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Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 1:43 am
by VoltTurtle
((The fire pit roared and crackled a few feet away from them.))

"S-So, then, Mr. Kitty ended up g-getting out," Katelyn said, quietly. "We don't know h-how it happened, but I was so scared I'd n-never see him again!"

She gave Kai an affectionate squeeze, her arms wrapped tightly around his chest as she sat directly behind him, cheek pressed into his back. It was the middle of the day, near the base of the mountain, the two of them sitting on an outstretched blanket, underneath Kai's umbrella. They had made camp as far from the road or any recognizable paths as possible, in a place obscured by trees and the mountain itself, though there was a fairly substantial clearing to their left. They had hoped that the difficult, snowy terrain would be trouble for their classmates, but not so much for them, given their experience camping in the middle of Salem's winters.

"I went out l-looking for him," she continued, nuzzling Kai's back, "I called and c-called his name, and that usually worked, but he just d-didn't show up!"

Thanks to Katelyn's many conquests and pillaging, both of their bags were full to bursting with rations, and while it wasn't good food, it was at least sustenance. Some small, stupid part of her hoped that their camp's remoteness, combined with their abundance of supplies, would mean that she would finally be left alone. Another part of her worried that California and Kelsey were still out there, but she also understood that she couldn't save everyone, and had no present intentions of trying to find them again. The rest of her, meanwhile, was preoccupied trying not to think about Ren, or her burning hatred for Matthew, lest the hole in her chest grow ever wider.

"I s-spent hours doing that. I f-felt so hopeless when it got d-dark and I had to go home. I c-couldn't sleep that night, I was so w-worried sick."

She missed Mr. Kitty dearly. The despair and hopelessness that she felt the day he went missing was all too similar to how she felt about him now. She'd do anything if it meant that she'd be able to go home to him for certain. She hoped her aunt and uncle would take good care of him, after she died.

"E-Except this story had a h-happy ending. I got up in the morning and went out l-looking for him again, and he was just in the backyard shed!"

Katelyn gave Kai another squeeze. On the off chance that they did encounter anyone this far off the beaten path, they were packing more than enough firepower to handle them. Between the shotgun sitting a few feet behind her, the grenade launcher hanging off her neck, and the various blades she had in store, nobody would be able to threaten them. If they tried anyway, she'd simply rip them limb from limb.

"I was so r-relieved to find him," she mewed. "I brought him b-back inside and he didn't leave my lap for the r-rest of the day!"

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:47 pm
by backslash
((Kai Rosado-Prince continued from The Sound You Found For Me))

Kitty's stutter seemed to be getting worse. Kai couldn't tell if it was her teeth chattering from constant cold, or if it was stress.

He felt it too. Going on a week mostly spent out in the open and the cold. His muscles and bones ached in a deep way that he couldn't solely blame on digging Meena's grave. It was the constant shivering. The way the body seized to keep warm even after you stopped noticing.

Salem had killed somebody yesterday. That weighed on him too.

There was a comfort and routine to listening to Kitty ramble as he tended the fire. She sat snug against his back, reciting a story that he'd heard before. He wished his mind would stop wandering back to Salem. To Matthew and Ren and the other boy that Matthew had killed.

Maybe that gunshot he'd fled from when leaving Salem had been a warning shot, even if it wasn't aimed at him.

He hoped that Cali was okay somewhere.

"He didn't try to get out much after that, huh?" Kai asked when there was a lull in Kitty's speech. He knew the answer, but that was fine.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 7:23 pm
by Fiori
There was a lone figure in the distance, slowly approaching Katelyn's camp from further up the mountain.

She didn't appear to be armed, save for the strange metal hoop tucked into her belt, her hands raised high into the air as she took slow and cautious steps across an uneven field of snow. Atop her head sat a red wool hat, one of the few defences she had against the falling snowflakes that were adding to the frosty landscape.

The figure then stopped, standing a fair distance away in the middle of that white clearing, out in the open for all to see.

"KATELYN GRAVES!" Lily cried out, trying to put on a brave face despite the intense fear in her eyes.

"I'm here to talk!" she continued, a hint of trepidation in her voice as she kept her arms raised high into the air. "I'm not armed, or here to start a fight... I just want to talk."

