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V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:33 pm
by Buko
Friday, December 10, 2021: Joint Branch Lewis-McChord, Washington, 11:35AM

"So that's it, you're sure you've narrowed down the location?"

It was a question from the commanding officer for the army special group that had been dispatched to assist in the operation. It had been a part of the negotiations to get the army's intelligence. They were allowed to assist in the operation and receive some of the credit for taking down the Arthro Taskforce. As far as Rhea was concerned it was more than they truly deserved given their actions. They'd figured out Tracen Danya had been in their ranks before going AWOL and they'd swept it under the rug rather than risk the backlash. They'd also known about Steven Wilson, and had presented them with an entire file on his exploits, but again, had washed their hands of responsibility.

"Well, it's the only logical island they could be operating on," Rhea replied, pointing to a group of buildings on the island's southwest coast. "We've spoken to the Norwegians about this research station and it was mothballed long ago. Budget cuts meant it was unsustainable on their end and the American government didn't want to foot an entire bill. So they just closed it down." Her finger traced along a winding path between the mountain that rested in the middle of the island and the forest. "The town was also abandoned after the mine collapsed, a one-two punch that ended the economy on the island. As far as a staging ground for a version of Survival of the Fittest goes it's perfect. It has existing infrastructure as well as existing structures, so they don't need to build anything, and with the wilderness, they have plenty of places to hide their operatives."

One of the army group raised a hand slightly, he was older with a lantern jaw and weathered features, Rhea wasn't sure if he was still active in the field or had only recently moved into an organizational role but he struck her as the most combat seasoned of the diplomatic party the army had sent. "You're telling us that there's going to be an opposition detachment on the island itself, along with any kids?"

Rhea nodded and slid the files for Steven Wilson and Josie Knight across the table to the men. "Yes, I've conducted interviews with past winners and other survivors and they've informed me that there is a group that works on the island, doing general maintenance of the terrorists' infrastructure, observation of the students as well as dealing with any emergencies that arise. They'll be there and they're made up of veterans and outdoorsmen. People who don't mind living in the wilderness for weeks at a time."

There was some mumbling from the army contingent at that news, and they quickly turned to have a hushed discussion.

After a pause, the lantern-jawed officer turned his attention back to her. "I suppose our main question is, then, where is their base while they run this operation?"

At that question, Rhea had to pause. It was one of the main unanswered questions they had about the AT's setup for the game. There were boats in the water, at least four; they'd been able to gather that information from different sources.

But the main hub for it all? Once they had that information, they'd be ready to move.

"I'm unsure, I think we may need to do some recon with a drone potentially to figure that out. One of the students gets given food and a weapon every day, and that has to be delivered from somewhere. I don't think the boats on patrol have the facilities for some of the meals they produce."

There were some scattered nods from around the table.

"I believe we can requisition a drone, if you believe finding the source of these deliveries will lead us to their main base?"

Rhea nodded, a determined stare in her eyes as she looked at everyone assembled around the table.

"I do."

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021: Undisclosed Location, 9AM

“We start off the day with what has become a mainstay and favorite, a bit of fratricide, when Katelyn Graves sunk her claws into her sister Ashlyn Graves. The best breakfast.

Following that, a double feature. Joshua James shot and killed Madeleine Molliqaj, but she soon got her revenge when Josh bled out from wounds she'd inflicted in the struggle. It wasn’t all bad news, they did end up hugging it out in the end.

“Keeping on that theme, Salem Fox played spin the bottle with Greg Craig, but Mr. Craig received a bullet as opposed to a kiss. It is the thought that counts, I suppose.

Tracen furrowed his eyes and sighed as he looked at his notes.

“Next, we have Jennifer Farrow, who nobly fell down a cliff. Another well earned victory for gravity.

“Following that, we have Evie McKown, who continued to build momentum by shooting down DeMarcus Miller. Excellent form and execution.

“Shortly after that, Iris Waite fell victim to a quick shot from Richard Buster Jr. You can add your own nickname themed quip there. Keep it classy.”

Tracen chuckled at his own joke and began to regain a playful bounciness to his speech.

Victor Grail showed excellent customer service skills, when he politely shot Karen Nguyen in the chest. Love to see it.

“Next was Elodie Hailey, who was stabbed by Juanita Reid. Good show of initiative and go-getter spirit.”

Tracen hummed like he was folding his laundry, conveying a casual disinterest in the whole event.

“And finally, Evie McKown finished off Lara Bullock with, you guessed it! More bullets. Less excellent form, Lara ended up executed all the same.”

There was a small shuffling of papers.

“In other news, more danger zones! Joining everything else already off-limits to you is the Dining Area, Correctional, and The Garages. You know the score already: don’t go in there or else. Or do, and save your classmates some time and energy.

“Unless, of course, you’re our Best Kill Winner Katelyn Graves who can find a meal of: lobster linguine in a creamy garlic-basil Alfredo sauce, a side of garlic bread and a carafe of white wine waiting for them in The Dining Area. Along with a weapon. Bon Appetite.

