Bring It On 3: Misery Olympics

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Bring It On 3: Misery Olympics


Post by Ruggahissy »

Lori Martin huffed and puffed as she pulled a plastic rolling table from the club and activities supply room while also juggling several plastic grocery bags and wearing her backpack.

She was decked out in game day best. Her light brown hair was pulled up into a high pony tail from which green, black and white ribbons hung. Glittery green eyeshadow twinkled from her eyelids, inexpertly applied in gobs. She had an unnaturally rosy glow to her cheeks, also with a bit of glitter, borne from a heavy hand with a blush brush. Clear, sticky gloss finished the look.

Lori was dressed in the George Hunter High, or as they were announced when they came to the field "LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE HUNTING HENS!," cheer uniform with an unzipped black track jacket over it. Her white shoes were clean with black, white and green ribbon threaded with the laces.

She dragged the plastic table out to the gym where they normally held parts of the practice. Normally she would be setting out the tumbling mats at this time, but today's practice was atypical. Today was the day that the cheer squad would learn who would be the next cheer captain. No one was here yet, but that was typical.

Lori unfolded the table and set the wheels to lock. She went to the plastic bags and pulled out a vinyl table cloth, spreading it over the table. She was usually the first one to practice, setting things up. No one worked harder at cheer than she did, at least in her view. She'd been doing cheer the longest and she'd put in the most hours. Whenever someone new joined she always offered to give them tips, though for some reason few people took up her offer. Her dedication and seniority meant she deserved to be cheer captain.

Next, she set out two cartons of green and white Lofthouse Frosted Sugar Cookies. The cookies were complete sugar bombs and everyone knew it. The nutrition facts on the side said each cookie contained 170 calories. If she won because people thought she would be a good leader, because people liked the cookies, or because they'd gone into a diabetic shock and scratched the wrong box as they collapsed to the floor, all were good with her.  

She put a liter of Diet Coke and a liter of Sprite on the table with some red plastic cups. Lastly, she pulled a small lockbox out of her bag, key dangling from a keyhole, that had a small slit opening at the top. This was also harvested from the club and activities supply room. She moved the items around a few times until they were most aesthetically pleasing. She tugged the corners of the table cloth, making sure they were straight and smooth, without wrinkles. She had been on her best behavior, EXTRA nice to everyone on the squad for a month!

Lori sat on the benches near the table and waited, smiling with her hands clasped in her lap and her legs neatly crossed.

These idiots better pick me.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Amber sashayed down the hallway towards the gym, the bounce in her step noticeable to anyone that could see her.

She was dressed in the school's cheerleader uniform, pom poms in either hand despite the fact that she didn't need them yet–she just found them fun to shake and twirl around.

Bursting through the gym doors, Amber took on awkward position, leaning forward and balancing on one leg, her other leg pointing back out towards the hallway.

"Go team!" She shouted into the gym, before stumbling forward slightly and nearly losing her balance. Returning to normal posture, she let out an awkward laugh, before covering her face with her pom poms. She heard Mercy laughing behind her, hopefully the good kind of laugh, where she was laughing with Amber, rather than at her.

She turned back to her friend, her pom poms being lowered to her chest. "I'm still getting used to this," she said, "you know I just joined the team."

Craning her head back into the gym, she finally noticed the tables and mats, already neatly set up. Raising her arm into the air and waving, she shouted across the room. "Hi Lori!"
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Post by backslash »

The sun was shining, birds were singing, Amber was Amber, and Mercy found enough comfort in at least one of those things to get over her heart palpitations for a moment and laugh.

Mercy had been confident when she put her name in for cheer squad captain. She had even maintained her confidence up until some point this morning, when it finally dawned on her that she was going up against two of her three least favorite people on the squad for the position. Mercy wanted to earn the captaincy, and she even thought that she had a good shot at it, but God almighty, she did not want to deal with the fallout if either Lori or Ivy ended up snubbed and angry. At least one of them ending up so seemed like a statistical inevitability.

As she followed Amber into the gym, Mercy let her friend's shenanigans distract her from her anxieties for a moment. "You joined last year," she pointed out with a grin. "I think it's just your balance at this point." And the fact that Amber was, well... a bit top-heavy. Not even in a bad way, but it was probably contributing. Mercy remembered hearing somewhere that girls usually had a lower center of gravity because of their hips; Amber was built to have it backwards.

