I have an accessory spleen (Relationships).

I actually do. So, basically, my characters are really cool.

V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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I have an accessory spleen (Relationships).


Post by Jazzfat »

John Kieran Jr. is a tallish guy with glasses. He is what you would consider a nerd, but he has a mind for strategy, public speaking, leadership, and, his favorite, politics. He's agnostic, but more subscribes to teachings of Buddhism, Taoism and other Eastern religions, despite being brought up a Greek Orthodox. His father, the descendent of an illegal Irish Immigrant, and his mother Greek and Italian, he grew up in a semi-religious household, more caring about being a good person than adhering strictly to the religion. His parents encouraged educational thought, and diversity of belief. He quickly got involved in politics following the 2016 election, and shifted into the radical left. Principally a pacifist, he promises only to kill to defend himself and others, and believes the olive branch must always be extended first. He loves to talk, and to make new friends. He wants to apply to SUNY at Albany in Upstate New York. He plays electric guitar, and specifically enjoys metal and rock. He is slimly built, with brown hair, and mostly wears dark colors. He also enjoys creative writing, and likes to roleplay. His favorite roleplay is with nations, and politics, and made a few friends that way too! Some are even in the school! He is Bisexual and Non-Binary, both openly.

Looking for:
Friends! He's very open to people who do not have very similar interests. Just for people who he can vibe with and enjoy himself!
Acquaintances! Same as before with friends, but for people he doesn't know as well.
Enemies! Bullies maybe, ex-friends maybe, exes maybe.
Romances! John is open for any sort of relationship, platonic and romantic. He himself is a bit of a romantic. He is pansexual.
Other! Literally any other idea you may have!

Nathan Kinnear is a tall man, wanting to be a football player when he grows up. He's on the Highschool Football team, as a running back. He's a jock, but loves DnD on the side, more secretly playing with nerdy kids, like John, in games such as DnD and other video games and strategy games. He is an avid shootist, going to shoot clay pigeons with his father a lot of days, but always hated when his Dad talked about the politics of guns which quickly got him to be at odds with his father a lot. Not as much a pacifist as John, he tries to be heavy-handed as to be as 'masculine' he can be. There is just one problem with his masculinity. He is closeted transgender, and likes men. He is doing all of this because he believes if he does 'manly' things, he will eventually 'become' a man. None of this has worked, and he takes his frustrations on openly transgender people. He's abrasive upfront, but to the people he cares about, he is like a big, big teddy bear.

Looking for:
Friends! Nerds and Sporty people preferably!
Acquaintances! This is completely open! People who don't fit the above category could become friends if lucky!
Enemies! Not sure, but I'm open!
No Romances, he's still closeted and doesn't feel comfortable.

Kathleen Vozelinik is a short, Russian female. She was not born in this country, and is actually just a citizen for 4 years. She has a strong Russian accent, and is still learning the English language. As a result, she was the butt-end of much ridicule from her classmates. She made almost no friends, but found a lot of comfort in the goth community, who accepted her for who she was. She quickly adopted much of their fashion, mannerisms and makeup. She is bisexual, quite thin, and with a high-pitched voice. Her voice, as well, as a heavy Russian Accent, as stated before, but with a tinge of a New Englander-Bostonian drawl as well. Her home life wasn't that good, however, with her being an adopted child from abusive parents in Russia. As such, she is quiet from years of abuse and does not find herself in the middle of a conversation, even with her friends. It's hard to crack this nut. But, like most nuts, there is a sweetness inside of Kathleen that is worth the work.

Looking for:
Friends! Not really, but perhaps a few!
Acquaintances! She is not talkative. It will be extremely hard to get her to talk to you to eventually be friends...or more.
Enemies! She has a few, mostly her bullies.
Romances! Perhaps not off the bat, but perhaps if lucky you could be able to romance her...

