Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?

This small infirmary on the outskirts of town will present a useful shelter for any student not wanting to venture into the larger residential district. Although clearly not equipped for any serious medical treatment, it still carries a good supply of equipment designed to stabilize patients. Alternately, the beds could mean a night of comfort, and the quarantine room could provide excellent shelter to those desperate for a hiding place.
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Post by Tythanin* »

Melissa had been looking around for some place out of the way to drop her stuff when a voice broke into the silence. A loud, shaky, male voice to be exact. She turned, an almost disbelieving smile on her face as she looked at the guy standing outside of the infirmary. She didn't place him...there were a lot of blond-haired, tall, jock-guys that she had seen during high school. The way he spoke and stammered was almost adorable though. If this wasn't SotF, she could almost believe she was watching some sort of sitcom where the nerd was asking the hot girl out on a date. However, this was SotF and instead of asking her out on a date, he was asking Aislyn if he could stay with all of them. And based on how Aislyn treated the game...

Yep. There it was. Spear pointed directly at him. She had half-expected Aislyn to just run him through right then and there, but she was relieved that it didn't come to that. 'This isn't any of my business. Aislyn's already been appointed leader...better not go against what she wants. Just follow her instructions and we should all be okay. She has a mind for this sort of thing anyway...'

So Melissa remained silent through the exchange, listening as Samya sided with Aislyn. Melissa personally had no problem with the intruder. After all, from his greeting, she doubted he could even get it in his mind to even try to hurt any of them, let alone commit murder. But like Aislyn said...they came first before anyone else and that's how it was going to be. He presented a threat, however small, and potential threats were turned away before they could turn into real threats. It was beginning to disturb her just how easily she was letting herself follow Aislyn's line of thought, but she brushed her worries aside.

Felicia seemed to take the boy's side at first and cracked a joke that made Melissa smile, but eventually she repeated the general opinion of the group. That seemed right. It was better that way. Strength in numbers, strength in union. Of course, the stranger...who she placed as Johnny McDowell, certainly wasn't happy with that answer. He began protesting, digging the grave for his dignity and possible self-respect even deeper with every passing second.

'It's almost depressing listening to'd never think he'd ever speak like this based on his appearance but...heh.'s still none of my business...' She finally dropped her bags in an empty corner and began rummaging through for her rations. If they were going to stay here, it'd be best to get all their supplies organized and ready. She went about her work, digging out her stove and setting it up. At least they'd be able to have a hot meal. A small luxury, but a luxury nonetheless.

A real smile graced her lips. Whether or not Johnny stayed, things were beginning to look up for them. Reality took a dim view of this hope that Melissa had, however, and her smile was immediately wiped off her lips when she heard Aislyn return and report that there were a couple of dead bodies inside the infirmary and asked them whether or not they should be moved outside. Melissa could only stare at her for a while, dumbfounded. 'How the hell does she do that? She finds some dead bodies and is simply okay with it? How much of a cold-hearted bitch do you have to be?'

She didn't dare voice her thoughts though and just shook her head. "'d probably be best if we buried them outside. It's...I don't think it'll have that much impact's probably not...healthy for us to just leave them here. And it''d only be right to give them a burial, no matter who they were..."
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The smile was gone from Felicia's face when she heard about the bodies. Aislyn had given the announcement, and there were two more... two more children that weren't going home. Cringing, she immediately responded "L-Leave them!", subsequently turning to Samya to hug her. She didn't want to see the bodies. She didn't want to touch them, to have to move them, and she hardly even wanted to know that they were there. Why did Aislyn have to tell her?

Felicia grippled Samya tighter, hiding her face as she struggled to think. She can't be mad at Aislyn... she's just trying to survive, just like they were, and as leader, that involved making some... cold... choices; she made choices that neither Melissa nor herself were able to make, clearly. What if Aislyn hadn't told her? Just imagine if Felicia had been left to get tired, stumble into the room, and see... yeah, that would be much worse. At least she had some warning.

But if the corpses were to stay in that room, then she wanted to know which room it was, to have that room locked up or something so she would never stumble in. If the corpses were to be moved... then she was not going anywhere near the process. She'd sit in the corner, close her eyes, plug her ears and sing 'Be Prepared' for as long as she had to, if that was what it took.

Then, just because she felt masochistic, Felicia summed up the courage to ask Aislyn one question.

"W-Who were they?"
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
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Post by Ciel* »

So… was he cool to stay?

