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I'm Just A Kid (And Life Is A Nightmare)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:34 pm
by DerArknight
Chiara Masina.

That was the name of the girl who probably saved Derek's life a week ago. All this time Derek didn't ask her. Now he knew. And he was less than satisfied about the way he found out.

((Derek Caldwell continued from DEFINITELY Would Not Rec))

In the end, they took shelter in the sleeping quarters once more. Setting out had accomplished nothing except getting their names on the To-Do-list of every self-proclaimed hero and getting two people killed. At least they were on the other end of the quarters. No longer close to where his ringfinger was rotting away. A little closer to where Zhijuan was rotting away. And who knew how many other corpses were rotting close by. Judging by the announcements, dead bodies should be pretty much all around the island.

More would follow. That much was sure.

Lying on the bed, Derek found himself staring at one of the cameras. For a moment he considered making another monologue, flinging another message into the future. Telling the world that he was sorry for his actions, that it was an accident and that he never intended to harm Ty.

But what would that achieve? He wouldn't get an answer, and they had no reason to believe him anyway. For them, he was just another scared teen who killed another scared teen for the slight chance of making it home. He was victim #007. He was a part of a statistic.

Thinking about this made him even more depressed. So he stood up.

It was time to move.

((Derek Caldwell continued in And No Lessons Were Learned))