We survive by friendship

The island school is relatively small, and, in another place and time, the school may have provided a relaxing setting. The school consists of many classrooms, a basement, a football field, and a small gymnasium. It may prove a valuable place to hide, providing someone else doesn't wish to occupy your room. The structure remains as it was the day the island was evacuated, there are even items left in the students' desks.
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Post by baby_g* »

OOC: huh?
that is all in her head. honestly now... read it.
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Post by Xaldien* »

OOC: I did... only I didn't think it was real until Slayer said something...  :angry:
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel chuckled at the girl before her. She really was a trip. As of this moment, Mari's Tanto was literally at her stomach. She really was trapped. The girl had that look in her eyes. The look of a killer. A killer like her.

"Such a fire in your eyes darling. It's the fire of murder. The fire for the kill. Will you attempt to kill me? Go on ahead. You'll be swiftly dealt with. You don't know who you're messing with, Hun." She smiled that fallen angel's smile and stared into the other girl's eyes. One wrong move, and the girl would have a knife in her stomach.

"Your move."
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Post by Xaldien* »

((OOC: ANYWAY... we'll continue on as if the whole thing was in her head.

"A little pain isn't bad... it lets you know that you are, indeed, alive. And that's what this game is about right? Staying alive by killing others."

She had her backpack on her shoulder, and these two were completely oblivious to the fact that she had her gun hidden in there for just such an occassion.

With a swift and agile movement, she managed to bring out her gun and hold it to the girl's stomach. She was in an awkward position though.

"Show me a little pain, and I'll show you some... 'hun'."
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Post by baby_g* »


How could I have missed that?!

Tori backed a step behind Mari after she hit the girl across the face. The chicks dismissal of the punch Tori planted on her jaw just made her all the more angry. The problem was, that after she stepped behind Mari, the stranger took the gun that they... more so herself had failed to find and was now holding it to Mari's stomache. There wasn't exactly anything she could do without risking getting either herself or Mari injured. She didn't want to take a chance on that, considering that even though Mari and Tori had a rocky start, they seemed to patch things up and she didn't find her all the bad.

"Listen, why don't you just calm the fuck down."

It was clear that talking their way out of this wasn't even a choice. The bitch wanted to fight, and a fight she would get. Tori's hands locked in fists, she readed herself for the worst. Glancing once again at Mari, waiting for the 'go ahead' nod, she knew they'd make a good team at kicking this girls' ass.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

(This may be a bit bad, but I'm going to control a few of Chiaki's actions)

Mariavel's eyes widened a bit when she felt the barrel of the gun poking her in the gut. This was bad, very bad. Though the girl really wasn't in too good of a position. Mari could easily disarm her, but that would be at the risk of getting shot. Choices choices. Tori verbally asked the girl to back down, but Mari saw the look in her eyes. This girl couldn't wait to kill her. It was fun to her.

"Silly girl…. I like that look in your eyes. It's fearsome….. It's vicious. But….." She smiled darkly, "You left yourself open!" She screamed.

Mariavel used the arm holding the Tanto to punch Chiaki's gun-arm away from her stomach, then dodged to the left (as she pushed the arm right) and roundhouse kicked the girl in the side, effectively knocking the wind out of her.

"Tori, in my bag is an axe. Go get it." She said to her friend quickly. She looked to the gun wielding girl with the tomahawk and the Tanto raised defensively.

"Is that the best you've got?" She chuckled a bit, but her mind was coming up with some sort of plan.
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Post by baby_g* »

Moving quickly, Tori grabbed Mari's axe. It seemed now that both girls had weapons in both hands. She came just as quickly back to the side of her new partner, ready to slice and dice. Mari had knocked the girl down pretty good, making sure the wind was out of her. The sound of the stranger gasping for air would have once scared Tori, only now she couldn't be more thrilled. Taking a slash at the hand with the gun, Tori hopped to cause the girl to drop her weapon. If she did, they'd have but one more to add to their collection right after they killed her.

"Just like thanksgiving dinner.." she mumbled under her breath. This reminded her of the encounter in the mall, when she sliced the guys mouth clear from cheek to cheek. The bastard deserved it... and so would this one.
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Post by Xaldien* »

These girls had tenacity. The had panache. They had it.

