High Fashion, High Prices

The U-shaped Western wing of the mall is filled with a pleasing mixture of large clothing stores and smaller specialty boutiques. Forever 21, Express, FYE, Brookstone, and Sephora can all be located within this area. The far end of the annex is dominated by a Macy’s and a Sears department stores.
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Post by KamiKaze »

A small bump hit Miranda on the side, and she heard Mara hiss at her to have fun. With what? Well, now she was announcing to Kat that yes, that dress was for school, specifically for a fundraiser. Oh, wow. So they were now making fun of poor Kat. Heck, Mara even got a pair of "fancy" shoes to match the dress. Well, if you could call those bright pink sparkly shoes "fancy".

Miranda almost started giggling again, but was swiftly countered by Finn showing up and greeting the girls in an enthused matter. Before she could say hi, though, he wrinkled his nose, as if someone had a bad smell on them.

Oh, Eliza?

Miranda looked to see the familiar blonde mohawk, her eyes narrowing at the very sight of her. What the hell was she doing here? Was she just milling about the store? Miranda knew Eliza, and frankly, she regretted the fact that she even knew she existed. Eliza and Miranda... never got along, honestly. Putting the two together in the same room would be like mixing two very explosive things together. It usually didn't turn out well.

Really, why was she here, again?

And as if that wasn't weird enough, she could also see Frank Lanza here as well. What was he doing? Looking at the women's clothing. Looking at the women's clothing. Wow, he looked tough, certainly. Football player? You bet. But god. Was there some sort of unwritten rule that Aurora's football team must be... you know, that she didn't know about? Because seriously. Women's clothing.

Stacey whispered for them to follow her, and suddenly she called out to them.

Well, Miranda had a small feeling that this wasn't going to end well, but she quickly brushed it off. She'd dealt with Eliza in the past. Really, nothing was really going to change.

"Well, think he's trying to impress Rourke? He really likes those lady clothes, so..." Miranda spoke up, just loud enough for them to hear.
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Post by decoy73 »

Okay. Kat had walked right into that one. Mara said that she was wearing it for someone at a school fundraiser (which Kat just had to giggle at), then held the dress up along with a pair of pink heels that looked more like they belonged to a hooker.

"Mara, they look ... good, except that those heels scream out that you get paid by the hour. I don't think that's the look you're trying to go for."

"Hello girls!"

Kat looked at the newcomer. Finn Grant. He was a pretty decent guy, and he was probably the only man she could see going inside Runway for any reason. He then made a face mid-sentence.

"Don't look now, but there's that Eliza Patton girl over there." Eliza Patton? What the hell was she doing here, rebelling against "the Man" or something? With Frank what's-his-name from football. Stacey motioned to follow as she greeted Frank an Eliza in that voice that stated she had a nasty surprise for them.

"Oh look, girls, it's Eliza! Oh, and Frankie, too! What are you two doing here?"

"Well, think he's trying to impress Rourke? He really likes those lady clothes, so..." Miranda decided to get in on it, too. Stating that Frank was gay, though, was much too ham-fisted, though.

"Oh, don't be so mean, Miranda. It's good to see people looking for a little ... variety in their wardrobe." Kat smirked at that.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by laZardo* »

((Due to time constraints Fox gave me permission to post ahead.))

Given that the Bitch Squad (+ Token Pretty Boy) and today's target were all in earshot, it wasn't exactly hard for Eliza to catch what they were saying. The first thing that surprised her though was that they weren't actually talking about i.e. insulting her choice of wardrobe for once. Then the fact that they were insulting Cisco, well, that got her genuinely angry. And not just general anarchist-rage-at-the-world angry. It was the kind of angry that caused her to stop on one foot, turn and face the three with an angry glare.

Truth be told, Eliza probably thought Cisco was shopping for the same thing they suspected he was. To her though, that wasn't such a bad thing. There was nothing really wrong with wanting to dress like that (though even as a multi-pierced, multi-tattooed metalhead she'd also seen her fair share of those that "tried too hard.") But for these smarmy fucks to call him out on it like they were the fucking Fashion Stasi?

