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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:43 pm
by Applesintime
"Yeah, I know she killed someone, bro, my ear isn't that badly fucked, you know?" Matthew commented with a slight amusement in his tone. He appreciated the assist, but he'd been making sure to keep an eye on the announcements. Know who to look out for. In the meantime, Shawn mentioned another noise that he was gonna go check out, although Matthew sorta doubted he could do much with a pickaxe if it proved to be like, Katelyn or someone. He hadn't heard anything, but his ear was a little fucky so that made sense. See, this is why having a buddy was a good idea! "Alright, just, uh, stay safe." he muttered to his friend, more focused on the girl up ahead who was spluttering and splattering about how Prz-


Ah fuck it, the Polish dude had been dying or about to die or whatever when she'd came across and murdered him. Yeah, no shit he was dying when you, uh... honestly, the announcements had been kinda vague on Julia's regards and so Matthew didn't really know what she killed him with. Probably not the big fuckoff gun that she was awkwardly holding and lowering to the ground, though. She'd won the prize for being the best murderer and so she probably got it that way. Hey, if he killed her and took it he could pawn the pistol off to Shawn, give him something else to work with other than a pickaxe like he was Minecraft Steve about to go digging up the road.

"DROP YOU-" And then of course things had to go wrong because nothing on this shithole of an island could ever be simple or isolated or result in a positive outcome. From that little hidey-hole that Shawn had pointed out emerged another girl with a gun that Matthew knew just off sight. Jezzie Stark, most known for being a busy bitch who was murdering her way through the island. And she was now threatening to kill him if he dared to shoot someone else. Go fucking figure. "Relax, relax, I'm not gonna fucking shoot her. Calm your fucking tits." He still kept the gun on Julia, though. Just in case she decided to try something now, while he was distracted.

"Look, don't you have other fucking people to go murder or something? This isn't your fucking business!" Matthew yelled back at the little bitch holding him hostage now, deciding to glare over at her. "The fuck do you care if she dies or not? One less person for you to murder, or what, she your girlfriend or something?" It was bad practice to taunt the girl with a gun, but if Jezzie wanted them dead they would be dead, given that she clearly didn't have any sorta reservations when it came to murdering innocent people. He would have snarked again, but another voice rang out, this time from the other side of the road.

Was that Molly?!

What, was this the fucking 'Women Who Like Murdering People' convention that he and Shawn had stumbled upon?

Either way, uh, looked like they were being joined by a sixth person, coming the same way that Matthew had. He didn't know who it was, but, uh... might as well try a bluff.

"Jezzie, that's fucking Katelyn. I don't know about you, but she has a fucking grenade launcher and I am not in the mood for being fucking blown up today!" Channel a little of the anger you feel at being held hostage by some fucking asswipe into 'oh shit' emotion and tada, you have what is hopefully a semi-plausible threat that will get the asswipe aiming a gun at you to aim it at the other person!

Now, if it's Katelyn, he's fucked anyway.


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:16 pm
by Fiori
Oh, what the actual hell...

Shawn continued scanning their surroundings, his eyes darting from tree to tree as he listened to Julia explain herself.

Truth be told, he believed her every word. Frankly it would've been merciful to put Shem out of his misery back at the mines, and that was a week ago. He could only imagine what state he must have been in by the time Julia finally put him down, probably did the poor bastard a favour.

That didn't make her death any less ideal an outcome, however. Especially if Shem spilled the beans as to who left him at the mercy of the elements.

Still, that train of thought found itself quickly derailed as he caught a glimpse of someone hiding in the foliage, wielding a large blade of some kind it seemed? Okay, not ideal, but could be worse. They could've been armed with a...

Gun. Oh, fuck.

"B-boyfri... Wh-what?!?" he yelps, a flustered look on his face as he turns away from the girl with the sword to assess the OTHER newcomer. And it wasn't just anyone, ooooh no... It was Jezzie fucking Stark. One of his top competitors, no less, and unlike Julia she didn't hesitate to put them in her crosshairs.

Damnit, god DAMNIT! He gulped nervously, unsure what to say before sword girl spoke up, revealing that she was... On their side? Wait, so they weren't all in cahoots? Did she just happen to be around, and decided to alert them to the sixth person who...

Sixth person? Wait wait, fuck, who was...

