People and Plans

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V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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People and Plans


Post by Sticks »

Hey, here's my one character (and two concepts??):

Janelle Barber (profile) (art)
Traits: Playful, flirty, flighty
[+] Appearance
At 5’5 and 120 lbs, Janelle cuts a slim figure. She is Caucasian, with a naturally pale complexion that is supplanted by a light tan due to regular visits to the tanning booth. Her skin is well-maintained thanks to a rigorous beauty regimen, and remains free of acne. Janelle has a button nose that is slightly too wide for her tastes, as well as straight white teeth. Her shoulder-length hair is naturally a dull dark brown, but she regularly dyes it a light blonde. Janelle has wide and round gray eyes. Her face is somewhat wide and triangle-shaped, with full cheeks.

Clothing-wise, Janelle goes for color and fit above all, oftentimes skirting the boundaries of what’s considered appropriate in a school setting, as she enjoys wearing low-cut tops and short skirts. She loves to wear bright and cool tones, favoring blues and purples. She often coordinates her makeup alongside this, and Janelle is rarely seen outside her house with anything less than a face full of makeup, to compensate for what she feels are overly youthful features.

On the day of the trip, Janelle was wearing a turquoise v-neck sweater with a white strapless camisole underneath, a teal ruffled skirt ending halfway to the knee, black leggings, and ankle-length brown combat boots. She had worn her hair in two short pigtails tied with a white hair tie each. She was also wearing a key-shaped locket. In terms of her makeup, she was wearing blush to match her skin tone, pink lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, light blue eyeshadow, and mascara. Her nails were painted purple.
[+] About Janelle
Janelle moved to Salem from Georgia (the state) when she was 6, and she's been tearing up Massachusetts ever since.

But really, Janelle is bubbly, blonde, and more than a little blunt. She's generally a member of the popular crowd who can be counted on to liven up any party, but is as known for being fun as she is for going through boyfriends like tissue paper. Not that Janelle is mean, or tries to end her relationships quickly on purpose. It's just that she gets bored easily, and tends to recognize why she wouldn't be a good match with someone when they're already dating. She also has a tendency of getting her boyfriends to buy things for her. Other than that, she enjoys inane gossip, shopping, getting given gifts, and going on hunting trips with her dad. Not that she really discusses that with others, though, although her strangely detailed knowledge of gun policy may raise some questions.

Quick Facts:
- Janelle was a cheerleader for two months before bailing because of all the work.
- Average student, hovers around the B range, with occasional As in Math and Cs in English and History
- Has two older brothers - Dean and Lucas. Janelle isn't close to Dean, who's currently working in Atlanta, but she speaks with Lucas, who goes to Boston College, far more often.
[+] Relationships to Think About
- Exes! Janelle is straight, but she's not super picky about her boyfriends besides them being relatively conventionally attractive. Money is a plus for her, though. Most of these will have ended on amicable terms, but there may be a few that ended on more rocky ground.
- Friends! As mentioned earlier, Janelle is pretty popular, but she's generally friendly enough with whoever - as long as she's on good terms with you.
- Enemies! Janelle doesn't have too many of these, but if she doesn't like you, she'll probably tell it to your face.
- Shopping buddies! Janelle loves those!
- A current boyfriend! Maybe! This might unfold over Pregame, or maybe it can be defined now, but either way, I imagine Janelle and her current beau will have only together for three months at the most.
- Let me know if you have any other ideas!
Parisa "Pari" Shirazi (profile) (art)
Traits: Impulsive, rebellious, chatty
[+] Appearance
ari is of average height at 5’6”, but due to her relatively lanky figure, weighing at around 115 lbs, she often comes off to onlookers as somewhat taller than she actually is. Both her arms and legs are relatively long relative to her height, giving the impression of someone who hasn’t filled out the entirety of her figure.

Pari has a triangle-shaped face with a prominent chin, large downturned brown eyes, along with semi-prominent eye bags she tries to cover with makeup. Her nose is large with a prominent bridge, and her eyebrows are thick and well-maintained. Black and naturally curly, Pari’s hair falls to her mid-back when left loose. Her skin is a dark olive, thanks to her Iranian heritage and remains relatively clear thanks to a dedicated skincare regimen.