Hell no. These fucks were gonna get it with a motherfucking vengeance.

"Hey, lay off," she sneered, giving Stacey a quick lookover. The way Eliza stuck her elbows out with her hands in her pockets as she stepped toward the group made her look almost like some rogue predator bird trying to peck a rival flock away from its mate. "'Least Cisco here knows how to shop fancy...and not outta the strip club dumpster."

Okay, so it wasn't windowsmashing motherfucking vengeance. It was more like that one-Asian-or-something-kid-that-hated-everybody vengeance. But hell, it wasn't like it was that easy to get Stacy Mordetsky and her pretty blonde brainless head all flared up. And if it got the rest of the BS+TPB mad too, that was a bonus.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Howdy howdy,

It should have been me next, not Aura. Decoy was also skipped earlier so the order was changed when he tried to make it up.

Order should be:

Aura > Decoy > Kami > Rugga > Atomic > Laz > Will

Since I've been told Aura is planning to exit the thread, posts that mark the exit of a thread can be done any time and do not need to adhere to the posting order.

To make this as simple as possible We can just bump him up on the posting order so the new order is now:

Decoy > Kami > Laz > Rugga > Atomic > Will

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread
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Post by Aura »

((Skipping because Stacey has to be somewhere else soon.))

Everything was going perfectly.  Stacey had pointed out the two freaks in the store, and the entire Bitch Squad had pounced like a pack of well-manicured wolves.  Miranda immediately went for Frank.  She brought up Jasper Rourke, so she basically called Frank gay.  Kat jumped in right after that, with a more subtle jab at Frank.  Well, more subtle than Miranda had been, at least.

However, despite their fun at the expense of the tattooed students, there was one thing that Stacey had not expected.

"'Least Cisco here knows how to shop fancy...and not outta the strip club dumpster."

...And that was the razor-sharp tongue of Eliza Patton.

Strip club dumpster?  How dare that tramp insult my designer clothes!  This outfit is worth more than her life!  She has no right to insult me!

Stacey's thoughts were clouded by rage.  Eliza had NO right to say anything about fashion with her choice in clothing, and Stacey would not let what she had just said go by without retaliation!

"Listen here you piece of street trash!"  Stacey screamed as she pointed her finger threateningly at Eliza.  "I spent more money on this outfit than you spend on clothes in a year!  You have no right to talk about me that way, you tattooed WHORE!"

Stacey's shrieking voice caused the eyes of everyone in the store to turn in her direction.  Feeling embarrassed, she dropped everything she found in the store on a shelf to her right and brushed her hair back with her hand, trying to regain composure.

"Girls, I think that the air just became a bit too... trashy."  She glanced disgustedly at Eliza as she said the word 'trashy.'  "I think I'll be going now."

Stacey stormed out of the store,  irate over the events that had just taken place.

((Stacey Mordetsky continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Oh no, I think they're very subtle," she responded to Kat.

Miranda noted the entrance of someone else and Mara tossed the shoes behind her without looking. Someone else would clean that up. Someone always did. Stacey asked them to follow and Mara sighed and moved a few steps in the direction the group moved, but went back to looking through the clothes. She stood close to Miranda and looked up briefly to see who had entered.

"Must be 50% off for freaks hour or something. Like a happy hour crossed with charity," she responded. "Oh hi, Finn," she added.

Eliza started screaming at Stacey. And for some reason Stacey took the insult to heart and got upset, though the crux of the insult really didn't make sense. If Eliza was saying that at  least whats-his-face was at least shopping in a nice place with nice clothes (the one they were currently in) and not an establishment of ill taste (as implied to be where Stay got her clothes) wouldn't it make sense that Stacey ALSO was shopping in a nice place since she was well....shopping in the place they were currently standing?