Joy of joys, though, Lori was already here. A brief statement in Lori's defense: she wasn't Mercy's first or second least favorite on the squad. Ivy was just stuck-up and mean, and Madison was always making excuses to put in as little effort as possible and would fly into a rage if you looked at her funny. Lori at least put her work in, and she had moments of what seemed like genuine friendliness at times. She clearly wanted to succeed in a way that Mercy could kind of identify with.

But good Lord. Lori had a chip on her shoulder the size of... of Mount Rushmore or something, and she had about a preschooler's capacity to gracefully deal with not getting her way. Mercy was a little bit more worried about Lori's reaction to however things turned out than even Ivy's.

She hadn't said anything to Amber about her worries, not wanting to worry her in turn. Whatever happened, Mercy would just have to grin and bear it until it was over with, and then she could figure out where to go from there.

"Hi, Lori!" She echoed. "Ooh, you brought cookies!" Those were a harmless topic of conversation at least, even if Lofthouse was only a baked good in the loosest sense of the word. As she and Amber made their way to the benches where Lori was sitting, Mercy smoothed her uniform skirt and began the arduous task of making her peace with the fact that she was probably going to have to eat at least one of those cookies so that Lori wouldn't feel snubbed.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Lori whipped her head towards the sound of approaching footsteps. Her pony tail and its many shining ribbons bobbed. She turned just in time to see Amber almost eat shit. Lori cringed and her fingers involuntarily tightened and gripped the bottom of the plastic gym bleacher. She worried that Amber would land on and crush her pom poms. Amber recovered and Lori quickly looked down to unzip her bag and pulled out her own pom poms. This gave her time to force the facial muscles near her mouth to to pull up and turn that grimace into a pasted-on smile.

"Go team! Yay! Hi Amber!" she responded, giving her pom poms two hard shakes in Amber's direction as a response.

No I can't believe you just joined the team because it feels like it's been a fucking eternity.

Her giant smile stayed firmly in place, but didn't manage to reach her eyes. These thoughts were normally something she might have said out loud, under her breath maybe, but she had her eyes on the prize and had been playing nice for too long to mess it up now. She even was really trying to change a bit, but other people made it hard. They were dumb and picked fights with her.

Lori was on occasion aware that a few people didn't want her around and that made her want to flip them off and kick sand in their face. Why would she want to be around people that didn't like her? But at the same time, she wanted everyone to want her around. Maybe getting the captaincy would be her chance to show people she could maintain her friendly streak as well as seriously whip the team into shape.

Mercy mentioned the refreshments and Lori popped up, leaving the pom poms behind on the bleacher bench. She said hi to Mercy and unscrewed the cap of the Diet Coke, letting it gurgle into one of the plastic cups.

"Sure did! Help yourself," she said quickly gesturing to the cookies. "Coke or Sprite?"  
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Post by VoltTurtle »

"Yeah but it doesn't feel like I've been here for a year." Amber muttered, under her breath.

Turning towards the tables Lori had set up, she followed Mercy over to the confections. For a moment, Amber wondered why Lori went through the trouble of getting so many sweets for their cheer meet today, only to suddenly remember that it was the day of the elections for cheer captain, and realize that Lori was attempting to bribe her with them.

Tucking one of her pom poms under her arm, she picked one of the cookies out of its plastic container, before greedily shoving it in her mouth. Even if she was being bribed, she wasn't about to not accept the chance at sugar. Glancing between Lori and Mercy as she munched on the cookie, she realized Lori asked her what kind of drink she wanted. "Oh uh... Sprite," she replied to the best of her ability, her mouth still full of food.

Swallowing the delicious confection, it finally occurred to her that she would actually need to vote for somebody on the cheer squad.

And she had no idea who she was going to vote for.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Lavender Ripley continued from Tell Us How You Really Feel))

Lavender loved cheer, but this was going to be one of the worst days of the year for the squad, so she wasn't exactly tripping over herself to get there in a hurry, pausing en route to stop in the bathroom and get a drink of water and put some of her stuff in her locker. She was decked out in her gear, wearing it with pride, pom-poms in hand, but today was going to be less about acrobatics and more about politics and that took the spring right out of her step.