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 12:40 am
by VoltTurtle
"Yeah, he didn't! He knew that inside was safe and-"

Katelyn startled at the shout, flailing off of Kai's back and landing in the snow, before leaping to her feet and staring daggers at the latest interloper. Instinctively, her hand went to the grenade launcher, though she did not raise it, merely tightening her grip around its handle. Katelyn had seen Lily around in the halls and even shared a few classes with her, but they had never actually spoken or introduced themselves. There was no certainty in this interaction, something that raised her hackles at the best of times, and these were some of the worst.

It didn't matter who Lily was, though, for a deep sense of frustration welled up within Katelyn regardless. She had been foolish and careless letting her guard down like that. She let comfort and a sense of security get the better of her, when that could never be real in this place. It had barely taken half a day for someone to find them, and now they wanted to... talk?

She didn't trust it. Nobody wanted to talk to her, they wanted to kill her. For a moment, she took her eyes off of Lily to scan the horizon, trying to see if she was as alone as she presented herself, but found no-one. Was Lily truly alone, or was there someone waiting in ambush?

It didn't matter, she supposed. If she were alone, Lily would have been reduced to a particularly gory pile of mush before she even finished talking, and then Katelyn would've gone on with her day. Kai was here though, and he wouldn't allow her to kill without a good reason. Talking it was, then, until they could make their getaway.

"About what?" she called back, almost a hiss.

Katelyn thought she had a pretty good guess, but she knew what they said about assuming.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 5:11 pm
by backslash
Kai's thoughts about keeping the campfire going and debating whether he wanted to use Dominiqua's special rations instead of the standard for lunch were scattered by the new voice. He vaguely recognized the girl approaching when he looked up, the same way that he vaguely recognized most of the class. Lily, he thought. The one who made a thing out of being a Satan worshipper or something.

She looked pretty nice and normal for a Satan worshipper. He'd always thought so, anyway. Kai didn't really ask people about religion as a rule, and he'd barely talked to Lily ever, so he didn't know how serious she was about the whole thing.

Kitty was serious, though. She immediately jolted away from Kai's back and then stood and answered. He tensed as he watched her go. Watched her hand move to the grenade launcher before she even said anything in response.

Whatever trace of an okay mood he'd managed to cultivate crumbled away. The sick tension bubbled back to the surface. Always there, now. Always waiting.

Even after the talk they'd had, he had seen where Kitty's hands went first.

God, he hated this.

Kai kept silent, but he laid down the stick he had been using to tend the fire and stood. He laid a hand on Kitty's shoulder and squeezed.

Tried not to debate with himself over how much of the gesture was reassurance and how much was a leash.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 8:26 pm
by Fiori
"Old friends" was the response Kitty got.

Lily stood there in the snow, waiting for Kitty and Kai to emerge from the copse of trees where they had set up camp. She had been careful to not come too close when she made her presence known, in case Kitty opted to respond with a hail of gunfire, but she knew they couldn't remain at that distance if she hoped to have an actual conversation.

Sure enough the two cautiously approached, a clump forming in Lily's throat as she got a good look at the small arsenal Kitty was packing. She'd picked up a shotgun that was previously laying on the ground nearby, and had what appeared to be a grenade launcher slung around her neck. She'd wondered what Kitty had received for her BKA, but never dreamed that a weapon capable of such destruction was even on the table.

It was some small comfort, at least, that the weapons she bore were more suited to close distance encounters. Granted she could only guess the range of that grenade launcher, a bead of sweat dripping from her brow.

Eventually, the three found themselves standing there in the snow. An unarmed Lily with her hands raised in the air, standing alone less than fifty meters away from the top killer on the island. The moment left her chilled to the bone even if it wasn't already below freezing temperatures.

Granted, her blood started boiling again once she reminded herself why she was doing this in the first place.

"Liya Polaris" she stated, a hint of venom in her voice despite her best efforts to remain calm, granted the anger bubbling beneath the surface was one hell of a confidence booster. "We met early on, decided to travel together for a while, until she said that she needed to head off for a minute..."

"That minute turned into an hour..." she continues, taking deep breaths to maintain her composure, her eyes boring right into Katelyn's. "She was dead by the time we finally found her. What I want to know, is why."

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 11:18 pm
by VoltTurtle
Another wannabe hero. Katelyn was so tired of this nonsense. She could feel the venom behind Lily's accusations, shot at her like a hail of bullets, over one of her most justified kills no less. Where did they all get the idea that confronting her would end the violence? If anything, the opposite happened. Only love and understanding had made her consider stopping, and now Lily was trying her best to undo all of Kai's hard work, not unlike Matthew with Ren before her.