The insult was overall very....lame. Mara liked that word and in her opinion it fit. But Stacy started yelling and stormed out. Seems like implying her clothes were cheap was some sort of sore spot. Mara made a mental note to remember it.

And normally when someone insulted a friend, perhaps acquaintance in this case, Mara may have considered helping, but the insult was so nonsensical that taking offense to it was nonsensical as well. She was not inclined to help right now.

"All right, see you tomorrow," she called after Stacey.
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Post by AtomicVandal* »

"Oh look, girls, it's Eliza! Oh, and Frankie, too! What are you two doing here?"

"Well, think he's trying to impress Rourke? He really likes those lady clothes, so..."

"Oh, don't be so mean, Miranda. It's good to see people looking for a little ... variety in their wardrobe."

"Must be 50% off for freaks hour or something. Like a happy hour crossed with charity,"

"'Least Cisco here knows how to shop fancy...and not outta the strip club dumpster."

"I spent more money on this outfit than you spend on clothes in a year! You have no right to talk about me that way, you tattooed WHORE!"

Frank watched the events unfold, fabric in hand.  He had expected the jabs from the gossip crowd he had just bumped into. What he didn't expect was the Patton sister coming after him, and standing up to the gossiping crowd. Cody was not very fond of her, at least in public, and Frank was beginning to see the reason why. Still, her intervention gave Frank some vital seconds, seconds he spent struggling with his wits to not look like he had been caught off-guard in a trade of barbs.

I hate those damned smiles... they're like Hyenas. Wait. That's it. He thought as he slowly raised his free hand, as vitriolic sentences built up in his mind. His palm was raised, in a gesture that was telling the Patton sister to hold it. He inhaled and exhaled once.

"Hold it, Patton girl. You know hyena packs can be quite territorial." He said, deadpan. The mental image of the creature in the science book invaded his mind for the briefest moment, pondering whether they would realize the full length of the comparison. Perhaps they would not, but hey, even without much natural knowledge, it still sounded pretty insulting.

And I'm just getting started.

His lips curled into a smile. His imagination walked hand in hand with his cynicism. He had been called a gay. Two years ago he would have cared of his sexuality being questioned. However that was not the case. Half of the heroes he had worshipped in his youth were boy-lovers, and there were some rather ballsy homosexuals like the Sacred Band of Thebes.

"Guess you caught me." He shrugged in a condescending manner. "Rourke is my wet dream. I am trying to get pretty for him and him only, so that he sets my ass on fire while I am tortured by nipple clamps and listening to YMCA. Really." He paused for the briefest moment as he tilted his head in a cocky manner, his grin accentuated to the point that it seemed he was baring his teeth.

"Sorry to disappoint, my not-so-lovely ladies. I am just here to fetch a gift for my mother's birthday. I could use some change from the usual sweets or kitchen implement. They say in variety there's taste. I would ask you for advice, but I am afraid looking as decadent as a bacchanalia is not what I have in mind." He added. Wow, bacchanalia. Guess that Ancient Rome tales also paid off when giving barbs. He had to write that one down, certainly.

His eyes shifted his gaze towards Amaranta Montalvo. The latina. Hot, comely. Fiery tempered. He might have lusted for her in the past, like half of the squad, but right now... he was more interested in making her jump. And he could afford doing it in more than one language, no less! He coughed his throat and switched to Spanish.

"¿Bicho raro? Mira quién fue a hablar. La señorita palitos-de-fuego. Puede que consigas un descuento especial con ese numerito bizarro que tienes. Si no les quemas la tienda antes..."

<"Freak? Look who's talking. Miss sticks-on-fire. Maybe you can get an special discount with your bizarre number you have. If you don't burn the store first...">

He clicked his tongue. Damnit, he had rambled out for long. His throat was dry. Still he made a last effort, and clapped his hands much like a preppy schoolgirl would do, his voice becoming a sing-song tune. "And now that we're up to day in our, why don't we all... go on our own business and not waste more time? We all have things to do, don't we?"

