White Light

Oneshot! Very early Day 6

Thick with trees and snow, the tundra forest is relatively unspoiled, and some of the deeper areas have been completely untouched by man. The forest itself is made up of western red cedar, sitka spruce, and western hemlock, which have all been able to grow to large heights thanks to a lack of logging, providing areas of shelter. Some animals can also be found roaming the forest such as mountain goats, sitka black-tailed deer, and bald eagles. A dried-up riverbed can also be seen within the forest which, if followed, leads to the lower mountain path one way and the frozen lake the other way.

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White Light


Post by DerArknight »

In the end, killing Corbin had brought way more trouble than it had been worth.

She should have waited for a better opportunity.

((Daenerys "D" Todd continued from the smell of dust and moonlight))

Firstly, her khopesh had been ruined. Being stuck in Corbing's burning corpse was enough to dent the metal, make the blade lose its sharpness. D figured it would still suffice to disarm people, but that wasn't good enough. Thankfully, Corbin had left her a trident and a hockey stick. The trident was clearly superior, so she left the hockey stick behind.

Secondly, most of her resourced went up in flames. In order for her plan of "hide and wait until most others are dead and fatigued" to work, she needed large amounts of food and water. Now she only had Corbin's backpack, which had already been used a bit.

Meaning she had to acquire more. 'Acquire' was such a innocent word in such a context, and yet it held a disturbing amount of weight.

At this point, Daenerys had no illusions about her meeting others going smoothly. Especially if she was going to rob them. So she set out in the middle of the night, when most would be sleeping. In the best-case-scenario, one or two of her classmates would wake up around announcement-time to find their backpacks missing, with no clue who took them.

For this reason, she wandered through the tundra at night. The research station shouldn't be too far ahead. There, she surely would-

All of a sudden, the ground her left foot tried to stand on caved in.

Not having expected such a thing, D had put her full weight on this leg. So when she fell into the punji pit, there was nothing she could do.






Daenerys pulled her foot out of the shoebox-sized hole and stared into it.

In the pale moonlight, she could see a long stake in the middle of the hole, pointing upwards. Only one inch had saved her from a real problem.

A part of her was scared. It showed how close she was to failure. With a hole in her foot, running would have been impossible.

At the same time, a part of her was relieved.

This trap proved that there were others who played the game.

That there were others who set themselves before others in a situation where doing so was the only way to survive.

There were others who had no qualms of doing what was necessary.

There were others like her.

It meant that she wasn't the odd one out. What she did was what others did as well.

Once she made it out of here, someone would understand.

((Daenerys "D" Todd continued in DEFINITELY Would Not Red!))
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