In most situations, Lavender engaged vigorously with politics. She was the sort of person who pre-registered to vote, the sort to take class elections seriously, the sort to stand for a number of club positions herself. The thing was, cheer was different. There were no real ramifications of today's decision besides who'd be loosely in charge of practices and routines and the like, and while a good captain would make Lavender's life during squad activities a little easier and a bad one would make it harder, that was it. There were no grand implications for her or the school or the world, and five years from now when they were all done with college she doubted she'd even remember who'd triumphed, and if whoever it was had to cling to that as their shining moment of glory then as far as she was concerned they could have it. She actually wished that the coaches would just select the captain, hand the role to whoever was most qualified and avoid the toxic popularity contest that it would otherwise surely devolve into.

A couple of Lavender's friends had asked why she wasn't trying out for the spot, and she'd explained truthfully that while she loved cheer she wasn't dedicated enough to devote herself to doing the best possible job in a leadership position, so running wouldn't be fair to the others. This wasn't activist club; cheer was a hobby but not a consuming passion. There was, however, another reason she hadn't stood for the captaincy, one she had not disclosed to anyone: defeating the other candidates would probably end up even more of a headache than working under them. Ivy and Lori had their positive qualities (Lavender reminded herself, and it was always important to acknowledge the good in others even when it wasn't as fully blossomed as it might be), but losing graciously wasn't among either of their virtues. Mercy at least would probably take it alright, which was a big factor in her favor in Lavender's book.

Mercy had, in fact, just slipped into the gym in Amber's wake as Lavender turned into the hallway and caught sight of the girls. That meant about thirty more seconds of peace and quiet before entering the gym. Lavender took deep breaths as she walked, finding her center and focus. Lately, she'd been finding herself involved in more and more little incidents, and she wanted to be sure it didn't become a habit. It was always worth standing up for a worthwhile cause, but it was vital to be able to distinguish that from taking umbrage at every disagreement or moderately odious opinion that came her way.

Getting through today with her smile intact would be a nice confidence boost, a reminder that she still knew how to let things go.

Her footsteps were soft against the floor, light, as she let herself loosen up. She wasn't even sure how much practice they'd get in today, but was hoping they'd get to work through some routines. The physical activity would eat into time otherwise open for arguing, and might at least do something for the attitudes of the soon-to-be-disappointed.

Reaching the door, Lavender rounded the corner, and took in Mercy, Amber, and Lori, the latter set up behind a table of refreshments. Lori's more positive attitude the last couple weeks had been slightly unsettling—"honeymoon phase" wasn't quite the right term, but conveyed the rough idea—and Lavender saw this as a likely continuation of it. Maybe Lori had really done some introspection and decided to cool off a bit in a process sort of like what Lavender was talking herself through, or maybe the girl was riding a lasting high from a good date, or maybe there was something more brittle or contrived behind it and it would all come crashing down at any moment, with interest due for the span of more restrained behavior. Lavender liked to give the benefit of the doubt, but that didn't mean blind optimism or unearned trust.

"Hey," she called, giving the other three girls a wave with her pom-pom. "I hope I'm not late."
I bid you all dark greetings!
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Post by Somersault »

((Keisha Higgins-Bell continued from Juliette Sargent for Senior Class President))

Keisha took a deep breath as she approached the hallway to the gym.

It was now time for what was arguably the worst day for all of the girls who actually were into cheerleading, which most shocking to Keisha, included herself. Now, it wasn't that she had suddenly lost her zest for life and drama, because no, the day she stopped loving real-life drama would be the day that she stopped breathing, but instead, she was upset because she right smack-dab in the middle of all the shit. So maybe she wasn't running, because no, she liked cheerleading but it wasn't her main deal, but Ivy was a good friend of hers, and she always had to go stick up for her friends.

Sure, Ivy was a bad bitch, but she was Keisha's bad bitch, which meant that she was by her side 100 percent. This was a war, and she was going to be loyal to her side.

Maybe pom-poms, pigtails, chartreuse eyeshadow and her uniform over her cheer jacket did not seem like combat attire, but this was a whole 'nother kind of battlefield. Not a war fought with guns and bombs, but one fought with polite smiles and quiet head tilts. Or, if it really got that bad, meltdowns and tears, and not just the fake ones. That definitely was not going to be a pretty sight. She wouldn't be caught dead doing that, although she could imagine a certain someone melting down if they did not become head honcho.