Anyone? He needs an answer here.

Johnny just assumed that they had said yes. Well thank Christ. For a second there he thought they were going to turn him away. Johnny put on his best "thank you" grin, which was more goofy and bright than appreciative. He bounded inside without a second though. Someone might call this whole act as childish but Johnny saw it as powerful optimism. Yes! He wasn't alone anymore! This made him very happy!

Then miss pony tail was talking about how there were dead bodies in the other room and Johnny kind of flipped his shit. Holy crap, why would you talk about that?! What the fuck is wrong with you that you have to announce that?! Out of sight out of mind man! Jesus! It didn't help that she said it so professionally. Give her a suit and a pair of glasses and you would have sworn she was talking about how the printer was running out ink. Johnny didn't like this straight-forward talk of dead bodies. Hell, he didn't even know who the unlucky cadavers were and already he was getting upset. So he stood up to her! He was going to be a man and tell Aislyn just how he was feeling!

"Hey," he said in his most demanding voice. "I know a dead body isn't, like, a rare thing on this island but do yah think you can, like, not talk about them like that? Cuz you're talking about taking them outside like they're black trash bags and I, like, don't think that's cool at all."

Yeah! You show them Johnny!

"But, like, if you really want to know, I should think that moving them out would be the least we can do… all things considered. I mean if I were one of those bodies, I would be happier to be laying on my back outside than curled up in a ball of death."

…Why did the room get so totally silent now? Had Johnny said something wrong? And Felicia was clinging to ponytail girl and - Were they going to kill him for saying that? Holy shit. Why did he open his big fat mouth? Johnny quickly backtracked.

"Uhh, sorry?" He apologized.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Aislyn did her best to keep her irritation off her face as Melissa and Felicia voiced their opinions. OF COURSE they wanted to bury the bodies. Because that would be the best usage of their time and energy. Digging six by four foot holes to drop dead people into. Because it would only "be right" to do that.

She curled her right hand into a tight fist down by her side to keep from smacking herself in the forehead. At no point had she said anything about burials. What part of the "we might have to do things that seemed questionable" speech had they NOT been paying attention to?

Plus, she was getting pretty sick and fucking tired of getting horrified expressions shot her way every time she opened her mouth. It wasn't as if she was enjoying what she was doing. Everything she had done, everything she had said, *EVERY* decision or suggestion had been made with good of the group in mind.

And what was she getting in return? Were the other girls manning up?

No. No, they were not.

They were willing to let her haul the burden all alone and reap the benefits while making her feel like total and utter shit. This was not what teamwork was about. She was not feeling supported and accepted. She wanted to have people coddle her and soothe her too, damnit. But someone had to make the hard choices, and since no one else was stepping up, Aislyn guessed she'd go it alone. Someone had to be the strong one.


If that's what it took to hold out until help arrived, so be it.

Her resolve to be stoic and choke it all down lasted right up until Johnny decided to open his mouth and dress her down like she was his yeoman. He doesn't think it's cool? My actions aren't COOL?! Who the FUCK does he think he is?

Absolutely seething, Aislyn bit down on the inside of her cheek so hard that she tasted blood. Johnny kept talking but she was beyond listening. So this is how it's going to be, huh? Every time we get a new addition to the group, I'm going to get shit on and talked down to and everyone's gonna balk instead of turning-to because I'm the sensible one? Well, fuck it. I don't need this shit and I sure as hell don't need them.

Swirling the copper taste around her mouth once, Aislyn spat on the floor while keeping her eyes locked on the newcomer. Let him see just how angry she was. It would be good for him to understand that he needed to stay out of her way, the stupid fuck.

"You don't like how I do things? Fine. You got some better plan, fucking great. I'm out."
Unclenching her fist, she waved her open hand back and forth in a sweeping gesture before turning to the other girls.

"You wanted him? He's yours now. Good luck with that 'cause I'm done." She punctuated her statement with a sharp shake of her head.

"I'm done with this redass patrol. I'm straight up *done*. I don't need him, I don't need this, and I sure as hell don't need any of you. It'll actually be easier for me to make it until help gets here without any of you. At least I *know* what I need to be doing. As for you guys..."

Aislyn snorted dismissively before turning to grab her stuff. "Good fucking luck. 'Cause you're all gonna need it."
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Post by Sunnybunny »


Samya looked around the room to see who shouted like that, but . . . it was her.