Really, if she thought about it, the two of them seemed more and more similar. Matthew had killed a killer, and then tried to kill her. Lily too had killed a killer, but whether she was trying to kill Katelyn now remained to be seen. Regardless of her intent, this wouldn't end the way the fight with Matthew did. If Lily tried anything, anything at all, then Katelyn would end her before Kai lost even a drop of blood.

The shotgun remained at her side and pointed at the ground, despite a part of her wanting to raise it, fire, and be done with this. Kai's touch reminded her that there was more at stake than her growing irritation at yet another confrontation. Besides, she couldn't help but get the sense that something wasn't quite right about all of this. Who walked up to a known threat unarmed, especially if you already had blood on your hands yourself?

Whatever. She'd give Lily a chance.

"L-Liya," Katelyn started to reply, only to stop and take a deep breath.

Her heart threatened to beat its way out of her chest. Stay calm, she told herself, Kai was here with her. He could vouch for her.

"Liya attacked me first," she called out, a half-truth spoken steadily. "I was trying to hide, and she f-found me. We talked, but when I tried to leave, I tr-tripped and she-"

Katelyn bit her bottom lip. She didn't like remembering this. She still couldn't quite get the life leaving Liya's face out of her mind.

"-she tried to kill me. It didn't work out for her. Everything got w-worse from there."

She let out a long sigh through her nose. Her description of events wasn't quite right, and she knew it, but Lily and Kai wouldn't understand the full context. Katelyn might've seen the billhook drop, but that was in the middle of her thrusting the knife at Liya's throat, and by then it was too late. She only realized in hindsight, and the deed was already done. Whatever had been going on in Liya's head, both of them paid for her mistake.

"B-Before you ask," she continued, her voice growing unsteady. "I don't know w-why she did it. I was covered in bl-blood, so I guess maybe she thought I d-deserved it, or that nobody would m-miss me."

Would anyone miss her by the time the curtain was called? Or would they all be glad she was dead and buried, forgetting who she was before all of this? The thought twisted her stomach into knots.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt her," and Katelyn meant that.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 3:40 pm
by backslash
Kai had said that not everyone they met would be like Matthew. It had been an attempt at reassuring himself as much as Kitty.

Now, he couldn't find any reassurance in being proven right.

He'd almost forgotten about Liya in the tangled rush of all the time between the first announcement and now. She wasn't a presence in their lives like Robin had been. Second place on a list that had gotten too long, too fast.

But she'd had people who cared about her, and they hadn't gotten to say goodbye.

Kitty's story made sense, and Kai tried not to think about whether it made too much sense or too little. He didn't move from Kitty's side and didn't interject, but he dropped his gaze from Lily's face.

Always on the sidelines now. Watching this violence unfold until he forced his way in to try to stop it. His hand hovered near Kitty's arm, ready to pull her away in case Lily made an aggressive move.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 4:31 pm
by Fiori
Lily was taken aback by Kitty's claim, unsure at first whether she ought to be shocked or outraged about the story presented to her.

It was a mix of both at first, her chest tightening and brows furrowing. Of course she'd claim it was done in self-defence, who wouldn't when pressed with such a question? Nobody would ever come clean that they had killed someone in cold blood, that they could've done something else instead of taking a life. Even Lily wasn't immune to those self-defensive thoughts, after what had happened with Janice back at the mines.

Like the fellow killer standing before her, there was a part of Lily that wanted to clench her fists and be done with this as well.

But for now, she listened. She listened because deep down, despite everything, she truly wanted to give Kitty the benefit of the doubt. She desperately wanted to believe that she wasn't the boogeyman the announcements made her out to be, even if that meant accepting the possibility that there was some truth to her words. That there was a chance Liya may have tried to kill her after all.

Lily bit her bottom lip. She didn't want to believe that Liya intended on playing, nor could she picture her ever killing anyone. Then again, she never thought Alex could ever hurt anyone either. Or Fitz. Or Karin.

Or herself.

"I'm... Sorry, for your loss..." Lily replied after a short pause, briefly turning her head to look over at Kai. She didn't know much about Ren, but she knew that the three of them were close friends. Ren didn't deserve to die, especially not at the hands of a heartless bastard like Matthew, who now seemed intent on extending his brand of vigilante justice to anyone who were friends with players too.

