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Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by Kaishi*
"I didn't want to attack you...I just wanted to hit Gabrielle. He had a gun...he might've shot me, and then you, and then Tayli and Anya." Syd unbuckled the belt that held all the flashbangs on it, gently placing it on a desk behind him. "Friends, remember? Always friends, right...?"
"Jess? Jess?" It was all over. In a corner of the room lay Ralphie's body, his throat having been cut open, most likely by Harvey, whose dead body lay closeby, riddled with bullets. Eugene's body was propped up against a wall, his mouth set in a saddistic grin. Judging by the way he was, he was probably tasting victory, ready to shoot down Sydney next, until Ralphie shot him up. And Jess...? Held in Sydney's arms, coughing and gasping. She had been shot up bad. And it was all Sydney's fault.
"Syd...? killed me."
"No, it wasn't my fault!"
"You dropped the flashbang..." Jess stopped herself mid-sentence, coughing out blood onto Syd's shirt. "It was you."
"No, no! It was an accident...friends forever, right? Friends forever!" He began to shake her, trying to revive her. Her eyes were slowly closing, despite his efforts, she was slipping away.
"That's what I thought, too...friends forever, right?"

"Yeah, that's right." Syd forced on a grin, stepping closer to Xian. "Friends forever. Definately!" He held out a hand to Xian, blinking back tears.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by Minase*
(i couldnt stay away, lol)

Minase shook his head, they were all falling apart already. 'Sydney' seemed totally insane, Xian wasnt too far behind and Anya was just grinding his nerves with all her diplomacy crap. He wasnt going to allow the insanity to carry on. This place was a good base and Minase wasnt prepared to have it ruined by a bunch of headcase teenagers. His fear had subsided now, replaced with shock and in his present state Minase was prepared to take charge. His gun was nearby, begging him to take it back, take his power back.

A blank look fell on his face, revealing the emptiness he felt as he retook his weapon. All emotions had left him as quickly as they had boiled within him, now he was merely desperate, desperate to regain order.

*cclick* He checked the magazine, more to gain attention than for any real cursiosity with regards to his weapons ammunition supply.

'Sydney, Xian, both of you calm down now or one of you's gonna go over the edge, Anya forget being rescued we've gotta rely on ourselves right now so everyone shut up and get in one room!'

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Anya blinked back at him boredly and pulled out another bottle of alcohol. She held it out offering it to Tayli and figuring she'd turn it down anyway drank it without waiting for a response.

"This is all ridiculous," Anya thought to herself. She was sitting, weaponless essentially even though her gun was only lying a foot away from her, in a room full of armed crazed people who she had never actually spoken to before in her life.

"Gabrielle, we are all perfectly capable of listening to you without the use of your gun. Would you at least put the safety on?" she said looking down the hallway instead of at Gabrielle, "Forgive me, but I don't think anyone here is too keen of having a gun pointed at them this early in the morning."

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by Minase*
Minase was serioously angered by Anya, her arrogance was more than he could bare. Her attitude made it seem as though she couldnt be scared, as though she was some superior being. Minase was sure he could disprove this.

'You want the safety bitch, whereabouts is that button, HERE?!!'
Minase aimed the barrel of the gun just over Anya's head and in a whirlwind of crazed frustration he let loose with a flurry of bullet fire to the roof.
'Shut up the lot of you or i'll fill you full of frigging lead alright?!!'

The rage that had overcome Minase was a product of an anger problem that had led to countless issues in the past, excaserbated by the insane situation in which they were placed. He was positively skitzophrenic now, switching between no emotions, to rage and back, reasoning with him would be impossible.

Several lumps of plaster fell from the ceiling and Minase slowly lowered his weapon.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Anya screamed as the gun went off and nearly wet herself but regained her composure a moment later. She brushed the plaster out of her hair in a "dignity at all times" sort of way and opened up yet another bottle of gin downing it in an instant and staring into the hallway waiting for Syd and Xian to return and perhaps rid her of having to deal with the insane little boy.

She stared into space innocently pondering how many ways she could kill Gabrielle. If he kept firing at random things he'd soon run out of ammo. "Then we'll se who's full of lead," she thought to herself taking another sip of her gin.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by yumi22*
Xians arms were unwavering, the corkscrew pointed squarly at Syd's forehead. Her eyes were matted with tears, her teeth clenched, and her expression was a wild mix of confussion, anger and fear.

