There's just Vanessa. He hadn't told anyone, but whatever. Nobody needed to know. 0.01% probability that it'd happen anyway.

Michelle, Massimo, Jeff and Julius. That's what he should say. After she answered. He didn't want to interrupt.

It was weird. The conversation suddenly became awkward and he hadn't even said anything.
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MrMissMrs Random*
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Oh, perfect. She had been that obvious in her distaste that Penelope had noticed. And now the girl wanted answers. Did she expect everyone to be as open as her? Well, she was wrong.

"It's nothing." Adelaide replied firmly. She wanted to leave it at that. It would take all day to sort out her true feelings about PDA, but she knew part of the reason already. That was not something she was going to share with her two classmates out in the open. A ridiculous thought. "Its just something you do, so I don't have anything to say about how it makes me feel. How I feel about hugging is irrelevant."

Penelope looked to concerned for her liking, and Adelaide stepped back as the other girl leaned forward. She felt the sweat on her skin start to cool and give her a chill even in the Arizona heat. She could always use the excuse to leave by continuing on her jog, if it called to that.

"You were saying, Alessio?" she attempted to cut off anymore pestering by going back to the conversation about cats.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

((Sorry for the huge delay, real life and writer's block hit me fairly hard in the last week and a half and SOTF took a back seat))

Penelope sat back, content with the response she got, and let their conversation continue uninterrupted.

Penelope stared into the sky, day dreaming a bit as the two of them talked about cats or something. Penelope hadn't really been paying attention to the topic at hand in between her usual lapses of attention and being bothered about what Adelaide thought about her random hugging.

She looked at the clouds, absentmindedly thinking about what they looked like. Those clouds look like walruses, she thought. No, wait, baby seals. Wait, no, polka dotted baby lions. She smiled and squinted a bit, satisfied with her assessment of the cloud's shapes.

Penelope pulled out her phone and checked the time. She would need to be heading home soon. Things to do, people to see, all of that. She looked back at Alessio and Adelaide, wondering if their conversation had gotten interesting.
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Post by RC~ »

While Alessio was curious about how Adelaide felt about hugging, it's none of his business. Also, he could kinda understand that some people don't like hugging. Some people do, some people don't. Also, the weather was hot, so that might explain it a bit?

So he said "Michelle, Massimo, Jeff and Julius". He tried to smile at Adelaide. He liked it that she was interested in him and his cats enough to bring them back to the topic instead of talking awkwardly about something else. That, or the other topic was something she really didn't like.

When Penelope looked at the phone, he looked at his bag. He also needed to go home to bring the bag back home.
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Adelaide smiled at the names. All of them sounded like people. No Snowballs or fluffy's in the bunch. Alessio probably cared a lot for his cats, and spent time deciding their names.

"Nice names." she replied, but then found herself in the position that she had nothing else to say. She had been too obvious in her discomfort, and then that had steered the main part of their conversation to annoying topics. And Penelope was blunt enough to bring it up in the first place. Mostly, Adelaide was annoyed with herself instead of the other girl, however.

"Well, I better get back to it. Don't want my heart rate to drop too low. See you around."

She started back on her workout, trying to jog away from the sense of unease.

(Adelaide Walker jogged on elsewhere)
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Penelope realized that they only exchanged a few words in the time she was staring at the clouds.

She watched as Adelaide turned and left, jogging off elsewhere. She decided that it was probably time for her to head off as well, since she would have to go soon anyway and people were leaving. She gave Alessio a friendly, comforting smile before grabbing her stuff and saying goodbye to him.

Penelope wandered off from the park bench she was just sitting at in the vague direction of home. She had walked this route so many times now that it was just instinct on where she needed to go, so she let herself walk there on autopilot while checking various things on her phone.

((Penelope Fitzgerald continued elsewhere...))
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Post by RC~ »

Oh, Adelaide liked the names. That's nice.

After Adelaide left and Penelope smiled at him before leaving as well, he smiled back and grabbed his stuff.

And then he went home to unbox his bought goods.

((Alessio Rigano continued in What a Day))
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