Because she was tired, and no one fucking GOT that. They were ALIVE, and they were together and not trying to kill each other (at least they WEREN'T) and . . . didn't anyone see how good that was? This place was a decent shelter, and even though Aislyn was being crass, she couldn't let her just walk out.

She was shaking with everything in her, but she didn't cry. Not this time. They needed her to step up, and it was time to quit hiding from this crazyness and do something. There wasn't too much she could do to mess this up anymore that it already was.

"Johnny, you can stay. Just be quiet right now, okay? I . . . ugh, this is crazy." Her breathing got more rapid, and she was probably going to hyperventilate soon.

She wiggled out from Felicia's grip (which was not something she really wanted to do, the hug was nice) and walked toward Aislyn. She looked her in the eyes and smiled, a tired smile.

"Look, you don't want to leave, not really. Your weapon's not the best, and there are some real jerks out there, you know? And . . . I don't want you to go. Stagettes Forever, remember?"

She could have gone on, said that she was afraid of hearing her name on the announcements from dying (or killing, Aislyn seemed like she could if it came down to it) , or seeing her body somewhere down the road, or . . .

But she left it at that and turned to the others. "You're right, they deserve to be b-buried. But we don't have any tools for that, so we can say a few respectful words and close the room off? I hate it, but we can't break down like this."

Samya needed this group to stay together like she needed air. If she had to go it alone she'd go crazy, or crazier, she wasn't really sure of her mental state at this point.
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Post by Tythanin* »

Melissa froze when she saw the expression on Aislyn's face after her suggestion to bury the bodies. It was...honestly, it was the same expression she had worn before...but it was harder. Angrier. And she could see Aislyn's hands clench into fists and Melissa gulped, fear sparking in her heart. She took a step back, biting her lower lip. 'Stupid...stupid...stupid stupid stupid! You should have just kept your damn mouth's always like this...isn't it? You should have just kept your mouth shut and left things well enough alone. You're already a dumb idiot who can only follow orders and now that you've opened your big mouth...'

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her mind went back to all those times she heard her parents arguing when she was in her room. The endless shouting of Chinese and English mingled with each other. Her name being brought up several times. The dark looks and angry expressions her parents wore whenever she had the guts to slink out of her room to see if everything was okay. There it was. It was on Aislyn's was there.

"Hah, looks like even on this shithole of an island, you can't escape your parents, huh?"

'Aislyn's just looking out for us and...' Melissa feebly protested in her mind. She hoped things wouldn't get worse, but then they did when the new kid, Johnny, shot back at Aislyn, reprimanding her for her attitude in reporting the two dead bodies. She wanted to scream. She wanted to get them to stop what they were doing. There were so many different things that she wanted. 'No, no...please, don't argue. Things are okay now...please, please don't argue with each other!'

But her mouth wouldn't open. She stood there, her gaze flicking between Aislyn and Johnny as her fear continued to mount. Her breath came out in short gasps, eyes locked on the scene in front of her as the world itself seemed to shift.

"Look at them. Just like your mom and dad, aren't they? The tall one. She's just like your dad. Angry. Always pushing you. Telling you that you need to do more to succeed. To have a good life. Always telling you that this is for your own good. That he's only being this harsh because it'll help you grow. But you know that's bullshit, right? They're both only doing it because they know you're weak. You're easy to push around, Melissa. And they love it when they can push you around. You're like their obedient little slave, carrying after them like some pathetic puppy that can't even walk without supervision."

"And look at Johnny. Sure, he ain't the perfect representation of your mom. For one, your mom is actually female. Still...standing up to the firecracker Aislyn after stumbling his way in here like some sort of comedy routine? Heh...might be a bigger idiot than you."

She could almost imagine that she was back at home, sounds of her parents arguing mingling with Johnny's words and whatever was being said now. Aislyn was saying something, Samya was saying many words just jumbling together. Filling her ears. Making it hard to think. She just wanted... 'Shut up...just fucking shut up!'

"That's right. Get angry. That's what they want, after all. Listen to Aislyn. Listen to your dad. They're tired of you being a meek little bitch. They want you to be cold. Calculating. Willing to do it all for survival. Come on, little girl, you can do it. Shout at them. Tell them that you've been trying all you can. Tell them that you can't be them. That you aren't them."