That was not her. That was not the path she wanted to walk.


Kitty had killed six people. That was a fact she couldn't afford to overlook.

"I take it you also didn't want to hurt the others, either..." she asked, her gaze returning to Kitty. It came out more accusatory than intended, despite her best efforts.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 3:30 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
She watched from the trees, silent, patient, and barely remembering to breathe.

[Amaryllis Peszek-Byrne continued from Terminal Paradise.]

So far, it was going well. Nobody had needed to die yet. And compared to what she had imagined when Lily brought this up, that was a miracle. Because, at first, she thought the plan was suicide. Lily had seen them first, when it was her turn to take point. Amaryllis wanted to find a place to post up with the rifle and pick their moment to pick them off, first one, then the other. She didn't believe there was any larger ideological point here in killing the killers; it was only an act of preemptive self-defense. It was only seeking truth from facts, after all, to observe that the last time they left a killer alive, the two of them had almost died—and that wasn't really a point, but a method, so, be quiet, okay?

But then Lily had seen something that gave her pause. Kitty was showing some humanity, in a way, by being affectionate with Kai, the guy she was with. It didn't really change Amaryllis' opinion of her—something she was trying not to think about too much, because of the dread it filled her with, thick as oil—it was the most human thing of all to kill one hour, and spend the next making out in a tree or whatever.

Lily, though, thought this meant something. That it meant they'd have a window of opportunity—a chance to talk, to make amends, and find the truth. So she would go and approach them, and Amaryllis would stay back, with the rifle, as an insurance policy. Amaryllis was the better shot, Lily said. She could watch her back. But what Amaryllis really wanted was to go down there herself. In a fair fight, a real, one on one, fists to fists fight, Amaryllis would rip Kitty in half. Just pick her up and rip, like a big piece of paper, baptize herself in the blood, and leave a crimson obscurity in the snow behind her, the remains of the circle that she summoned herself in. was more useful to stay back. She was so angry she could barely say "okay" when Lily asked if the plan was alright. It came out squeaky and unsure. Like someone else had said it, long ago, and it had got trapped in a hole in some dead tree doomed to forever repeat it when the wind hit it wrong.

And Amaryllis could only nod when Lily told her what the signal was, to fire; Lily would clench both of her fists. Amaryllis was ready; her index finger tapped against the front of the trigger guard. She was patient, but that was running thin.

If only she could hear what they were talking about.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 11:29 pm
by VoltTurtle
"N-No, of course not," Katelyn replied to Lily, only mostly true. "What kind of psycho actually sets out to hurt people?"

There it was again, that strange feeling that something was off. It was more acute now, a shiver crawling up the back of her neck. What was Lily's motivation for the rest of this questioning? Katelyn understood wanting to know what happened to a friend, but why bother with worrying about the others? It's not like Lily called any of them out by name, there was no reason for her to care, right? Unless...

"It was... bad luck," she continued, answering for Kai's sake as much as Lily's. "I made m-mistakes, and hurt people when I didn't mean to. Then I got a r-reputation, and people tried to hurt me, and I defended myself."

Suddenly, there was a glare, seemingly of the sun getting in her eyes, causing Katelyn to flinch and shield her face with her hand. After a moment, it went away, and Katelyn's hand dropped back down. What was that? Had the sun caught on the snow at just the right angle to blind her?

"If," she resumed speaking, only slightly perturbed, "if I could go back to f-fix it, I would. Right now I'm just trying to a-avoid any... more... violence..."

Katelyn trailed off as the glare caught her eyes again, less sharp than before. She looked over to the direction it was in, squinting to get a better view. In the treeline at the other side of the clearing, she saw what looked like a small, flickering white light, like a mirror in a sunbeam.

A deep memory, almost forgotten, was drawn to the forefront of her mind.

When she was young, her father would take her camping and hunting with him. He had been hesitant to allow it at first, but at her insistence eventually let her come along. She never held a gun herself, but she liked being outdoors and liked spending time with him, so she'd follow along. That was how she first learned to stalk and be quiet.