Shawn did a double take at what Matthew had to say next.

"Fff-f-fuckin' WHAT!?!" he yells, panic gripping him. Katelyn Graves?!? Wait, no, how the fuck would he know that? Shawn could just barely see her down the road, the snow obscuring her presence enough that he couldn't even tell if she was heading towards them or running away. Did he know something he didn't? Was she with Jezzie, or Julia, or... Was anyone here actually working together, or had they all just fucking waltzed in on each other at random?!?

Under normal circumstances, as much as can be expected on murder island, Shawn would relish watching such a chaotic and potentially deadly situation unfold. Hell, he'd actively encourage it if he could, eager to see several of his competitors wipe each other out. 

The only issue was that he was stuck smack bang in the fucking middle of it all.


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:27 am
by Carlisle
When things got stressful, Julia often thought about floating alone in the sea. A recurring mirage of waves crashing silently around her as she decompartmentalised everything that was happening. In some ways it was like bathing in a black hole that swallowed all her fears, all her worries, all her feelings. She hated not being in control and the overwhelming nature of what was taking place felt much better when she was alone, deep in her own thoughts and away from the corruption of others. The swirling uncertainties of the ocean offering a nihilistic sanctuary against real life.

She missed the feel of water on her skin, the resolve it provided.

It took a few seconds for her to snap out of her own daydreams, the mayhem around her being subdued by the grace of her illusions. Stood to attention in time to witness Molly (the same Molly who just killed her brother a few hours ago?) arrive on the scene, yelling to her assailants to protect them as if Julia was the bad guy in this situation. An unknown girl instead leaping from the other side of them to balance against Molly’s lack of support. It was like a series of comical errors, with what felt like half the island finding themselves at this crossroad.

This crossroad was accompanied with a fatalistic desire for trouble, an unprecedented danger posed by guns, swords, literal axes being waved in each direction. It was all playing out like second nature, a week ago they were connected mainly by geography and birth year but now instead they were all bonded deeper together by the forge of mistrust and destiny. She had tried to reason with them, to share her truth, but it felt whatever words she spoke were in vain. Perhaps it was inevitable after the morning announcement but she still felt disappointed that her name and reputation were now tarnished with the brush of disappointment and fear that made people view her as a monster. She didn’t want to be that person. She wasn’t that person.

The girl that was taking her side, a friend amidst a sea of foes, came further into her view and that was when it clicked who it was. A wave of unease crashed against her knocking her back a step or two. It was Jezzie fucking Stark. She had no idea why she would come to her rescue and take on the challenge provoked by Matthew, Shawn and now Molly, but she thought she was grateful. She was apprehensive to trust the intentions of the girl, who had racked up quite a body count over the past few days, each kill being described with infallible detail exposing the unrelenting brutality she showed her victims. But maybe this was the plan. Jezzie was armed and ready to shoot the boys, for some reason Matthew was unwavering in his targeting of Julia with his arm still stretched out and the gun at the end of it scowling menacingly towards her face.

In the time it would take Matthew to turn his weapon on to the actual threat, Jezzie would be able to empty her cartridge through all of them. There was no way Shawn and his axe, or even Molly and her sword, would be able to get remotely close to slashing at Jezzie before she riddled them all with bullets. Hell – she would probably be able to gun down the stranger in the distance and Julia in one breath. It felt fateful that it could end like that, perhaps an unmissable opportunity to wipe out half the remaining students from the face of the earth in one fell swoop.

The six of them were like stranded chess pieces, the battleground beneath their feet representing the checkered board surrounding them. Shawn was undoubtedly the king, Matthew immediately there to defend him like a trusted bishop whilst Molly, a loyal knight, prepared to unsheathe her sword to fight for her team. The sixth figure a pawn, equally important to play yet biding their time waiting for the right moment for maximum impact. You did not have to be a masterful chess player to know that the queen was an essential weapon for any offensive strategy, however in equal measure it can easily be played defensively as a distraction to fool your opponent in to thinking they have the upper hand whilst another piece rallied behind enemy lines to leave a lasting impact. Jezzie Stark was that rook, tactically positioned to wrestle her way into the mix and get up close and personal with the king and his most precious companions. Her gambit was clean yet calculated as she emerged from the sidelines. All that was left was Julia, somehow the queen in this encounter with the biggest weapon of all attracting the unwanted attention.