He stood silent once more, his response concluded. He realized that he had forgotten to include the one boy that was in that group. He didn't care. He looked pretty emasculated anyway to waste time with.
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Post by Will* »

Stacey had taken note of Eliza and told the group to follow her. Finn followed her with the rest of the group and took his place amongst them, standing slightly behind and to the right of Mara. Stacey called out to Eliza and a boy who Finn hadn't noticed before.

The boy was Frank Reyes Lanza. He stood next to a rack of female scarfs and neckwear, a couple clasped between his hands. Finn's head jolted back slightly in surprise. Finn stared at Frank with a frown; he couldn't understand why he'd be in a shop like Runway… and in the women's section.

As the group surrounded the pair, one by one the members began making jabs at them. Unexpectedly, the majority of the harassment went towards Frank and not Eliza. Finn watched each of the girls tormented the couple, the smile on Finn's face growing bigger by each comment made. After Mara made her remark she greeted Finn. Finn smiled at her awkwardly, it was a bit late for "hellos". Unwanting to draw attention away from bitch fight, Finn gave Mara a slight wave and a smile.

It was then that Eliza joined in, focussing on Stacey rather than the rest of the group.  Finn was surprised by this, as all Stacey had done was call out to them, it had been the rest of the group making the comments about Eliza and Frank. In response to Eliza's remark, a slight smile appeared on Finn's face, which he quickly hid by resting his hand over his mouth and frowning at Eliza. He was taken aback by the reaction Stacey had as a result of the comment. His eyes widened as Stacey began screaming at Eliza. Finn gave a side glance and a slight frown to Miranda as if to say "what is she doing?". Stacey followed this up with a final remark at Eliza and then left the shop.

"Bye Stace!" Finn called out to her.

After Stacey left, Frank had decided to join in on the fight. Slightly leaning back, Finn stood with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised as he listened to Frank rant on about hyenas and his gay fantasies about Jasper Rourke. Franks presence in Runway soon became clear as he revealed he was only there to get a present for his mum.

Frank had surprised Finn a second time that day as he began furiously speaking in Spanish to Mara. Finn had no idea what Frank had just said to Mara, but whatever it was it couldn't have been good, not by the way this argument was going anyway. Finn had heard enough.

"Frank, shut the fuck up. Why don't you just run home to your mama and give her your tacky little present OK?" Finn finished off the sentence with an upward inflection and a smile. He then turned to Eliza. He hadn't forgotten about her. "And Eliza, you're not exactly one to make fun of Stacey's fashion sense. You look like you go shopping at Goths R Us."
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Post by decoy73 »

((Sorry, been busy lately. Will elaborate further soon))

Kat muttered some swear words at the duo in Russian and left.

((Kat Tolstoff continued elsewhere ...))
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh boy.

Eliza just insulted their fashion sense, didn't she? Miranda frowned. Nobody insulted fashion. Nobody. Yes, she was aware it sounded like a frivolous hobby, but strippers? Oh hell no. You don't compare her and her friends to strippers, Miss Punky. To begin with, she couldn't see any particular outfit anyone was wearing as anything "stripper"-ish. The most revealing she could see was Stacey, and even then. Was she referring to the stripper boots and stuff? She did realize that was a joke, right?

And, of course, that set Stacey off, and the girl was sent storming out of the store after yelling about Eliza's own fashion sense. Miranda found that comment a little crude, but Stacey had taken it worse. Miranda could only watch as the girl disappeared out of the store, and then turned her head back. The look on Finn's face had the "What just happened?" expression on it.

And then Frank spoke, calling them hyenas and... oh, like she really needed the mental image of Frank and Jasper having hot gay sex. It's just... did she really have to picture Jasper drilling Frank in the butt while YMCA played? Really? She didn't want to picture that. She did not. It was a little too descriptive for her, though, as if he's thought about it before. That honestly wouldn't be too surprising, really.