But she didn't. She remained standing there in the corner, her head lowered as she remained silent. If anyone could see it, her lips moved silently, mouthing curses with every breath. 'I answered your question, Aislyn. If you didn't like it...why don't you just do everything yourself? Oh...that's right. You are. You're leaving...cause you're the tough one, huh? You're the cold one...the one ready for the game. that way. I've tried. I'll continue to try. That's what I'm supposed to do, isn't it?'

'That's fine. I can be just as good as any of you. Morals? Humanity? I guess they're the first to get sacrificed on this island. That's fine too. That's what they call reality, isn't it?'

She raised her head, her lips curved slightly as she watched Samya and Aislyn stand together, the former trying to get the latter to stay. She wanted to say something. She didn't know what it would be, but she wanted to say something. "Yeah...Samya is right, you know. We...we need you, Aislyn."

Lying was easier than she thought.
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If Aislyn were to ask Felicia if she wanted her to stay, she could give her answer with complete confidence and honesty. Her answer would be a resounding 'yes', of course; Aislyn was her friend through high school, so why would she push her away now?

Well, for starters, she was acting like a complete and total bitch. Felicia felt horrible for even thinking such a thing, but it was true. They were just making an honest suggestion for the sanctity and respect for their former classmates, deceased in the other room. From the lawful, analytical sense, everybody made their point. She and Melissa wanted to bury them. Aislyn had said it was unreasonable. The painful part was, well, she was right. Who had the shovels? How could they possibly manage such a task for two bodies? Samya had come up with the best solution to close the situation: close off the room, seal it, and consider that their tomb. That was it, problem solved. Job done.

But no.

It wasn't Felicia who had to worry about pushing away Aislyn. Aislyn was more than willing to just leave all of them like that... and why? Why take such a cold approach? This was going beyond logic and reasoning to keep them all alive... at this point, it seemed like all Aislyn cared about was keeping herself alive.

The thought had occurred to her fleetingly in previous issues within the group, but now it was coming back, the old 'courtroom scenario' exercise.

Imagine, if you will, Ms. Carmichael...

I swear, your honor, the pizza stuck to the underside of the Gavel, that wasn't me!

... ... What? No, not... never mind. Focus. Imagine... if you will, that Aislyn lead you all on that excursion.

Much like she has been doing, of course.

Now, instead of everything going relatively well... okay, well, Samaya died and that's something of a tarnish on the record, but everything ELSE so far has gone swimmingly. But what if, on the descent from the mountain, Melissa had twisted her ankle? What if you busted her knee?

Then... we'd pull ourselves together through it all to all survive.

Except no, that is NOT what would happen. Do you know what would?


What WOULD happen is that Aislyn would press-gang whoever was still able-bodied to move on, abandoning all hope for ye who injures thyself.

No, but that's not how a group survives...

And that's the point! It's not about the group surviving. It's her. If YOU injure yourself, you are a burden to HER. If you disagree with her, you are impeding on HER progress!

But... but that can't be true, can it?

Can it? Is it not, right now? She's going to leave you all behind in the dust here. It wasn't about you, or Melissa, or Samaya. Shit, you still don't know if she strangled her in her sleep! Okay, maybe that's a little far-fetched, but the fact remains that she was hardly broken up about it, wasn't she?



"We... w-we were all supposed to be friends... we're all friends!" Felicia whimpered, backing up until she felt a wall at her rear. "I want you to stay, Aislyn, but... if you really want to survive... would you kill us all? Would you ensure that... w-we die so you live? Because I just want to spend time with all of you."
V8 Characters:
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Post by BetaKnight »

The sheer hypocrisy of the scene in front of her made Aislyn grind her teeth. These two-faced, brainless, fucking USELESS bitches. Two of them were asking her to stay while practically cowering from her, making sure to stay out of arm's reach. At least Felicia had the fucking *balls* to at least say what she was thinking.

She didn't bother addressing Melissa, who was doing her best to blend into the wall. Don't choke out the lie for my benefit, bitch. Like I can't see how you really feel. Instead, she just glared at her before turning to Felicia and Samya.

"I cannot *believe* that you two are actually going to stand here and just fucking *lie* to my face? Really? We're all friends? Really? This is how you want this to go down? We couldn't have just called it? We're gonna actually do this ‘examine your feelings' bullshit? Whatever lets you sleep at night. " She folded her arms across her chest, her anxiety manifesting as the jackhammer tapping of her toes.

"Here's the sit-rep: You guys don't trust me because I'm not turning into a quivering pile of complete pussy like you all want to. So because I've manned up and am doing what it is that needs to be done, I'm the bad guy? Fine, whatever. Because I *am* fucking going home. You'd best believe. My dad is coming, and he *will* get me off this god-forsaken rock."