What came next wasn’t about any of the people in front of her. Matthew hadn’t always been the nicest person to her, but she didn’t care. She didn’t hold a grudge and had no interest in getting even now that she held more of the power. It was about her. It was about getting back to her king in time for them to both keep looking out for each other. That is what was most important. Julia was desperate, each second in these trenches further escalating the heated tension between them all and at some point it was going to blow like an atomic bomb. She had tried to explain herself, tried to show she was not a threat and it didn’t seem to matter. They didn’t care for her and their actions made that abundantly clear.

It was a calculated risk.

He wanted her to drop her weapon, and for a hot minute she was ready to do as he asked. But her gut told her following his orders was not going to end well for anybody except Matthew. His refusal to listen to her evidenced that.

Julia raised the gun she had every intention to lower and pointed it jarringly back towards Matthew, making the most of the distraction that Jezzie offered.



Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:03 am
by AnimeNerd
Seriously Molly?! FUCKING SERIOUSLY!?!? The one fucking time she thought about letting someone else have the weapons she'd get, and you throw it in the shitter to help these assholes?!? AND IT'S ONLY AFTER KILLING YOUR BROTHER THAT YOU START TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING HER-

Screw it, SCREW IT! She could do it, she could do this, her name was Jezzie fucking Stark, and she was not about to let these fuckers steal her one hero scene, she earned this and so she was going to keep it!

Like the damn good actress she was, Jezzie only showed this frustration for a moment, her upper lip being pulled up in a slight sneer before going back to neutrality.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what you said to Jack and Ren before they ran into your shots, right?"

She honestly didn't give a shit about the boy or the enby, but if bringing it up would get under Matt's skin, she wasn't going to hold back.

"It is my business because I say it's my business. I don't need a reason any more than that, do I?"

God, this all sounded cheesy as Hell. But it was the closest anyone was getting to the truth, even for her. She really could've just walked away or hidden for a bit, and she could've used the tracker to avoid them completely if it got especially desperate. So, why?

Eh, she'd figure it out in therapy, if she ever got there.

"Also, big fucking talk when the only reason the guy on your back wasn't on an announcement was because someone got a God damn suicide pill! Yeah, that's right Shawn, I found Andrew, he's still in the hole you left him in, you dick!"

Totally unnecessary to add, but hey, sowing some distrust between the assholes never hurt anybody who didn't deserve it, right?

And Kitty...fucking Kitty. Yeah, that's one way to get her eyes a bit wider. She just had a whole scene that ended with the punctuation of not fucking with that girl or what she cares about! Didn't help that the tracker, useful as it was, didn't exactly give names for each blip.

She couldn't say whether or not it was an act - she never cared about other people's performances so long as her own was perfect - but the possibility was also there. Not to mention, so long as Kitty hadn't found Ash, she was in the clear for that girl's wrath. Given Matt's tone, meanwhile...

"Well, I'll be sure to give the charred remains of what's left of you two the burial you deserve."

Surely someone's dug a hole to take a crap in by now.

A glance towards the girl she finally remembered the name of gave Jezzie a smirk.

"Think you'd be up for that, Julia?"


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:48 am
by ViolentMedic
There was no way that Matthew could see the figure from here. Mônica couldn’t even make her out anymore – hell, she wasn’t even fully sure on the gender.

Was he lying? Or did he know? How’d he know it was a grenade launcher? Who gave Kitty a—no, she knew that, it was the same person who gave Julia some sort of assault rifle or whatever—

“A grenade launcher?! That’s just… that’s not--”

Maybe there was some kind of action that Mônica could take that would fix everything, or at least guarantee her survival.

But she couldn’t think of one.

So she did the one thing she could do.

She started crying. She didn’t think she had any tears left, but apparently she did.

“We’re gonna die! She’s gonna blow us up!” she wailed.


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:15 pm
by Applesintime
OK, the situation was now really fucked. The only people who had fallen for the Katelyn bluff were the two people he didn't want to fall for the Katelyn bluff — really fucking smart thinking there, cowboy — and while Matthew was distracted yelling at Jezzie about her being a murderer, Julia had taken the opportunity to raise the gun in his direction. One pistol, a pickaxe versus two guns.