A very winded Chiaki managed to still hold her gun proudly, and aim it at the girls, even though she had trouble breathing. The wind only reduced her aim to 90%, as far as she could tell.

"Well... gasp... then. Looks like we're... gasp... in a mess. I may... gasp... have trouble breathing... but I could still... gasp... shoot out your right kneecaps in three rounds... gasp... or less."

Give me blood. Give me pain. Give me utter satisfaction motherfuckers!

"Now, want to come closer and... gasp... try me?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel looked the gasping girl in the eyes.she didn't even flinch at the gun pointed at her face. She looked in her eyes and sadly knew that this girl was worthy of being a player. But then again, so was Mariavel. There was no way she'd die here. Oh no…. She'd live on. She'd beat the game with Tori, Bryan, Seth, Lavvy, and Darcy. They'd survive. This girl was but a milestone. She was nothing more that a distraction. But Mariavel took quite a liking to her none the less. Was it the fire in her eyes? The way she held strong to her will? Perhaps…

"Girl…. Leave here. Go now. You can hardly breathe. You won't find anymore fighting here. I bid you good night, and hope you well. Because…. If we're ever to meet again, the battle will be the most intense you've ever had."  She smirked. This girl was now her rival. She'd push past her, and win. No matter what.

"Goodbye stranger."
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Post by Xaldien* »

Chiaki couldn't help but chuckle at what the girl had said. She had her guard down, and Chiaki could very easily blow her brains out, even without breath.

However, the idea of a rival, someone as good as her, made her blood boil, and run fast. The idea that someone is challenging her, her skill, and her preserverence. OOOOOOOOH, such a feeling better than any sex could amount to.

She slowly put away the gun, and took another few breathes. Now, being able to breathe, she finally stated something.

"Well, then, so many people to kill, so very little time... I hope to hear great things of you."

She put her gun in her pack, and got up.
She started to walk away, but then realized something.

"My name is Chiaki Takao. Yours?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"Mariavel. Mariavel Varella." She chuckled.

"I can't wait for the next time we meet Chiaki. It truly will be a toast to power." Mariavel turned, as a sign of respect for the other girl, and waved her hand as she walked into the classroom once more. She motioned for Tori to follow her and once she too was inside, closed the door, returning to her past seat.

A rival eh? It could be fun. Huh…. I'll need me some more weaponry. Heh…. Danya doesn't know who he's messing with on this forsaken island. Her and Chiaki, and so many others. They all wanted a shot at his head.
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Post by baby_g* »

Here she was again. Once such a powerful young girl on stage, Tori was now just 'that chick' who people wanted to kill. They didn't even care really. She couldn't eve get someone to realize she was pissed off. They just dismissed her, just like her parents would do.

I'm fucking tired of this shit.

Was it so hard to ask for someone to give her some credit here? She might not look as treatening as the other people here, nor did she have that 'sly look/smirk', but if the moment came, she could dish it out just as forceful as anyone else.

"See ya." She mumbled sarcastically as the girl walked away. She was now with Mari again, door shut, inside the class room. If this was going to be the hell she'd be trapped in till she died, she didn't want to sit around the whole time. She missed him. With him she atleast felt completely safe, and was almost able to make this into a dream. A dream where the girl would run off safe with her knight into the sunset and live happy ever after. Nice dream eh? Some more so out of a fairy tale book made up by a 4th grader. Hell, if she looked hard enough she could probably find a story along those lines in one of the desks.

She was tired of always asking 'what next' and 'so what do we do now?'. If she wanted people to take her seriously, she'd have to put her foot in the door. Her only problem was that she wouldn't want to sound bitchy or start a fight with Mari. As of right now, Mari was the only person she could trust until she met back up with him. There was no telling where he was or what he was doing out there in the rain. If people weren't trying to kill everyone they saw, she'd run out there and just let the rain fall on her.

When she was younger, every time there was a rain storm, she'd sit out on the porch and let the water soak threw her every layer, till her clothes felt like weights attacted to her body. She loved it so much, and couldn't wait till they were walking outside again. She hoped the rain would last the rest of the night, that way, maybe she could even sneak out for a moment or two, just to feel it on her skin. The refreshing and reassuring feeling of it washing her clean. Who was she kidding?