Lying...lying to me. All boys lie...take what they want..then lie, lie lie!!!! He...he lied to Kathy. Told her he loved her...never leave her. Kathy got pregnant.....had to leave school..and where was he??? I SAID....WHERE WAS HE!!!!!! HE LIED!!!! L....I.....E...D!!!!

Xian was now standing up fully, her arms pressed out, the corkscrew pointed straight ahead.

Go away...go away liar!!! Leave us alone.....go away now!!! Dont make me kill you....dont make me....I'll do it...I swear!!

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by MooCow*
"Listen," Tayli said, tired and frustrated with Anya and Gabrielle's apparent inability to work together for the sake of their own lives, "I'm going to check on them."

The pair looked suprised... had this crazy girl not seen or heard Minase's warning shots? Tayli had been in some other land, merely jumping when she heard the gun fire. She was thinking about something very hard. She had surrounded herself with such an incompatible group, how would they ever survive. Xian so fragile. Minase so arrogant and macho. Anya, the one looking for the solution to all of their Battle Royale problems at the bottom of the bottle. And of course Syd, who had in fact survived to the end of the last game... he'd obviously had to take out at least one in the end... it had driven him to partial insanity... something she feared was coming up on her fast. She wasn't going to lose her cool so quickly. As she walked into the hall she heard Xian yelling at Syd... she figured it would be thereputic for Xian to bitch a little for once. Scraping plan A and moving onto plan B she searched for a place to be alone and rest. She needed to recharge. Stepping into the janitors closet, she closed the door behind her, the smell of toilet cleaner and orange clean invaded her nostrils. Snuggling down near a dirty mop she fell asleep almost immediately. If she had known what she would discover in the closet upon her awakening, she would have skipped sleep altogether.

Peace at last...

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by Kaishi*
Syd stepped a half-step forward, feeling the cool point of the corkscrew on his forehead now. He gulped a little, biting down on his bottom lip trying to think of what to say. Nothing to say about Kathy and her disappearing, good-for-nothing boyfriend. Nothing really to say, anyway. Syd smiled weakly. "Xian, please. Not all boys are liars...not all of them."
He held out his arms now, trying to show that there wasn't anything in his hands. No weapons, no strings attatched at all. "...Well, even I lie sometimes, but not now. I'm not lying. We're friends, right? Friends protect eachother, not kill eachother. Friends, friends, friends!" He repeated the word thrice, trying to put a lasting effect on Xian, to snap her out of it. "Xian, please..." The weak smile was still on his face. He was tremblin ever-so-slightly now, the smile slowly fading from his face.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by MooCow*
Tayli jolted awake. She had been having a horrible nightmare about an old man touching her in places she didn't want to be touched... private places. Sweat lined her brow. She sighed gripping the metal shelving system and hoisting herself up. It wouldn't support her weight even though she was as svelt as a new york model. Cursing she was stunned to find a laptop. Knowing this could be the golden oppertunity, she checked for a modem chip. Finding none she swore again... only to look over in excitement to see one lying on the floor... an internet connection could mean outside contact and outside contact could mean they might be able to organize an escape! She squeaked with utter delight. She had to tell the others. She could hear Xian and Syd still arguing. She must have only been asleep for a few minutes. She put her Glock in her belt loop and pushed open the closet door. She raced across the hall.

"Guys, guys I think I just found something that can save us," she burst into the room Xian and Syd occupied to see Xian in pretty bad shape and Syd not much better.

"I think I may have found a way out! It's okay now guys because I think, I think..." she stuttered as she slipped on the cold slick floor. Reaching out for anything she missed miserably hitting the floor with a loud crack followed by the sound that could only come from a fired gun. She looked over in horror to see what a terrible thing she had done...

Oh what a terrible thing she had done...

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by Kaishi*
He didn't dare move his head to look over at Tayli. He didn't want to get another cut, even if it was probably going to just be a minor flesh wound. He still didn't want another. He was dirty, and bloody enough, anyway. His weak smile slowly became a true blue smile. Something that can save us...we're out of here. Thanks to my new friends, we're -- His thought was interrupted by a loud cracking sound, and an unearthly pain filled him. It was like something had exploded within him, and filled him up with some red liquid that tasted like some sort of copper. He stepped backwards, his vision clouding up now, the blood dripping down his lips. The shot had hit him in the lungs, narrowly avoiding the heart. Shame, he wouldn't've minded an instant death.

