nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha


The housing in the town is made up of simple two-story houses, most of these of built in the style of 70s and 80s American suburbs despite being far removed from such a setting. Many of the houses have similar layouts with some divergence: most feature a bottom floor consisting of a kitchen, dining room and living room, a second floor with a master and secondary bedroom, and a bathroom with a tub. A few of the houses have garages, but the vehicles they contained are either gone or have been rendered inoperable.

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Post by Ohm »

"You alright pal?" Amos asked reflexively as Aion rubbed his head after the house opened once more and spat something at him. The entirety of the plan that seemed to be forming was gone in the span of a second with both parties wanting nothing to do with one another. Amos was fine with that, didn't look like a smart thing to do anyway, walking into a house when someone was busy tearing it apart especially when that someone was a volatile teenage girl with access to something or other that could be deadly.

He'd take a chance on the road than try that.

"Hold Still," He moved closer to Aion and looked at the side that he was grumbling about, some blood had seeped into his hair noticeable since it was a bit of a technicolor nightmare, but Amos didn't judge on that, it made it easy to see where he got hurt.

He knelt down with his bag on the ground and opened it, funneling through it for the med kit since it probably had something he could press against the wound for comfort. He decided the blanket might as well work and took it out to hand it over to him.

"Shit man... nice catch on that." He pointed at the side of his head so he'd get the message.
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Post by BlizzardeyeWonder »

Daniel spun back around in time to see ceramic hit Aion's head. He grimaced and hissed through his teeth with sympathy pain, which was probably about as much fondness as he was ever gonna feel for Aion.

It was pretty clear he'd spent enough time here. If this guy - Amos! That was his name! - and Aion were gonna form a little traveling party of their own, that was cool for them. Daniel wouldn't join them though. Why would he? That hypothetical group had 2/3 members who hated each others' guts (for admittedly little reason), which just seemed like an objectively bad move in a place where violence was so heavily incentivized.

Still, he didn't want to leave things on a sour note. If it ain't broken don't fix it yes, but if it is broken, don't make like that girl up there and break it even more. A head wound was gonna bleed a lot - and it was gonna need changes of bandages.

Daniel fished out the first-aid kit of his own day pack, and handed over a roll of bandages from it. One of the bigger ones, that he figured could wrap around a head.
[+] V8 - CURRENT

Meena Lalita Kumar
the dreaded SI
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Crying in the (music) club
>Homecoming Start: Dying Clean And Pretty
-->Homecoming Status: It's worse fresh (ish) off a breakup
>Game Start: It's Lights Out, And Away They Go!
-->Game Status (FINAL): The future sucks.

Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves
#1 princess and voca-tuber in the whole wide world
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Trying and failing to share manga
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: spawn more overlords!
-->Game Status (FINAL): A star has fallen.

Iliya "Liya" Polaris - DEAD
rebelling against a traditional Wiccan upbringing
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Some things are more important than a party
>Homecoming Start: Guys and Dolls
-->Homecoming Status: don't tell anyone this but she was actually one of the raccoons
>Game Start: A Question of Faith
-->Game Status (FINAL): The spirit was weak.

Daniel Ozanne
poker twink
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Uncomfortable questions
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha
-->Game Status: breaking down but trying to help
[+] V7
[+] Meilin
Meilin Zhou (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: life observes itself
-->Pregame Status: Waltzed out a party with her crush
>Prom Start: Fancy Meeting You Here
-->Prom Status: Taking a dance, taking on the world
>Trip Start: The Best of You
-->Trip Status: Running away from an eyeful of NSFW
>Game Start: Rise Great Undead Lord Dread
-->Game Status (FINAL): Stop hitting yourself

"No sun to rise would be okay with me... Everyday, every day is okay"
[+] Camilla
Camilla Bell (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: Who's Turn Was It, Anyway?
-->Pregame Status: Had more than her fair share of revelry
>Prom Start: Early in the Morning
-->Prom Status: Ditching the drama for blues
>Trip Start: When I'm Gone
-->Trip Status: Preemptively homesick
>Game Start: Bloom Nobly, in a Transient Life
-->Game Status (FINAL): Loved to death.

"A voice in her head, a voice in her head, screaming all the words that were left unsaid"
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Post by Yonagoda »

"Oh, wait," a small voice muttered, wide-eyed, "Wait. Shit. Holy shit."
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Post by Primrosette »

During his head hurting like a dying horse, Aion felt himself letting out a small, choked scoff at what Amos just said. He almost wanted to make a smartass comment back at him, but now didn't seem like the right time for it. So, he let out a small hah noise.

Aion wasn't surprised that Amos was helping him out. Maybe? He wasn't really friends with the guy, but he didn't have any ill feelings towards him. But Daniel helping him was more of a shock to him personally. Where did their beef with each other even start? Maybe he had mouthed off to him without even thinking about it. God, this really felt so embarrassing to him. Having two dudes helping him out with an injury - was it a serious one? He hoped not - was definitely not on his list.

Making him feel like a dude in distress or something.

"Uh.... thanks, I guess...." He reluctantly and awkwardly commented towards Daniel who was handing over the bandages to help out. "God, this is humiliating. Getting owned by a plate was not on my list today."

He glanced back at the house that Millie was in, and he gritted his teeth.