But no. Apparently he was shopping for his mom, and calling them a backy-whatever. What did that even mean? She didn't even know. It sounded... Greek, she guessed?

Suddenly, Spanish. He was saying something to Mara in Spanish. She had no clue. She managed to catch "miss", "number", and "talking". Miranda's only experience with Spanish was from classes, and frankly, she couldn't speak like a native. She looked at Mara, waiting for a reaction.

And then she heard a barrage of another language, and suddenly Kat was running out too. Miranda could only stand there with jaw agape. She tried to wave goodbye this time, but she wasn't sure if Kat got it.

Finn told Frank to just get his mother the present and for Eliza to stop talking about stripper dumpsters.

A sigh came from her lips, and she folded her arms. She forced a smile on, and started again.

"First off. We didn't need to hear about your gay fantasies. Second, what is a backy-whatever? Was that supposed to be an insult? Because it sounds awesome if you think of us with that word."

She raised a finger with each point.

"Third... Lizzie. It's funny you're the one to bring up dumpsters."

Well, there you go. What she could come up with.
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Post by laZardo* »

Fashion and its associated beauty were in the eye of the beholder. That said, two (or more groups of) beholder(s) would naturally have contrasting ideals of what constituted fashion and beauty. And, like most territorial animals, they would often clash to defend such ideals. Used to be back in the day that people went to war over these sort of things, but in today's civilized society, wars were easier fought with words.

But they all involved taking sides - and as was the case in Eliza's - provoking the enemy into doing something stupid. It didn't matter if the enemy was some pretty pop princess or the po-po or the preppy banksters. It was something to savor. To get satisfied with. And from her point of view, Eliza was getting hers.

First Stacy, bitch-in-chief, got pissed and left in a flurry. That was plenty satisfying in itself. Then one of her friends left too - two for the price of one insult. Eliza was actually starting to enjoy this as they returned fire over fashion.

"And Eliza, you're not exactly one to make fun of Stacey's fashion sense. You look like you go shopping at Goths R Us."

But perhaps the most satisfying bit about it was that she wasn't alone for once - a rarity when she wasn't hanging out with her fellow Bitches of Beacon Hill. Cisco Lanza decided to stick up for them - or maybe himself, she couldn't tell. But it invigorated her enough to get more ambitious. To start forgetting that she wasn't exactly in her 'native territory.'

"Third... Lizzie. It's funny you're the one to bring up dumpsters."

Eliza put her hands on her hips and advanced one clothes-hangar-length toward them, before leaning forward.

"Hey, we're proud to fly our freaky flag." she sneered with a lowered voice, her pierced lips giving away to a grin. "But I ain't gonna judge what you guys do after you take off those thousand-dollar outfits overnight."

Clearly the concept of collateral damage never occurred to that particular anarchist. Nor was the concept of starting a word war in a fashionable clothing store actually them quickly provoking Eliza into doing something stupid.

C'est la guerre.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Mara leaned back against a glass jewelry case. Her arms were straight out behind her while her legs kept her propped up at an angle with her ankles crossed. She rolled her eyes at at Frank's comments.

He went on to talk about a list of his perversions. Mara frowned.

"Gross," she whispered harshly.

Finn went ahead and took the stuffing out of him and she was glad for it. She couldn't possibly care less about what Frank was doing with his day or whatever he did with his mother. Finn just said what she was thinking and it was succinct. She stood up and stretched.

"Amen," she said after Finn was done.

Kat walked away and Mara gave a bit of a half hearted wave. However the next thing that she registered was that Frank was speaking in Spanish. It must have been meant for her because very quickly into his rant it became evident that it was about her.

She stood up straight. Her fists were clenched and her eyes smoldered. She could feel the heat filling up her space and looked up at the boy with a feral look.