Lori was indeed surprisingly non-awful, but Keisha didn't ever want to be on a cheer squad with a girl whose foundation did not blend well with her skin. Not to be shallow, but that just would not be a good luck for the squad. Mercy, on the other hand, simply lost out because she wasn't Ivy. She was definitely a great gal pal and all, but if she had to betray either Mercy or Ivy, she would pick Mercy a thousand times over. Mercy was chill, and Ivy...not so. She was just trying to be as smart about this election as possible, and making the least amount of waves right now seemed like the best option. If her name was going to be involved, then she could be left out of all the shit that was going down. No need to be implicated, no need to be involved. Rumors were fun, but no reason to be the one who had their name heard in the gossip heard 'round the world.

Avoiding conflict was the goal of today, and as much as her blood would boil if temper tantrums started happening, she knew it was of utmost importance to not blow her lid.

Keeping her duffel bag close to her body as she got closer to the room with a small smile, her eyes instantly honed in on the cookies and confections set up right in front of Lori. Someone was certainly hitting the ground running. Would be odd if she kept her attention on them for too long, and so she quickly diverted her eyes to Lavender, Mercy, and Mercy's friend, whose name probably started with an A. Ashley, Ava, Antoniqua? It would come later. In any case, she was a guaranteed Mercy vote, but Lavender...Lavender had her head screwed on straight and her shit together. Probably would end up doing a lot of good shit for the world. Whenever she tired of discussing dumb shit like celebrity dating rumors, it was sometimes nice to discuss intellectual topics with Lavender, and feel her brain cells returning to her body.

They weren't here to discuss the importance of Ida B. Wells to modern journalism right now, though, because there were more important things to do. Like this fucking election, which Lavender was apparently worried she was late for. How responsible of her.

"Heyo, cheer girlies," Keisha said as she strolled into the gym, looking over all the three girls once more before focusing on Lavender. "Considering the fact that one of the candidates hasn't gotten her ass in here yet, I'd answer that with a no."

She casted a glance at the door. Ivy was still the number one priority, but she had to get her ass in gear and get in the gym pronto. Girl had to at least look like she cared.
[+] mona lisas and mad hatters
Appearance Tracker!
[+] a soiled dove finding herself
Image Tonya Collins - Got messy. - Unpretty - TLC
Memories: Child
Pregame: Rain
Prom: Honey
Trip: Furbies
Island: Girl - Way - Delicious - Rakshasa
Tonya by Irina!
Tonya by Ryuki!
[+] a damsel no longer
Image Kelly Nguyen: Couldn't claw back up. - 1234 - Feist
Pregame: Universe - Puppies
Trip: Interesting
Island: Holiday - Play - Down - Robot - Unicorn
Kelly by Mimi!
Kelly by Ryuki!
[+] a sheriff trying to keep the peace
Image Adele Jones: Believed. - Good As Hell - Lizzo
Adele by Mimi!
Adele by Ryuki!
Pregame: Chartreuself - Lair - Collisions
Trip: Down
Island: Hunger - Darwinism - Mario - Lucifer - House
[+] a cowboy looking for something to ride
ImageMike Brown: Spoke up. - Oh, What A World - Kacey Musgraves
Memories: Timog
Trip: Life
Island: Steady - Miles - Dive
Mike by Ryuki!
[+] tumbleweeds
[+] the town crier whispered
Image Keisha Higgins-Bell - Scouring out her next scoop. - Q.U.E.E.N. - Janelle Monae and Erykah Badu
Memories: President - Misery
Pregame: Talmbout - Time
Meanwhile: Wings - Persuasion - Everything
Keisha by Mimi!
Keisha by Ryuki!
Keisha by Kotori!
[+] v8
Ji-won "Daniel" Song is just praying along. - I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
Anna-Lynn "Ashlei" Mercado is staying in the spotlight. - Hit or miss, I guess they never miss, huh?
DeDe Dixon is the best. Definitely.
Pari Shirazi has been wreaking havoc since 2000!
Abby Davis wants to be in the know.
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Post by backslash »

Mercy kept her smile in place as the rest of the squad slowly but surely filtered into the gym, acknowledging Lavender and Keisha with a perky wave. "Coke, please," she said as she turned back to Lori. She preferred the taste of Sprite, and soda before cheer practice was probably a bad idea all around, but at least the Coke was diet.

