A Moment

A Scene On The Third Day

Off to one side of the mine away from the former entrance and the foreman's office is a small windowless building that served as the changing room for the workers, where they would start and end their day. The changing room itself features a locker room area with lockers lining the walls and benches situated in the center. Also in the center, hanging from a set of pulleys that run along the ceiling of the room, hang articles of the miners' work clothes, boots, and helmets. These discarded clothes create an uncanny atmosphere within the room, especially at night, while also serving to obscure vision as the pulley wires have started to sag with age. Also in the building is a communal shower area.
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A Moment


Post by AnimeNerd »

The corpse of Constance Blanchet lay on the floor of the changing room.

Her skull was broken. Fragments of bone and pieces of brain matter were visible to those who looked close enough.

Blood surrounded the body. It was mostly dried by now, but the red-ish brown tint couldn't fool anyone into thinking it was something else, especially what was stuck to the clothing.

Rot had yet to set in, visibly anyway. Whether it was the temperature being so cool, the building shielding her from the elements, or a combination of the two, it didn't really matter, it wouldn't change anything.

And in front of it all stood a girl.

A girl who stared at it all.

The brain matter.

The blood.

The dead body of a girl who had been alive a week ago.

The girl took in a breath.

It got caught in her throat.

And then she screamed.

And then she ran like her life depended on it.

[[She wouldn't return]]
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