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Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:58 am
by Ruggahissy
((Josh James continued from Blind Faith))

The announcements had sounded while they travelled, but it must have been that Przemyslaw was killed too close to time, so late that it was actually morning despite the dark out. Salem was announced as the recipient of another prize and Josh looked back to see Julia's expression at the news. She was clearly upset by it.

They found another suitable shelter soon. It was marked on the map as a hunting lodge bar. He headed the way, holding the gun at the ready in his gloved hands. His scarf was pulled up so that it protected his face below his eyes as they traversed the cold. The two stood and Josh looked back at Julia and nodded before opening the door, a silent message to be prepared for what could be inside.

"So how have you been?"

Quickly he opened the door and took a few steps inside. There was a lot to take in. Tables and chairs were thrown around, there was a dead body on the floor he didn't recognize immediately, there was a partially exploded bear head by his feet, and two people standing and -- it appeared -- talking casually.

Josh blinked a few times trying to adjust his eyes to the darker interior having come in from the snow. He pulled down the scarf, revealing the rest of his face just as the two people came into sharper focus.

"Amy?" he said. His voice went up at the end of her name and the corners of his mouth curved up in a pleasant smile. Then he shifted his eyes to the second person, the one with the gun. The one with his gun.

Josh took a sudden quick inhale of air and stopped breathing. He looked frozen in place. His stomach flipped like he was on the drop of a rollercoaster and his whole face turned a furious shade of pink. He fumbled the gun, but managed to keep it from falling.

The memory of a sound.


Josh put a hand to his heart and averted his gaze from the boy's face as if it were the sun.

Just be cool. It's not a big deal? It's not. Definitely not.

"Oh, Shu," he said as he finally exhaled again.

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:12 pm
by Carlisle
[S119 - Julia Guercio - continued from Blind Faith]

The crispness of the outside was refreshing after her night of damned eternity in the church. The subtle breeze in the air washed across her soothingly.

Soon after heading out the announcement boomed across the island, delivering the fate of more of her classmates. She listened out to hear the names, relieved that nobody she was close to featured. Chiara Masina was mentioned as having killed somebody as well, but it sounds like she wasn't the instigator and had shot Daenerys likely in self defence, after all the deceased had racked up a list of kills herself. Salem had killed again too, Julia frowned at the news that he had won another reward for his killing. What made it worse was that the victim was Billie. The people voting for the best kill of the day rewarded Salem for his hunting down of a disabled girl, further emphasising that nothing surprised her anymore in this twisted bloodsport. The regression of morality on the island was noticeable, however the other eye-opener from this morning's announcement was that the pressure cooker was starting to be a bit too much for some as there was a distinct increase in suicides. She didn't blame them for that, it wasn't weak to want an exit from this brutality. She would be lying if she pretended it wasn't something she had considered herself. Even last night when she was stuck lying awake, Przemek's distorted face haunting her, she questioned whether she was strong enough to go on any further.

At least she had Joshua.

The town felt familiar as the pair retraced her steps from all the way back on day one after waking up in the Sheriff's office, she looked back down the slope she ran down to escape from Beatrice and her hulking axe. The hunting lodge bar was no longer a danger zone so when Joshua signalled in that direction she was keen to pay it another visit. Those early days felt like a lifetime ago, with Ashlee, Victor, Norbert, Karen and Karin. That initial safety blanket was important for her sanity, even if it had soured by the end of their group outing. She longed to swing those doors open and see the old gang back together, before Karin killed Ashlee, before the fight with Victor and before Norbert and Karen ran away. Aside from Ashlee, none of the others had appeared on the list of the dead yet, so maybe a homecoming was possible.

Julia let Joshua take the lead as he entered the building with his gun out, ready to fire if they were met with hostility.

Fortunately Joshua recognised both of the people inside, Amy Chen was the first and Julia noted that she hadn't been on any of the announcements yet as a killer. They didn't really know each other but she recognised the face and name from class.

The other was Shu. Shu Hawthorne. Goosebumps covered her body as a chill ran down her spine, the calmness she had felt before was immediately quelled.

He wasn't somebody that she had ever interacted with but she recognised him from school. He had a very unique look, one you didn't forget easily. She didn't know much about him apart from what Joshua and Przemek had told him but from their stories she had no reason not to doubt that he was a bit of a psychopath.

