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Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:24 am
by Cactus
Adam scratched the back of his neck.

"I think that the scary part of the whole thing is that this is supposedly being broadcast to the whole country. I mean...what'll happen to the winner if they do even get back? Will they be arrested for murder? We could be fucked no matter what here, so it's so difficult to know what to do. The scary part is how can nobody even know that we're here - you would've thought somebody would've tried at least SOME kind of rescue by now..."

He sighed and looked around the Coppice, at the bodies that littered the ground.

"But I guess that there's no use worrying about that kind of thing, because that's the kind of thinking that'll fuck you up, but good."

Glancing again at the bodies, he looked at both girls, only now seeing the second one, who'd stayed silent pretty much up until now.

"So where are you two off to? Looking to find friends, try and escape...? What's your plan?"

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:24 am
by riserugu
Lucinda found herself pursing her bottom lip out in thought over Adam’s words, she had to admit she was somewhat surprised that an escape plan via the government hadn’t even faintly been tried. “You found figure maybe someone would try something, kids from different countries are here – you’d figure if America didn’t do anything, another would. Or maybe they figure that if the most powerful country in the world can’t do anything, why should we bother.” Sighing a little, her closed her eyes briefly, reopening them after a minute.

“But… I suppose you’re right. No use in worrying really.”

She had taken to using the axe in the past minute as a ways of her leaning, and not falling over, tiredness from the lack of sleep or no sleep at all these days evident in her stance. Though she blinked and forced herself to listen as Adam addressed herself and Hannah on what they where doing. “Staying alive is one of our plans, though, well – I was planning on looking for someone… special to me before Hannah came across me. I wonder if it’s really even worth it, he’s hasn’t been on any of the announcements, but… he I heard or saw that he’d been killed, I really don’t think I’d be able to go on.”

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:24 am
by Cactus
Adam smiled softly at Lucinda, the warmth coming through for the first time in what seemed like ages, and definitely the first time since Amanda had died.

"You know what...? I don't think you should give up hope. I really think that if there's one person out there who means the world to you, then...well, you should stop at nothing to try and find them, and protect them. least, be with them, until the end. As shitty a thought as it is..."

Adam sighed as he looked up at the sky, and scratched the stock of the shotgun he had almost forgotten that he was carrying. It was like a lifeline of sorts for him, reminding him that there were certain tools available on the island that he'd need to make use of to survive, as much as he hated it. The shotgun had served well thusfar (or had it, really?)

Adam paused to think about it for a second. It seemed that the shotgun had been a curse for everyone who had touched or used it, except for him. Hawley, and Amanda had both wielded the formidable weapon and now, both were dead.

That's a stupid thought. A really fucking stupid thought...

"For my part..." He continued, after a moment of silence. "...I wish that I'd at least been able to try and do something to save her. I've been asking myself for the past day as to how I could even let my guard down like that, and really, I have no answers for myself. It all boils down to our humanity, really. We can't be expected to function totally at one hundred percent all of the time. We make mistakes.

I just wish mine hadn't been at the expense of her.

So I guess that's really me speaking from experience when I say that Lucinda, if there is someone out there who you truly feel for, who truly makes you feel special every time that they're around - you need to find them, and you need to leave nothing unsaid...because when all is said and done, barring a miracle, both of you won't be standing to see it all come to an end. Danya's been saying it over and over - there's one winner here. One. It fucking sucks. Why can't there be two? Three? Six? Fifteen?"

Adam shrugged.

"That's life for 'ya, I guess. You know, I wonder if Danya feels guilty at all about any of this...?"

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:24 am
by riserugu
As Adam spoke Lucinda found herself unable to do anything but said there and listens to his words – though as he finished she found herself unable to respond, how could she after all? Adam had found the person most special and probably the world at so much more too him, he’d stayed with her even under the situation at hand where either one or the other, or both of them would lose there lives, and so far, one already had.