Wasn't looking so hot, was it.

"Hng, god fucking damn it!" He couldn't help but yell. Just a little. This situation was absolute fucking bullshit! Jezzie had no goddamn reason to give a shit about Julia, but she decided to butt in and fuck them all over! He could only shoot one of them before the other raised their gun and the only person who could change anything in this little shitshow without getting shot was busy sobbing like a fucking baby! But, Matthew reminded himself as that temporary rage buried itself back in his chest, making it feel tight, there was a way out of this that didn't mean him or Shawn had to die.

"Shawn," Matthew quietly murmured, taking another look down the road towards the maybe-Katelyn maybe-not with his face facing Molly so he couldn't get lip read, "there is no Katelyn. When I say so, you hurl that fucking thing at Jezzie like it's a hot potato." He didn't want Shawn to get shot. But, the rifle up ahead could easily kill everyone here and still have change in the mag to shoot someone else. That was if Julia actually knew how to fire that thing. Or if the safety wasn't on. He doubted that they'd give someone a gun that wasn't ready to go, but maybe she didn't know that.

"Listen, Julia! If you're no fucking killer, you're not going to fucking need to shoot anyone. So drop the goddamn gun. Kick the fucking thing over. And we can all go on our little merry fucking way!" Even as he spoke, the cracking facade of Matthew's bravado slowly fell to the ground with the nervous glances he kept sending Jezzie, the waver of his voice, the beads of sweat running down his forehead.

But the gun pointing at her remained steady, gripped by two unshaking hands.


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 10:44 pm
by Fiori
"I... Wh-what?" replied Shawn, a look of genuine confusion on his face.

Andrew? What the hell was she talking about? Shawn had no idea what happened to Andrew, what the fuck made her think he'd left him in a...

Shawn did his best to hide his reaction the moment it clicked, blinking as he found himself momentarily lost for words. So Andrew had stumbled onto one of his little surprises, huh? Well, then, at least... At least that meant it worked, right? Worthless junky should've been more careful.

That did however beg the question as to how the fuck Jezzie was able to link that to him. He didn't exactly leave a calling card, how on earth was she able to figure out he was the one behind the punji pits? There was no way she could've...

Unless... How long had she been watching them? Did she see what he was up to not long before his little reunion? He couldn't think of any other way she could've figured out it was him, so that had to be it.

In that case... Jezzie needed to die. It was absolutely imperative that she didn't make it out of this situation alive, not after making it this far without a spot on his track record. Hell, you know what, if given half a chance he'll even do her in himself. She'd killed enough folk that it wouldn't look suspect at all, if anything people will be grateful he rid the island of her miserable existence.

But, baby steps...

"I have genuinely no idea what the fuck you're talking about" he replied, with as straight a face as he could manage in such a situation.

Fortunately, Matthew didn't seem to pick up on her accusation, instead taking the moment to quietly inform him that... Wait, the shit about Katelyn was a bluff? No, of course it was a fucking bluff Shawn, you fucking idiot. How the hell would he have possibly known it was Katelyn down the road?

He raised a brow at the mention of lobbing the pickaxe at Jezzie, as if he had the upper body strength to pull that off. Still, did give him an idea, as whilst he doubted he could throw that pickaxe far he did have an ace up his sleeve: His trusty coors bottle. Of course, Jezzie needed to be distracted first, as there was no way he was beating her to the punch with that gun already aimed in his direction.

Well, this was a stupid fucking idea, but he didn't exactly have many options.

"Look, Jezz, if that really is Katelyn out there then we all have a big fucking problem on our hands" he began, loosening his grip on that pickaxe to raise his hands, his left holding it by the neck whilst his right was free to reach down for the bottle tucked away in his jacket pocket.

"What makes you think she won't fry you as well, huh? You REALLY wanna take that risk? If we keep bickering like this, then we're all fucking dead! ALL OF US, no exceptions!"

A part of him doubted this would work, as it was only a step above going "LOOK BEHIND YOU!". But perhaps if he just piled it on thick enough, then maybe... Just maybe, she'd turn her head long enough for him to have the opening he needed. At the very least, it'd buy him a little more time.

