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Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:01 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"You use it for now..the Colt is out of rounds I am guessing keep it with you.Fifteen rounds in that gun,how many of them left?" he asked before he would follow the movments of the other students with the barrrel of that weapon as they scurried away for some cover.

The fallen comrade left out there on the floor to rot and let nature taken its very unpretty toll on the deceased teen.

"Lead" he said as the crosshairs of his weapon would be dropped to the floor as he just stood there for a few moments staring up into the sky above him silently showing those pearly whites to a face nobody but him seemed to see.

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:01 pm
by Swoosh*
Angharad smiled and flipped the gun back over. Peri had kept his promise, and now she was more adequately armed. Putting the Colt in her rucksack, she gripped the gun tightly in her hand.

Well. This alliance looks more promising.

"What do you say to a little trip back to school?" Angharad said, still smiling.

Peri seemed willing to kill, which was useful. She wasn't sure of his reliability, but seeing as he just gave her a gun, she decided not to mistrust him just yet. He could be useful in taking some of the other students out...

She took a last look at Andrew, a fallen bloody mess on the floor. He was running around not five minutes ago, trusting her, following her into death. Would others end up like him? With her wit and cunning, and Peri's complete moral apathy, they could be quite a team. She smiled even wider, looking at Xian and Vince's fleeing forms. She felt the urge to laugh out loud at the mayhem and destruction; any ill feelings she may have felt towards her actions had now vanished.

"Come on, let's go," she said, filled with adrenaline.

I can already tell this is gonna be one hell of a party...

((continued somewhere that isn't the school for now... Peri, you choose XD))

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:01 pm
by Kaishi*
Xian hit the floor at the sound of the gunfire. She flinched, nearly biting her tongue in two when she fell.


She screamed, feeling a bullet pierce through her arm and exit the other side. Fortunately, it missed hitting bone, but that was of no consolation to her.


Another bullet whizzed by her, nicking her face and leaving behind a thin, diagonal scar under her eye. Her body quivered like a wounded dog, even long after the gun stopped firing.

Most "firsts" would be a cause of celebration, but her first injury just kept her shaking on the floor like a druggie suffering from withdrawls. That wench... She managed to steady herself enough to see Andrew fall, and Angharad run out of the cave. That bloody, freaking wench.

Xian dragged her body farther into the cave, hoping to conceal herself with the dark. She couldn't see Angharad and the figure anymore (they had probably walked away to pick roses by now), but that didn't matter as long as the gun stopped firing. I told you guys not to fall for her. But, did you listen? She glared, glancing over at Vince. No. She lied, and now Andrew is dead!

Her thoughts ended there when the bullet in her arm caused her to spasm. Dirty frikkin' beach... You're going-- spasm --down. She wanted her revenge for this mess, and, as God as her witness, she'd have it before the week's end.

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:02 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"The school..why?" he fired off one last burst into the shadows of the cave in the distance in a hope of hitting someone,it could have been his eyes but he had seen a shadow move inside of there.Another one from the group or maybe another player waiting to attack? The poor group had lost a member and one had been killed,tut tut and so quickly too.

The weapon was freed from his grasp and the Ingram hung at his side as he would reach over and take the Magnum from her hands.

"We should move..You had the chance to kill and you failed.You can have the Colt as soon as we get somewhere safer..Rounds are in my bag.How did you spend youre one round? Funny I had you down for the girl to blow her own face off" he said as he would turn his back on the group and begin walking.

Mercy? Well if it was the blame for it lay upon Anghrad and her feelings for her so called friends.

"You supposdly killed so show me youre weapon..." he said as the two of them would diseppear into the distance with that grinn constantly being worn as a sign of amusment of the carnage he had inflicted on the other students.Occasionally a light laugh would be given away just so it would fly over his shoulder and back towards the students he had left breathing.

((Continued in: The Morning After the Night Before))

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:02 pm
by Swoosh*
Angharad raised her eyebrows as the gun was taken back off her. What's your game?...

"You expect me to waste bullets shooting into a cave?" Angharad smirked. "I can see why you need to team up with someone now..."

Laughing, she put her hands on her hips and pouted. "And you expect me to help you out without something explosive in my hands?" She looked into the dark of the caves. She couldn't see Xian or Vince and had no idea if they were still alive... but if they were, they'd be pretty pissed right now. Luckily none of them had anything they could shoot at her with...

She unzipped her bag and began to walk off with Peri, taking out the lurid yellow frisbee, Duncan's only lasting legacy, the bright colours clashing horribly with the dark red smudges all over it.

"Not much of a weapon, but this is what he got given," Angharad said, laughing lightly at the memory of poor foolish Duncan. "Believe me now?"

She got further and further away from the cave. Taking one last look back, she once again found herself laughing. She had just inadvertantly destroyed an entire group with her lies.

And man, did she feel good.

((going wherever Peri is...))

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:02 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((Thanks to the post whores who are peri and elise this post happened while peris firing ok?))

Vince stood his place, Refusing to follow angharad into what seemed to be a death trap. All of a sudden boom, Lotsof booms to be presice. The floor seemed to be shaking as dust, dirt and grit flew everywhere.

