
day 1 afternoon, now private while some things are being taken care of

Off to one side of the mine away from the former entrance and the foreman's office is a small windowless building that served as the changing room for the workers, where they would start and end their day. The changing room itself features a locker room area with lockers lining the walls and benches situated in the center. Also in the center, hanging from a set of pulleys that run along the ceiling of the room, hang articles of the miners' work clothes, boots, and helmets. These discarded clothes create an uncanny atmosphere within the room, especially at night, while also serving to obscure vision as the pulley wires have started to sag with age. Also in the building is a communal shower area.
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Post by Jilly »

((Leslie Romero continued from the infirmary some hours ago.))

Wow this room was a pig-sty.

Honestly, Leslie wasn't even sure how he ended up all the way out here. He just kept going through the ice and along the road until he got to the mine at the other side of what he assumed actually was an island, unless they were being lied to. He didn't pass by the south, but on the other hand if there was water on all 3 sides he did see, then well, it was probably safe to assume the kidnappers weren't gonna just let him walk away.

So he just kept going until he reached the mine area, going right past the decaying metal fence, past the raised building that looked like it could collapse if you looked at it wrong. There were a few sad snowmen on his way, probably built by other passerby though by the looks of things Leslie truly was alone this time. He didn't know how to feel about that. He kept going.

He called out his presence this time, after opening the door into the locker room building. The decades worth of must hit him like a falling piano in a Chuck Jones cartoon. Leslie winced as he braced himself and entered, closing the door into the cold behind.

He called out again once fully inside, just in case. Nothing replied to him. He stopped holding his breath.

The place looked ransacked, with most of the lockers opened and shit falling out of them and scattered around like a tornado tore through. Someone was definitely here before now, though Leslie didn't really assume otherwise considering the snowmen outside, but still.

Somehow he felt... was angry the right word? Maybe just uneasy? Uneasy at the desecration? He wasn't sure, but he didn't like it. He didn't like the energy of this place, and really of this island in general. It wasn't that he believed in ghosts or that he had a sixth sense and that kind of sacrilegious garbage, but it was undeniable in a weird way that memories and emotions lingered from personal objects left by people, even in something as mundane as lunchboxes and work shirts. And you didn't have to be a genius to put two and two together that a closed-down mine that still had a bunch of personal shit lying around probably wasn't closed for economic reasons.

Leslie couldn't rob from the dead. The irony of doing it to Constance wasn't lost on him, though. He was fine doing it from the living. The living still had time. The living had to do what they had to do to keep living.

He found an unused locker, with no nameplate and nothing inside, locked by a padlock with the key still inside. He checked a few of the other locks to make sure the keys were actually unique, and after 3 attempts he was satisfied. This will do.

He grabbed the bag he snatched from Constance and stuffed it inside the locker. He opened his own bag and contemplated unlightening his own load, but... no. He was risking leaving supplies in here already. Just her bag would be fine.

He closed the door, inserted the key into the lock, and locked up, shoving the key into one of his pant pockets that didn't have the stun gun.

He took another look at the place, at the other lockers, at the debris. Then, he stooped down to pick some of the crap up and did his best to try and clean up the place, closing lockers as he went along the wall.
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Post by RC~ »

((Spike continued from the research station))

Wow, this island was full of nothing. Only green, or in this case, white. There wasn't anything to loot in the wilderness. His feet hurt and it was cold, and the worst thing that annoyed him was that he couldn't walk faster, because he had to wait for Bill to catch up. They had to reach the town soon, he desperately wants some piece of society, instead of this whole nature shennanigans.

Spike, not wanting to get gunned down by a psycho on the road, decided to stay off the road. Which made him feel safe on one hand, on the other hand it made it much harder to navigate. After reaching the Frozen Lake they kept on walking off the road, close to the mountain. The town has to be somewhere, right?

And indeed, they finally reached the town. He was confident in his sense of orientation again after finally seeing some houses in the distance, and when they came closer and closer to the buildings, he was looking forward to just get inside.

The first part of the town they reached as a result of walking off-road seemed to be a part of a collapsed mine. There were buildings surrounding it. They probably were the first ones to go here, as he'd assume the rest of class would all go to the comfy part of the town instead of this area that seemed a bit more nature-adjacent. Maybe this was a good place to hide. To wait out this hell event until...rescue? Either way, this was perfect. They wouldn't have to worry about meeting too many people here, unlike in the town.

