
Blood red so you can see it

Formerly an Open Field. The crashed remains of the terrorists' helicopter lay in the middle of the field, providing some shelter to whomever prefers to use it. Fair warning, though, of all the lurkers around the area looking for the baddies.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Cassie raised her eyebrows as both Drew and Scott threatened her.

"Whatever happened to chivalry, guys?" she said lazily.

Dangling her baton idly in her hand, she smiled at both of them. It wasn't a false smile, it wasn't a smile she had to put on for the good of the group- because there was no 'group' anymore. Cassie would probably never experience being in a group ever again, at least not in the friendship sense of the word.

Weighing up her options in her mind, she knew that realistically, there was only one thing she could do. While she would have quite happily tried to take on Scott, there was no way she could do it with Drew pointing a gun in her direction. She had no idea how volatile he was, whether he would be willing enough to pull the trigger... and who was she to test her luck?

She took a step backwards, away from Scott, still smiling.

"Fine, have it your way. I'm out of here." she shrugged, turning around. "It was fun hanging out with you guys while it lasted."

She made to walk away before glancing back behind her. Drew hadn't shot at her yet, which was good.

"Although I expect I'll be seeing you guys later. Just need to get rid of some more of the competition," she smirked and turned around.

((she's not quite gone yet))
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Nevera kept on running until she was out of site. She fell to her knees and gaasped for breath as she held a fist to her chest. "I will search for him by myself!" She stood again, but very wobbly and started walking at a quick pace.
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[All right, if I can't do this/you don't want me to do this, IM or PM or something-M me and tell me, and I can do a quick edit]

At her comment about chivalry, he wasn't sure whether the feeling rising in his chest was guilt or anger. He felt like yelling something like 'Chivalry?! Chivalry would have us kill you so you didn't suffer!' And he almost did, in fact.

As she spoke, he bristled. Was this what it felt like to be used, and not know it? His finger tightened unconsciously on the trigger. As she turned, he was almost ready to lower the gun.

Just need to get rid of some more of the competition.

It was either his human beliefs had made him, his mind had just snapped, or it was a total accident, but what happened next was obvious. The gun, aimed at Cassie's back, bucked in Drew's palm. At the same time, a loud, treble-filled crack. Like a trumpet, or a snare drum; fast and hard, the sound was there and then it was gone. There was a flash from the gun, and then Drew stood motionless as his mind processed the event.

Dude. You just...shot a gun. At someone. Was that on purpose?

He was shocked enough that he didn't actually look at the girl he'd shot at. In fact, his arms shook now.

[Excuse the bad post, because...well, yeah, as I've said in my other posts, my mind's not letting me do good posts. And I'm rushed. x.x;]
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The bullet pierced through her right shoulder. Perhaps if she had been closer to Drew, it could have been a lot more serious- still, that's not saying that a gunshot to the shoulder wasn't serious, and Cassie certainly felt the seriousness of the wound as she screamed out in pain. Blood spurted out in front of her and she dropped her baton, falling to her knees and desperately clutching at her shoulder. It didn't take her hand long to become emersed in blood and she looked behind her to see Drew with his arm raised, the gun pointing at her.

He'd shot her. He'd actually shot her.

Hurt them before they hurt you? You didn't hurt them, and you paid for it.

He'd actually shot her. She hadn't figured any of them would be willing to hurt another person, seeing as they'd spent some time together Cassie had figured she knew them somewhat- another mistake. She had inadvertantly trusted in them. They'd betrayed her trust.


Pushing herself back onto her feet with one hand, the other still clutching at her wound, she turned around, bending back down slightly to pick up her baton.

"You actually sh-shot me," she said, trying to bite back the pain emitting from her shoulder.

Blood spilled out from under her hand as she tried her best not to look at it. The last thing she needed was to pass out in the presence of a potential murderer.
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Post by asano* »

[I'll take that PM as kill-permission. >.>; PM me if you want me to change it. This is your character's death anyway. Bug me until you like it. >.>;
*corny theme song plays*
At Asano's Death and Kill Posts, Inc., We Strive For Customer Satisfaction~]

As she turned, and Drew saw the blood rushing from her shoulder, his eyes grew wide. Quite wide. Wide enough to look like a bullet could go right through his pupil and completely miss the iris. They focused on the wound, and a rather odd thought shot through his mind. Something relating to how much that must hurt, and it looking worse than he imagined it in the books.

As she spoke, he swallowed hard. The, statement seemed to hit him hard, but something deep in his mind spoke to him. Something born from the natural instinct in humans to protect themselves.

Finish the job. Do it. Pull your finger back two centimetres over and over. That's all. You're safe then, and you saved your friends. Do. It.

Drew's gun hand shook, the weapon twisting around. He tried to calm himself. Nothing worked. Deep breath, deep breath, no dice. Then, finally.

The gun bucked once more, and a bullet sailed out for Cassie. It was badly aimed, but Drew was shaking after all. The oddest thing was that...well, after the bullet left the gun, Drew's hand was calmed; it stopped shaking right when he'd felt the jump of the pistol. As if the fact that he was now taking charge of the situation was all he'd needed to know to calm himself.