"You filthy peasant. How dare you," she hissed. "How dare you call me a weirdo. A freak. I know about you. You think you're a gentleman. But you're just a sad, pathetic chump who uses chivalry as an excuse to be a spineless loser. And no girl is ever going to want a stupid spineless loser like you."

Mara took a small plastic looking container out of her purse and banged it three times strongly against the glass case behind her.  

"So don't you dare to speak to me you sad, slovenly dimwit. Or I'll burn you."

Mara walked right up to Frank. She opened the case, a blush case, with the blush now pulverized and broken up into powdery pieces and quickly let out a sharp breath, covering Frank in the pink, shimmery powder.

"Now who's the freak?!" she seethed and stomped away.

((Mara Montalvo continued in No One Talks About It))
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Post by AtomicVandal* »

It was the time for a round two, and the spirits were heated. Frank kept silent a second time, waiting for his sentences to sink in among the other crowd. Finn had managed to summon enough bile for a condescending sentence. Good for him, he finally showed a spine.

It wasn't bad timing either. Apparently one of the remaining hyenas left in a rush, talking Russian. It didn't sound pretty. But then again Russian never sounded pretty. What was her name, Kat Tolstoff?  Well, he didn't really bother. What was important is that it was the second character leaving in a row.

And then, Millers bothered also to talk, trying to get a hold of the situation. And she failed to understand what the word bacchanalia was. Her jabs were also directed at Liz, which Liz promptly answered. While Frank himself didn't agree with her predicament, he appreciated the comment, as it would keep people busy in the trade of words.

And then, Mara exploded. In such a flamboyant manner, no less. Frank had barely time to blink and avoid getting the stuff in his eyes. Apparently it was some sort of glitter. He double checked the item in his hands. So far it had been untouched. Although he still had the stuff all over his face and shirt. Glittery and shiny. He felt a compulsion to rub the stain off his face and clothes, but he restrained himself.  He needed all of his willpower. Mara had made the one jab that had pissed off Frank. She called his chivalry an excuse. Being called gay? It was a good laugh. Freak? Everyone was one. Glittery stuff all over? Well, it wasn't acid or harmful so...

But claiming Chivalry was an excuse, one of the few things he genuinely appreciated in this life, despite his cynicism, was eating at his nerves. It was probably for the best that the latina had left before checking the damage done on Frank. He was now glaring daggers and clenching his fists. And if people caught on that, they probably would exploit that very fact to drive him mad.

Chivalry is not an excuse, bitch. It's the only reason why I'm not beating you with a baseball bat.

His sight landed on the two remaining people.

"Run away to mommy? Not my sort of thing. I leave that for the track club members." He spun once again his words, now directed at Finn. But he then realized that Millers was in said club, which cheered him up so slightly. It had been a two for one.

"Instead, I will simply do my effort to ignore the likes of you, and have a rather nice day. I'll go there, pay my item, and probably treat Liz to something for her kind assistance. Despite the blush powder. In case you didn't notice, you're three people less now. So don't push your luck." Frank said, beaming his most hypocritical smile. "It can get -much- worse." He added. After all, the harassing group was them, not Frank and Liz. Frank had no motivation to see the end of this. His motivation was to get things done.

If they wanted to go on... well, it was their problem.

He took a couple of steps towards the cashier, presenting the item and the payment. He did raise a few eyebrows, but the transaction went smoothly. He even got a gift wrapping.  He then stopped once more, raising his finger.

"Oh, and bacchanalia is a Roman celebration in which all kinds of excesses were committed. It was such a level that there were special... recipients in which people would vomit to continue eating and drinking. Look it up, Miranda. It's rather...educational."

He then tilted his head, signaling Liz towards the door. Hopefully the girl would get the cue.
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Post by Will* »

After saying something in Russian, Kat followed Stacy out of the shop. Finn's friends weren't giving much of a fight today.