As he approached one of the buildings, he saw two snowmen. Then, he realised what it was. It was the terrorists mocking them. The terrorists were mocking them by placing snowmen there while they're safe in their headquarters or at home, while Spike and his classmates had to die here. Hahaahaha, how funny, you're children so we give you a cute little snowmen while you're dying. Fuck you, IKEA. Spike couldn't accept this mockery so he didn't hesitate and brutally punched one snowmen in the face.

"Fuck you, snowman," he screamed with anger, very loudly, well, because he was in nature, so who cares how loud he was gonna scream?

He left the other one alive because he didn't waste any more energy. He just wanted to get inside. Maybe Bill could give the second one a punch. Speaking of, where was that slowpoke again? He turned around.

"Bill! We're close to the town! There's a building here," he shouted at his buddy.
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Post by Deamon »

((Aracelis Fuentes continued from Romans 6:23))

Aracelis had kept running until she was satisfied none of the god squad had followed her. Then she'd kept running as if it would let her somehow escape from what she had done. But there was no real chance of that. After slowing to a stop on a side path she had doubled over and retched. Nothing had come up but some spit. A function of her not having eaten since waking up. After a brief break to drink some water and have two slices of bread, she had started moving off at a more sustainable pace toward the buildings she could see on the horizon.

That had been around an hour prior she guessed? Aracelis couldn't actually tell the time using the sun. So she was tracking its movements without much knowledge of what it meant besides when it is directly above it was midday and when it got dark it was night.

She skipped out on staying in the town itself. The streets echoed with voices and she wasn't sure people would have been accommodating to her and her bloodstained bat. The images of Przemek's face flashed in her mind whenever she thought about what had happened. The way the top half of his head had been stained a deep, shining red that almost melted as it ran down his face. The mystery she had been trying to solve was if he had still been breathing. She thought he had been but it was hard to tell, she'd barely taken a real look at him. Meanwhile, Ethan had been barrelling down on her like a runaway rhino.

So instead of stopping in the town she'd cut straight through it and gone to the mine itself. The atmosphere of which was also extremely bad. She'd passed by the creepy snowman who stood sentry over the mines open yard and moved into the first floor level building she could find. The one on stilts looked about as trustworthy as Dani's parents' finances. So she went with the other building and was hit by a smell that was akin to a sweaty locker room if it was in hell. Gently she pushed the door open and slid inside. The first she noticed besides the smell was the noise. There was someone else in the building. There were opening lockers by the sound of it. Glancing around Aracelis quickly took in her environment, making special note of the creepy hanging clothes.

Her eyes also scanned the floor, looking for any hazards, a carry-over from when she went urban exploring. No one wanted to trip onto their face in an abandoned hospital. Still, her grip on the bat tightened as she moved deeper, feet sliding more than stepping. Every movement turned deliberate as she made her way around the wall of lockers. She saw the boy closing up lockers—which was weird—and knocked on the closest one with the bat causing the ring of metal to echo through the room.

"What're you doing?"
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Jilly »

Some photos fell out of this one, all of the same guy who looked pretty gruff with a rotating cast of a woman and a child. Must've been this dude's family. There was a reason these photos were still here. Leslie wasn't gonna think about it. He was gonna return these and move on.

He pushed this locker closed right as the unpleasant sound of metal being knocked against stung in his ears. He nearly jumped out of his skin as his feet and his body shifted towards the source of the racket. He breathed a little bit when he saw that it wasn't Constance, though he could still throw up from the heart palpitations if he weren't careful.

He didn't know this girl. He knew her name was Aracelis and that she was a cheerleader and a fellow Latino but that was about the extent of his knowledge.

He honed in on the bat clutched in her hands, at the spikes stuck in there like shrapnel. His heart beat harder.

"Uhm... just," he replied, taking a step back and two, his hands gesticulating wildly before he stuffed them into the pockets of his jacket, still motioning with them. "Just cleaning up. I, uhm, I don’t want to upset these guys. Like... with curses. I don't wanna get cursed."