Yet still, he continued going on.

Dropping her head she let out a soft sigh, “Once again – you’re right… Ryan, I – un, I do want to find him… I don’t want to have died with this still here. I said to myself at the start, if there’s one thing I have to do on this island is find him – tell him, because sooner or later we both will probably be dead. The thing is – I really wish I would have told him sooner… but we can’t go back in time, and I should do the best I can now, I suppose. And that’s going to be telling him.”

Keeping her head down, but allowing a small smile to grace her features, though it faded as Danya’s voice summoned up over the intercom system. Lucinda’s thoughts going into a tailspin at the news… and thought there was good to it – the worst of all had come here it seemed.

“Whatever has been let loose on this island…” She muttered, glancing around lightly. “… Can’t be anything good, this is where the downward spiral to the end starts, I believe.”

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:24 am
by Cactus
Adam Dodd couldn't say that he was at all surprised when Danya's voice came on the loudspeakers announcing the arrival of the terrorists on the island. With disdain, he shook his head and spit on the ground near his own feet.

"You're damn right that this is where the beginning of the end actually starts. We're down to forty people and Danya's advertising that whoever kills all three terrorists gets a free pass off the island? Yeah, this is a sadly disgused tactic to whittle the numbers down even more. Anyone who has a somewhat decent weapon is going to go after those three, and I guarantee you that more than half of 'em are going to die because of it. You heard the announcement, I heard the announcement - hell, everyone did. They're armed to the teeth and there's pretty much no stopping 'em, at least on paper. The best we've got are shotguns and maybe the odd submachine gun. Not to mention that they can camp out in danger zones, and move freely wherever the fuck they want. All they need to do is pick a spot and wait, they'll be able to pick kids off as they come.

Danya's sending people to their deaths, and people are so desperate that it just might work..."

Scratching the six-day-old stubble on his face, he imagined that due to the fact that he hadn't slept much in the past week was probably starting to make his appearance look somewhat intimidating. He knew that he'd lost a LOT of weight, and he was beginning to feel a little weaker, probably due to exhaustion and malnutrition.

"He needs to speed things up, or we're all going to die of hunger out here...what's the fun in that, you know? With forty people, it's going to be down to the wire sooner rather than later."

Sighing, he stretched his neck out.

"I should really get moving. I've got the blood of four people on my hands, and I don't intend to die without taking Cody Jenson with me. I've...I've still gotta find that sick son of a bitch..."

Adam smiled, though, and it was a genuine one, as if he'd been talking about going to see a movie as opposed to killing another person.

"...but I've gotta thank you, Lucinda. It's been really great talking to you, and I really do wish that we'd talked more, under better circumstances. Strange how fate really throws you some fucking curveballs, huh?"

He looked at Lucinda, and then at Hannah, who'd been silent throughout the entire exchange.

"I wish you both the best of luck, and I really do hope that you find him...everyone deserves to share the time that they've got left with the ones that they love, and I hope that you're able to find him and let him know how you feel. You have no idea how important that is..."

Adam sighed again. "And hey, me a favour? If you happen to, run into me again, and, uhh...and I'm kinda dead...well, there's a picture in my pocket, belonged to Hawley's of his mother. Well, if you're still alive when I'm not, if you it and my wallet with you...and if you happen to get out, give them to my dad...I'm sure that he'll understand what to do with 'em."

Adam smiled sadly.

"Man, this shit really sucks, doesn't it?"

With that, he turned, and walked away from the area, and into what he hoped was not the final chapter of his life.

((Continued in: Inhale... Exhale...))

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:25 am
by riserugu
These terrorists had been spoken about in some days past, the moment she had first heard about them had sent a wave of tension and fear through her, and both of them had slowly begun returning. Sighing a bit against the weapon she had been partly leaning against these past few minutes, her thoughts of what was to start happening in these next few days where almost to the key begin spoken by Adam. A majority… if not all of them where now there last strands, they where all becoming desperate to live and get off this hellhole and they would do whatever it took to do so.