"Mari, we can't stay here forever. There's a chance they didn't get the message."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel looked at her friend. Could she even call her that though? She was trustworthy, yes. But she really wasn't too well known by Mariavel. Mariavel didn't know if she was insane or not. She sure did want to slice up Chiaki with that Handaxe. It wouldn't help much to be too wary of your allies, but you never knew, especially not here. In fact, she wasn't sure she trusted Bryan. Or even Seth for that matter. She didn't know who she could trust right now. It was all just so goddamn confusing. It really pissed her off to an extreme. She WANTED to trust Tori. But she couldn't be sure just yet. The only one she had no fear of was Lavvy. She could be trusted undoubtedly. Mari's mind wondered for a moment if Lavvy was ok. She had survived up until the last announcement, that was for sure, but for all she knew, she could be dieing right now. But there was no way for Mariavel to know just how true those thoughts were.

"Well… I suppose you're right Tori. Then again, they could also be dead… I think that we should wait it out here until morning, and the announcement. That way, we know if they're alive, then we get out of here. Sound good?"


Meanwhile when the two girls were chatting inside, a very weakened, and very injured Lavender Heart slowly but surely hobbled onto the school premises. She looked up, he face wretched in pain from the unbandaged wounds, her eyes dull, lacking the life they once held. She was able to see the school building's doors from where she was, and decided to check for her friend there, as her life was slowly fading. She limped to the door and opened it. She took a few steps inside and abruptly coughed some more blood onto the ground. She fell to her knees then her side as the grim reaper took over. She didn't want to die this way. She propped herself up against the wall and screamed out one final time.



Mariavel was suddenly startled by a loud thumping sound, followed by a splashing noise. She perked up in order to listen more clearly and made her way over to the door, opening it silently. She stepped outside and listened carefully. What she heard next was going to blow her mind. A feminine voice screamed out her very own name, and no voice sounded like hers. It had to be.

"Lavvy!" She screamed as she ran towards the entrance to the building.

She cut around the corner and her happy look quickly faded into a distressed one. Lavvy was here alright. Here in a bloody mess. She was covered in grime and blood was continuously flowing from both her mouth and her stomach. Mariavel's heart sank as she looked upon her friend's broken and battered form. She rushed over to her body and scooped her into her arms, holding her tightly. Lavvy's eyes opened in shock, as if Mariavel was but a figment of her imagination.

"I'm here Lavvy, I'm here. Who did this?! WHO?!" She growled. Tears were falling freely from her eyes as she looked at her friend. Why would someone do this to sweet Lavvy? She'd never start a fight with anyone.

"Mari… I'm so glad it's really you. I'm so happy. It's like that feeling when you meet someone for the first time, and instantly become friends. Remember that Mari? When we first met?"

"I… I remember. Back then. Everything was so easy back then."

"Yeah…. Do you remember the story we read together? I used to love it."

"Rapunzel…. Grant gave me that book. You caught me reading at recess. You read it with me."

"That's right…." She hacked up some more blood. Mariavel held her tighter. "Can you tell me that story again?"

"Y-yeah… I will. For you Lavvy, I will." The tears just kept coming as the realization that her best and dearest friend was going to die. It was heartbreaking for her.

"Thank you Mari…." Lavvy smiled up at her friend, and wiped a few of her tears away. Mariavel held her closed and sobbed a bit before continuing.

"Listen good ok? A pregnant woman once craved the leafy Rapunzel growing in a sorceress's garden. She told her husband to get some for her. When her husband sneaks into the garden to steal some, the sorceress catches him, and she makes him promise to give his first-born child to her. The sorceress raises the young infant, whom she names Rapunzel, and, when the girl turns twelve, imprisons her in a tower. The only way to enter or exit the tower is to climb Rapunzel's long hair, and one day a prince discovers the secret. He climbs, they meet, and they marry. When the sorceress learns that Rapunzel is pregnant, she chops off Rapunzel's hair in a rage and banishes her to the wilderness. The next time the prince climbs the tower to his bride, he finds only the sorceress, who tells him he'll never see his wife again. Grief-stricken, he crashes to the ground and is blinded by thorns. A year later, chance reunites him with Rapunzel. Her tears of joy restore his vision. At last they can live happily ever after. Don't you wish life were like that?"

"All that happiness would give me cavities." Lavender chuckled a bit, but the strain caused more blood to spill from her stomach. Mariavel's hand was attempting to block the wounds, but there were too many.

"Why did you ask me about that?"