"I've been trying to help you ungrateful bitches get along until he gets here. Everything I have had you do, everything I have done, has been to have us prepared for evac." She pointed a finger at Felicia, her rage at the group's betrayal making her arm tremble. "You, out of everyone, I expected to back me up!"

"I told you when Samaya…." The memory of the other girl's cooling body caused her to pause as she gathered her emotions. Clearing her throat, she resumed. "I told you guys that we were going to have to do stuff that you were not going to be terribly comfortable with. Because, let's fucking face it, we are *SO* far gone from Oz that we're practically half way home again!" She let out a bitter laugh.

"And the fucking kicker of all of this is, you bitches agreed to that when we set out." She unfolded her arms and extended them, dropping her rock in order to rapidly smacking the back of her right hand into her left palm to emphasize her point. "YOU. AGREED. But any fucking time the going gets tough, do you all toughen up and turn-to with me? NO! You all fucking balk on me, questioning everything. Making decisions based on your emotions rather than logic! Do you think *ANY* of this is what I want?"

Aislyn flailed at Samya. "At least Samya doesn't have her head completely up her ass! She can at least think without falling all apart on me." Unable to keep a rein on her anger, she let her voice rise to a roar. "And she's not fucking standing here, LYING TO MY FACE!"

Panting with the effort to control herself, she narrowed her eyes and glared at Felicia. "And if, at any point, I had wanted you dead, Felicia Carmichael, your bloated corpse would be sitting somewhere, silently rotting. And no one would have ever found it."

There was no reason to stay. They had barely accepted her before. There would be no team now. It was never going to happen. Not with these girls in this combination.

Aislyn rolled her shoulders. Fuck it. Just fuck it. At least right now, she had the cover of darkness to bail. Grabbing her rock, she trotted to where she had left the spear, headed back through the open door towards the bodies, and slammed the door. She'd find her own way out of this place. She didn't need anyone here. When her father got here, he would be all she needed.

((Aislyn McCreery continued in Birdland))
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Post by Sunnybunny »

Aislyn railed. Aislyn bitched, and bitched, and called the other girls bitches and her a coward (which was true enough). And Samya just stood there and let her.

What the hell kind of debater was she? What the hell kind of person had this island turned her into, where she couldn't even make a convinncing agruement anymore?!? She just wanted the group to stay together, she just wanted things to be okay before she . . . died.

At that moment, when Aislyn left and Samya cried, she realised that she'd accepted her own death. It was a sobering thought.

She didn't want to die. She really didn't want to die a pussy, a wimpering mouse of a girl. If she was to get shot right now, she'd have regrets.

Mama and Granny, you're not proud of me, huh? I'm not either, really.

People needed help, people were ruthlessly slaughtering others, and she was sitting here, crying over the fact that she had torn yet another group apart. She didn't want to be alone, she didn't want to be alone, she couldn't stay here and do nothing.

It was time to get down to business and defeat the Huns, whoever the Huns were in this game. She wasn't a killer.

But they'd given her a gun. A piece. A peacemaker.

Sammy the Peacemaker sounded so cool.

Could she, Sammy Franklin, the girl that was sobbing right now over her failure, over this sick choice, do that? She didn't know. She wasn't a hero, or anything like that. She was just a girl who wanted to make the most of being here.

Okay, maybe she wanted to make sure Zach was alright too. He didn't need her, but . . . she'd been worried.

Crying stopped. She looked up at Johnny and the girls. Wondered if they were shaken up too. She was so tired of feeling helpless.

"Are ya'll okay?"

It was about time to do something about it.
G071 - Sakurako Adina Jackson - i'll be ready every day / for as long as i can say / here I am in the future with my friends

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Post by Tythanin* »

'She left. ...She...she actually left.'

Melissa stared dumbfoundedly at the entrance of the infirmary, staring at the closed door. She didn't expect Aislyn to blow up at them and just leave. Not in a million years would she have expected that. Fear and guilt nested in her heart and she gulped, shivering a bit as the last words of Aislyn's tirade continued to ring in her ears. It was playing over and over again like a bad tape and Melissa quickly shook her head, hoping that somehow she could banish away the words. 'I didn't...I wasn't...No...I just...I was going try being like her, right? Did...I did something wrong, didn't I? A...Again...'