His steady hands settled the gun back down to Cassie's gut and he pulled the trigger another time. Three times. Four, five, six, it was as if he'd lost a bit of control. Like a man at a bar. The more that man drank, the more he wanted to drink more. The more shots he had, the more he ordered to have. Drew was that man. Every time he pulled the trigger, it was as if he had to shoot again, like he was addicted to the kick of the gun and the flash of the muzzle and the sound of the whole thing.

He stopped after ten, some barely-functioning part of his mind telling him to stop. Looking down the sights, the gun was now pointed above her head. With each shot he'd fired, he had not corrected for the recoil. He'd been...well, let's call him drunk...he'd been drunk with the experience, and had only fired repeatedly. The bullets traced a trail upwards because of this.

In the eery silence that this display left, it was as if Drew was awakening from a dream.

[...I think that sucked. Badly. ;.; Swoosh, want me to change anything? *points to top of the post* *wasn't kidding*]
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Post by Swoosh* »

((Wow! Quick delivery! *leaves positive feedback*))

It's been suggested that people are shaped by life events, as opposed to being genetically predisposed to certain behaviours. Someone can become a saint or a murderer because of an impoverished childhood, or because of something traumatic that has happened to them; and while Cassie had never given this idea much thought, it seemed to be making sense as she clutched her shoulder.

Deep down she knew she wasn't a murderer. She wasn't the vindictive player that she appeared to have changed into; she was just frightened and desperate, and used the femme fatale mask to hide behind. She couldn't have hurted anyone if she'd tried... but obviously there were some who could.

And her shoulder told her as much. Too little, too late.

Her father's abscence had obviously had a more significant effect on her that she'd admitted to herself. Since when had she become so untrusting, so suspiscious? True, this could be credited to the cruel game she was participating in, but she'd always prided herself on being an open and caring person. The game had taken that away from her.

If she'd been shocked by the initial bullet, she was even more shocked when the trigger was pulled once more and the gunshot roared in her ears. The bullet pierced her chest, and she screamed out once more.

Why, Drew? What things have happened in your past that have made you do this?

The pain really was unbearable, but what was worse was not knowing it was coming. Trying to clutch both wounds, she looked over blearily at where Drew was stood.

Was he going to...kill her? Was he really a killer?

Cassie didn't have much time to ponder this thought as the trigger was pulled once more, this time bullets flying to her stomach, each one causing her more pain.

Would she have played the game differently if her father hadn't of left? Would it all have been different if she hadn't snapped? Would have she still been alive if she'd made a different choice? No one would know, and as Cassie just began to think this, a bullet hit her in the collar, causing it to detonate. Blood sprayed out everywhere and within seconds Cassie was dead.

G39- Cassie Webber- DECEASED

((*deep breath* One down, one to go!))
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

He would watch on shocked as the first bullet pierced the girl. Of course a moment ago he would of probally done the same thing if he had the gun, But now he was actually watching it happen, She had actually been shot., and it wasnt like in the movies where they get up and are ok after a few minutes, No. Now she was fucked, When the first bullet hit her he knew she was going to die, he didnt know how he knew it was just one of those feelings you get, those bad feelings.

As the shot hit the girl he instantly ran for nevera. His legs working better than ever. He reached her quickly and grabbed onto the girl franticly. Then suddenly the bullets kept on coming, bullet after bullet piercing the girl. And she stood there and took. Maybe she was dead by the first hit? He damn hoped so, Being shot was enough but to have your collar exploded aswell? now that was just being bitchy.

He'd seen blood before but not quite to this extent. It was everywhere now, spraying the scene like a hose. The grass was now a lovely crimson colour and covered the meter or so in front of where cassie stood.

But the thing was, he didnt feel sickened by the sight of the red liquid, it was just another of those things now.

He gripped tightly onto nev, probally to the of hurting the girl but at this paticular moment i doubt either of them would notice.
He would softly say, He needed to knw if the poor bastard still responded to his name. That was a quick change of gameplans he had their, and not that scott minded, the girl had threatened to kill them. But, dude, too far.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Nevera whimpered and cried as if she was the one being shot. She grew up around gang activity and didin't like it. She held onto Scott hoping that he wouldn't ever have to hurt her. She buried her face into his chest adn wept. She gripped onto his shirt tightly as she did so. Her sobs may have been muffled, but not quiet enough.
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Post by asano* »

[I must say, I prefer death posts then killing posts. x.x; These are hard!]

With each impact, each spray of blood, Drew seemed to do nothing at all. He'd done this in self defense, right? Good samaritan? Defense of others? That counted for something, right?

He caught her eyes, the final look in them just before the big bang. His right hand, now at his side, began to quiver. He should have known better than to look into the eyes of the very person he'd killed, simply because it would have such an effect on him. But it'd been human reflex. His right hand was quivering more and more.

But of course, there was another reason his hand was twitching. The explosion that had been caused by his final shot hitting the collar had stunned him into silence. Hell, it'd pretty much stunned the whole field into silence. It was as if even the wind died. Everything had just stopped.