Her stomach twisted a little more when Keisha unnecessarily reminded everyone that Ivy hadn't shown yet. It wasn't late enough that Mercy could be hopeful that Ivy would ditch altogether; she'd been in class today so she wasn't out sick, and Mercy doubted that anything besides a sudden life-threatening illness or maybe a hit-and-run accident would stop Ivy from showing up to try to collect what she thought she was owed.

It was hard to keep herself from looking around at the girls in the gym and wondering who, if anyone would vote for her. Amber she could probably count on, but that was just because they were friends. Did she really want someone to give her their vote just because they liked her, and not because of how capable she was? It wasn't like they'd have to provide their reasons, of course, but Mercy would still wonder about it. She liked Amber, but she couldn't say with certainty that Amber would have gotten her vote if their positions were swapped, just based on skill.

Then again, if their positions were swapped and you took who Mercy most liked out of the equation, she'd probably end up voting for Lori and the results of that win were difficult to imagine.

"We're still waiting on a few people," she confirmed to Lavender, so that she could get her mouth running and let her mind chill for a bit. "Time for snacks and a warm-up before we get down to business, I think."
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Location: hell probably


Post by Fenris »

>> Ivy Langley continued from you didn't know me, but he knew me best

"Afternoon, girls."

This, Ivy thought, could reasonably be referred to as "fashionably late".

She'd wanted to be last, make a properly dramatic appearance on this particularly important occasion, but Madison had apparently decided to be more of a liability than usual. Whatever. Ivy knew how to properly ride the line between fashionable and obnoxious, a line Madison crossed regularly in both attendance and apparel. As she walked into the gym—resplendent in her uniform as always, not a hair out of place in her pigtails—and her eyes lighted over each of her teammates in turn, she wasn't seeing people so much as she was seeing votes.

Why did this matter so much to her? She had to admit, there was a part of her that was disconcerted by being so emotionally invested in something where the result was out of her hands. It was obvious to anyone with a vaguely functioning brain, which described at least most of the cheer squad, that she was the only viable choice here (Mercy was vaguely competent but delusional if she thought that was enough to earn her power, and Lori was a fucking joke), but that didn't guarantee success here. She'd considered her options if she did somehow lose. The only reasonable responses were either mutiny or straight quitting the squad. The former would only work if she had enough votes to swing a solid chunk of the squad onto her side, though of course she had the resources to brute force her way into doing so if she needed to. The latter... would sting, but it would be better than having to be subordinate to Mercy. Or Lori, she supposed, but who the fuck was she kidding.

She didn't want this to matter, but it did. She was going to be captain, and if she wasn't she was gonna scratch and claw until these bitches wished she was.

Ivy glanced at the refreshment table and wrinkled her nose. Lori's handiwork if she ever saw it. It was truly astonishing how one girl could have bad taste in literally all things. She ran the numbers in her head as she walked past her squadmates. Lori and Mercy would vote for themselves, if they weren't complete morons. Amber would vote for Mercy, Keisha would—had better—vote for Ivy, Lavender was... a mystery. So was Madison, if she bothered to show up. The rest of them? Who knew. Maybe saying most of them had a vaguely functioning brain had been too kind.

As she always did, Ivy slipped into place sitting beside Keisha. She looked idly around at the rest of the squad, twirling a bit of hair around her finger.

"Is there a point in waiting for Madison, or should we get started?"

Ivy Langley diverted to just let them think there's no place else you'd rather be
"Well, Fenris, the King of Gossip. We meet again."
[+] v7
the dead:
Image[B040] Dante Valerio - Fell asleep too early.
[V7] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: None Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
Image[G014] Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios - T-R-I-E-D.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: None Trip: [Start]
Image[B004] Axel Fontaine - Lost his place.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
Image[G041] Ivy Langley - Together forever.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]

the living:
ImageArtem Fyodorov - Desperate.
[Meanwhile] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
ImageZen Alicea Feliciano - On vacation!
[Meanwhile] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
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Post by jimmydalad »

((Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg Memories:  Start))

Normally, Milly would be excited about cheerleading. Cheerleading was her blood, after all. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that cheerleading was a fundamental part of her existence. So one may be curious as to why Milly had to physically drag herself to cheer practice today. Why she considered calling in sick instead of taking part in the thing that was supposed to be her favourite part of the school week. Milly knew very well what today was going to be and how today was going to turn out. While she could think of like a million better things she could be doing, she instead was dressed up in her cheer uniform, bracing herself and dreading her entire existence as she made her way to practice.