"You wanna make it out of here alive, Stark? Then THINK for a fucking second about who the real threat here is: Us, or the pyscho bitch whose about to blow your ass to smithereens."


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:05 am
by Carlisle
The fear drained from her body as her gun stood in solidarity with her. It was an absolute beast of a weapon, almost too big for her hands, but the fear she once felt was replaced with a self-assurance that ran from the buttstock of the rifle in through her veins. In all honesty, she didn’t raise the gun with any intention to actually pull the trigger but that didn’t matter so much in these circumstances. It was about the threat, not the action that may or may not follow on from it.

She didn’t care for any of this. Matthew, Shawn, Jezzie, Molly, the other person. She didn’t care about any of them delaying her plans. All Julia wanted was to get back to the agreed meeting place and stay out of trouble. If her lifting the gun with a feigned conviction was the ticket out of this mess then she had no regrets.


It would’ve been a great plan, if it hadn’t just resulted in a greater escalation and more heated exchange.

Julia didn’t believe Matthew’s attempt at a distraction. It was a surprisingly smart idea from him, but there was no way if Katelyn was here that she wouldn’t already be shooting or killing them all. The announcements were clear that she was playing to win and wouldn’t stop leaving behind corpses in her wake until she was done and off the island. She didn’t believe for a second that Katelyn was going to be chilled out in a moment like this. She could get a double… triple… quadruple… quintuple kill… maybe one more too, what even is the word to describe that? Katelyn was a force to be reckoned with and Julia wanted no part of that, she wouldn’t stand a chance against her so didn’t even want to tempt fate.

Meanwhile, Jezzie was shouting viscerally left, right and centre, reminding the group that Matthew had killed two people himself so was definitely not the innocent victim here, meanwhile accusing Shawn of leaving Andrew Lapson in a pit to die. If true, then that was really messed up. Finally something about wanting to put out the charred remains of their bodies. Jezzie sniggered a smirk of desire, keen to enlist Julia to help out with her crimes. She was barking up the wrong tree in this instance. She appreciated the support she was giving her by jumping out on the two boys like that, but she didn’t actually owe her anything. Homicide was bad enough as it was, but talking about charred remains was splashed in disturbing imagery that she wanted no part of. Przemek’s face still haunted her with every shut of her eyes, she didn’t need to add any more nightmare fuel.

“H-Hold on…”

Julia reiterated her position of dominance with a raise of her chin, keeping her eyes fiercely striding back at Matthew.

“Nobody needs to get hurt.”

Was he listening to himself? Matthew must’ve thought she was stupid. On what planet could he actually convince her to just drop her only tool of defence and throw it over to him? Was he absolutely crazy? The gun was her armour for this joust so he had a long wait ahead if he thought she was going to entertain his little games. Not wanting to be antagonistic wasn’t quite the same as wanting to be weak and naked.

“I-I don’t want to hurt you,” Julia’s eyes tightened as she locked on to Matthew, her voice quivering slightly but hopefully not enough to reveal her hesitancy to the others. “But I’m not giving this to you.”

It felt like retribution that this was happening to them both now. The power dynamic between the two had flipped completely since him and his friends used to make snide little comments towards her in their freshman year. You could tell from his attitude that he was still trying to throw his weight around, make the most of his physique by throwing it into his natural, egotistic swagger. But it felt empty, she was the wildcard here with the ability to overthrow his castle if she was pushed. If he pushed her to do it.

“Why don’t you drop yours f-first? Then we can all walk away.”

Maybe it should’ve really bothered Julia that her plan for her own safety had nothing but disregard for the others involved. Even 48 hours ago she would’ve longed for a way where they could all part and go their separate ways safely and just. The reality was that she had no way of guaranteeing that Jezzie wouldn’t lunge at the three of them if Matthew did lower his weapon so she understood his predicament.

However, she felt no remorse. Instead it only felt empty inside, her mind imprisoned by the abyss of the discord. Her intrusive thoughts straying further towards just hoping she wasn’t there to witness their grisly demise if she did leave Jezzie to have her wicked way with them. It was a fine line of morality that she was balancing on, treading along a dangerous track that she could feel was getting closer and closer to being fully consumed by the darkness that spread across this island.

Perhaps that was the strength that Joshua had imbued her with.