"Hey, hey, no...that was perfect. Now you don't have that overbearing harpy bossing you around. Don't forget, she's probably your best competition in this little girl squad, Johnny included. How much do you wanna bet that if she had stayed, she would have turned on all of you when no help was coming. And you didn't need that, little Melissa."

'No. I. ...I...' Melissa gulped, trying to figure everything out, but more importantly, stop herself from going completely insane. She had a plan...well, used to have a plan. It sounded like it'd make sense. Try to become a bit colder...try to emulate the type of behavior that helped people succeed in this game. It was just like normal life. Try to repeat behaviors that successful students hard, work hard, and make sure you didn't get on anyone's bad side. Maybe it just didn't work because this was her first time... 'Practice makes perfect...maybe...'

"Heh...well, things don't always work out on the first attempt, ya know? Of course...your father would never understand that, would he? And Aislyn would never understand that you can't just turn off your compassion because the situation demanded it. You're a teenage girl. You're not some soldier who can turn from human being to killing machine in an instant. But you'll show them. You'll make them proud, won't you? You'll do more than fulfill their expectations."

'I...I don't know...That...that doesn't sound right.' Melissa thought to herself, rubbing at her eyes. She felt tired...after that whole thing, she just wanted to close her eyes, sleep, and when she woke up everything would be better again. Somehow, everything would be better again. She heard Samaya ask something and Melissa quickly shook her head, having caught only half of the girl's question.

"S-Sorry...what was that? Are we okay? Um...I...I'm a little...upset. But I guess I'm fine..."
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((I think I'm supposed to skip Ciel, if memory serves. If not, sorry!! Felicia was going inactive in one day anyway))

At least Samya was doing everything she could to help, but it would probably never be enough. All the trail mix in the world could ever make up for the fact that Felicia had just lost one of her best friends, and why? Because some whackjobs told them all to kill each other?

The part Felicia really couldn't wrap her head around was why so many students seemed to embrace this decree. Looking back at the times they all spent in high school, she didn't remember too many budding sociopaths. A misunderstanding here and there is fine, but there were far too many deaths... far too many kids dead to be justified by accidents. Aislyn had been affected by the game as well. Maybe she hadn't killed anybody yet, but she had just ditched her friends... something that should have been so important to her, and all because they were dragging her down. Melissa, Samya, and Samaya were all apparently just obstacles to her.

Why are we all turning into monsters?

"I'm fine, Sammy. Thanks..." Felicia managed to say with a sigh. All the renewed vigor she had was ruined by what had just unfolded. She tried to cheer herself up with... with something, really, she wasn't picky. Any thoughts related to 'well, at least I have my friends' just brought back memories of Aislyn and, more painfully, Samaya.

We... we have a cute boy that we can tie up and torture?

That nearly brought a smile to her face; she admitted a sort of Amazonian society was a slight fantasy of hers as long as it was just playing around. Hell, this place basically had no laws except for what the terrorists set in place, and they COULD do that. The clueless cutie, Johnny, would probably go along with it, but... no, not right now. At the very least, the thought still cheered her up a bit.

Sitting down and leaning against the wall, Felicia rummaged through her things until she found the yearbook that had oh-so-kindly been allowed to her by the terrorists. After more rummaging, she found the sharpie marker that had been kept alongside it. She sighed in lieu of sniffling or sobbing as she remembered what she intended to do with it.

We were all supposed to go on the trip... I wanted everybody to sign it then, when we were having the best day of our lives.

She opened up the cover of the book and gently flipped the pages until she saw the words 'Senior Class' scrawled across the top. She looked down to study the pictures, the smiling faces, some of which were no longer in this world... but which ones? She struggled to remember the announcements. Some of the names she would never forget, others...

"Guys... come help me out. I just feel like I need to do this, but can't... really remember..." Felicia said to the others, beginning to mark off those who had died.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
Posts: 859
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:30 am


Post by Ciel* »

(Oh yeah, you were totally in your rights to skip me. I was AWOL. Image Sorry for making you wait guys, it's been hard getting back into things after being off the ball for so long. Thanks for being so patient.)

Amazonian society? Pfft. That wasn't even remotely possible. The girls would never do that to him, Johnny was all muscular and shit. He could just push them out of the way if they did anything funny... at least he was sure he could. They didn't look all that strong, or scary, or even dangerous. Then again Johnny had a nasty habit of never taking shit seriously, so frankly they could all just gang up on him and he wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop them. Of course this would never cross Johnny's mind, and even if it had he would brush it aside anyway. Because that's how Johnny McDowell rolled.

