G19- Stings like a bitch

A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: I figured it would be safe to assume almost everybody missed (and in the last bit Jacob and David were missing on purpose, they were trying to keep Peri from shooting, they weren't trying to hit him, just keep him down). And with the dual shooting, as I posted, you were shooting straight ahead, so I had him dodge to the side. For future reference, a good way to stop someone rolling is to shoot ahead of them while they're rolling so they move right into the bullet.
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ignore the last post completely ok

Stevan would run around the side of the building to see jacob and david firing into the bushes.

The gun would be cocked and a couple shots would be let off after the gun was cocked again.
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As the two boys kept Peri under a hail of suppression fire, the sound of a shotgun went off and David shouted in pain, clutching his ear. Though most of it missed, part of the shell hit his earlobe, causing intense pain. With Jacob using both of their guns (David trying to stop the blood flow from his wounded ear) to suppress both enemies, they ran off to where Amanda's group went.

OOC: Continued at "...though we may not survive": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=310
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He would fire off a couple shots as they would diseppear,their voices quieter and at the speed they were moving wouldnt be long before they were out of ears reach.He emerged from behind the tree both weapons raised and would be used to scann up and down the area before he tucked the magnum in the back of his jans.

A little laugh was given off as he looked to the tree he had been using as a shield,the thing looked like someone had used it for target practice.Wonderful and he was still here,locked and loaded..once again minus a turn coat ally.Stupid preacher he was anyway.

He moved out from the brush towards the hospital,Colt held out infront of him with one hand as he would use the other hand to push the door."All Gone? Darn and I baked a cake"
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Post by Swoosh* »

((*collapses in all the new postage* Why did I go to sleep? Why??))

Elise couldn't believe how fast the events had unfurled around her. They were just talking, and then gunshots. I guess this wasn't the kind of situation here you settled disputes by talking them out.

Her head had been buried firmly in her knees, hands over her ears, since her outburst, but even covering her ears, she could still hear what was going on. By the sounds of it, at least two people had to have been shot. Had anyone been killed? The gunshots seemed to have quietened down now. Was it safe to look up?

She raised her head slightly from her knees. Ok, so there was no one around. Everyone had just... gone. So why was she still here? And more importantly, why was she still alive?

She looked around her. The two bodies of the dead were still there, but they appeared to have no other company. Well, maybe she would be safe here, safe at least until it was made a danger zone or whatever.

She was still a little miffed that the others had just gone though. That had ruined her whole game plan; to patch up her leg, (which, she had figured, Hawley would do) steal one of their guns, and hunt down Peri for a re-match. Oh, well, guess she'd have to do it another way.

She raised her head completely off her legs and stretched them out. She looked at the gaping holes in her legs. She never did get around to disinfecting them, did she? She made to get up, wincing under the pain of her legs, when the door creaked open.

Oh, no...

((do you think we should start a new thread? This one's really long...))
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AS the enemy group fled from the area, stevan would walk into the bushes after than letting off a shot at the the moving figures. "Fucking pussys" would be spat from his angry lips as the gun would be lowered.

Stevan walked around the building looking at all the bullet holes in the walls. Looking down at his shotgun "Ah my devil machine" would be whispered to himself as he went over the gunfight that had just happened.
He was lucky not to have been shot but it looked like his plan worked. run around the building, popping up in the windows....it could never fail.
He cocked his shotgun again before he pushed the door of the hospital open with. It was dark, just shadows and.....A shaking corpse?
He heard the whisper that came from it. It sounded familiar, like a traitor almost. Stevan had seen to many traitors for his liking already and hed only been on the island what seemed to be a day.
ATevan looked up from underneath is hair "Hey girly... thought you were dead, Shame"
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Elise looked up. Stevan?? He was dead! Peri said he was dead!! She struggled to comprehend that this guy, who she had assumed was nothing more than a rotting corpse, was standing, smirking in front of her.

"L-likewise," she managed to say. Why was she talking to him?? Why wasn't she trying to escape??

She tried to move, to jump up, to run, to leap at Stevan, anything, but she was too paralyzed with fear. This was really bad...

Come ON, Elise, think! You're a grammar school student. You're supposed to be better than everyone else. You are better than everyone else. So why do you keep finding yourself in situations like these? Being held at gunpoint by a guy, no less? An all-groin, no-brain creature of filth?

