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oh you think im a fed? youre damn right im fed .. breafast lunch and dinner

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2025 10:35 pm
by Cicada
[Mona Marroquín, Pregame Thread 2]

There's no doubt I can tell you're acting your heart out And she's addicted Obsessed like, "I know I can fiiiiiix him!” She's got heaaaarts in her eyes And she draws me kissing other guuuuys

(One song, yes thats the title, ahahaaahahaaaaaaa

I know you are but what am I, I know I am but what are you, hahaha I’m going through a fucking crisis right now but hey I got some burgers and I got a friend and oh whoops she’s also part of the crisis thanks a fucking lot you stupid red head green eyed glowie can’t get out of my head I guess this is what guys feel around you in general LOL nice to be on the other side of it I gueeeeeessthis is your fucking fault Manuel have fun with the ‘so bad I made her pick girls’ trope haunting you late nights a decade from now)

The driveway to any given Silver Springs house was the sort where it was, conveniently, so designed to support the ecosystem niche of migratory teenagers flocking into and out of parties via a dozen some carpools. Mona’s four door, pristinely clean all black everything pulled up to the empty slot of concrete nearest to the front door. A slightly portly woman who spoke mostly Spanish with an accent that slightly annoyed Mona even though she could perfectly understand it answered when she knocked. Smiles were exchanged like regalitos.

It's kinda sad how It's not your fault you're living in a madhouse I can't back down Aren't you tired of blending into the baaaaackground? She's got heaaaaarts in her eyes Saying, “Boy, you better watch the tiiiime!”

Mona clicked off her playlist as she got deeper into the household. They both knew Mona’s destination. At this point LK’s parents didn’t even bother checking in on her whenever she showed up. A big ass flight of stairs big enough for three side-by-side, a gentle sloping corkscrew. LK’s bedroom down a well lit hallway. One tap knock.

Mona entered and oh hey LK sitting there looking gorgeous

uughhhh the way her spine felt like concrete and the way she forgot to breathe and it was wrong toactually no who gave a fuck it was 2025, girls could like girls, that wasn’t the sort of mental minefield thing she needed to tip-toe around, only losers couldn't come to terms with their own sexuality, it wasn’t even sort of a shocking revelation even though it had happened like a week ago??? It had probably been coming for a long time now. Not like she didn’t hate most of the men in her life who weren’t Dad. And like, in theory that was something straight women did too but like. Uhhhhhhh. Something something (unfounded unresearched 3am pop psychologyMona would never have gotten a meaningful place in society even if she hadn’t imploded in sophomore year! Simple as).

The problem here was that Mona and LK’s history went back about as far as the parts of Mona’s life she was willing to acknowledgeit’s over it’s over, it’s okay, they were safe and that made them friends. Best friends, really. Mona didn’t mind risk. She didn’t mind breaking a lot of things. But not this. She didn’t want to lose this the way she’d lost everything else.

“There’s my little pogchamp,” Mona casually sauntered in, smiling. Mona was the relatively not-extra AF look, daily coin flip as to which she’d pick. She was the white wolf eye eyeliner, shimmering blue shadow on the lid, cut crease. She was the Spirit Blossom Lillia tee shirt, ironed because okay she put in at least some effort at all times, which she’d gotten at Anime Los Angeles ‘24 from a vendor. She was the well fit form-flattering black jeans, all her with the adjustments.

She held up the offerings of food. LK was still seated, and Mona made no big deal of taking her place on the floor beside LK after offering one bag of fast food’s most upper mid. Decent salt ratios on the fries. Not crispy enough. Didn’t go well with the meatiness of the burger. Something like that.

“Traffic was fucked. If we’re gonna do any ranked I’m tired and I’m going to tilt.”

She usually locked in regardless, but a Mona totally off her game was kind of cute and funny, the way she’d make stupid cat-like noises and pout and pretend that Down Here, Salt, Is a Way of Life.

“Do you have any homework due? I’m willing to chill without bothering yaI want your attention. I crave it. Prayer emoji. I’m ok. I’m cool. I promise.”

Re: oh you think im a fed? youre damn right im fed .. breafast lunch and dinner

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2025 1:01 pm
by Dr Adjective
[Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell is logged in and on line.]

"Listen Chat. Listen! I'm telling you,"

LK wiggled back and forth in her chair, idly fiddling with one of the drawstrings on her hoodie as she addressed her viewers with affected faux-seriousness. Hoodie indoors? That's her brand. It's not like she pays the bill for the AC making up for it, not like she ever really had to think about money at all really. The numbers she cared about were viewers, mostly.

“You can’t fuck or marry Cait or Vi without killing the other one, I know we love them both but listen to reason! Both are gonna be mad about you breaking them up. And Caitlyn’s a Batman-ass gigadetective, she’d find out. So you kill Cait, obviously you marry Vi because she’s mommy, and of course you fuck Jinx because she’s like… she’s hot but do you really wanna spend your life with the crazy terrorist?”

She leaned in, transitioned easily to a glowing smile.

“Anyway thanks for the sub Globgorg-oh-six, but no I will not play WoW with you! Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

A little more chair-spinning.

“Right where was I? Oh, yeah. Chat. Listen. The Death card is just a Death card, sure it’s good but think about it! The Emperor could be anything! It could even be a Death!”

Pause. Wait for that Twitch delay. Farm the responses. It wasn’t even an intentional move any more, more of an instinct.

“I’m kidding Chat, I’m kidding! I’m not that stupid, I’m like… fifty percent that stupid, at most! You know how it is for a gal like me, my body is a machine that turns the left card into the right card. We need more cool aces. I craaaaaaaaave more co–”

Her door opened, LK spun around and pulled one headphone aside.

“There’s my little pogchamp,”

Her smile? Genuine. Her blush? Kinda hidden by the blusher she wore. It would hardly be unfair to describe LK unflatteringly as horny, perhaps more charitably as an afficionado of the feminine form. And God above, those jeans, those legs, that ass. It was hardly fair the way Mona flirted with her, but she wasn’t complaining. Who would? Attention from girls made her gay little heart flutter, even if she was pretty sure those girls were straight.


She spun back towards the camera.

“Chat I gotta bounce for a lil’ bit, Meal Team Six has secured the package. Say thank you to Dash Eth One!”

“Traffic was fucked. If we’re gonna do any ranked I’m tired and I’m going to tilt. Do you have any homework due? I’m willing to chill without bothering ya.”

“Just a sec, lemme just, fuckin’...”

LK fiddled for a moment, queueing up her playlist of videos to keep Chat entertained whilst she was taking a dinner break. Today? Highlights from Friends Without Benefits’ voluminous back-catalogue of Mario Party let’s plays.

“Okay! Hi!”

Off came the headset, up leapt the gamer, arms wide and oh, Mona was on the floor. LK plopped herself down alongside, double-checking her skirt wasn’t in too compromising a position before leaning in to accept the generous bounty of fast food. Maybe sitting on the bed would be more comfy, nestled among her good friends Blåharold, Blåhayley, Cal, and all the rest... but maybe eating messy food on the sheets was a bad idea. Someone would have to clean that up, probably not her but somebody, and she wouldn't be able to relax on there until they did!

“Thanks Mom~”

She put on her best cutesy-uwu smile, jabbed a straw into her milkshake, and took a loud slurp.

“I… probably do got homework! But fuck that we got noms. Think about it later.”