His inflated ego aside, Johnny couldn't help but feel bad for how the situation with Aislyn turned out. He was probably one of the tiny reasons why Aislyn decided to flip shit and scadoodle. Wasn't all his fault, these girls were the ones to blame too. Even so, Johnny winced every time Aislyn raised her voice, and once she left he felt a large empty feeling. What if she were to die? Yeah she was being a humongous, inhumane, selfish bitch who wanted control over what happened but did that mean she had to die too? The definition of death in Johnny's dictionary was a vague hand-wave at best - "death means leaving" - but he knew the mechanics and it honestly made his stomach wrench.

He quickly forgot about it.

"I'm like fine," Johnny answered, almost confused. "Uhh, yeah, just fine."

Johnny pursed his lips. He wasn't a words kind of guy but he felt that he had to say something. Everyone looked so glum.

"Hey, I know, like, you guys knew her," he motioned to the door, "but you guys can't blame yourselves for her walking out. Like, I'm pretty sure she had you in her best interests but she was going about it the wrong way. If she's, like, going to go and desert you just because you guys weren't playing the same way she was then... well... shows you where her loyalties are."

He stopped and for the first time realized how his words might be interpreted.

"No offense. I'm not saying she was looking out for herself, or that she didn't care about you. Like, I think this game changes people and she changed. She couldn't deal with the fact that you guys were trying to stay as human as possible instead of looking out for yourselves... and that's pretty cool. Cuz I know I want that. I wanna be Johnny, not some number with a list of kills."

He stopped again. "Uhh, my name's Johnny by the way." He looked a bit nervous. Shit, he didn't even know half of these girl's names. Were they going to slap him for that. "Just in case you guys didn't know... yeah..."

He paused for what felt like the tenth time in a row. "... and thanks for letting me stay. I totally don't want to be alone right now."

Johnny finally quieted down. He was talking way too much. He shrugged and looked over at Felicia. She wanted to figure out who these girls were. He liked the idea. Johnny looked over at the room where the bodies were. Well... maybe he knew them. He quickly stepped over... damn. Shit went down. Jesus. There were two bodies in the room, one he couldn't even identify and the other... damn, he knew that one. He turned around and peeked his head out.

"... I know who one of these is." Johnny said with certainty. "I only know her first name, it's - uhh, Charlotte. Don't have a damn clue what her last name is. She was like that one girl with the red hair, the one who came out of the close."

How the fuck could he forget that? She wouldn't shut up about it. Johnny didn't mind gays, unless if they were like rubbing up against him but that never happened, but Charlotte was like super-serious about it. It was as if being gay were some amazing accomplishment that could make a girl very cheerful. Being proud was one thing, being excited about it was another.

... he would miss her all the same.

Johnny walked back in. Even though he was acting calm, he really couldn't handle taking another look at the second body. He didn't have the stomach for it. "I don't know who the second girl is so... we're going to have to look her up."
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Post by SOTF_Help »

((Kayla McArthur continued from The Gods Hate Us))

It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Kayla had made the smart choice. The right choice. She had left the tunnels, run quickly and far, not stopping for anything. It had been a great choice, because she'd gotten away from Pandora and her likely plans for murder, but it had had a few unforeseen complications, namely, the fact that she had come out on the mountain, made a bad step, and rolled a good way, picking up an awful collection of bruises and aches in the process. More than that, she'd twisted her ankle something fierce. It still stung and burned now, as she hobbled her way towards where she thought the infirmary was.

She was feeling pretty awful about leaving Celeste, too. After all, abandonment was pretty much her biggest fear in the world. She knew what it felt like to be left, to be thrown out and mistreated. It was why she had called behind her, even with her fears. And who knew? Maybe Celeste was coming. Maybe she'd follow Kayla here. Maybe even bring Pandora. Wouldn't that be just lovely?

If they were looking for her, it wouldn't be hard to follow her trail or find her. She wanted to be back in passable shape by then, ready to make use of her sword or run or whatever it took. Or maybe she'd go back. Yeah, go back and save Celeste. Go back with a group, a real group, big and full of people she could trust. That'd be the ticket. People, Celeste, safety, defense, she could have it all. She just had to survive long enough to get patched up.

So, instead of barging right into the infirmary, she stood outside the door and called out, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

No point spooking someone and getting shot.
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Post by Tythanin* »

(OOC: Skipping Samya to keep the thread moving cause's been a while, yes.)

