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This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:11 pm
by Cicada
I will copy paste my old relationships thread in here soon enough, but first off:

Camila Cañizares is a senior in George Hunter High School.

She is somewhat hashed out, but I feel now is the time to do some unique shit while I still can, so I am opening her entire history to the board!

Her history, relationships, and interests can all be hashed out with me. It's all a totally open book. Need a girl who bullied your character in the fourth grade? Done. Need a girl to be your character's bestie from middle school onwards? Done. Make her a friend, an enemy, put her in a specific club. I have not preset a single one of her interests and only have the broadest overview of her default tendencies. Talk it out with me and help me organically mold this character into V7, because heaven knows we need even more inclusive connectiveness in this pregame! It's a build your own character for the entire board to partake in as they please. A few things should be kept in mind, but even these can be changed with a compelling enough reason!
[+] Established History and Personality
In summary: a proud farm girl, fairly simple but street smart. She has friends from across social strata despite being fairly lower middle class herself, and she is given to stubborn loyalty due to her tendency to hold onto decisions she makes very judiciously. She considers herself practically minded, and has little patience for things like mindless idealism and bourgeoisie intellectualism and academia, despite her own natural inquisitiveness. She's fairly relaxed and grows and sells weed on her own time. It's rare to find her as a member of school clubs.
  • Innocently stubborn. From a young age she tended to be rash and not think her actions through. She was a cup half full sort. She made and lost friends fairly quickly with her mindlessly argumentative nature.
  • She considers herself practically minded. Given her stubbornness and quick wit, she tends to make and stick to decisions and rationale without much further thought. One could call her moralization self-serving, perhaps.
  • Camila's family owns a small farm. Details of the farm are not too established (profitability, products) but there is a fish pond on the land that Camila herself personally manages. Generally she cares deeply for her identity and lifestyle as a busy, bull-minded farmer, it's an integral part of her self-image.
  • Camila breeds and cares for fish, then sells and adopts them off into the Chattanooga market.
  • Furthermore, she also experiments with growing strains of weed. She's a smoker at parties, and enjoys the opportunity to not feel so self-rushed for a change.
  • Camila has from a young age identified as a Protestant Christian, but she also likes to call herself openly blasphemous. She seems to care more about community and good deeds than proper faith.
  • Outdoorsy sort. A hiker well-acquainted with miles upon miles of both urban Chattanooga and the natural areas surrounding. Swims proficiently.
  • She is not a bully by default, and tends to live and let live, but she can become very intrusive into the lives of those who give her the room to be.
[+] Established Friends and Relationships
  • Claudeson Bademosi - Friends since early elementary. Claude influenced a fresh faced and wide eyed Camila into openly expressing her faith and becoming stubbornly religious. The two of them are close to this day, she tends to follow him in most of his endeavors.
  • Bree Jones - Both being stubborn and blunt of mouth they tend to argue a lot over their shared interests and ideology. Camila first met Bree when she adopted off fish to Bree, since then the two have been friendly faces and hang out often.
  • Christine Summers - Christine was led to Camila to sample some of her unique ganja growths, Christine is a respected customer and the two can be found together at parties- smoking, of course. Otherwise Camila might be a bit too much for Christine to handle, day to day.
  • Kelly Nguyen - Odd friends, childhood friends. Camila developed a strong bond with Kelly when young due to Kelly's youthful energy, though the two have largely grown apart in interests, Kelly's love of animals means the Cañizares farm is always open to her.
  • Cecil Salazar-Loveless - Camila's mischievous tendencies are beloved by Cecil's family and they consider her an informal member of the family. To Cecil's slight dismay, as Camila feels at liberty to barge in onto his pool and push him around, trying to break him out of his social shell 'for his own good'.
  • Camilla Bell - Camila helped her similarly named friend, when young Camila helped Camilla develop her growing green thumb. Camilla being as socially anxious as she is keeps Camila at some vaguely respectful distance, but the two still garden together, and Camila is one of Camilla's allies in gardening club... occasionally.
  • Julien Leblanc - A face.
Fundamental Appearance Was/Is... She grows up to have a modest hourglass figure on an average diet. Average height, naturally fair skin that easily tans. The texture of her black hair is naturally gently wavy once long enough. Her eyes are a light, almost amber brown. Her face could be called 'cute' with it's default features: button nose, shapely lips, soft cheek apples, gentle chin.

Please humor me! Any little detail will do, because I would ideally like to not have to fill in any blanks in her history entirely by myself.

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:16 pm
by Cicada
Before I forget! Reserving this post for my future planner because the damn thing is huge.

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:32 pm
by Cactus
My kid Claudeson needs a pal. Be it through volunteering or the church or whatever, he needs like, a real genuine good friend that he'd have known for ages. Can she be his?

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:07 am
by KamiKaze
My girl Bree has some less-represented interests in SOTF; namely, fishkeeping and kayaking. It might be fun if there was someone who shares her enthusiasm for one or both that she can talk to. O:

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:31 am
by jimmydalad
So my new girl, Christine Summers, could use a female friend who smokes weed recreationally with her. Maybe they could be weed friends? Though she may not be a big fan of her argumentative nature. Alternatively, since she’s Protestant Christian, she could be very against drugs, drinking and the like and could be really tough/harsh on Christine and be one of the people who gives her hell the most. Whichever one you prefer would be cool for me :)

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:09 pm
by Endellion
Since she's the outdoorsy sort, Camila could definitely have come across Julien a time or two while she was out hiking. He's nice and chill, so I could see them being on good terms even if they didn't know each other that well.

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:34 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
My Camilla is almost sure to have stumbled across your Camila at some point. They'd be alright acquaintances, probably. She probably appreciates her fish farm though. You think she'd be into gardening or what?

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:04 am
by LeslieFranc
You know what? I think I could appreciate for Cecil (who may or may not appreciate) to have a stubborn friend who will always try to convince, pull and drag him away from all the boring school stuff and have some fun instead whenever nobody in his family is available to do that. Maybe close friends that are a little less close now? Or you know, they can just be swimming buddies or something...

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:35 pm
by Somersault
With Kelly normally looking to compromise and Camilla being fairly argumentative, I can see them having formed an odd friendship when they were kids, or something like that! Having grown up in the gated community all her life, I imagine Kelly enjoys having a friend who's solidly middle-class, and one who's also fairly different from her personality and interest-wise.

Re: This Will Be Cicada's Relationships Thread After An Interlude

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:40 pm
by Cicada
Camila is beginning to take a solid form (of a character I certainly never envisioned applying to SOTF!) and I think some of her most fundamental personality traits and her social strata are more or less set. Still room for flexibility though! Her relationships tendencies in particular also have not been too filled, and she might still have room for some odd hobbies. I'll keep this open for another week, and then I'll go ahead and close this so I can profile write!

EDIT - Now closed! The profile is en route.