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Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:31 pm
by MooCow*
"I'd point that somewhere esle if I were you," Tayli said pointing her Glock in Gabriel's direction.

"We don't want any trouble Gabe... please don't make this harder than it is... no one here is playing, and if you are you can just get the hell out of here."

Was she really saying this? Never had she been so assertive... still Tayli kept the gun fixed on Minase, and waited to see if Minase would continue to point his at Syd. Anya and Xian stood by in nervous anticipation.

OOC: This is sort of like the cover of the second manga!

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:31 pm
by Minase*
Tayli may have been trying to help her friends, but she only made matters worse. Minase was an adrenaline freak, he was scared and this made his adrenaline flow ever faster. He envisioned himself staring down a powerful back line, or throwing himself into a full back making for a try. He pictured himself pumping iron in the gym, or pounding someone into the floor. He imagined his first trie, or the time he took out a prop twice his size and continued to a winning try. He imagined fighting his step-father. He imagined all his great achievements accumulating to this one moment, and smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips. The rush was almost overpowering, so much so he was laughing from fear, excitement and anticipation.

He did not however wish to die and he had no interest in Tayli either, he knew her from school and did not like her very much at all. He ignored her and kept his barrel trained on the boy he did not know.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:31 pm
by Kaishi*
((OOC: Alright...I'm going to have to enforce something on this topic now. NO other people may join the topic under ANY circumstances. I'm sorry, but we really have to spread the members out. We can't have EVERYONE following this ONE group. So...yeah. :lol: ))

Syd didn't make a sound, taking his time to place on his goggles. He didn't particularly like Gabrielle's type. The big, macho man whom would never pass the ball to the little guy. That's exactly how Syd's basketball games were like. Short Syd, terrible at shooting in the ball wouldn't ever get to shoot. Sure, he could pass fine, but never shoot. Syd glared at Gabrielle. The glare was concealed from view thanks to Syd's tinted goggles.
"Hello there, Gabrielle. Squeeze the trigger, and as I slowly die, I will pull the pin out of this grenade. But, here's the catch..." He smirked, filling himself with false bravado. "What kind of grenade is it? A hand grenade that will explode, and kill you and my friends here? Or, is it a smoke grenade that will cloud up the whole room, causing everyone to fire in a frenzy? Or, it a flashbang grenade that will both blind you and deafen you for about an hour's time, considering how you're so close to me." The smirk slowly turned into a full-fledged grin.

The glare behind his goggles had dissapeared. It had turned into a look of fear as all his confidence was slowly draining. He knew for a fact that if he got ripped apart by Gabrielle's gun he wouldn't have the time, nor breath to pull the pin out of the flashbang. There was no way. Syd wasn't a big guy, unlike Minase. He was small, short...and all he could do was pass the ball. Pass it...if I pass the grenade to one of my friends... He gripped the flashbang tighter, formulating some sort of plan. "Gabrielle, I would drop that gun if I were you. Really, I would...this place can go up in smoke if I want it to."

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Minase*
Minase wanted an excuse to lower his gun, he really didnt want to kill but the lack of fear in the room made him mad. This guy was arrogant, Minase hated arrogant people. A guy comes in with a machine gun aimed straight at him and he doesnt even get scared, he just puts up this whole macho man aura and begins tossing about threats. 'Maybe he is scared and hiding it?' thought Minase, but no there was no way to be sure and Minase was getting very angry. If his gun couldnt stir fear, he would gain power over the situation some other way.
'You look a little dirty' he said to the boy 'i wonder how someone gets so dirty in a single hour or so. How did you manage that? Looks like more than just mud too...tell me, how long are you going to keep the girls here, are you just going to wait till some better body armour turns up? Is this how you survived before, hiding behind girls then stabbing them in the back at the end!'
He was making wild accusations, but he hoped that they were true enough to instill fear in the party. He didnt care for the girls if they died that was there mistake but he had to gain power somehow.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Kaishi*
Syd's eyes widened in shock. Hiding behind my friends... Using them as body armor... ", no! It wasn't all my fault!! I didn't mean to do it! It wasn't supposed to happen, it really wasn' wasn't, it wasn't." He stood up from the desk, holding his head protectively. "I didn't mean to drop the flashbang...the pin wasn't even out. But, then he...Eugene shot it. The flash went off!" Now his eyes were tearing up as he told the remainder of his story between choked sobs. "And then everyone started to shoot, okay? Jess had the blade...some kind of knife, or something. She cut me bad. I grabbed her, okay, I used her as a shield! I didn't want to die, all I wanted to do was stop it all, stop her from killing me." Human shield...