"Because after we read it…. You said that…. You wised to be as…. Beautiful as the…. Girl on the cover…" It was becoming harder for Lavvy to breathe. Mariavel shifted her body a bit.

"Yeah? So?"

"You've become… even more beautiful Mari…. You've blossomed… into a rose…"


"I've loved… loved you for a… l-long time now…. So survive ….Mari, continue to live."

"L-lavvy!" But it was to no avail. Lavender heart was slowly slipping away. And as the girl cried and screamed her friend's name as she slowly died, something was understood to her. Those times… they were so easy. Maybe… maybe everything's like 2nd grade. It's not about what you are, or what you do. It's about living life to it's fullest.

"Hi. I'm Lavender Heart! Wanna be friends?"

Girl #20 Lavender Heart - Dead
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Post by baby_g* »

If he comes towards this way, maybe I can go outside for a bit and walk towards the hotel.. if he's on his way.. I should be able to see him... but.. No. Never mind that. He's coming. He's going to come.

Tori, at this point, was now seriously considering going outside to find him. She wanted him close because she knew that with him around she felt safe... er. Mari was awesome and all but..

At this point in mid-thought, just when Tori thought all the craziness was over, a bloody petit girl came in practically on all fours... Tori imagined that that would have been due to the pain. Within seconds, the girl was in Mari's arms. It clicked then, that Mari knew this girl. It wasn't just a friend from school, this girl was really close to Mari and it pained Tori just as much to see them both in tears as they all knew she was going to die. She didn't understand the story of Rapunzel, but it was obvious that she wasn't suppose to, nor would she ask about it. Sometimes you just cant interfer with things between two different people like that.

This was just one more thing to add to the game. One more pawn that had been taken off the chess board and thrown aside.

"Mari.. I..."

Tori lips were quivering as she tried to find the words to say. How do you tell someone you're sorry, or that you 'understand' what they're going threw.. when you don't. She didn't feel that she had any right to try and console her new friend.

"..I... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say." She walked over and put her hand on her friends shoulder, once again like she had done back at the hotel. "I wish I knew what you were feeling, so then I could understand..." The tears came down once again, and it was like they were back at the hotel, with Tori trying to calm Mari but to no avail. "We... we need to move."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel felt the limp body in her arms. She cradled the body and pressed her cheek against Lavvy's. They were still warm. She was alive, not even twenty seconds ago, but for Mari, it felt as if she'd never be able to comprehend that she was in fact dead. That she was alone. No Grant, and now no Lavvy. She couldn't protect the one person in the entire world who understood her. The one person who loved her. She let her die. She held the body tighter, her friend's blood soaking her shirt and Seth's jacket. But in reality she couldn't care less.

"I'm sorry…. I'm sorry Lavvy… I'm so sorry." She whispered into her dead friend's ear, hoping that she would be able to hear her cries of anguish. Of her guilt. She wanted to be with her. They had said that their kids… that when they had kids they'd be as good of friends as they were. But now… now that was just a pipe dream.

The morning announcements shook her from her mourning and she looked up, cradling Lavvy's head as she did so. She listened to all the announcements. Bryan had killed again. Twice even. At least he wasn't dead yet. What came next shocked her to the core. Danya began to rattle on about Lavvy's death. The first thing she saved to memory was the name "Stephanie Crew". Then Danya began to assault HER. He rambled about "seeing another good lesbian couple running around". About Mariavel being molested countless times. That Fucker. She gently laid Lavvy down of the floor of the school. She folded her arms across her chest in respect then stood. She was apparently a winner for their sick vote.

"You Fuckers… Can't you leave me alone? Can't I at least mourn my best friend? You sick Fucks." Mariavel said to no one in particular. She turned to look at Tori.

"I need… you to listen to me Tori… I'm leaving. Alone. I'm going to avenge her. You wait here for Bryan, ok? Keep the axe too, for protection." She tried to wipe away the tears, but they kept flowing so she quit. "We'll meet again. I promise that. Don't you dare die on me, got it?" She asked while walking into the classroom and grabbing her bag, shoving her Tanto into her pocket and the Tomahawk into the back of her jeans.

"I'll see you real soon." She said to the other girl before looking to the dead body of her best friend and running out the door full speed, heading for the Marina. Hoping to see her remaining friends again.

Continued: Marina
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