He collapsed down to the floor, clutching his chest, still gasping for air. "I can't...breathe." Syd wheezed. What had happened? He turned his head, seeing Tayli and her gun. "" To think, Xian had called her a friend... He hacked out a large glob of blood, splattering it all over the front of his shirt. "Xi...Xian..." Syd reached out a hand, as if trying to call her over to give her something. He was drowning in his own blood, to put it simply, every gasp of air now only another hack up of blood. He didn't have long now...

((OOC: Alright. Gonna give everyone time to say bye-bye to Syd here. :o And then he'll be officially dead in my next post. Boo hoo. :lol:))

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by Minase*
Minase saw Sydney collapse, breathing (or rasping) heavily. He seemed to be bleeding but Minase took a little while to take in exactly whay was progressing before his eyes. 'shit' he whispered.

This was serious, regardless of how he flet about sydney or the situation they were in, it wouold be imposible for him just to watch someone die. First he considered just leaving, finding a room, finding a window and just legging it. But he couldnt do that, he had to at least look at sydney's wound.

With a frustrated moan he run over to where syd was crouching, clutching his wound,. One hand still held his gun but with the other he tried to part Sydneys hands and get a look at the injury. He didnt want to be the only one involved in this, he wasnt having all this pressure placed on him,

' SOMEONE COME AND SUPPORT HIM NOW! Anya, bring over one of them gin bottles, it might sterilise it or something, Xian help me pressure it!'

He had no idea what he was doing but the basics could be learned from books and TV, he could at leats attempt to save him...

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:34 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Anya shot a quick gland at Gabrielle before following him into the hallway, first picking her weapon up off the floor. As she entered the room where Xian and Syd had retreated to minutes before she saw Syd lying on the ground bleeding, and Tayli looking shocked and holding her gun. "Holy shit what happened?" she asked weakly point her gun at Tayli.

She suddenly realized Gabrielle had said something to her and pointed the muzzle of her gun at him before realizing he had asked her for her bottle of gin. She gave a quick nod at him and ran into the hallway slipping and falling right outside the door. She stood up and quickly ran and grabbed her bag from the other room. Anya ran back and opened one of her bottles and shoved it at Gabrielle.

Syd did not look good. Anya pointed her gun (the safety still on) back between Tayli and Xian. "What the hell happened?" she asked a little hysterically.

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:35 pm
by Minase*
The blood was getting more and more uncontrolable. Minase attempted to stopper it with his bare hands but it oozed all over his fingers, warm and sticky, it made him feel like vomiting.
In a panic Minase looked around for something to stopper the wound and placed his gun on the floor beside him. There didnt seem to be anything, so he tore of his schoolcoat and ripped the sleeve clean away, then pushed it hard against the wound.

But Sydney only choked harder 'shit shit shit!' growled Minase,


Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:35 pm
by yumi22*
Xian just stood there, trembling, the corkscrew still in her hands, her eyes fixed on Syd. Her mouth opened and closed over and over, but no sounds were made. She simply watched what was going on, taking it all in, unsure what was real and what was not anymore.

My fault.....I did it...I did it...I killed him. I...wished him dead, and he died. I was scared...I didn't mean to...but I wished him dead.....and now he's dead. a danger..danger to you all. I killed him...with my mind...I wished him dead....I...can't stay here...I.....I..

Xian turned on her heels, and bolted for the door. She chrashed through it, nearly knocking the rotting hinges from the frame. She turned towards the exit....running down the long corridor...heading back out into the open.

<Leaving Schoolhouse for parts unkown..unless someone wants to follow/catch me>

((Continued in: Run, Xian! Run!))

Re: the 3some on the move

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:35 pm
by batspleenfriend*
As Xian ran past Anya fell against the wall moving out of her way and her finger squeezed the trigger of her gun by accident. It have an empty click and she breathed a sigh of relief glancing down at it. Thank god I had the safety on, she thought shoving in down the back of her jeans for safekeeping as she plopped down next to Gabrielle. She glanced helplessly at Syd who was gasping for air as blood poured out of him. She went on autopilot and sat there motionless lost in watching the boy die. Had Xian really done this to him?