Przemek had been starved of food and water, denied his supplies and pushed to the brink of death. She shuddered remembering the desperation in his words as he begged at her feet for food and water, crying tears of happiness that he had blindly stumbled upon somebody that could answer his prayers. Well. Those prayers may not have been answered in the end, but her act of mercy could not be put in the same category of cruelty as Shu's display of masochism.

Meanwhile, the less said about what Shu did with Joshua earlier in the week the better. His whispers still tortured her ear.

She stayed back, shielded behind Joshua as they edged further inside. Shu was armed with what looked like a shotgun and that only added to how uncomfortable she felt being in his peripheral. Her instant reaction was to tighten her grip on Tim's tear gas canister in her coat pocket.

Was it too late for the duo to bow out and go back to minding their own business?

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:53 pm
by Yonagoda
A cold exhale, and then a warm smile, then hands held out at the precipice of an embrace.


She took a few steps, slow, and then with a bit more urgency, throwing herself at the dogs instead of the wolves- not an apt metaphor, but it could do.

She had both arms under, head nestled in his breastbone, one cheek over cloth and the other looking vaguely at nothing, and then towards the girl behind him, eyebrows raising in acknowledgement. When was the last time she willingly initiated contact? Holding Mandy- no, Jezzie back?

"Do you know this guy?"

Amy turned back towards the shotgun boy and pointed at him, one hand still around Josh- not possessive, not clinging, just there. Touch, all touch, just skin, physical.

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:17 am
by Jilly
God, this girl was something. Shu just rolled his eyes as he listened to her go off on defending herself for her depraved thoughts everyone detected from a mile away, at least until she gave up and changed the subject. He still didn't look up.

How had he been?... How had he been? That certainly was the question, wasn't it?

He still hadn't found the answer. Luckily an intruder from the entrance door spared him from having to lie. Someone in a scarf Shu had instantly recognized from another encounter.

Shu did not get up, or even so much as move from his chair. All he did was glare at the girl's soul cowering behind Josh as if he were a shield.

And with Amy (now that he had a name to the face) blatantly ignoring Shu's instruction, his own eyes were dangerously close to exploding in red rage.

But he did not move, only thrusting daggers from his eyes as he said to Josh and the room, "What sin did you bring this time?"

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:10 am
by Ruggahissy
Josh felt Julia move behind him, which was a fairly understandable reaction in light of the information she had, and he was fine to serve as a barrier between her and the two new encounters. Or, well, he would have been, but Amy had run up and hugged him with a ferocity that surprised him.

Josh instinctively wrapped her arms around her in return as she buried her face into his chest and squeezed him. He was surprised she had such a warm welcome for him given that he had not been very warm in their first meeting (and had killed one of her companions), but maybe it was relative. He hadn't hurt her or done really anything and she'd even gotten some alcohol to drink at her leisure out of it. Maybe she had encountered a lot worse.

"Hey," he said softly, looking down at her and bundling her hair together so it lay neater. It was a very different thing to get used to someone actually being happy to see him. It made him a little happy back. Amy released him but still hung off him, pointing an accusatory finger at Shu.

Maybe she had encountered worse.

Josh followed the invisible line from her hand to Shu and saw him coldly furious. He asked what sin Josh brought this time.


Shu didn't seem even a little happy to see him. If anything, he was scornful. Didn't Shu like him? He had always been so easy to talk to and understanding.

Maybe... Maybe what Shu had done with him was meant to be a punishment instead of a reassurance. So... maybe Josh wasn't supposed to have liked it? Maybe it was that Shu had been trying to hurt him and the lesson was lost on him... because there was something wrong with him. Maybe he was a freak who had enjoyed the punishment that Shu had marked him with, that which was meant to reform. So maybe that's why he was so angry to see him again after the announcement of another murder.

The thought and reception deepened his embarrassment. His cheeks continued to burn and he would only look at Shu's, well, shoes.

"I -- " he started, trying to figure out whose question to answer and how. He took a deep breath that had a little hint of a shudder.

"I know him," he said. "I like to think I do, at least," he said, voice small like he wanted to disappear into the ground, unsure of how to answer Shu's question.

"I killed Cassie," he said in almost a whisper. "But you know that, probably. A few days ago."

"I'm not mad, um, about the shotgun. I'm --" he felt that horrible twisting fear again "-- I'm glad to see you."