'What am I going to do...?' Melissa felt so helpless. She had hoped that Samya would take charge like Aislyn had done...she had shown some initiative, at least. She had asked how they were all doing and all of the replies were some variation of "We'll say we're fine, but we're all feeling pretty shitty inside but we don't want to say it." But Samya seemed to be occupied with something and Melissa was, to put it succinctly, was lost. She didn't even have a weapon to hold and clutch to like it was some security blanket. She just had that dumb stove...that fucking dumb stove. She still wondered why she carried it around. It was a waste of doubt that's exactly what Aislyn thought about all of them.

She kicked at the ground, wanting to do something. Felicia had asked for help in trying to mark off students' names in the yearbook, but Melissa didn't remember much of the announcements. All she remembered was that Jennifer, Peter, and Aileen weren't dead yet and Rob Jenkins had killed someone. So did Peter, too. She looked sourly at the ground for a moment. 'Men. What is it with guys I know? Peter and Rob are both killers and Johnny here indirectly got Aislyn to bitch us all out. I wish I could talk to them...Find out why they did it. Are they playing? Is Aislyn right? They were just doing what they needed to? They'd kill others just because they needed to?'

She sighed and walked over to Felicia. It was morbid, marking down who was dead and who wasn't, but it was something. And it was enough activity to keep her distracted. She didn't want to think about the little mental spells she'd been having lately...what with her hearing her parents' voices in her head along with that new voice...well, her voice speaking to was disturbing. So she sat down next to Felicia and tried to help out. She didn't really contribute, unable to put unfamiliar faces to unfamiliar names and she definitely didn't want to say "Samaya's dead." because she was 100% certain that Felicia knew that.

And then suddenly there it was. Another voice out there, this one female. Melissa felt a little spark of anger. 'What the fuck is up with this? How many people have to come in here? We came here to find Samya and then there's Johnny and now someone else? Why can't they just leave us alone?'

But that didn't stop her from saying, "Yeah...there's people in here. You...Are you playing?"

'What a dumb question. If she was playing, she'd just lie to us. Good work, Melissa. You're really making your parents proud and happy now. You'll probably get yourself shitted up somehow.' She thought bitterly to herself. There they were, just so fucking lost in this whole mess and...and they were suffering. It hurt hearing about everything. It hurt knowing your classmates were killing and dying. Melissa once again wished she could be like Aislyn...gung ho and everything. Able to compartmentalize everything so that she could make everything just go away.

'Maybe it'd just be better if everyone on this island just fucking died. That way no one would have to worry about other people killing them or having to kill. That way no one would have to suffer anymore. Kill 'em all and let Danya just laugh his fucking brains out.'

"Good girl."
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

There was a voice at the door. The good news was, that sure didn't sound like a zombie or a chronically depressed vampire who wanted to drink their period blood, so there was that. The bad news was, there was a CHUCKLEFUCKING VOICE AT THE DOOR. Releasing the metaphorical caps lock key, Felicia took the yearbook off of her lap and handed it to Melissa, dipping her hands into the pocket at the front of her hoodie.

The warmed metal tool was still in the pouch where she had put it for safekeeping. A bit of water threatened to seep from her eyes as she remembed just where she had gotten it. This was Samaya's gun, the weapon she had given to Felicia because she was too nervous about using it. She didn't even want Felicia's knife, because that's the kind of girl Sammy was. She couldn't hurt anybody, and she knew it.

Sammy, I'm... I'm so glad that if you had to die, you died the same kinda girl you always were. You didn't change, like Aislyn.

But enough of the waterworks, there was somebody at the door. Enemy at the gates or not, she had to be careful. Melissa, Samya, and even Mr. Johnny-Future-Sex-Slave were all depending on her, since as far as she knew, she was the only one who was packing any heat. Taking a deep breath, she finally put a hand on the handle of the door, holding the gun up in her hand. She wasn't sure if it was all ready to go (she hadn't had enough time to really examine the weapon), but a gun would look scary to anybody, gamer, hunter, or not.

"Ooookay! I'm gonna open the door, so I want you to have your hands up and palms open, show me you don't have anything, kay?" Felicia said, trying to keep a chipper, non-threatening tone. No reason to scare the girl on the other side of that door into trying to hurt people. "Okay... here we go!" She said after a moment, swinging the door open, gun poised.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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