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V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:11 pm
by Ruggahissy
Hello chums

If you have not been rolled, please do not post in the rolls thread except to use cards. Those rolled are free to request heros or death ideas as needed. Keep discussion in chat and other parts of the board respectful (no gloating about not getting rolled, etc.).

The following characters have been rolled:
[+] V8 Ninth Rolls
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:11 PM
Welcome to the pit
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:11 PM
The traditional test rolls
— Today at 9:11 PM
61 ⟵ [61] 1d69
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:11 PM
And another
— Today at 9:11 PM
177 ⟵ [177] 1d420
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:12 PM
Say hello for the surveillance cameras
Gundham — Today at 9:12 PM
It begins
Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 9:12 PM
waves im the UN-mandated "impartial" observer
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:13 PM
We'll be rolling for 5, Gundham'll call, I'll roll, Rugga'll fetch
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:13 PM
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:13 PM
Ready whenever
Gundham — Today at 9:13 PM
Sounds good, we're rolling out of 84
Roll 1
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:13 PM
— Today at 9:13 PM
20 ⟵ [20] 1d84
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:13 PM
20. Timothy Adams (Jilly)
Gundham — Today at 9:13 PM
Roll 2
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:14 PM
— Today at 9:14 PM
16 ⟵ [16] 1d84
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:14 PM
16. Juanita Reid (Gundham)
Gundham — Today at 9:14 PM
Roll 3
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:14 PM
— Today at 9:14 PM
79 ⟵ [79] 1d84
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:14 PM
79. Perante Losoa (CardboardAirplane)
Gundham — Today at 9:14 PM
Roll 4
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:14 PM
— Today at 9:14 PM
60 ⟵ [60] 1d84
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:15 PM
60. Alexander Hawthorne (Dogs231)
Gundham — Today at 9:15 PM
Roll 5
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 9:15 PM
— Today at 9:15 PM
57 ⟵ [57] 1d84
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 9:15 PM
57. Medea Parth (TheLordOfAwesome)
That's a wrap
I'll log it
1. Timothy Adams (Jilly)
2. Juanita Reid (Gundham) Jack Anderson (Anderson, Hero card used)
3. Perante Losoa (CardboardAirplane)
4. Alexander Hawthorne (Dogs231) Donovan Lauer (Dogs231, Swap card used)
5. Medea Parth (TheLordOfAwesome)

You have THREE days (72 hours) from this announcement going up to play hero or swap cards to save a rolled character. Characters slotted to die at the end of that 72 hour period have an additional NINE days to die before they and their killer become ineligible for the Best Kill and Best Death Awards for this rolls cycle.

Any characters who have not died by the BKA/BDA deadline of the next rolls cycle will be taken over by SOTF_Help in order to complete their deaths.

Time remaining for cards:

Time remaining for BKA/BDA eligibility:

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:16 pm
by CardboardAirplane
Second time in a row? Damn, I think I pissed off a wizard somewhere

In an effort to not be completely out of V8 now, Imma ask for a hero

Edit: Because I realise I forgot to put this here, if you've got death ideas, send em over to me but also I'm gonna be probably unresponsive until card timer runs out

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:23 pm
by Dogs231
Hey, so, I know heroes are really rare lately, but I'm really hoping for one right now. None of my characters are in a good place to die right now, in terms of both their stories and their current threads. If you're willing to spare one for me, I'd be so, so, so grateful.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:21 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Hello everyone.

I find myself in the unfortunate position of requesting a Hero for Medea. While I didn't want to advertise this fact, Medea is involved in an escape that has taken several OOC months to plot out. The plan has been in mind since Day 1, but it wasn't until relatively recently that steps had finally been taken to actually start the plan (not for a lack of trying mind you). The unfortunate part of this is that Medea is basically the lynch pin of this plan, so her death would result in the plan falling through for pretty much everyone involved beforeit has even begun. So kindly requesting a Hero so this plan can still proceed forward.

If no Hero is given, I am still weighing the option of Swapping out Medea for Dani. An action I'd rather not do as Dani is my favorite to play, but we will see.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:10 pm
by Gundham





Yes, YOU!




Bloodshot eyes from long nights spent typing posts...


Stress from constantly dodging the activity net...


Anxiety from juggling too many plotlines...


If any of these describes YOU, then you might be suffering from Too Many Characters syndrome.


TMCS is a recognized disorder that affects tens of handlers every decade. But, now at long last, there's a cure: Heroing Juanita Reid.


Heroing Juanita Reid is YOUR one-post solution to having too many characters. It's easy, affordable, and non-allergenic. Wow!


Side effects of Heroing Juanita Reid include:

Being incredibly based!
More free time with loved ones!
Gundham's eternal gratitude!
Angsty morality drama!
New exciting injuries!
Fallout New Vegas references from the legion!
Lesbian fanservice scenes with Ash*!

Act fast, and YOUR character could be eligible for a Best Death Award and a prestigious scrolling quote on top of the header bar for everyone to see! Just think of the prestige!

Supplies are limited to one per handler, so what are you waiting for? Ask your doctor if Heroing Juanita Reid is right for YOU! (It is, trust me, I already asked them)

Okay, but for real, please do consider heroing my one-legged one-eared adrenaline freak. I've had a blast writing her and I hope she's been enjoyable to read. I've really enjoyed pulling the legion together and following her descent into villainy, and there's so, so much more that I want to do with her going forward, and I'd love to keep going with all of that.



Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:28 pm
by Jilly
Hi henlo. I don't expect a save for Timothy and I'm probably just gonna let him die tho there's a very small fraction of a chance I'll swap him out for Shu, but I wouldn't turn down a hero if you really wanted to give me one. Send me pitches for either but if you are pitching for Shu be very, very sure it would be a situation that would make sense for his character and narrative.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 4:19 am
by Anderson
Jack Anderson heroing for Juanita Reid.

Edit: To be clear, no ideas needed.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:03 pm
by Jilly
Hi, gamer update, I'm gonna let Tim get hit by RNG so if you blessed me with another hero it'll be for him. I'm still open for death pitches until card time runs out so if interested please forward ideas to me. thanks.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:54 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Hey everyone.

So since it is down to the wire now, I should mention I am no longer considering using my swap card. So unless Medea gets Hero'd before the deadline (which I would still appreciate so i can continuewith the escape plan), I will be hearing out death ideas.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:05 am
by Dogs231
I'm not going to lie, dying now would be heartbreaking, and I still desperately want a hero. I've still got so much left to do with all my characters. Their stories aren't ready to end yet. I've got big plans and ideas for all three of them. That said, though, I can see the writing on the wall, and I know it's not likely that I'll be getting a card.

I am playing my swap card. S043: Donovan Lauer for S061: Alexander Hawthorne.

If anyone feels generous, I'm still holding out for a hero. Never say it's over until it's over and all that. I'd be beyond grateful for one.

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:08 pm
by CardboardAirplane
Well shucks, can't save em all I guess

Open to death ideas, have one in mind if it comes down to it

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:13 pm
by Buko
Time is up for cards, little under 9 days for deaths if you want to be eligible for awards!

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:11 am
by CardboardAirplane

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:55 pm
by Jilly

Re: V8 Ninth Rolls

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:16 pm
by Ruggahissy
That's time on BKA/BDA eligibility