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V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:50 pm
by Ruggahissy
Monday, December 13, 2021: Joint Branch Lewis-McChord, Washington, 10:00AM

There was an expectant murmer in the conference room as everyone awaited the arrival of the intelligence officer. The drone they had requsitioned had arrived, bringing with it more red tape and waiting. The rumor was they had found something that appeared to fit the description Rhea had given but had wanted to confirm lest they assault a fishing vessel. Rhea found it somewhat hard to believe that the United States army could blow someone up from across the world but not figure out how food was getting onto an island, but she kept her mouth shut.

But as she sat there, nursing her second glass of water and exchanging glances with her CIA contact Santos, the door finally opened and a plain looking woman walked in with a manila envelope. Immediately a hush fell over the room as the woman approached the officer with the lantern jaw. There was quiet conversation and some glances at the contents on the folder, then the officer stole a glance over at Rhea and her group. From where she was Rhea felt excitement rising in her gut and she couldn't help but nudge her partner, who was looking over a report.

"Huh?" He whispered,

Rhea only nodded towards the gathering officers and saw as he began to smile, realising exactly what the drone had found.

The whispering eventually ended and then the officers approached the table.

"Looks like you were right." He announced as he dropped the open folder on the table, and slid out a group of satellite images from the preceding days.

They all showed a consistent series of images.

A solitary large boat in the middle of the ocean, a speedboat departing every morning and returning within the hour.

They'd found them.

Thursday, December 15th, 2021: Undisclosed Location, 9AM

Tracen settled himself down at the desk, coffee in one hand, bagel in the other. Another twenty-four hours had passed and that meant another group of kids had fallen victim to each other, or the elements. He looked at his rapidly decreasing list of names and did some quick calculations in his head. At the pace they were going it looked like they would once again land around the sweet spot of two weeks. Long enough for everyone to be forced to engage with the tragedy they were engineering but short enough to give them enough time to avoid too many prying eyes. He smiled to himself as he took a sip of coffee, then pressed the button to bring the speakers to life.

"Gooood morning class! I hope you've all been enjoying your field trip and have been keeping up with your homework. At the rate everything is going you should all be finished shortly, something I'm sure you're all looking forward to. But we still have a few days yet and that means we need to continue to catalog those of you who didn't have what it takes to keep going.

"We start with a prime example of that, actually, as Teddie Boyd didn't take care of his wounds and ended up deadie thanks to sepsis. I did really think after last time you'd all be a little more proactive in your attempts to cull your fellow classmates, but I have to say I am disappointed. I'll give you one more chance, but please, stop disappointing me."

As Tracen finished speaking his voice had lowered to an ominous whisper, but after letting the moment pass over them he reverted back to his normal more playful tone.

"Thankfully, Evie McKown doesn't let me down as she claimed yet another victim in quick succession. This time it was Danielle Bird, who was blasted like this was a game of duck might too old a reference for all of you. I'll guess we'll see.

"Next, Chester Folk met his end as Trinity Ashmore cracked his head like an egg and she was after that yolk. Nice of you to join us, Miss Ashmore, I was wondering when exactly you would decide to take part in this game of ours"

Tracen chuckled to himself and took a bite out of his bagel, pausing the announcement to wipe the crumbs off the desk before continuing.

"Sadly, our next elimination is of a promising young woman and killer, as Karin Han got a little stuck and then had her brains blown out by Matthew Bell. It wasn't very cash money of her if I do say so myself."

Another chuckle at his silly joke.

"Then it was high noon in the saloon, as Victor Grail and Julia Guercio faced off in a quick draw contest. Victor however did not show the quick reflexes that made him favoured on, and I think we can safely say he's never making the Blue Devils like that.

"Sadly, we must now say goodbye to a real contender in this game of ours as Shu Hawthorne played chicken with the barrel of a gun and that ended exactly as you'd expect. Gun, like train, always wins.

"Then we have the John Endecott Memorial special as Amaryllis Peszek-Byrne got lost out in the snow and died of exposure.

"Crystal Henderson also died out in the wilds from a combination of exhaustion and her wounds and...

Tracen let out a yawn.

"Apologies, but I'm getting a little tired of all of you dying from the elements."

He clapped his hands together and played up slapping himself awake.

"And next...I don't believe this..."

There was silence followed by sound of shuffling papers.

"Jacob Lang died of drowning after he fell in the lake. Honestly, between all of you and me, I think we actually did your school a favor abducting you. I mean, if you'd have gone on that ski trip the insurance premiums would have been crazy. None of you would have survived on the mean slopes of the Whiteface Mountain Ski Resort.

"Then in a deep dark tunnel, a magical fey encountered a cat and the cat preyed upon it, as Fey Zelenka-Morrison was shot by Katelyn Graves, who continues to build up quite the body count.

"And finally today, Salem Fox sniped Jessica Romero from across the road. Let's all hope she doesn't rise again.

