The Greatest Man That Ever Lived


Built not long after the community's arrival on the island, the lighthouse was never realistically going to last very long. Requiring many renovations during its lifespan due to less-than-stellar construction practices, the lighthouse eventually met its end during the same storm that capsized the yacht. Now its interior is exposed to the elements with only what's left of its wooden walls able to shield those who seek shelter inside.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Tears started running openly down her face, but her face stayed mostly neutral, perhaps slightly worried looking.

"Yeah. Mmhm," she interjected at appropriate points of the story, raising the gun to the back of his head.

They were friends, maybe, finally.

"For sure."

And almost as impulsively as she did anything else in life she pulled the trigger and he stopped, like she had turned off the TV.
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"I never did figure out who shopped-"

Wyatt's head jerked forward as the thought in his brain was rudely interrupted by a bullet going through it. Quick, clean, just like he'd requested. He thought he wouldn't feel a thing. For about a quarter to an eighth of a second, he was very wrong. But then, like usual, things turned out okay for him.

It was a shitpile they were given to work with, and they were two kids that had to move it from one end of the other just doing the best they could. It'd be nice, he'd been thinking, to win. But if he had to go out, he went out fighting two other kids, and then finished off by a cute girl. Little crazy, but cute.

Altogether, not that bad. And he'd been hoping to God, for once, that the afterlife really was a thing so he could burst through the gates and shout, at the top of his lungs:


B002 - Carter, Wyatt: DECEASED
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Tirzah leaned over her legs.

"The world is stupid and sucks," she whispered to nobody. She let out a breath that she had been holding in and suddenly became light headed. She just wanted to go home and not care about anybody like she had always done. Briefly a bit of saliva went down the wrong tube and she started to choke and sputter, but she recovered after a moment and looked wide-eyed at the nature while tears fell. She closed her eyes, put both palms over them and raked down hard, trying to wipe up the tears and stop the oncoming flow.

Tirzah looked up and saw a camera. She stared at it for a minute and it stared at her. Tirzah could see Wyatt's body out of the corner of her eye, but didn't focus on it. Suddenly she screamed at the camera, a high pitched, piercing, and angry scream like an animal. She picked up both of their bags, her gun, and ran away from the area so that she would never have to see it again.

((Tirzah Foss continued in Hustler For Dead, No Heaven for A Gangster))

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