He saw angharad run, And good on her too, Maybe her plan was best, atleast in there the shadows would haqve some cover.

One by one he saw his freshly made friends fall around him, First Xian, Then Andrew went down, Looks like his pain tolerence wasnt as high. That being because died.....Died, It suddenly hit him, AS if the gun shots werent enough. This wasnt a joke, or an april fools or anything like that, It was real, It was 'The game'.

He watched andrew in horror as his blood splattered all over vinces face. His final words 'Kill that asshole' Kill him, Fucking kill him? Vince would be lucky to come out alive.

He stood there froze as the bodies hit the floor, what had benn only a few seconds felt like god damn eternity to him.
He heard a sharp squelching sound close by. Then a deep burning in his lower leg, And the blood splatters followed.
He fell to one knee at first, Realising he'd just been shot. This cant be happenening! This cant be fucking happening! This only happens to people in those war movies his grandad loved so much, But it was and there wasnt a god damn thing he could do about it.

He fell to his and followed xian with haste. More spray of bullets flew past hitting the dirt, walls, ceiling and his arm.......What the fuck? Worst day ever. A bullet had teared accross his arm, ripping his shirt and jacket in the process. It looked like a deep knife wound. He rolled behind a boulder as he gritted his teeth in pain, holding back Screams. Although vince didnt cry nor shed a tear, The thought hadnt come to him, there were other things more important right now.


It had been a couple of minutes since the firing stopped and vince could no longer hear voices or footsteps of any kind. The blood from his leg and arm now covered His jacket....and well pretty much all of him.

"Hey......You...ok? Im hit pretty bad!" he said with concern and a somewhat concerned voice.
"FUCKING FUCKER! It Burns" The calm had now turned to pure rage. He stamped his foot down several times on the floor hoping this useless act would some how subside the pain.

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:03 pm
by Kaishi*
Xian's only reply was a loud groan. She wasn't really in a mood to talk after being shot in the arm, especially when she wasn't really paying attention in the first place. Her eyes wandered over thae cave walls and the blood on the cave floor. It stained the ground, so it was obvious that it didn't belong to her, Vince, or Andrew.

"My arm hurts," She whined. "It hurts, darn it, hurts!!" She began to stomp the ground like Vince, although hers looked more like a bad baby throwing a tantrum in the supermarket.

The tantrum ended when the girl realized, quite pathetically, that thrashing around only caused more pain. Gosh darn it...

"Wh-who ever said gunshots didn't hurt...?" A simple conversation to take her mind off of the pain. It would be easier to talk now that they had something apparent in common.

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:03 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
"No one" he simply replied to xian, What else could he say? Its not he could differ with her statement.

He frantly unzipped his bag and dragged out some Of his clean bandana's which he loved so much. He took a deep breath before tieing one around his. The burning caused him to yet again scream in agony. he would crawl Over to xian and lay next to her as he layed a couple of bandanas next to her. "Its not much but its all i got"

"That bitch, She ruined everything! How could she go with that murderer?" A tear trickled down his cheek as he looked at andrews bloody corpse. Only a couple of hours ago he was calling him nervous guy, The group had established a good deal, They were on there way to safety but it had all changed so quickly. "I swear if i see her again..."
He stopped when he realised what he was saying, what was he going to do kill her? He didnt know if he could bring himself to do such a thing. Maybe he should take a lesson from whoever was weilding that uzi. No he couldent kill but he had to get revenge somehow.

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:03 pm
by Kaishi*
"She set us up, that's wh-why." She took a bandana and tied it hapharzardly around her arm, glad that it was already red from dye. "Lied through her t-teeth, got Andrew killed, and left us to die." Compared to her flesh wound and scar, Vince had gotten the worst part of the deal. She winced at all the blood covering him.

"Let's...get back at them. Kill those buttmunchers." Xian picked up a yellow bandana, and idly tied it around Vince's head. "We can become a team. Banana Bandana Gang." She tied a bandana around her own head, smiling sweetly. "If we get back at them, Andrew doesn't die in vain. If we don't, then we've disgraced him, and our families."

She took hold of Vince's hand. "Together, okay?"

((Xian continued in: The End of an Act))

Re: Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:03 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Vince stared at xian while she did her motivational speach. He smiled through one side of his lips. As xian grabbed his hand he was shocked and first reactions were too pull away but he didnt, he couldent, He had to give this sweet girl some hope.

He thought about what she said, About killing angharad, taking revenge. Vince knew it was wrong to kill but he knew it was the name of the game here, It was there only way of survival and getting out alive. "Together? Together we'll win" He got up with xians hand in his and helped her stand up. The pressure on his leg brought back that burning pain, Like someone was holding a branding iron to his leg. He had to learn to ignore the pain.

He walked over to andrews metal pumped body and knelt down to pick up his bag. He took all the nessercary supplies out, water and food. He took out his designated weapon, a potlid. He sighed. "They gave the poor guy a pot lid" he put all the items in his own bag and slipped his arms through the straps.

"Come on, We should go" he said as he walked back to xian and put an arm around her to help her walk.

((Continued in: The End of an Act))