Sometimes, during these outings with her father, his friends would come along with them. She always felt like an outsider when they were around, but unlike the kids at school, they were at least nice enough to her. The only snag was that one of her father's friends was a bit of a prankster. One day, while they were out, he took one of the hunting scopes and disappeared into the woods. They spent hours searching for him, until they arrived at the top of a hill, and Katelyn spotted a small, flickering white light on another hill in the distance. The others saw it too, and suddenly got very upset, one of them even starting to panic. They made haste to where the prankster was, and her father started yelling at him, because he had used the scope to make it appear like he had been aiming at them. She had never seen her father so angry. She never would again.

This glare was just the same as that one, all those years in the past.

Which meant...

With no warning, Katelyn tore away from Kai's grip in a panic and darted as quickly and erratically as she could to put Lily between herself and the glare she saw in the treeline. She planted her feet and brought the shotgun up, aimed directly at Lily's chest.

"YOU," she screamed, hoarse and angry, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU. YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME TOO!"

Lily had insurance, of course that was why she had come out here unarmed. Katelyn couldn't believe she had allowed herself to be exposed like this. Now she had to claw her way out, for Kai and herself. Never again would she make another error in judgement like this.


The shotgun wobbled in her grasp.


Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 11:25 pm
by Fiori
Lily's eyes widened as Kitty dived to the side, instinctively stumbling back a couple feet before freezing up. Her hands twitched, unsure whether to signal for Amaryllis to take the shot, before realising why Katelyn had changed her position a second too late to react.

Shit. She wasn't sure how, but one way or another Kitty managed to cotton on to the ace up her sleeve. Maybe Amaryllis gave herself away, or perhaps Kitty just put 2-and-2 together and figured out why Lily had revealed herself so readily. Whatever the case, all that mattered now was that the element of surprise was long gone, and Lily now found herself in the iron sights of the island's top killer.

The fear in her eyes was impossible to hide, her body not daring to make any sudden movements. Sweat dripped from her brow, her face turning pale and chest tightening up as panic threatened to overwhelm her. Nevertheless, despite it all she somehow managed to keep her composure, taking a deep breath as she stood her ground. When Kitty made her demands, she didn't hesitate with her response.

"I can't do that." she gasps, gulping as she remains deathly still. "Because right now, I'm the only reason they haven't already shot you" she continued, trying to psyche herself up and stand tall despite overwhelming desire to drop to her knees out of sheer terror.

"Shoot me, and neither of us are walking away from here alive" she states, looking Kitty dead in the eyes.

She knew it was a huge risk to stand defiant at a time like this. Then again, hadn't this entire gambit been a risk right from the get go? Even with Amaryllis watching her back the entire time, along with her best efforts to maintain a decent distance between them, there was no guarantee that Kitty wouldn't try to shoot her on sight. All of this - and her continued survival - hinged on a known killer reacting like a rational human being.

There was a part of her that was still berating herself, now more loudly than ever. A part of her that was furious with herself for taking such a stupid risk, when the obvious thing to do was snipe Kitty from a safe distance and eliminate a known threat to everyone's safety. Sure it would've been cold-blooded murder, not to mention horrifically ruthless, as they would've almost certainly hit Kai as well. But it would've guaranteed the end to a reign of terror that had haunted them all since day 1.

And yet, there she was. Trying her best to be a good person, like a fucking idiot.

"Look..." she says, biting her bottom lip. "If I just wanted you dead, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You think I'd put myself at risk like this if I didn't think it was worth reaching out?"

There were other, more pragmatic reasons as well. Luring her out into the open made her an easier target, should it come to that, and more importantly meant Kai was less likely to get caught in any potential crossfire. She didn't want him to get hurt, at least not without getting some sense as to what his angle was in all of this. Was he an enabler, protecting and aiding Kitty with her murders? Or - if Kitty was telling the truth - was he maybe their best hope of making sure nobody else got hurt, without having to resort to more violence?

"I want to believe you, Katelyn..." she says, plainly. "Believe me, I really do..."

Granted, she also wasn't an idiot. You don't kill half a dozen people by accident, and she wasn't going to bet everything on good faith alone. Much as she loathed to rely on such underhanded tactics, it would've been foolish to not have Amaryllis on standby just in case. She didn't want Katelyn dead - even after everything she'd done, she truly wanted to walk away believing that she meant what she said.

But if Katelyn's word proved false? Well, that was what the signal was for, not that it mattered anymore.

"I..." she continues, taking a deep breath. "I needed to know if you were really the monster the announcements made you out to be."