But what could she do? She couldn't exactly run. Her legs would have something to say about that. She couldn't hide anywhere, and she certainly couldn't fight back.

... it looked like her number was up. She began to back away from Stevan, still on the floor. The oh-so-familiar tears began to trickle down her face again.

"Help me.... ANYONE, HELP ME!" she screamed, but she knew her screaming was in vain. Who would save her now? The only people who had shown her any sort of kindness had just gone running. More people would be willing to blow her face off than offer her a helping hand. Her back met the cold, hard walls of the hospital. There really was nowhere to go now.
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"Mhm....likewise? has peri been telling you porky pies?" would be said in a sarcastic tone as he slowly took step after step to elise, His shotgun swung over his shoulder.

A cigareete would brought out of its cardboard casing and slipped into his lips. The lighter was flicked open and lit his cancer stick. A long drag would be stolen from the thin white stick.
Stevan leaned down infront of elise so they were eye to eye before he blew the smoke in her face. "Oh how rude of me....do you want a drag? maybe saves?, come on your about to go to heavan, may as well do something wild before you go" His mouth would curl up to preform a smile on his face. The cigareete taken from his mouth and was gestured for elsie to take.

Would he really kill her? or was he just playing around with sick mind games? Killinga wounded girl wouldent be the most manly of things to do but maybe it would release some of that ever so growing rage.
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Elise began to cry more openly. He really was messing with her head, and as much as she hated to say it, it was working. She looked down at the floor to avoid the smoke, tears splashing down her cheeks as she did so.

I was right. Guys just cause pain and hurt.

The scene from years ago came flashing back to her. She was sat in the girls toilets, her sanctuary from the small crowd of boys huddled outside calling her names through the door. What had she done to incur their bullying? She didn't know then, and she hardly knew now. But they were all the same, preying on the weak. Elise remembered as her younger counterpart screamed through the door, to make them go away. It had all gotten too much for her. Consequently, she'd had to stay in at playtime for screaming so loudly. The boys had gotten the best of her then. They'd won.

And here she was again. In the same position. Only this was slightly more serious... well, she wasn't going to let the guys win this time.

She looked up into Stevan's face.

"I'd rather be fed rat poison than accept anything from your hands," she said, although her voice still trembled slightly. After all, he did have a gun on his shoulder. She grabbed the cigarette and threw it to one side, and went to push Stevan back as hard as she could.

((maaan. This is gonna hurt...))
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Stevan felt her surprisingly hard push force him to the floor. He laughed loudly. was she really so determined to live? Maybe not but it didnt matter how determined she was it was going to happen.

Stevan pushed himself up of the floor and walked next to elise, he picked up his cigarette and blew the dust nof it before taking a few more long drags. "YOU BITCH! I only have 3 more packets of these, waste not want not.

Stevan laughed at his own words, How vain. He looked elise up and down, head to toe. "Mhm...what can we do with you then? i wonder"
He saw elises hand just lying there, waiting to be hurt, Stevan could even hear it begging for the pain he could give.

Stevan stood up fast towering over elises helpless body. A huge grin would appear on his face as he would quickly raise his foot and with ground shaking force slammed it onto the hand several times.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!....god that felt good" stevan would smile and again bring himself down toelises level. "what you gonna do now girly? with your useless legs and shattered hand....Heh heh heh"
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Through all her fear, she was surprised at how far she'd managed to push Stevan. She knew she was strong (for a girl, anyway), but still.

Elise watched Stevan walk over with a feeling of dread. Something bad was going to happen now. She eyed his gun, feeling sure he would use it on her. Maybe that would be the cost of her cheek...

At his comment, she simply raised her eyebrows at him in a mocking manner. Why the hell should she care if he only had three packets of cigarettes left? It was a disgusting habit anyway... she watched him walk over. Feeling afraid, she cowered away. What was he going to do now? His grin... it was definitely sadistic. He was enjoying making her scared. Sick....

As he stood over her, Elise felt the most helpless she'd ever felt in her life. Her entire future was in the hands of this... this psycho, and all she could do was cower. And then it happened.