Granted, shooting was the last resort, but knowing she could easily spray her way out of this calamity was a very reassuring feeling. If he tried anything, maybe it would be over for him and his two friends. If her gun didn’t get them then Jezzie wasn’t going to think twice about it. Katelyn or no Katelyn.

Matthew just needed to lower his gun so she could leave them to it.

The trigger felt soft as she ordered her fingers closer, stroking the metallic handle with her cracked nails.



Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:42 am
by AnimeNerd

Okay, so either Molly REALLY fucked up her whole life, or Jezzie needed to give the girl credit for her acting. Sounded like actual sobs coming from the bush. Granted, no one wants to get blown up, but turning to tears so quickly, when no one can confirm it was even the person Matt said it was? Great job acting pathetic, or...yeah.

Anyway, the people that are still actually important for the situation at hand.

It was kinda funny to watch Matt lose his shit a little bit. She'd laugh if she didn't think that would get her painted as the villain completely. She'd prefer an anti-villain image for this scene, at the very least. It was for that reason she didn't give him a snarky comment in Julia's defense over his requests. She can tell him to fuck off how she wants, and the other girl might not like getting that moment taken, so she chose to zip it.

Meanwhile, Shawn tried to psyche her out and gaslight her, She definitely saw Andrew in a hole, Shawn digging similar holes, and was almost certain that 'Katelyn', if she was even still there, wouldn't do much. She may've forgotten Ash's existence, but she knew all the other basics of Katelyn. Was the girl going on a psycho rampage right now? Obviously, but if there was one thing about the girl people should've known, she bounced back, maybe not the same but still there. She lost her parents in a car crash, went through a nightmare break up, and nearly off-ed herself twice, and she still wasn't broken beyond repair. She couldn't say that was still the case for the wannabe cat girl after over a week on murder island, but if she had to take a gamble...well, may as well roll the dice and hope she only had grudges to settle.

"Yeah, sure asshole. Just remember to tell Matt to watch his step after you get out of here - unless you WANT to kill the one guy willing to save your ass.

"And I'm gonna take a chance and say, even if it was Katelyn - even if she actually was heading over here - I think she'd maybe be more pissed at your buddy than me, Shawn. In fact, wasn't Ren a friend of hers?"

Absolutely bullshitting at this point - she only remembered seeing the enby talk with Katelyn while walking down a hall once - but it wasn't like Shawn could tell when Jezzie gave a grin like that.

And finally, Julia. Poor, sweet, dumb Julia. This wasn't a situation that everyone leaves from with their lives. Someone's getting cut from the production, and all any of them can do is make sure it's not them.

But hey. She really wanted someone to talk to after this. Someone that wouldn't be shitty when talking with her. And Julia was definitely going to owe her after this, so...

"Well. You heard her."

The smile slid off Jezzie's face as her eyes narrowed, finger resting right in front of the trigger, just waiting for the moment.

"Drop it."


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:51 pm
by ViolentMedic
“We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna DIE--”

Mônica’s initial wailing had tailed off into distressed mumbling as she sunk into a little ball on the ground.

Amongst the panic and the tears, there was this ball of shame. Hadn’t she done what she’d done because she thought she was the strong twin? And now she was falling apart so easily, while all these psychos held themselves together without issue in the face of fucking assault rifles and grenade launchers.

Had she only been strong because Lúcio was weaker? Were they both nothing in the face of this game?

But… on the other hand, everyone had pointed their weapons at everybody else. After all, she was pathetic. Why would they even bother with her, despite the fratricide? Maybe crying had been the best thing she could have done.

(Not that her tears were fake, and honestly she’d love them to stop leaking out of her face right now--)

Still sunk into a little ball, still wailing… but as part of Mônica’s mind started to recover, still feeling around for a way out, there was the slight cracking of twigs as she started to shift, inch by inch, away from the clusterfuck that seemed prime to explode. Though any strong movement was stymied from the fact that she still had to hold the sword and her backpack, and neither of them were conductive to sliding stealthily along a forest floor.


Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 5:32 pm
by Applesintime
Alright, uhm. Uh. Ah.