"And that is it for yesterday's deaths. Next we must cover the danger zones, because as you've probably all figured out, we like you to all be nice and cozy and nearby each other. It will also be beneficial because you'll be able to huddle together for warmth when you inevitably get lost in the wilderness. So today we're losing the Sleeping Quarters, the Quarters Basement, the Infirmary and the Underground Tunnels. I hope you all enjoy your hikes.

“But our Best Kill Winner, Trinity Ashmore should make sure to stop off at the Underground Tunnels to get their meal of: a large pepperoni pizza, an order of mozzarella sticks, and a 1 liter bottle of Pepsi and 1 liter bottle of Coke. We don't want to take sides in the cola wars and be considerate to your preferences, after all.

"That brings us to an end today though, so until next time, for god sake try to stop falling over."

And with that the speakers switched off.


Weather: The weather has remained calm, with the snowfall stopping entirely and the wind dying down. The high is around 35 degrees F, 2 degrees C in the morning with a low of 30 F, -1 degree C, in the evening once the sun has gone down. The sun rises at 9:14AM and sets at 3:17 PM. The wind is consistent throughout the day and building to 10mph leading into the evening before leveling off and slowing down throughout the night. The moon is still in the waxing gibbous stage.

Here are the rolls for this set:

1. Kathleen Vozelnik (Jazzfat)
2. Beatrice Briggs (Pippi) Darryl Smith Jr. (Deamon, Hero Card used)
3. Adam Lader (Kotorikun)
4. David Worth (decoy73) Dawn Montogomery (DerArknight, Hero Card used)
[+] logs
♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:10 PM

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:10 PM
[6:10 PM]
Doin the test rolls

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:10 PM
we wait for our baller, out shot caller

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:10 PM

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:10 PM
I mean, you can test tho

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:10 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:10 PM
41 ⟵ [41] 1d420

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:10 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:10 PM
30 ⟵ [30] 1d69

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:10 PM
[6:11 PM]
All is well

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 6:11 PM
First time I've ever been called baller
[6:11 PM]
I'm here for it
[6:11 PM]
And to call shots
[6:11 PM]
Roll 1!

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:11 PM
Rollin 4 outta 39, Gundham calls, Rugga fetches, I be rollin

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 6:11 PM
Roll 1!

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:11 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:11 PM
34 ⟵ [34] 1d39

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:12 PM
Kai Rosado-Prince (backslash)

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:12 PM

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:12 PM
[6:12 PM]
sorry zee
[6:12 PM]
Kathleen Vozelnik (Jazzfat)

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 6:12 PM
Roll 2

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:12 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:12 PM
5 ⟵ [5] 1d39

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:12 PM
Beatrice Briggs (Pippi)

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 6:12 PM
Roll 3

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:12 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:12 PM
20 ⟵ [20] 1d39

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:12 PM
Adam Lader (Kotorikun)

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 6:12 PM
Roll 4

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:13 PM

@The Commander in Chad

— Today at 6:13 PM
1 ⟵ [1] 1d39

♡Ultra Despair Girl♡ — Today at 6:13 PM
David Worth (decoy73)
[6:13 PM]
That's a wrap, fellas

The Commander in Chad — Today at 6:13 PM
Till next time
[6:13 PM]
Finally, congratulations to our co-BDA winners TheLordOfAwesome and Skraal! Your quote nomination threads will be up shortly!

Please remember that there are three days for cards and for regular posting to wrap up for threads that are now in danger zones and a further seven days for leaving posts.

Characters slotted to die at the end of the 72-hour card period have an additional NINE days to die before they and their killer become ineligible for the Best Kill and Best Death Awards for this rolls cycle.

Any characters who have not died by the BKA/BDA deadline of the next rolls cycle will be taken over by SOTF_Help in order to complete their deaths.

Time for Cards:

Time for BKA/BDA Eligibility:

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:02 pm
by Kotorikun
send me death ideas

no more needed thanks

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:11 pm
by decoy73
Hey. I really have a good thing going with David. I'd love a hero to keep him going.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:25 am
by DerArknight
Heroing David Worth with Dawn Montogomery. No death ideas needed for the moment.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:11 pm
by Buko
About a day and a little under an hour to go for cards.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:29 am
by DerArknight

So some plans I had fell through and now I am on the market for receiving death pitches for Dawn.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 3:54 pm
by Deamon
Heroing Darryl Smith Jr. for Beatrice Briggs

I’m open for pitches but have a solid thematic idea I’d like to hit with Darryl’s death so keep in mind that I’ll have something I’ll want to be working towards.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:29 pm
by Buko
A little late to call it, but time for cards is done. 8 days and 20 hours and some kinda minutes left to get deaths into qualify.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:52 am
by Jazzfat
need pitches :3

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:15 pm
by Jazzfat
no longer need pitches :3

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:02 am
by Kermit
[scare chord] 14 hours left to qualify for awards.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:20 pm
by Deamon

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:15 pm
by Buko
Noting that time is up on award eligibility.

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 2:36 am
by Kotorikun

Re: V8 Ninth Announcement

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:43 pm
by DerArknight