He was kicked back into reality by the, word... of Scott. He blinked, looking over to Scott, then down at his shaking hand. His vision then found its way to his What he'd just done. It was as if it was just sinking in. The fact that he'd --literally-- blown someone's head off. The mess on the ground was his work, and it'd been someone he'd been talking to just an hour ago. It'd been someone he'd followed, even made sure she was okay. Like they really were a team.

And what the fuck had that ended in? One of them was dead on the ground, missing a very large portion of their neck if not their whole head. He was missing a large portion of his sanity, one could say, and ...shit. Everyone had taken a large sanity-hit from this. It was unbelievable.

He looked back to Scott, shaking his head as if to himself. His hand was visibly shaking as he held the pistol, and with that...

He turned and ran. He ran as if the dogs of war (or hell, either way) were on his heels. He ran as if his very life, and the lives of everyone he'd ever cared for, were being threatened to be thrown into a firey cauldron if he didn't run fast enough. He'd never bolted this quickly, but in under a minute, was gone from sight.

((Continued in: In Sight of a Sanctuary))

[Poor, poor Drew's needed elsewhere. >.>; This guy's gonna be so screwed up very, very soon. Ouchies.]
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

The fucker didnt even give them an answer. It was the least he could give them before he ran off. He had just left them here alone, with a lovely warm corpse. The situation was getting desperate now. He knew that nev and jeremy had already lost friends, and now scott knew what that felt like fiorst hand, And it wasnt exactly the most motivating thing.

He realised his grip on nev as he took off after drew, A few seconds of running, and he gave up. No use in chasing the killer, the blood was on his hands.

He stopped and waited, His head hung low and he looked at his weapon. It wasnt at all the best but hopefully it would come in handy, although now he had seen how easy a bullet could blow your neck out.

he needed to protect nev now, although he had doubts about his capability to protect her, Now he just didnt give a fuck if he lived or died. Now he would give everything he had, and even if jeremy was found he wouldent just dump all his baggage on him, he couldent. He would be strong, the leader, the hero.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Nev ran after Scott. She wondered what had gotten into him. "Scott?"
(Sorry it's short and been a long time. no computer when I am not at school))
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His head raised as he looked at nev. So innocent she was, she shouldent have to go through any of this, of course scott thought he deserved it, he had done his fair share of bullying and shop lifting, even if was just a can of coke he stole.

He signed heavily and rubbed the back of his head, what to do now? Keep moving was the only thing they could do, keep searching and hopefully find some people who needed taking out, people who deserved to do. maybe drew deserved to die?

"Nev? We need to go somewhere" He said, his voice alot more saddened than usual, it was really getting to him here. How much longer could he last?

((Im going to pretend the pole scott picked up was adams aluminium bat, unless of course its already been taken then ill just pretend i never had it at all ok?))
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Nevera looked at him sadly. She walked over to him slowly adn placed a shivering hand upon his right shoulder.

"Scott, we just need to go find Jeremy. Maybe we should go check somewhere that we haven't." She thought for a brief moment. "And of course the place cannot be a danger zone."

She looked back towards the area where Cassie had died. The pain of just witnessing the sounds of death had gotten the best of her. She was no longer the little happy-go-lucky and carfree girl she once was. She was now afraid and unsure of who to trust. The only people she could even begin to trust were Jeremy and Scott. Even if Scott had bashed her head, she saw him change right before her eyes. Nev placed her free hand on her bandaged head. She pulled the bandage off and held it by the end. The blood stains were now dry and her head was pretty much healed. How long has it been since she had gotten there? It felt like years to her, but she knew not. She then wrapped the bandage about her forehead like a bandana and unbraided her hair. Her long flowing locks raced violently into the breeze. She picked up her bo staff and smiled at Scott.

"We will find him and all of us will leave together."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

He looked at her when she spoke. No smile on his face this time, no comforting pat on the back, just an empty look. He was thinking of the future, when they found jeremy and got off the island, they get back home and have a celebration party with all the baseball team there. No, that wasnt going to happen, half the team was probally dead by now. lying in a ditch choking on there own blood.

"Yeah, first things first we find jerry, and if all else fails its kill kill kill." His tone had certainly changed, he was half way back to becoming the thing he was when jeremy kick seven shades of shit out of him. It wasnt that bad though.

He looked around the feild, looking at the tree tops that surrounded the open area and then to the beaten corpse.
Another sigh was realised from his lips as he spoke. "You lead the way".
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Her eyes widened. "Me, lead?" She placed a finger on her bottom lip and frowned. "Ok, but I shall strive to keep us from harm and danger zones."

She dared not smile. Nev wasn't really the type to smile at awkward times, unless she knew that it would be helpful, which in this case, she saw not. She slowly brushed a hand through her hair and looked Scott dead in the eye.

"I will not fall so easily, and if we have to kill, then we shall kill together, not each other, unless one goes ballistic." She walked ahead of him slowly passing by. When shw got a good 10 feet away, she turned back and looked to the sky. So empty and free, nothing to tarnish it.
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