Truth be told, she still wasn't entirely convinced one way or the other. But she suspected that she'd find out soon enough, taking a deep breath as she made peace with herself.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 5:56 pm
by backslash
Of course. Of course. It always took just a moment for things to go wrong.

Kitty wrenched away from Kai's touch. His hand closed around air a fraction too late, and he could only just make out a glint of light in the trees when he looked to see what had set her off. Was that it? The scope of a gun or something similar? Or could he be sure he'd seen anything at all?

In the end, it didn't matter. The result was the same. Kitty running from him, screaming accusations and raising the gun. Lily confirming it had all been a ploy.

It might have played out the same way as all the others. Kai didn't know and didn't want to. But it wasn't going to end the same way.

The second that it took for all of these thoughts to run through his head felt like eternity, but then Kai tore himself loose from the paralysis. He covered the distance that had taken Kitty a mad dash in just a few strides. Didn't think about what he was doing. Couldn't think any longer.

He planted himself firmly in front of Kitty, his back to Lily and whoever her hidden friend was. No winning with that. There would be two guns pointed at him either way.

He cared more about the one in front of him now, as he locked eyes with Kitty.


Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 1:11 am
by VoltTurtle
Katelyn flinched as Kai ran out in front of her, almost pulling the trigger on reflex. She pointed the barrel away and flinched again when he spoke, her anger withering along with her posture as she shrunk into herself.


She wanted to feel validated for figuring out Lily's plot, but Kai turned all of it into consternation. Stupid, how could he be so stupid? Putting himself at risk like that, she could have shot him. And for who? Someone who admitted to wanting to kill her just a moment ago! Being in the way didn't even change anything, Lily had a point that Katelyn would lose any leverage by shooting her. Now, because of Kai, they had already lost any advantage they might have otherwise gained.

Her mind raced for a solution. There was no good way out of this, but maybe there was a way. If Lily was to be believed, and to her credit her behavior lined up with her actions, then she wouldn't want anyone innocent to get hurt. Kai had made it clear, his actions shouting over her words, that he was at least innocent. If they wouldn't hurt him, then they couldn't hurt her, either. They just had to stick together, and maybe they'd make it out.

With some hesitation, she lowered the gun, letting it fall completely to her side. She looked away, staring at the ground.

"Okay," she murmured.

Re: Cat Scratch Fever

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 11:05 pm
by Fiori
Lily looked startled as Kai stepped in, forming a barrier between herself and Katelyn's gun.

She quickly glanced back over her shoulder, unsure whether or not to signal for Amaryllis to hold fire. She was NOT going to leave here with Kai's blood on her hands, especially now that she had a clearer picture of their situation. The fact that he was telling Kitty to stop instead of herself said all that needed to be said, really.

He'd been the biggest reason she was taking this risk at all in the first place. Much as she hated to admit it, if Kitty were alone she could picture herself being persuaded to take her out from a distance. Why take such a huge gamble when the numbers spoke for themselves? But seeing her and Kai being so sweet and affectionate with one another... That wasn't the same Katelyn Graves she pictured every time her name came up in the announcements, a name that was curiously absent that very morning. Maybe there was an ounce of truth to her words after all. Maybe Kai was the one thing keeping her in check, and without him she'd continue to perpetuate the cycle of violence that had plagued her from day 1.

Or, maybe this was only delaying the inevitable, and sooner or later Kai's emotions would render him blind to the monster his friend had become. Granted, who was she to judge whether or not Kai knew his friend better than she did?

It was all a mess, one that would be impossible to untangle without the benefit of hindsight. Regardless, it was clear there was only one thing she could do now that Kai had put himself in harm's way.

"I'm... I'm going to walk away now..." she says, taking a cautious step backwards. "I'd suggest you both do the same."

Lily looked past Kai, pondering for a moment if it was worth leaving Kitty with a parting message, before ultimately deciding against it. She'd said all she wanted to say to her at this point. Kai, on the other hand...

"I hope you know what you're doing, Kai..." she adds, slowly backing away until she was at a safe enough distance to turn and run.

She was out of breath by the time she made it up that hill, slowing down as she entered the patch of trees where Amaryllis was waiting for her. There she would stand for a moment, taking a series of deep breaths... Before stumbling back to collapse against a nearby spruce, hugging herself tightly as she finally allowed herself to panic.

"Oh fuck oh fuck, I almost died, oh fucking fuck shit what the hell was I thinking, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck...."