"And when it was over, everyone was dead but me! I killed my friends, I killed them..." Sydney pulled off his goggles, the tears now streaming down his face. "Ralphie, Eugene, Jess, and Harvey. All dead. And I had used Jess as a shield! I used her to live!!" He threw the flashbang at Minase's hands, hoping to knock the Mac-10 out of them. The pin was still in the flashbang, so it wouldn't detonate, or anything of the sort.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by yumi22*
<OOC: sorry for the late post>

While the group debated heatedly, Xian remained in her spot, biting her lip, wondering what to do. She had trouble accepting that they were all breaking down before her very eyes. Even Tayli, who was usually very sweet and very nice, was now pounting a gun, and threatening to shoot. Thats when it dawned on her...she didnt have a gun, or even a knife. All she had was a stupid corkscrew. Xian really had no idea why she did what she did next.....but she just did it.

As Gabe, Tayli and Syd shouted back and forth, waving their weapons, Xian felt she had to put a stop to it, at any cost. She knew in her heart, that each person there in that classroom was a decent, kind person...and what was happening was just a product of their fear. Bodly, she stepped to the center, basically in the line of fire of all the guns, and held her hands up.


She had so much more to say, so much she wanted to express, but that was when a metallic, oblong shape, slamed into the small of her back, making her knees buckle out from under her.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Minase*
<OOC-i'm assuming the shape is the flashbang.>

At that point Minase was finally feeling the power he craved, the other guy had broken down which made him the alpha male. He even smiled, but soon enough grim reality took hold and the smile left his face. Xian was yelling at them all, not just him, but even her friends to stop. Minase felt nothing against her for this, she was treating him equally, like one of them, in fact he respected her for this.

His emotions were always like a whirlwind and never under his control, Minase prefered to act on a first impulse than to think situations through. This was most likely because of his lifestyle, he was competitive, dominant, agressive and because of all this he was highly incapable of controlling his emotions, which were very deep, he just liked to hide them. Now his emotions had rapidly changed him from the agressive domineering Minase he was assosiated with, to the deeper, more caring side of Minase, he felt a twang in his heart. This was not love, but a strange emotion for Minase to feel, respect. What Xian was doing took bravery and a kindness of heart, something Minase truly respected, without any sense of bitterness or envy. For once he actually liked someone.

Suddenly she buckled and began to fall and in a moment of abstraction Minase foolishly dropped his weapon and threw himself forward to catch her.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by yumi22*
'Oh god...Im dead..this is it...someone shot me!'

Xian eyes fill with tears, as a hard blow strikes her square on the low back, knocking her legs out from under her. It seems like an eternity as she falls, her eyes darting around the classroom, wondering who shot her, and why.

'Mommy...Daddy....' she moans aloud, sobbing that she'll never see them again, 'Just wanted everone to get along......trying to help...'

It seems like forever, but actually, Xian collpases to the ground in a mere second...or does she?? There is no hard impact, she is not sprawlled out. Someone has her, in their arms, someone is holding her.

W..who...wha...what happened? Am...I...d..dead?

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Minase*
Minase took a few moments to realise what exactly what he had done. His well honed rugby skills had enabled him to instinctively grab Xian before she hit the floor. Now he had her in his arms he had no idea what to do with her.

She seemed to be asking someone a question, but he was too out of it to hear for the minute. All he knew is he no longer flet the sense of power his gun brought him, which meant he was no longer holding it.

Both Minase and Xian seemed in a state of shock and just stood in the same position for an awkward while, until Minase's mind finally registered what was going on.

'No your not dead.'

OOC-sorry to do this but i'm going away for two days. I may be able to post tommorow but i'll definately be gone friday, feel free to move me, just stick me in a corner or something, contemplating, lol.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Kaishi*
Sydney gasped. "It's...happening again." He began to shake, his lip quivering as the tears continued to pour down from his eyes. He dashed for the Mac-10, scooping it up into his arms. Syd cradled the heavy weapon in his arms as if it were a newborn baby. "I didn't want to hurt Xian...I didn't want to hurt Jess, I didn't want to hurt any of my friends! But they all die in the end. That's what this game is about, isn't it?" Syd stood up, trembling slightly as he pointed the Mac-10 down at Minase. "Step away from Xian, Gabrielle. I know your game, I know your plan!" He bit down on his bottom lip, hard. "You get close to Xian, and then you're going to kill us all. I'm not going to let any of my friends die. Not anymore, not anymore!!" He walked over to Gabrielle getting so close to him that the muzzle of the gun was directly ontop of his head. "Put Xian down. Now!!"