He blinked, squeezing his eyes just a few half-seconds longer than necessary because of how much of an idiot he really felt right now.
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Post by Salic »

Unsurprisingly on an Arctic island, it was fucking cold outside. Constance could practically feel her hands turning blue as she tried her best to follow Leslie's tracks through the snow. Of course, she really couldn't know definitively if they were his, but it was her only lead. She had to take her shot, or else she'd starve to death or worse. Besides, after she'd trekked across what she'd thought was half the island (she didn't have a map to corroborate with), giving up and turning around would render the whole hours-long ordeal pointless.

Once the snow gave out, she followed the road for a while. She was glad that she had boots on, or else the snow would've piled onto her ankles and her socks. While her feet were still pretty cold, there wasn't a risk of them freezing off. When the road turned to snow again, she followed the tracks again, leading up to a building with some snowmen and people around it. Maybe they were the ones who left the tracks. Maybe they had seen Leslie pass through here. She drew her cattle prod up menacingly.

"Hey! You two! Have any of you seen a petit rat pathétique by the name of Leslie Romero around here? He has some stuff of mine that he stole from me. My bag, the ones that you have on your shoulders. I want mine back."
[+] V8 Kids
John Davis- ”Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy
Constance Blanchet- "The end of hope is the beginning of death." - Charles De Gaulle
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock- "You can never substitute emotion for reason." - Robert McNamara (Adopted from Slam!)
[+] V9 Concepts
Lightning Adcock
Ariel Montserrat "For God's sake, bring me a large scotch. What a bloody awful country." - Reginald Maudling
Tammy Swann - "Do not fear death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht
Roberto Aguerrondo - "I will not kneel on the ground, Allowing the executioners to look tall, The better to obstruct the wind of freedom." - Zhou Zhenkai
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Post by decoy73 »

((S103: Joan Leaven - GAME START))

It would be obvious to say that Joan wasn't in a very good mood. When one found themselves witnessing one guy get shot in the head, another guy get his neck blown apart, and then ordered to fight to the death, the mood tended to dampen for anybody who wasn't already a horror villain. Especially since she had woken up outside in the cold. There had probably been some sort of story about this somewhere on the web. Joan had simply never found it, or more accurately, never bothered to look.

It didn't matter anyway. She'd looked through the bag they'd given her. The most interesting thing was the fan. She would have thrown it out if the piece of paper taped to it hadn't read "Iron fan." The actual metal she saw when she opened it meant that it was a weapon, if not exactly easy to use if the need occurred. That was the most worrying thing - that she hoped she'd never have to use it, but she probably would.

That was what she was thinking about as she walked into the room. She hadn't meant to, but by reflex, her eyes had gone not to the people there, but to the things near them. The bat, with the nails. There was only one thing she could do upon seeing that.

Her hands went up. Fan was folded, but she hoped nobody would notice or care.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Ohm »

The two of them had left the lounge a while back, which was apparently at some research station. Bill had no idea that it had been the case, nor the fact the outside was this cold. It was good that he dressed for some warmth.

Were they really in Survival of the fittest? Didn't they drop them off at some island or whatever tropical sort they could find? What's going on here?

Bill kept quiet about this, it wasn't like he could ask Spike about it since he was sure it would piss the guy off again, and he had just gotten back on the good side.

They were wandering off the road at Spike's suggestion. Obviously, it was the safer choice for them both, though at times Bill was not sure if that was the case; an errant worry at the back of his mind was him stepping wrong or tripping and somehow killing himself-

Nope, wouldn't happen. Not with Spike here since he knows what he's doing.

Like, beating up that snowman over there. It probably did something that the other didn't...

Well, at least he said they were close to town?

"Good!" He shouted amidst his panting, this journey had been hell on his feet, and he would love to have a place where he could sit down, relax and not worry about anything for a moment.

Of course, at that moment a girl appeared and didn't sound too happy. Talking about being robbed or something like that by... Leslie? That was Romero, right? Was he a bad guy?

Bill didn't answer at first; he was busy wracking his brain over what her name was since she looked familiar; he had always been bad with names.
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Post by RC~ »

Billy finally caught up with him, he was already getting a bit impatient. And it looked like he brought a person with him that was threatening them with like a stick or something, he couldn't tell.

Oh hey, it was Constance, fellow leftist. She was cool. What wasn't cool that it seemed that robberies already seemed to happen. So soon and already people were robbing each other. He wasn't sure if he expected his classmates to behave better, after all they were a bunch of teenage assholes, but he was disappointed nonetheless. He hoped no one got like killed yet. He didn't expect his schoolmates to steep this low.