It was cheer elections.

As tempting as it was to just not bother coming and get caught in the drama bomb that was inevitably going to go off, there were multiple reasons why she was strong armed to attending practice today. First, Ivy was trying to be captain. The last thing Milly wanted to deal with was a pissed off Ivy, so she had to at least make a token effort to look like she wanted Ivy to be captain. It was better than dealing with her getting indignant and playing the whole "how dare you not support me and everything I do?" schtick that she loved to employ. Secondly, it would look pretty bad on her if she ended up being the only one who skived practice. Finally, she was still trying to go for that scholarship and missing an "important" event like this was not the best way to endear herself to potential sponsors.

As to why she wasn't running, as good as it would look on her resume, she quickly determined that it wasn't worth it. The fact that Ivy was running alone was enough of a deterrent for her, let alone some of the other girls running. That was a war that she knew she didn't want to get involved in.

Outside of the gym, she let out a deep sigh.

"This is gonna suck," Milly mumbled to herself, plastering the fakest smile she could as she begrudgingly traipsed into where they were having practice.

It was no surprise to Milly that Lori was going out of her way to be the biggest suck-up for today. She would appreciate her more as a kindred cheer spirit if she wasn't so Lori all the time. It hadn't escaped Milly that she had been trying to get into everyone's good books in time for today. Granted, if she was held at gunpoint, she might be half tempted to vote for Lori. Partially to see how everyone would lose their shit if she won. That would be hilarious. Milly, however, recognised that she worked her butt off for cheer. She'd probably be one of the more competent leaders, if not anal-retentive and with a hair-trigger temper.

Milly wasted no time picking up a Lofthouse cookie and chucking it in her mouth.

"Hey everyone!" Milly piped up, trying her best to hide the existential dread that threatened to creep through her voice.

"As much fun as it would be waiting for everyone, I honestly just want to get this over with, ok?"

She might as well try to make the most of this situation.

"I mean, like, it's not like anyone really cares about what happens today, so let's just do it and get back to cheering."

She flashed a cheeky grin, sticking out her tongue and basking in the shock factor of it all before interjecting before things got too far.

"Kidding! Mostly. I was kidding about the not caring part, not the let's just get this over with part. We cool?"
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Some time had passed. Lori was sitting on the bleachers with a few of the other girls, leaning back and nearly leaning her head on one of them in a kind of tired way.

Lori turned her wrist up to look at her watch. It was a cheap electronic watch, green like the George Hunter colors, and its blocky numbers told her the time. The bubbles in her drink had stopped fizzing.

"I'm sure she's on her way," she said hopefully. "You know how sometimes she doesn't feel well. I can text her," she offered.

Madison had a problem with being on time to practice. If it had been anyone else Lori would have completely chewed them out. She'd be calling them a lazy deadbeat in front of the whole squad until they either showed up or she could convince the team they should vote without the offender, who had given up their right to vote by missing the voting time. However, she liked Madison and therefore Lori gave her enough slack to circle the earth.

"We've got razzmatazz, we've got pep, punch and pizzazz," she chanted quietly, shaking her pom poms.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Amber sat on the sidelines by herself, sipping her drink as the other cheerleaders continued waiting for Madison to show herself, many of them staring daggers into each other all the while.

She still wasn't entirely sure who she was going to vote for, but she figured that she could just default to voting for her only real friend on the squad, if it came down to it. Amber wasn't actually sure if Mercy was the best girl for the job of cheer squad captain, but casting any vote at all would be better than being paralyzed with indecision and constantly second-guessing herself.

She yawned, smacking her lips a bit and blinking slowly. It sure was boring just waiting, though. She had run out of topics to talk about with Mercy a while ago–-not that she had many to begin with--and even talking to Blue wasn't helping to alleviate the boredom inherent to the situation.

It didn't take too long for Amber to finally open her mouth, just to keep herself from falling asleep. "Hey, do you guys think that we should just... have the vote without her?" She said, only slightly louder than she normally spoke, to nobody in particular.

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