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:40 am
by Carlisle
The tension between Amy and Shu seemed obvious from just stepping inside, Shu’s distaste for her palatable. Joshua & her stepping in to their stand-off only seemed to make things worse.

What followed was confusing on many levels - Amy ran to hug and cradle Joshua, which sent an unexpectedly strange feeling down to the pit of Julia’s stomach, Shu looked her up and down with a glare that trembled down her spine and Amy pulled Josh away from his shielding position and seemed to only provoke Shu further with a straightened finger pointed right at him. It all felt like the tension in the room was feverishly close to cracking.

Joshua hadn’t even mentioned Amy when he talked about his time on the island, and knowing (or, to be more accurate, not knowing) Joshua from school in a social situation she didn’t anticipate they had much of a relationship beforehand. Who was she to be so trusting of somebody who had killed repeatedly? What was Shu’s issue? That glare felt venomous - although knowing what she knew about his journey to this point she anticipated that mysterious incandescence was probably his normal setting.

Meanwhile Joshua’s persona had sunk to a figure of passivity, like a shy child having to answer to an interrogation from an adult. Julia moved forward along with him, hand remaining firmly wrapped around the canister in her coat pocket, until she was close behind where Amy was stood.

She didn’t feel the need to say anything - the other three seemed to be doing enough of that themselves. Her priorities were solely to keep herself safe if Shu decided to fire his shotgun, and make sure that Joshua got out alive too.

Once a wallflower, always a wallflower.

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:46 pm
by Yonagoda
She realized, suddenly, that she did something wrong. Maybe her bare-bones attempt at manipulation only provoked Shu further. Maybe Josh wasn't going to be nice to her the way that he was before. Maybe he didn't have a good reason for killing Mariya, and now he was going to kill her too instead of taking Shu's attention away from her. Maybe she walked from one danger to another.

But despite it all, she allowed herself to sink into Josh's new touch. She smiled, in a fake way that she hadn't tried before, as Josh patted her head.

Amy dropped her pointed finger and fiddled with her scarf, which was actually Josh's scarf, as opposed to Josh's scarf which was originally her scarf. It felt better to focus on that bit.

"Wha... What sin? What's your arrangement?"

She took a step back, strategically positioning herself behind the boy and next to the new girl, and sure, maybe it wasn't strategic at all, maybe she had no idea what she was doing, but she was doing something, and it was better than nothing, even when she was five years old again and just interrupted her parents talking about taxes or something she couldn't understand.

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:37 am
by Jilly
The crossing of Shu's arms across his chest was the only response Shu gave as he continued to sit and glare at all three people across the room.

"Fine. Whatever. Forget it," he said, clearly not being fine and whatever about it, but it was all he could muster to hold in the rage gnawing from the pit of his stomach.

His arms pressed harder into his chest as his leg bounced up and down. The slapping of his heel on the wood floor cut through the uneasiness, or added to it from perhaps some people's perspective. Only now did he break from his glare.

"Gonna cut straight to it. Looking for Przemek, he's blind and useless. Seen him?"

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:27 am
by Ruggahissy
No response to his delicate offering of affection.

"No arrangement," he said quietly to Amy's question. "I'm just a boy from school."

He swallowed after the declaration and the words went over the lump in his throat like glass. Josh winced slightly at Shu's sharp denial, but the expression only flashed for an instant. It felt light and unpleasant on his jaw and fingers, a strange and sad prickling.

Josh pushed the blond hair away from his face and handed Julia his gun just in case.

"Mmm, no. We haven't" he said, the lie buried under his feelings of disappointment. He took the few steps closer to Shu. The truth probably wouldn't lead to anything good, especially if Shu found out it was Julia who had done the deed, even though Josh had pushed her there.

"But we can keep an eye out. And let you know."

This would be the last time he could see Shu, because in the morning he'd find out about Julia and he would know Josh lied. Despite digging his nails into his palm to try and distract himself, Josh's eyes welled up. He reached out and briefly brushed his fingers against Shu's fingers.

I still love you. Even if you don't love me back. I'm used to being ignored anyway.

Josh lightly hooked the tip of his index finger against the middle of Shu's index finger, sliding his finger down, then lingering -- the only contact being the tips of their fingers -- and broke away. He walked backwards back to the girls, wanting to keep looking at Shu.