Either way, he had never heard of a Leslie before. They had a Leslie? Who was this Leslie? Constance described him as a rat-like looking figure. Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.

"We haven't seen this Leslie fella, no. Sorry about your bag. You can have our food if you're hungry, though, we'd be happy to share," he attempted to smile at her but his face said nope. No smile. Just, like, a neutral face. Yeah, he didn't have the serotonin to smile.

What kind of asshole robs a girl anyway? That Leslie guy must be the worst. Spike sure had something to tell to him if he'd meet him.
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Post by Deamon »

"Right..." There was a long awkward silence as the boy looked like his heart was about to explode. Leslie was his name? Maybe? He seemed to be the same height as her, wider though. "Curses."

Aracelis stepped further into the room and looked around. There wasn't anything particularly interesting about it. Besides the mess and clothes hanging up everywhere. In the years since the mine had been abandoned some of the wires had clearly snapped and fallen, leaving lines of clothes lying across the floor as if their wearers had disintegrated where they stood. They were in a lost and forgotten place. In that light maybe looking out for curses wasn't the craziest thing in the world.

She looked back at Leslie. Round face, beady eyes, flat nose. His facial structure reminded her of a bear, the resemblance didn't extend to the rest of him. His uncoordinated flapping was more panda than grizzly. Keeping him in the corner of her vision Aracelis peeked into one of the lockers. Nothing but junk. A pin-up picture of some naked woman. She pulled a face and gently pushed the door closed. sending dust motes into the air around them.

"So-" Whatever she had been about to say was interrupted by the other figure appearing in the room. This time it was Aracelis' turn to jump back. She brought the bat up in both hands, holding it ready for a home run. Hoping she wouldn't have to hit one.

"Who's there?" She snapped, voice suddenly harsh.
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Post by Jilly »

Aracelis dropped her guard. Seemed like she bought it, though it wasn't like Leslie was lying, not this time. You really just don't fuck around with bad energies.

Anyway, she seemed disinterested in him for the moment. That was probably a good thing. It was a huge risk running at someone that did have some sort of weapon; he wasn't gonna test his luck on a fuck-off bat like that. He continued his trek down the half-opened lockers, keeping her in the corner of his vision.

The next locker had vomited out a pile of clothing, a few flannel shirts and pants and a jacket. They weren't caked in soot and sweat stains and other unknown substances like the other shirts stuck on the broken hooks in the center of the room. Leslie still didn't really want to touch them regardless and risk a staph infection, but he had to.

The jacket had a weight to it in one of the pockets. He quickly glanced over at Aracelis checking out the locker that had a naked lady poster in it and making a face before he fished for the pocket. There was a brown leather wallet. It still looked really nice, even despite its age. He wasn't gonna open it, though; not like money would do him much help right now anyway. He put it back in the jacket and tried to hang it back up in its proper place before being interrupted by the sound of the entry door closing and Aracelis jumping at a new arrival.

It was some random white lady with a real nice pair of kicks. She had her hands in the air like this was a police bust. There was something in one of those hands; Leslie couldn't really tell what it was, but it wasn't a big ol' bat. And she wasn't Constance. Though also unlucky for her, she wasn't Constance.

He glanced over at Aracelis who looked like she was ready to square up if she had to. Leslie tossed the stranger's jacket into its home locker before bringing his full attention to both of the girls, locking eye contact with Aracelis for a second before shoving one hand into his own jacket pocket again. "Y-you can put your hands down, we're not gonna shoot you," he told Joan, the hand in his coat wrapped around the stun gun.
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Post by Salic »

"Son of a bitch. Well, merci for the offer Spike, but I need my own bag and supplies if I have a chance at surviving. I can't mooch off you guys forever," Constance responded, trying and failing to cover up the disappointment she felt at the news. If these really weren't Leslie's footprints and she'd just been trekking blindly across the island the whole time, she'd be crushed. All of that energy, all of that effort, gone to waste. It just couldn't be. She couldn't allow herself to succumb to the cynicism and pessimism that she knew was going to grip everyone else. Her death only became inevitable when she accepted that her death was inevitable. As long as she kept her hopes up, she could make it through this ordeal.