Pari’s regular makeup routine consists of mascara, eyeliner, and skin-toned blush on a day-to-day basis, although she has been known to add more to it if she’s feeling particularly up to it. Typically, she keeps her makeup light so as to draw attention to her clothes, which are brightly colored, casual - and often skirting the lines of school policy.

On the day of the abduction, Pari was wearing a yellow and white Snoopy varsity jacket over a yellow knit halter top tucked into a denim miniskirt, along with white Puma Cali sneakers and sushi-patterned knee socks. She was wearing her hair in a messy ponytail, held in place by a yellow scrunchie. Another yellow scrunchie was on her right wrist, and she was wearing large yellow star-shaped earrings.
[+] About Pari
Pari cheerleads by day, and shoplifts by night.

Not really, but having grown up surrounded by family friends far older than her, Pari has grown up doing pretty ridiculous things to gain respect and/or attention, and those tendencies have only increased as she's grown older, and remained one of the youngest in her class. While more popular during her first two years or so at Joh Endecott, Pari's antics have been wearing thin, leaving most of her friends to be underclassmen still thrilled to hear her talk about her brushes with trouble. While she's pleasant enough to talk to, she can often exude an aura of immaturity.

Quick Facts:
- Generally gets A-s, one area of her life where her parents aren't panicking.
- Is an only child!
- Around exam season she hands out baked goods like candy.
[+] Relationships to Think About
- Cheerleading buddies? Pari's closest friends from her grade probably come from cheer.
- Friends! Pari is...not particularly popular amongst the senior class, but if you want baked goods, she's there.
- Enemies! Whether it be people annoyed by her antics, people who think she's a tryhard, or anything else, feel free to give ideas.
- Boyfriends? Probably only one or two. Pari has pretty high standards, but she's recently been lowering them because she more or less just likes the idea of being in a relationship.
- Let me know if you have any other ideas!
Grant Eastman
Traits: Cocky, sarcastic, aggressive
[+] Appearance
At 6’2 and 205lbs, Grant is an imposing figure. Thanks to a rigorous workout regimen as well as lacrosse practice, he has an athletic and muscular build that trends towards stocky. He has a broad and well-developed chest and shoulders and his legs are muscular as well, if not to the same extent as his upper body. Facially, he possesses angular features, including a long Roman nose and a strong jawline. Due to a collision during practice in sophomore year, his nose is slightly crooked. His eyebrows are of average thickness, although they have a natural downward slant to them. Grant also has deep-set dark green eyes. His mouth is relatively wide, and his smile often looks like a sneer. Caucasian and of Irish-American descent, Grant’s skin is pale, tanning only slightly during the summer months.

In terms of his hair, Grant tends to keep his dark brown hair cropped quite short. When he feels like making an effort, he uses gel to make it spikier looking. He keeps his face clean-shaven for convenience, and also because he has noticed the men in his family tend to grow facial hair patchily if at all. His skin is relatively clear, although he will have occasional bouts of acne. This is more due to Grant avoiding oily foods out of concern for his health rather than any particular skincare regimen.

Clothing-wise, Grant puts a lot of effort into looking like he didn’t put in a lot of effort, with him typically wearing a form-fitting t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, although he’ll often wear a button-down or his letterman jacket over. He’ll occasionally wear boots if he feels the situation calls for them. In terms of accessories, he is never not wearing his Apple Watch, and often wears cloth bracelets.

On the day of the abduction, Grant was wearing a slate blue button-up puffer vest over an army green hooded flannel shirt jacket, blue jeans, and brown Timberland Originals boots. He was wearing a black Henley as an undershirt. Grant was also wearing an Apple Watch on his right wrist and some cloth bracelets on his left. He is left-handed.
[+] About Grant
Son of a former MLB relief pitcher, Grant's led a pretty charmed life, compounded by the fact that his parents helped to inflate his ego more than a little bit. Was something of a bully back in middle school, although brushes with disciplinary action means he's toned that down somewhat, although he's generally still kind of an elitist ass. Played football and baseball growing up, but his parents decided to send him to John Endecott so that he'd hopefully shape up. Now he's a pretty stellar defenseman for the lacrosse team, even if he has something of a chip on his shoulder about not being captain. Outside of lacrosse, he's a pretty big workout fiend, has gotten into shitposting, and actually has a pretty big interest in statistics and sports analytics, hoping to follow in his father's footsteps. As such, he's smarter than what most people expect from him, but he's still condescending and thinks of himself as smarter than he actually is. Is treasurer on the student council, more because no one else ran more than anything else, but he enjoys the feeling of power.