It was like watching it in slow motion. She saw Stevan's foot rise and fall, but before it had registered with her that her hand was in the firing line of his foot, it was too late to move it away. The two met with a sickening crunch, and Elise screamed in agony. The tears began to flow more rapidly as she rolled onto her side, clutching her now broken hand. Her screams soon merged with her tears, and she began to sob loudly.

What was he doing? What the hell was he doing??
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Well the gunfight was over and he was still in one place.A Few bulletholes in his clothing but none in his flesh, a few blood drops had began appearing here and there where bullets had grazed his flesh.One nice long graze ran under his eye,the crimson streak was slowely producing a crimson blood drop.He would give off a sigh as he listened to the commotion from inside of the hospital, a couple quiet curses were given off.They would attract people from all sides with there little show.Some people had no sense of stealth seemed his only true ally was one of these people.

Colt in hand and magnum concealed he would enter the Hospital finally,one thin brow raising as he watched Stevens little activies.Was this at all neccessary? Attracting attention in a area they knew had a number of armed individuals who had they had only just survived a gun battle with.Blood drops were surfacing randomly on him,thin grazes tainting the white skin of his face and arms.
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Stevan watched elise's agony, it was good too see someone else being bullied, in pain. He sprung back as Elise screamed with her shattered hand. "Hey shush, quiet down you'll attract people you stupid bitch" His Finger brought to his lips in a gesture for her to be silent.

Now what to do? he could have some fun or finish it right now. The question was to end it.
"What do you want to do now traitor? Mhm..." Stevan put his hand to his chin as if he were thinking hard, as he turned he kicked some of the dust from the floor into elises face. He walked to the centre of the room and stood there silently for a minute.
A smile would appear on his face as he looked at elise "I know" he said before he took his shotgun of his shoulder and aimed it at elise.

"Were going to play a game...Its called run rabbit and your the rabbit"
He stood there smiling down at elise from the centre of the room, gun aimed directly at her stomache. "What are you waiting for...? Run rabbit run"
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Shush? Shush??? Her hand had just been broken, her shoulder was grazed, her legs were sporting some nice bulletholes, and she was being threatened with death, and he was telling her to shush? He had to be bloody kidding...

She was about to tell him so when Stevan kicked the dust into her face. Coughing angrily, she pushed herself up with her hand, while cradling the other hand in her lap. She really looked a mess now, the combination of dust and her tears meant her face was all dusty. Her hair was messy, and her clothes were covered in her own blood. Not the most dignified way to go out, Elise thought to herself.

She glanced Peri's figure in the doorway. Well, she had no time to be scared of him anymore, not with his new tagteam partner.

Elise watched Stevan's every move. It seemed like he had just been standing there forever. She felt the tension multiplied by a hundred... she was breathing deeply. The pain in her hand made nausea sweep through her, and the last thing she needed was to be sick when she was about to get killed.

When that smile appeared, Elise braced herself. Was he going to do something just as sick now? She thought she'd be ready for anything, after all, she'd spent the last 20 or so minutes convincing herself she was about to be killed.

But when Stevan's gun found itself aiming at her stomach, her eyes widened. She had to run... she had to get away from him!! She made to leap out of the way, but her broken hand meant that she just collapsed on her stomach.

Shit.... SHIT!!

He was going to shoot her.... he was going to kill her... and she was just a pathetic wreck on the floor...

"Don't shoot," she whispered. Her head on the floor, she looked over at Peri. He was just standing by the door, watching. Elise didn't know whether that made him better or worse than Stevan.

"Are you just gonna stand there and let him do this to me??" she screamed at him. "Are you even made of human parts???"
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"As far as I know,Porky" he said with a small grinn rising to his lips yet again sharp teeth flashed to hers.So he would have to intervene,steps would be taken over towards Elise.One arm slipping around her waist and without giving a word of warning he would tugg her up onto her feet.A small breath sucked in as he did so.

"Shoot her and I will shoot you,Wait here I shall return...This girl needs help..Im going to go give her to her friends.Fire if you wish but exspect to be fired upon in exschange,She isnt youre toy.She is barely alive enough to kill,Freak.So back down" he said before he would slowely begin moving Elise towards the exit of the hospital.Why was he doing this? Helping and indeed saving her at the price of his own life? Taking away Stevens favourite toy to return it to a pack of people who were most likely going to kill him.

Self Destructive nature or maybe just maybe he had a bit of a soul in those murky depths of his mind.
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