Sydney didn't know if it was truly wise to do this, but he didn't care. He just didn't want to see another one of his friends die...not after Jess and the others.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by yumi22*
The tension was slowly weighing down on Xian. For the moment, she felt safe, cradled in Gabe's arms, but the shouting was starting again. She closed her eyes, and pressed her fists to her ears.


She rocked gently, tears streaking from under her closed lids. It wasn't supposed to go like this. She was supposed to find her friends, they were going to join forces, and somehow escape this horrible place. But, it seemed, that despite her best efforts, all hell was breaking loose.

Before she knew what she was doing, she bolted from Gabe's arms. Her arms out in fornt of her, she pushed past the classroom door, and was out in a hallway. Quickly, she ran up a dark corider, thick with dust and mold, till she burst into another classroom. She ran, almost headfirst, into the far wall, before she collapsed into a heap, her face buried in her hands, sobbing uncontroably.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by Kaishi*
Sydney breathed in, taking a deep breath of air as if he were about to jump head first into a pool. His eyes took on a somewhat wild look. With the Mac-10 in his hands...he really could do anything. Such an interrogate this Minase guy, and get him to go away. Instead, Syd picked up the flashbang that was meant to hit Minase. Not Xian. Never one of his friends. This time, this time I can make sure that nothing will happen to my friends. He grinned, taking a positive look on the situation like he once did before this dreaded SOTF ACT. This time I can stop the killing. The deaths. All I have to do is now reason with Xian, explain everything...calm her down. His grin widened as he placed the flashbang on his belt, while the wild look in his eyes continued to increase. He pointed the Mac-10 at Minase for a few more moments before running after where Xian had gone off to.

He peeked into classroom after classroom, calmly taking his time. It wasn't until he had visited the fourth classroom that he saw Xian. "Xian?" Sydney walked closer, gently placing the Mac-10 on a nearby desk. "Are you okay?" He wiped his face with his sleeve, making sure that there were no more tears. Not like it mattered, anyway. His face was dirty as it was.... Blood, dirt, sweat, and now tears to top it all off. But, who really cared? It was the SOTF ACT, afterall.
"I'm sorry...I just wanted it all to stop, too. That's why I threw the flashbang...I didn't want it to hit you, I swear." He kept his distance from her, dropping down to his knees. The Mac-10 sat ontop of a desk, giving off a menacing aura, as if it could be picken up and pulled at any moment.

((OOC: Since Syd has to die by Saturday, I want one of you all to kill him. Pretty please with a cherry on top? :D ))

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by Minase*
Minase was shocked. He had lost his power. He was nothing now. In this state of shock he motioned over to the corner, where he sat, not moving, contemplating. He would cause no more trouble, at least for now, he would keep silent until he was needed.

(okay, i will be posting on saturday but this is it for the next couple of days, just leave me in the corner unless we're attacked. I suppose syd dying could be my wake up call so leave it as late as possibel, please.)

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by yumi22* You threw that grenade at me?? You atacked me??

Xian lifts her head from her hands, her face drenched with tears. Her eyes seem...wider, unwavering, a bit glossed over.

Liar...liar...all boys..liars!!! want...want to be friends...but....liar!!!

Gingerly, Xian gets to her feet, wobly, but with a steely determination. Slowly, she reaches into the waistband of her jeans, and extracts the corkscrew.

I....dont wanna.....dont make me....I..Im not a killer. P..please...l..leave me alone..g..go...away..far away. Take Minase with you.....all boys....liars....go away!!!

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Anya had watched the whole scene wide-eyed and silent from a corner. As Xian left and Syd followed she suddenly remembered that she still had her bag on her shoulder. She dropped it onto her lap and searched through it pulling out another bottle of gin, thinking that joining this group might have been a mistake. She glanced at Gabrielle not able to conceal her suspicions. What had he been thinking anyway? He had been completely outnumbered. Sure her gun was still lying by the door but Syd and Tayli both had guns. Even if Gabrielle had gotten a few shots in, he would have been killed anyway. She shook her head to herself, finishing off the bottle. Well, another comrade I suppose. Although not exactly a MENSA member is he? she thought to herself.

The silence in the room was becoming rather oppressive. "I was thinking," she said clearing her throat and addressing the room, "the government has to find out where we are at some point. I mean they're going to broadcast this whole thing on television so it's not like we're just a mysterious plane that just disappeared off the face of the earth. And I mean it's already been going on since Syd's been here so a few days at least. Maybe if we can all last long enough there won't need to be a winner," she finished. It wasn't a very good plan, but it might stall them all from killing each other, and more importantly her, for a few days at least.