Area Description: The Hunting Lodge Bar

The Hunting Lodge Bar was the frequent hangout for the miners and townsfolk who wanted a drink after a hard day's work. As the name implies, the bar was originally a hunting lodge before being converted into its current state, and many animal heads are displayed across its walls. The interior of the bar itself is in relatively good condition although much of it has clearly been damaged by rats. There is no cellar and instead a back room was used as a store. There are a pair of large circular tables in the centre of the room, along with a set of booth seats along one wall. A old and haggard pool table sits disused on one side of the room and a broken down jukebox is located by it.
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Area Description: The Hunting Lodge Bar


Post by SOTF_Help »

Area: The Hunting Lodge Bar

Description: The Hunting Lodge Bar was the frequent hangout for the miners and townsfolk who wanted a drink after a hard day's work. As the name implies, the bar was originally a hunting lodge before being converted into its current state, and many animal heads are displayed across its walls. The interior of the bar itself is in relatively good condition although much of it has clearly been damaged by rats. There is no cellar and instead a back room was used as a store. There are a pair of large circular tables in the centre of the room, along with a set of booth seats along one wall. A old and haggard pool table sits disused on one side of the room and a broken down jukebox is located by it.

Status: OPEN


If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this area or any actions taking place therein, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff team who will be happy to assist you.
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Post by Gundham »

As of Honor Among Thieves, the bar is pretty trashed, with tables and chairs overturned, and bullet holes in a lot of locations. Jack Anderson's body is on the floor.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

As of no one knows where the ladder goes, the Hunting Lodge Bar has partially collapsed, with the front of the bar having caved-in entirely. The bodies of Richard Buster Jr. and Darryl Smith Jr. can be found inside, buried among the rubble, along with a pistol that is damaged beyond repair.
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