This was, uh, not looking great. At this point Matthew would have actually welcomed Katelyn arriving, given that she would inevitably fuck up the situation more in such a way that him and Shawn might actually have a hope in Hell of getting out of here. As it stood, though, Katelyn wasn't here, the mysterious sixth figure was nowhere to be seen, and he now had two armed people screaming at him to drop his gun and then, what, put a couple dozen bullets in him? Matthew didn't fucking trust any of this. Man oh fucking man, if only he'd had the chance to snatch Ren's gun before he fled.

"We all drop our guns. Same time. Then we all walk away happy." It wasn't going to work. Matthew knew that, but he needed to buy time for something to happen, think up a game plan. Did Julia even know how to use that thing? Big heavy assault rifle, she was more liable to drop it or put all her bullets in the road. Jezzie, on the other hand, would easily put a bullet in him, Shawn and probably Molly. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

A burst of automatic gunfire sounded from deeper in the woods, and Matthew instinctively turned to look in its direction.

Wouldn't everyone else take a second to look, break their concentration?

"NOW!" Matthew screamed, having little other opportunity to unfuck this whole thing. Trusting that Shawn would take care of Jezzie somehow, Matthew sprinted towards the other side of the woods, towards Molly, blindly firing his gun at Julia's direction in an attempt to force her to duck into cover or if he was really lucky, kill her. Wouldn't be able to grab the gun with Jezzie, but uh, maybe he could swing by later with Shawn.



Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:42 am
by Fiori
Shawn's face slowly shifted into a venomous snarl, glaring deep into Jezzie's soul.

She didn't bite. Not so much as a nibble, refusing to glance away for even a second just to be sure. He couldn't tell if she was really dense for assuming Katelyn wouldn't waste her as well, or too smart for her own good. Either way it made him want her dead all the more.

All he needed was an opening - however brief - to try and turn the tables. He wasn't much of a fighter, Shawn knew that better than anyone, but you know what they say about cornered rats.

Fortunately for Shawn, fate decided to toss him and Matthew a bone. His heart skipped a beat when gunfire sounded off in the distance, almost glancing away himself just like everyone else. It was a sound he'd long grown accustomed to at this point, distant cracks of thunder that served as a constant reminder of their situation, in case any of them grew complacent and forgot where they were. This one was close though, near enough to throw everyone off guard.

It was exactly what the doctor ordered. Shawn's hand was moving before Matthew even uttered a syllable, whipping out his beer bottle and hurling it as hard as he could at Jezzie's head.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:50 pm
by Carlisle
Sure her tone probably could’ve been nicer when calling down to Matthew and Shawn, but if she had spoken any softer they wouldn’t have heard.

Julia’s first question was for Jezzie. Why the hell was she being so aligned with her? They weren’t friends on the outside, and she deeply terrified Julia on the island. Joshua had killed people, but he was a special case, his actions were justifiable. Jezzie has been on a killing spree all week. She wasn’t to be trusted.

Molly was crying. It must’ve been loud as it was audible even for her, carried through the snow. It felt somewhat relatable and yet the judgemental part of her brain thought it was a little over the top. Don’t get it twisted, deep down she wanted to do the exact same thing. Ever since she woke up in the office bathroom all she had wanted to do was curl up in a little ball and cry. But if she did that now she would be killed, Molly was lucky that clearly the boys didn’t see her as a threat. She didn’t understand why she wasn’t on their hit list either, considering Molly was as much of a killer as she was. Regardless, Julia was proud of the contrasting strength she was showing in the face of adversity, in the stand-off with her would-be killers.

But the response it prompted wasn’t what she expected, his true intentions laid bare. A scramble and a dash, firing his gun in her direction without any hesitation. Only three maybe four shots whistled through the sky towards her but fortunately missed. She thanked god that clearly in his flurry of madness and his dash towards the protection of the bushes his accuracy had died a death.

It was too close for comfort.

Julia screamed in defiance, a piercing nature that could cut through a thousand winds. A scream that told a story of fear mixed with frustration shaken up with anguish.

She spent the whole time trying to explain she wasn’t a threat. She didn’t want to hurt anybody, didn’t want to ever use the trigger of this assault rifle she held and yet now she was forced to.

This was on them.

Her scream transitioned from shock and delirium to psychotic intent as she held down the trigger of the Howa Type 20 in her hands, spraying bullets across the path, through the topiary on each side and indiscriminate to who was on her side. It was clear from her handling she was no expert in firearms, yet any weakness she had was reinforced by the strength of this beastly machine.