Of course, I'll be taking suggestions to expand upon these characters as well. Oh, I'll need them!
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Post by Deamon »

Darryl and John have probably had encounters over politics although I'm not sure if the interactions would have been pleasant because while Darryl is also passionate and interested in it he does also carry himself with a sense of detached irony about everything.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Jazzfat »

Deamon wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:12 pm Darryl and John have probably had encounters over politics although I'm not sure if the interactions would have been pleasant because while Darryl is also passionate and interested in it he does also carry himself with a sense of detached irony about everything.
John can recognize irony, but he is extremely passionate. Perhaps a bit too passionate for his own good, and I expect he would be the one to take someone seriously despite it being a joke. I actually dunno about this one, but maybe we'll see how it pans out.
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Post by Cicada »

Hey there Jazz! Gonna drop by real quick and offer some thoughts :0
[+] thoughts
  • Salem/John - Potential here I think. He seems like a cool guy to be on the radical left (unlike the school's not-insignificant tankie brigade, unless John's also a part of that) and Salem at least appropriates lefty aesthetics for the most part through his social media presence. As they're also the mutually friendly sort I think they could be casual school acquaintances... like, if Salem learned John was into nation RP, Salem might be tempted to blow his cover and reveal the inner lib. Or ease into exposing that aspect of himself. Salem secretly wanting to waste time on nation or political RP in his free time is something I could see being a thing, so maybe John could be an avenue into that recently having become a thing.
  • Cedar/Nathan - Cedar is nerds that can be played with. She does tabletop, board games, she's always available so it's probably easy to slot her into multiple running groups. She might be exasperated by the over-masculinity or, correctly, assume he's compensating for/trying to hide something and be concerned enough to pry. Could be that she's distanced herself from him because of his overt transphobia. I could see this being one of those cosmically ironic cases where she'd accept him more/be more willing to help if he could articulate his gender dysphoria openly and honestly, but of course, denial is relatable unfortunately.
  • Ash/Nathan - Ash keeps running tabs on most active members of the school teams and tries to be a source of pep talk and advocacy on their behalf. She's probably also mildly exasperated by the try-hard masculinity and thinks he's a piece of shit for being loudly transphobic, and unlike Cedar she doesn't pry into other people's business and try to figure out the deeper reasoning behind their outward behavior. He's surface-level a Bad Person, that's all she sees and all she needs to know.
  • Cedar/Kathleen - Seeing someone getting so obviously bullied will immediately draw Cedar into holding position in near orbit. Cedar usually isn't the talkative one but since Kathleen also has difficulty opening up and trusting people enough to talk to them Cedar probably had more difficulty trying to be a friend and a shoulder to cry on for Kathleen than for most. Still, she would be persistent, and patient, and volunteer as much of her friendliness and honesty as needed to try and win enough of Kathleen's trust that she'd know she has an ally in school. Like, this'd probably start within weeks of Kathleen's arrival at Endecott. It's probably at least sort of worked in the four intervening years, I'd think!
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Post by Jazzfat »

Cicada wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:31 pm Hey there Jazz! Gonna drop by real quick and offer some thoughts :0
[+] thoughts
  • Salem/John - Potential here I think. He seems like a cool guy to be on the radical left (unlike the school's not-insignificant tankie brigade, unless John's also a part of that) and Salem at least appropriates lefty aesthetics for the most part through his social media presence. As they're also the mutually friendly sort I think they could be casual school acquaintances... like, if Salem learned John was into nation RP, Salem might be tempted to blow his cover and reveal the inner lib. Or ease into exposing that aspect of himself. Salem secretly wanting to waste time on nation or political RP in his free time is something I could see being a thing, so maybe John could be an avenue into that recently having become a thing.
  • Cedar/Nathan - Cedar is nerds that can be played with. She does tabletop, board games, she's always available so it's probably easy to slot her into multiple running groups. She might be exasperated by the over-masculinity or, correctly, assume he's compensating for/trying to hide something and be concerned enough to pry. Could be that she's distanced herself from him because of his overt transphobia. I could see this being one of those cosmically ironic cases where she'd accept him more/be more willing to help if he could articulate his gender dysphoria openly and honestly, but of course, denial is relatable unfortunately.
  • Ash/Nathan - Ash keeps running tabs on most active members of the school teams and tries to be a source of pep talk and advocacy on their behalf. She's probably also mildly exasperated by the try-hard masculinity and thinks he's a piece of shit for being loudly transphobic, and unlike Cedar she doesn't pry into other people's business and try to figure out the deeper reasoning behind their outward behavior. He's surface-level a Bad Person, that's all she sees and all she needs to know.
  • Cedar/Kathleen - Seeing someone getting so obviously bullied will immediately draw Cedar into holding position in near orbit. Cedar usually isn't the talkative one but since Kathleen also has difficulty opening up and trusting people enough to talk to them Cedar probably had more difficulty trying to be a friend and a shoulder to cry on for Kathleen than for most. Still, she would be persistent, and patient, and volunteer as much of her friendliness and honesty as needed to try and win enough of Kathleen's trust that she'd know she has an ally in school. Like, this'd probably start within weeks of Kathleen's arrival at Endecott. It's probably at least sort of worked in the four intervening years, I'd think!
Sorry for the very long reply. I like all of these!
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Post by Applesintime »