"I'm gonna get the fuck out of here. Dunno where I'll be going, but it's better than staying here." He eyed the two boys with dead, serious eyes. "Don't wanna get a more fatal wound, you know?"
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

Daniel came by with some help, and suddenly Aion was getting all the help he needed. A blanket for blood and a bandage for the wound. Amos took back the blanket when Aion was done dabbing the side of his head with it; he stared at the blood that was now on it, its use as a blanket was now questionable, but Amos would worry about that when he wasn't freezing out here.

It was a surprise that Daniel helped considering his entire statements so far seemed to be fuck Aion, but maybe the guy was better than his first impression here.

Amos knelt down to stuff it back into his bag, there was some more noise inside the house, but he paid it no mind now. Aion made the motion to leave, and Amos nodded at that. When ceramic started flying and taking casualties; then it was a good time to skedaddle on out; Amos himself was ready to mosey along to a better place. A warm place where things were not flying.
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Post by BlizzardeyeWonder »

"To be fair Aion, none of this was in the plan," Daniel said, vaguely gesturing at the entire situation.

It was a good time to head out. If the deadly flying plates weren't incentive enough, it was pretty cold already, and the night would only be colder. He looked to Amos and saw him nod. In turn, he nodded. Looked like everyone was in agreement.

While his bag was still open, he fished around and took out the map. He'd skimmed it over a little while ago but at that point he was in the middle of emotionally dealing with being in Survival Of The Fittest, so you can imagine he didn't absorb much information from it. Taking his bag onto his shoulder and unfurling the map in his hands, he looked it over again. There was a big research station thing to the west, but that seemed like a really long walk away. There was a mine to the north or north-east (depended on where in the town they were), which was much closer. Or, he could find another house in this town, it seemed big enough for it.

In any case, Daniel was gonna go the direction he wanted to go before. He looked up at the window, waved one last time (hoping it wouldn't trigger another barrage of deadly flying plates), and went on his way.

[Daniel Ozanne continued in There won't be room for happy memories]
[+] V8 - CURRENT

Meena Lalita Kumar
the dreaded SI
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Crying in the (music) club
>Homecoming Start: Dying Clean And Pretty
-->Homecoming Status: It's worse fresh (ish) off a breakup
>Game Start: It's Lights Out, And Away They Go!
-->Game Status (FINAL): The future sucks.

Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves
#1 princess and voca-tuber in the whole wide world
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Trying and failing to share manga
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: spawn more overlords!
-->Game Status (FINAL): A star has fallen.

Iliya "Liya" Polaris - DEAD
rebelling against a traditional Wiccan upbringing
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Some things are more important than a party
>Homecoming Start: Guys and Dolls
-->Homecoming Status: don't tell anyone this but she was actually one of the raccoons
>Game Start: A Question of Faith
-->Game Status (FINAL): The spirit was weak.

Daniel Ozanne
poker twink
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Uncomfortable questions
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha
-->Game Status: breaking down but trying to help
[+] V7
[+] Meilin
Meilin Zhou (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: life observes itself
-->Pregame Status: Waltzed out a party with her crush
>Prom Start: Fancy Meeting You Here
-->Prom Status: Taking a dance, taking on the world
>Trip Start: The Best of You
-->Trip Status: Running away from an eyeful of NSFW
>Game Start: Rise Great Undead Lord Dread
-->Game Status (FINAL): Stop hitting yourself

"No sun to rise would be okay with me... Everyday, every day is okay"
[+] Camilla
Camilla Bell (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: Who's Turn Was It, Anyway?
-->Pregame Status: Had more than her fair share of revelry
>Prom Start: Early in the Morning
-->Prom Status: Ditching the drama for blues
>Trip Start: When I'm Gone
-->Trip Status: Preemptively homesick
>Game Start: Bloom Nobly, in a Transient Life
-->Game Status (FINAL): Loved to death.

"A voice in her head, a voice in her head, screaming all the words that were left unsaid"
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Post by Yonagoda »

'Fuck, wait, no, nonononono-'
Blood Tongue Nails Teeth
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion could only watch while Daniel was heading off in a different direction and he gingerly touched the bandages that were around his head in a bit of clumsy matter. It was better than nothing and he hoped to fucking God that the bleeding would chill out. His head was stinging like a bitch still, but he could just deal with it for the time-being.

He turned his attention back to Amos and he frowned a little. "Let's get the hell out of this shitty place." He grunted indifferently.

He sure knew how to be charming with swear words as always.

He made his way onto a snowed path and his feet got stuck a few times, causing him to stumble a couple of times. How embarrassing.

He made sure to peek behind to make sure that his new companion, Amos, was keeping up. He didn't even know why he wanted the guy around, but it was better than being on his own.

((Aion Rhodes continued in Suppression))
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

Daniel walked off soon enough, and a small wave was all that was said; Amos kept his eyes on him till he was gone. It was the least he could do for the guy. In spite of how he witnessed the guy having a freakout, even if it was inside a building at the time and Amos was outside, it still happened, but he turned it around.

Aion was game on the other. He seemed fine travelling with him; Amos raised an eyebrow at that but didn't raise any objections; Aion looked to be alright, even if he was unlucky with the injuries so far.

He was stumbling about a bit; maybe the wound was more severe? Amos needed to keep an eye on that then, so the guy didn't trip over or die.

When he peeked back at him to see if he followed or not, he started to move after him at a quick pace to catch up before settling for a comfortable walking pace that did not set him far ahead of his shorter travel buddy.

((Amos Flanigan continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Yonagoda »



She peeked out.

There was blood on the ground and nobody there.

(Millie continued in: A worse mental state than she started off with)
Blood Tongue Nails Teeth
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