And with this new chance thrown out to them that could get them off, those armed strong and even those that weren’t would rush forward against those terrorists thinking they could take them down. But they where just kids – normal Highschool children, these people were military trained adults that wouldn’t have any emotion what so ever in ending one of their lives in a heartbeat.

Playing with the ends of her shirt, she glanced up toward Adam as spoke about moving on – truth is told she felt the slight tingling feeling in the back of her mind telling her to ask for an alliance. Though that feeling was quickly thrown to the wind – another smile gracing her features as she softly nodded toward him. She couldn’t go with him even if she had really wanted to. They both had their own things to do while they where still alive on the island, and it would be rude to put her’s in the way of his own.

He had to get back at the one who had taken his light in a dark place such as this.

“Good luck to you Adam, I hope – I hope you find him, and get the bastard back. For both you’re friends… no one deserves this pain on them. I wish we would have had a chance to talk more as well, you should have acted more – you where really good, I really enjoyed having you on set with me. You where always making us laugh. And I promise you… I will find Ryan.” She muttered, words choking a bit. “I will find him, and I will tell him before it’s to late.”

Though as Adam’s question came, the young girl couldn’t help but blink a bit as he spoke, though slowly and surely she grinned and nodded again. “Don’t worry I promise, after all you’ve said now, you’ve given me a lot of hope back. It’ll be the least I can do for you.”

Turning where she should, she rushed over to where Hannah had been standing. Frowning somewhat as she came close to the girl, “You should have came over and talked with us, Adam is a very nice person. So, um, Hannah were to you want to go, the Gazebo still or should we head somewhere else?”

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:25 am
by OnceForgotten*
Hannah had been silent since she had returned to the coppace, not really hearing the conversation between Adam and Lucinda. She stood back from them, tears brimming in her eyes as she thought about the boy she had killed.

My whole life has been spent preaching forgiveness and love, and when it got down to it...I killed somebody. Not because he was a bad person, just because he was scared. It could have so easily been avoided, I shouldn't have lied...

Hannah was jolted out of her stupor momentarily by the voice of Danya. As he read the names of those who had been killed, she noticed him pass over Adib's name as if it meant nothing to him. In fact, from Danya's tone, he could have been reading a chemistry text book.

The dead...They mean nothing to him...My God, why is he even doing this?

Hannah began a silent prayer for the evil man, and was once again jolted out of her meditative state by the exit of Adam, and then by a tug on her shoulder.

"Oh...yeah, the gazebo...that should be fine. Could we go now?"

Re: Revisiting the Past...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:25 am
by riserugu
Lucinda found herself blinking lightly, confusion shining in her grayish colored eyes as she looked over the other girl, looking as if tears had begun to swell up in the other girl’s eyes. Pursing her lips thoughtfully as the Hannah spoke, she sighed somewhat bringing a hand up to run it along her somewhat dirt, and blood-matted hair. “Hannah, listen… if there’s something wrong with coming through here… just tell me, all right? I’m sure we can find somewhere else to go, or even find another path to get to the gazebo.”

Smiling lightly in a reassuring way, she stepped back away from the girl a bit letting her decided if she’d rather take another route than the one through here. It seemed Hannah thought the same way about this place as she did the path now where the body of the boy she had killed lay. A boy they had called out over the announcements without even a second thought of which he was who he could have been, and what this game had done to him.

And unlike the earlier moments in the names of the killers had been called out along with the name or names of those they had killed, but that didn’t seem to be the case anymore. And some part of her mind was happy – happy they hadn’t said her name, because in some weird way it made her believe she wasn’t a true murderer and instead someone who had been wanting to protect themselves.

((Luci's moving onto another topic as of now, Gjack whenever you return to this topic. We can say the two got seperated or something.

Continued in... I'll decide later.))