Taking her eyes off of Spike and his companion Bill, she saw some girl walk into the small building just ahead, closing the door behind her. Maybe she had seen Leslie around here, or better yet, knew where he was. Besides, it was cold as fuck out here. While she doubted the building had any kind of heating system, any shelter against the cold would be better against none at all.

She turned back to Bill and Spike. "I may see you two later. Maybe not, I don't know. Just try and stay safe, alright? Finding Leslie is my top priority right now," she told them before turning away again. She really didn't know them very well, but she did know that Spike was a leftist like her. He could be good travel company later. Constance hoped she would see him again.

Turning away for the last time, she walked over to the small building, ambling towards the door before putting her hand on the knob. It had only been a minute since someone touched it last and it was already cold. Even still, it wasn't as cold outside as it could be up in Massachusetts.

Constance twisted her wrist, moving the knob. She opened the door just a crack.
[+] V8 Kids
John Davis- ”Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy
Constance Blanchet- "The end of hope is the beginning of death." - Charles De Gaulle
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock- "You can never substitute emotion for reason." - Robert McNamara (Adopted from Slam!)
[+] V9 Concepts
Lightning Adcock
Ariel Montserrat "For God's sake, bring me a large scotch. What a bloody awful country." - Reginald Maudling
Tammy Swann - "Do not fear death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht
Roberto Aguerrondo - "I will not kneel on the ground, Allowing the executioners to look tall, The better to obstruct the wind of freedom." - Zhou Zhenkai
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Post by Ohm »

Bill crossed his arms and rubbed his hands up and down the sides. The cold in the area finally hit now that he was standing still instead of walking around.

Spike was offering supplies to... Constance? That might have been her name? Trying to be friendly and all that to her. Bill didn't say anything as they conversed; he didn't have much to add personally besides condolences on being robbed.

Figures someone in their class wanted to be a highway robber.

All offers were rejected; instead, she went off towards the building, alone with just a stick for a company looking for a robber. This did not sit right with Bill; it was like sending someone out into a wolf-infested forest with nothing but what they had on their back.

Bill turned to Spike with a quizzical look on his face and asked:

"Is it a good idea for her to, uhm, go off like that? Alone?"
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Post by decoy73 »

Joan's hands went down slightly upon Leslie's words. Maybe if, well it was one of the cheerleaders, even if her name was escaping her at the moment, had actually raised the bat as if Joan would, or perhaps even could do anything.

"Sorry. Just a little jumpy. Death game and all." She looked at ... Aracelis, or more specifically, her bat, before turning his attention to Leslie again. "Have you ... found anything?" Even an ebony swizzle stick would have done wonders for Joan. She didn't even know what an ebony swizzle stick was, or what it could be used for, but it would help.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by RC~ »

Honestly, Constance's business was none of Spike's business, so he wasn't that keen on following her to find this rat person, but he'd keep his actions in mind in case he is going to meet Leslie on this island.

Bill wanted to follow Constance inside, even though Constance clearly said bye to the both of them. Spike considered not respecting the goodbye and following Bill's suggestion but then looked at the dead snowman in front of him.

Yeah, they should probably get a shelter so that they don't end up like the snowman.

"I know Constance, she's smart enough to take care of herself."

Spike pulled out his map and looked in the direction of the town.

"I think the mining town is this way."

((Spike continued elsewhere))
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Post by Ohm »

Bill kept rubbing the sides of his arms while waiting for the reply from Spike. They needed to do something about this cold and fast before they froze to death out here; he wasn't built for dealing with this kind of weather.

Spike plainly said no, and Bill had to respect that. It was not like he could follow her alone since what could he do to help her considering his scrawny ass struggled following Spike out here? Besides, she might misconstrue it as him being a stalker or some other stuff, a lot of different things running through his mind on that, mostly bad. He was not ready to deal with that.

Memories of that weird encounter in the park were still in his mind, and while Constance has not come off as not crazy as that had been, it kept coming up as a worry for him. Stuff like that always lingered with him.

Alright, alright, forget about that. Spike had a plan, and Bill could focus on that, keep his mind occupied from that and... everything else.

Bill hurriedly followed Spike out of the area and towards what he hoped was the mining town.

((William "Bill" Taylor continued elsewhere...))
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