The force of the bullets releasing from the grip of the rifle rattled her body. Her accuracy likely as rubbish as Matthew’s.

This was preventable, but they forced her hand.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:08 pm
by AnimeNerd
Wow, Molly's looking really sad right now...


Shawn looked pissy, boo hoo. You want people to take you at your word? Don't throw their shit off a cliff or dig holes to kill people in, maybe then they'll have a chance at believing you're not an asshole.

She wasn't sure she should laugh or take a shot at Matt for that suggestion. Did he really think they were that stupid, or was he just that desperate to control the situation again? Whatever, it didn't matter in the end. At some point he'd realize how fucked him and Shawn were, put down the gun, and her and Julia could figure out the rest. Maybe take out Molly too, but with how she's acting, it's not like she's gonna be a thre-What the fuck?

One thing was all it took for the train of thought to get derailed, and suddenly Jezzie's head jolted in the direction of gunfire that wasn't supposed to be here.

And, unsurprisingly, that was all it took.

Words and gunfire - Matt, trying some dumbfuck plan that actually had a chance of working because she just had to look away for five seconds. Screw it, her shot probably wouldn't connect with him running, but she may as well tr


Whiplash gets to be combined with a new headache as a bottle makes contact with the left side of Jezzie's forehead. A bullet went into the sky - God know's where it'll land. She doesn't know if the crack she hears is the glass or her skull taking damage, but nothing jagged cuts into her skin and she doesn't feel any bleeding from the spot that's probably going to bruise, so it's getting disregarded for the moment.

A death glare that could've stopped a heart was sent Shawn's way, and a gun was ready to be fired at him.

"It didn't even break, you di-"

Once more, gunfire interrupted the situation. This time, she knew where it came from.

This did not stop assuage the panic she felt.

Jezzie dove to the side and into the snow as Julia went off. And off. And off.

She'd make a snarky internal comment about repression if not for the bullet embedding itself above her in the tree, splintering bark in several different directions.

Okay, fuck this shit. Molly's pathetic, Shawn's a piece of shit, Matt's a sanctimonious hypocrite, and turns out, Julia's crazy. Getting involved was clearly a mistake, time to make her exit, stage who gives a shit.

Jezzie scrambled, arms and legs flailing as she got a few feet away, then got to her feet, and ran for her life.

Not before taking another three shots in the direction of everyone else, though - one, then two. Almost definitely wouldn't hit anything, but it was all she could think to do to dissuade anyone from following her.

[[Exit Jezzie Stark, running off camera as she takes her third shot towards the chaos.]]


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:33 am
by ViolentMedic
When the distant gunfire went off, Mônica froze in place. Dead quiet, unable to look up and see who had fired it or who was shooting at who. There was a moment where she had time to realise that it wasn’t here--

And of course, that’s when the gunfire started here, accompanied by Matthew swearing and--

Mônica raised her head, tears streaking her face and making her look overall pathetic. Though it was replaced briefly with flat confusion as Shawn hurled a beer bottle as his weapon of choice.


Oh, and of course Matthew was running right at her, and she didn’t know if it was because he saw her as an ally or because she was a better option for shooting--

Gunfire exploded across the entire road.

Mônica heard something splinter, and wood and dust flared up around her. She ducked her head down again, instinctively clasping her hands over her head before letting go again in order to grab her bag and sword.

If nothing else, Julia going fucking insane with the assault rifle had completely broken the freakout, as a very clear idea on what to do reformed in her head.

Namely, getting the hell out of there. Screw stealth.

Mônica jumped to her feet and bolted, in the same direction as Matthew was heading but ahead of him. Another three gunshots from another source – though they blended in with Julia going wild on the road – went off.

Who knew which of the many bullets it was… but Mônica felt a slight tug on her bag. Then she heard a series of clatters and clunks… accompanied by an abrupt lightness.

She had no time to look back, or think about grabbing the supplies that had just clattered – though the sound of water pouring indicated that a bullet had found a home in one of her water bottles. Not getting shot was the bigger concern.

Hopefully, if Matthew and his friend were with her on this, they didn’t trip on the cascade of supplies. But if they weren’t… well, then fuck ‘em.

((Mônica Oliveira continued elsewhere.))