As might be expected, Grant is a very divisive figure on campus. He's friends with many in the popular crowd, as well as his lacrosse teammates and others interested in sport, but his confrontational demeanor to people he believes are below him hasn't won many fans. Among those he does get along with, though, he is an exceptionally loyal friend. After a string of party hookups and short-lived relationships which ended poorly due to his blatant lack of interest, he came to the realization during the pandemic that he was gay. Has accepted this more as a fact than anything else, although he hasn't told anyone of this yet.

Is actually fairly liberal in terms of his political views, but generally feels no need to comment on current events, both due to the conservatism of many of his friends and a lack of interest. Still has some slightly problematic views about women.
Quick Facts:
- Very proud of being a straight A student, and is a tolerable group partner if only because he does his work and tries to do it well. Not that it makes him more pleasant to be around, though.
- Has a very dim opinion of the basketball team.
- Does have season tickets for the Red Sox.
[+] Relationships to Think About
- Friends from the lacrosse team. Probably who Grant is closest to just because he spends the most time around them. Still, his domineering nature has probably bristled some.
- Workout buddies: Grant doesn't really like talking to people when he works out, and in fact finds it kind of annoying but he's down to discuss weightlifting regimens and diets and such.
- Enemies: Many? While not exactly a bully, Grant's behavior changes drastically if he thinks you're someone worth talking to, and many have noticed that shift.
- Basketball people: As noted above, Grant sees the basketball team as a bunch of losers, and has on occasion talked trash about them. If there are any tensions between the lacrosse and basketball teams, Grant is likely to be at the center of it.
- Fellow shitposters: If Grant has any friends who aren't from the in-crowd or whatnot, it's probably because he vibes with their humor. He probably doesn't hang out with these people in-person too often, but there is the off-chance he may weirdly enough be a moderating presence, if people post anything too appaling.
- Ex-girlfriends and hookups: Grant has not ended many of his previous relationships on good terms, whether it be because he hit it and quit it, or because he kind of couldn't be bothered. Either way, a lot of the JEM female population holds a dim view of him, for good reason.
- As for romance presently, not really so much of that on his end right now, but feel free to give ideas. Grant is at a stage where he's more or less accepted himself, and if directly asked, will admit that he's gay, but not much more than that.
- Let me know if you have any other ideas!
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Suzanna is probably friends with Janelle. She's a bit more on the popular side, being a notable lacrosse player while also just being generally chill of a person. She'd also be a willing shopping buddy, because having some company is never a bad thing and sometimes a girl can't resist the urge to buy when she sees something cute in a store, you know?

Stephen is the only other notable person, because he could be a bitter ex. He's got money and isn't too bad on the eyes, with the additional detail of being weak to his ego being flattered. But he's also got a personality about as friendly as someone in an internet story named Karen, so at best I can see Janelle dating him for a week, maybe specifically to get him to buy her something, only to break up with him not too long afterwards, which would definitely give her an enemy. Or if you think that's not her thing, maybe just a normal ex bitter that a week of dating didn't work out. Whatever works for you!
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Post by Sticks »

AnimeNerd wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:07 am Suzanna is probably friends with Janelle. She's a bit more on the popular side, being a notable lacrosse player while also just being generally chill of a person. She'd also be a willing shopping buddy, because having some company is never a bad thing and sometimes a girl can't resist the urge to buy when she sees something cute in a store, you know?

Stephen is the only other notable person, because he could be a bitter ex. He's got money and isn't too bad on the eyes, with the additional detail of being weak to his ego being flattered. But he's also got a personality about as friendly as someone in an internet story named Karen, so at best I can see Janelle dating him for a week, maybe specifically to get him to buy her something, only to break up with him not too long afterwards, which would definitely give her an enemy. Or if you think that's not her thing, maybe just a normal ex bitter that a week of dating didn't work out. Whatever works for you!
Oooh, this is late, but I'm down with both ideas! While most of Janelle's breakups are amicable, I'd have to imagine some of them didn't turn out so smoothly, so Stephen and Janelle having a pretty contentious relationship works great.
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Post by Sticks »

tada i have added two more kids to thee pile.

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