Alright so!


At some point in time, Matthew has almost certainly made fun of John. He's a pacifist, which Matthew thinks is a stupid concept, and he's left-wing, which is worse, because Matthew hates leftists. I imagine one day John was mentioning his politics and Matthew took the opportunity to mock him for it.

Alex has probably never talked to him in his life.

Jennifer also shares an interest in metal and rock; she's more into punk rock, if that changes anything. She's also a wannabe drummer who's looking for some kind of band to be in, and they might have talked about instruments at some point?

Madeleine, who also shares an interest in politics, probably talks to him a bunch; he seems like the kind of person that she can vibe with, and she's lowkey admiring of his skill at public speaking and strategy.


Matthew's probably a friend of his; he also enjoys American football, but seeing as the school doesn't have a football team he plays for a club in Boston. Matthew also thinks guns are cool; maybe at some point they've went shooting together or something to that regard?

Alex has never heard of him.

Both Jennifer and Madeleine probably think he's an asshole because of his stance on transgender people.


Matthew, Alex nor Jennifer have probably interacted with her at all.

Madeleine shares some similarities with her; they both were born in Slavic countries and having moved to the US, Madeleine being born in Kosovo and Kathleen being born in Russia. At some point I think she would have tried to talk with her and befriend her; this probably doesn't work out, but Madeleine still would keep an eye out for her.
[+] V8
S002: Alex Avanesian - Throwing Spear - is the one who thought he could win. He was proven wrong in I'm the Psycho, You're the Freakshow [93/134]
Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pregame: 1 2 3
Social Media: 1 2 3 4
Homecoming: 1

S056: Madeleine Molliqaj - Macuahuitl - was hunting a beast. She slew it in Carve What You Feel Into Me [59/134]
Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pregame: 1
Homecoming: 1

S078: Matthew Bell - Grand Power K100 - hurts all over in "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
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Post by Alyssaromantic »

Feel free to reply to this message if you're interested in any of these! My OCs are Teddy Schmitt (She/He/They) and Noelle Ashter (She/Her)!

Teddy and John would be great friends! She's intersex and uses all pronouns themselves. They're also interested in guys and non-binary people, so I'm open to romance there if you are. He's also into debate and volunteer work so they could definitely get along on that!
Him and Noelle are probably just strangers to be honest.

Teddy is TERRIFIED of him. She may have gotten verbally/physically beaten up before (your choice) and he does everything in his power to just be left alone. If so, they would actually end up asking D&D groups in advance if Nathan would be showing up there, since she would have heard of her other friends talking to him. They'd think Nathan is really mean, but he wouldn't have the guts to say it.
He and Noelle would be ex-friends, inseparable in the earlier grades because of sports and gaming. But the moment she hears that Nathan is transphobic (even if she doesn't know the reason why)? She dipped and didn't come back.

Teddy has talked to her a few times, may have offered to have Kathleen sit at his table since she was alone. Besides that though? They were a bit too busy for much else.
Noelle is kind of worried about her. They heard that she gets bullied a lot, and if she actually saw it in front of her there's a 99.9 percent chance that she will probably deck the ones harassing her. She wants to get close, but with all the crazy shit going on with her own family? Noelle just doesn't know how.
"Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living." -Diane Nguyen, Bojack Horseman

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