It appeared that Finn had been right about what Frank had said to Mara in Spanish.  Judging by the reaction Mara had as a result of it, Frank must have said something ten times worse than what Finn had originally thought. He frowned as Mara began her rant; his friends sure were being a little touchy today. As a cascade of glitter was launched at Frank, Finn leaned back in order to avoid it, he'd rather not arrive back at his house looking like he'd just been to 6-year-old girl's birthday party. When Mara finished her little performance, she then stormed out of the shop.

"Oh wow." Finn said while rolling his eyes. "Well, it looks like it's just me and you Miranda" Finn nudged her arm and gave her a smile.

Frank attempted to make a jab at Finn which caused him to sneer. Finn made a sad face then put both his hands on his chest.

"Oh Frank, you've hurt me so much." Finn said sarcastically.

Miranda then continued to verbally attack Eliza and Frank which caused Finn to smile. At least someone in this group had some balls.

In response to Miranda's verbal attack, Eliza stormed closer to the final two members of the bitch squad. Frank was right behind her, and said what appeared to be a very unintimidating threat.

Sighing, Finn crossed his arms and looked at Eliza and Frank.

"Now, as much as I'd love to spend the rest of my day bickering with the bride of Frankenstein and her loyal servant, believe it or not I actually have better things to do." Finn then turned to Miranda. "I'll wait for you outside the shop ok?"

As much as he hated leaving Miranda on her own with Eliza and Frank and leaving with the rest of his cowardly friends, he couldn't stand the tedious fight. With one last smile to Miranda he turned his body towards the exit and headed towards it. When he exited the door, he turned left and leant against the shop's window to wait for his friend.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh heck.

Were all her friends really that... emotional? Because Mara just flipped out as well. This time, though, it was more explosive.

What kind of explosive? Well, she just shattered her own make-up case, made fun of Frank being chivalrous, and then smashed it all over him. Well, that was a creative use for make-up, she gave her that, but Miranda couldn't help but wonder how much that powder cost and what was its quality. If it was "very expensive" and "very good", Miranda would feel a little sad about that. Good make-up wasn't to be wasted that often. Though it was somewhat worth it, seeing that it now made Frank look like he stepped off the set of the Twilight movies.

She briefly noticed that Frank has visibly looked angry. It seemed as if either the glitter or what she said about chivalry had put a dent in him. But he continued.

Oh, look, a joke about how track team members run. Wow interesting. Thank you for pointing out that the track team runs, Frank, she never would have guessed, really. And she wasn't even bothering with the comment Eliza made about them taking off their outfits. Nope, not bothering.

Miranda had a feeling that this would have been a bad idea to begin with, when Stacey first called them out. But she joined in, and now she had to fight their battle for them. She sighed.

Frank just went on about how everyone was leaving and how they should push their luck. At that, Finn left, and Miranda almost facepalmed, if that was the right term. Really, so she was the only one who the barbs didn't do anything to at all?

Whatever, they were now going to the cashier, and Miranda turned around. Well, she came here to get some new clothes, didn't she? So she wasn't going to let this kind of crud stop her. She considered going out to look for the others, try to reassemble, but they were probably long gone by this point; it was probably a better idea to text them or something. She took another dress off the rack, and examined it. Light colored, sleeveless, a bit of a subtle, light pattern, slightly pleated at the skirt. Not too bad, though she wasn't enamored by it either. Miranda was quite picky about this sort of thing. Perhaps with the right accessories-

Oh, Frank was still here. He felt the need to tell her what a backy-whatever was. And, it was... partying bulimics. That didn't make much sense. So he doesn't want his mom to look like a bulimic party animal? How did that work? Miranda knew of a lot of looks you can go for, but she didn't know "bulimia" was one of them. Miranda raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly, she got an idea. He seemed rather ticked off about how Mara had insulted him. Either that, or it was the glitter. In any case... couldn't hurt.

Miranda looked over at Eliza, and said with a smile:

"Hope you like sucking Edward Cullen's cock. I think that's the only reason why he's nice to you."
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