"So, um, let's go and we'll let you know. You can come if you want, Amy. It's up to you."

He pulled Julia to the door and finally looked away.

((Josh James continued in Carve What You Feel Into Me ))

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:11 pm
by Carlisle
Play it cool.

The eyes of the demon spat fury at her if only for a passing second. That fleeting glance felt like an eternity of damnation if only in her mind. Her subconscious insecurities at being the one who slammed that brick in to Przemek's face haunting her ever more.

Just the mention of his name was enough to send shockwaves down her spine, chilling tingles rampaging through each and every vessel of her body. Shu's dismissal of Przemek as "blind and useless" felt familiar, an echo of the feelings that Joshua had forced upon her in the early hours of the morning. It felt unfair then and it felt even more unfair now. Shu's lecherous indifference towards her would-be victim was discouraging, Przemek was a person. A person with feelings, thoughts, hopes, dreams. He wished to be back home as much as she did, and she was the animal that extinguished the light behind those hopes and dreams. Her fist tensed in reaction to the malice in his words. Reducing him to nothing more than a thing.


Przemyslaw Ziemiak.

That was his name. Emboldened by the safety barriers of Joshua and Amy she wanted to scream his name. Demand that Shu apologize for the torture he had inflicted on that poor boy. Her heart started to race in line with her rage, desperate to shout. Nothing that would change his fate but a yearning for respect to be put on his name. He didn't deserve to be treated like that. Nobody stuck here did.

But the reality was that she didn't shout, she didn't scream. Not even a whimper fell from her lips as the glue of the tension kept them firmly shut. She had been battling herself internally for days now, Joshua the only beacon of support that told her how strong she was. And yet every time she had an opportunity to show her strength, to release the inner muscle hidden behind her fragility, she was too weak. Too cowardly. Instead her body pulsated with fear, radiating trepidation at what Shu had asked. Julia could tell straight from Joshua's body language that he was having similar thoughts, the perilous danger if Shu was to find out the truth with them stood in front of him. She didn't want to get acquainted with his shotgun.

A gulp of panic followed by a shiver down her spine.

Her senses felt heightened, ears pricked to the sociopathic disregard of Przemek from Shu's mouth. He wasn't somebody you wanted to mess with and her priority was to not react.

Przemek? Przemek who?

A drop of cold sweat dribbled from her forehead as she stood there motionless. Perhaps irrationally, in the moment she just hoped Shu couldn't read minds otherwise her vulnerable secrets would be unveiled, a silent prayer that her anxiety wasn't visible. Shortly afterwards, Joshua signalled a retreat from Shu’s pressure cooker and it wasn’t an invitation Julia needed to hear twice. Julia threw a weak glance at Amy as Joshua grabbed her wrist, softly leading her towards the exit.

His touch was gentle.

Julia craved that reassurance that he so gently gave. The hand that fed calmness even if the craziest of moments.

In her opinion, Amy's best choice was to take Joshua up on the offer to ride along with them, the duo potentially turning to a trio. Everything she knew about Shu, both the sadistic things he did to Przemek and the whispers Joshua shared with her back in the dormitory room, screamed that it was not safe to leave Amy alone with him. If they left her, she wouldn’t last long, his gun primed ready to shoot. Joshua, who had maintained a steely complexion throughout their time together, was a different person in the face of Shu. The fear of god visible from his actions, tinged across his uncertain words, and that was more terrifying than anything else. He was a monster.

Maybe not in the same way Salem was, in many ways potentially worse.

She held the door ajar for Amy, leaving the choice with her, and followed Joshua out into the snowy abyss.

[S119 - Julia Guercio - continued in Wreaking Haddock]

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:57 am
by Yonagoda
She walked through the space with nary a word, but with a single wave. Back facing Josh, and keeping her eyes on Shu until she pushed the door back together again, Amy made herself dissapear.

Then, she started crying.

((Amy Chen, continued in FUBAR)

Re: By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:20 pm
by Jilly
Shu's fingers recoiled at Josh's touch, and his hands balled into tight fists as he glared at each and every one of them as they fled his grasp.

In several short seconds the residual quiet lingering in the hunting lodge was violently murdered by Shu flinging the table onto the floor and kicking his chair over.

More tables and chairs were massacred as he flung himself across the room like a whirlwind, destroying and tossing everything within his grasp.

((to be continued))