“And that’s all for today! Stay warm and keep on killing. We’re proud of you."


Weather: The weather has changed and calmed slightly with a lower rate of snowfall, but faster winds later in the day. The high is around 27 degrees F, -2.8 degree C in the morning with a low of 22 F, -5.5 degrees C, in the evening once the sun has gone down. The sun rises at 9:13AM and sets at 3:17 PM. The wind is consistent throughout the day and building to 10mph leading into the evening before leveling off and slowing down throughout the night. The moon remains in the waxing gibbous stage.

Here are the rolls for this set:
  1. Chester Folk (Ryuki)
  2. Danielle Bird (TheLordOfAwesome)
  3. Victor Grail (decoy73)
  4. Karin Han (Gundham)
[+] Sixteenth Rolls Log
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:48 AM
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:48 AM
It's that time again
The Commander in Chad — Yesterday at 1:48 AM
Let's get it!
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:48 AM
Let's test
— Yesterday at 1:48 AM
67 ⟵ [67] 1d690
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
— Yesterday at 1:49 AM
183 ⟵ [183] 1d420
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
Looks like it's working
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
Rolling 4 out of 50 characters
The Commander in Chad — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
Alright, Roll 1
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
— Yesterday at 1:49 AM
28 ⟵ [28] 1d50
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:49 AM
Chester Folk (Ryuki)
The Commander in Chad — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
Roll 2
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
— Yesterday at 1:50 AM
42 ⟵ [42] 1d50
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
Danielle Bird (TheLordOfAwesome)
The Commander in Chad — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
Roll 3
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
— Yesterday at 1:50 AM
48 ⟵ [48] 1d50
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
Victor Grail (decoy73)
The Commander in Chad — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
Roll 4
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:50 AM
— Yesterday at 1:50 AM
21 ⟵ [21] 1d50
Mighty Staff Gundham — Yesterday at 1:51 AM
Karin Han (Gundham)
Ultra Despair Girl — Yesterday at 1:51 AM
That's a wrap
Finally, congratulations to Ruggahissy for their Best Death Award win! Your quote nomination thread will be up shortly!

Please remember that there are three days for cards and for regular posting to wrap up for threads that are now in danger zones and a further seven days for leaving posts.

Characters slotted to die at the end of the 72-hour card period have an additional NINE days to die before they and their killer become ineligible for the Best Kill and Best Death Awards for this rolls cycle.

Any characters who have not died by the BKA/BDA deadline of the next rolls cycle will be taken over by SOTF_Help in order to complete their deaths.

Time for Cards:

Time for BKA/BDA Eligibility:

Re: V8 Eigth Announcement

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:38 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Hello everyone! I'm so thankful for how long I've been able to play and I'd really like to keep Dani's story going. I'd be really thankful for a Hero if anyone is willing to send one my way.

In the meantime, I am willing to hear death ideas just in case.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:25 am
by Gundham

I don't particularly want the previous hero of Karin to be annulled this quickly, and I do love my psychotic little interstellar nutloaf, but I also, like... know that I have been beyond blessed to have even gotten this far, and I'm very grateful for that, and I kinda just... don't want to be greedy or selfish here.

If everybody else that wants a hero gets one, and there's someone out there who's completely ready to say goodbye to one of their characters, then I'd accept a hero. Outside of that scenario, I think they're better spent elsewhere.

Accepting death pitches, but would prefer to get them from people who have a gun.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:16 am
by decoy73
Quite ironic here. I get a kill and now I'm rolled to die. I'm actually hitting something with Victor, what with his kill and all. I, similarly, would like a hero card, though death ideas are also welcome.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:32 am
by Ryuki
This is a shame. I'm not quite done with Chester's story yet. If anyone has a Hero Card to spare, that would be great.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:40 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
I'm no longer accepting death ideas as I've had more than a few floated by me and now I'm just trying to decide which would be the best fit for Dani.

That is, of course, if Dani is not Heroed. Which I would still very much appreciate! I have a lot of ideas where to take Dani's story if said ideas are able to come to fruition. So again, if anyone wants to see my girl's story continue, I am still open to Heroes.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:33 am
by Buko
That’s time for cards! A little under 9 days for BKA/BDA eligibility!

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:23 am
by Kermit
Three days, sixteen hours, twenty one minutes left for BKA/BDA.

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:42 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:40 pm
by Ruggahissy
Bit over two days for voting eligibility

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:42 pm
by Ryuki

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:45 pm
by Gundham

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:08 pm
by Kermit
Juuust a titch under a day left for award eligibility

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:45 pm
by decoy73

Re: V8 Eighth Announcement

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:26 am
by Kermit
This isn't actually necessary at all since everyone got their deaths in under the deadline (yaaaaaay team!!) but just making a day-late note for posterity (and because microsoft clippy is just like me fr) that that's time on BKA/BDA eligibility!