Ishida Hunting

The tunnels, as the result of the failed mining experiment on the island, are rather simple, leading into the mountain and heading out towards the mansion grounds. While the entrance from the mine is still clear, the entrance from the grounds is more overgrown with thick foliage as if the owner of the mansion wished for it to be kept as invisible as possible and prevent the local populace from trespassing. It is hard to breathe and almost impossible to see without a light source down in the mine. These tunnels stretch all throughout the Northern part of the island, allowing access at several points in the felled forest and near the beach.
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Ishida Hunting


Post by KamiKaze »

((Remy Kim continued from Wake Me Up))


Remy had looked everywhere around the mines with Josée, but with no luck. The tiny Asian girl had literally disappeared, and was no where to be seen. Remy had spent god knows how long calling out her name while cupping his hands to his mouth, wandering around.

Right now, it seems Remy was at the outside of what appeared to be a cave of some kind. No wait, was that a mine? It seemed to be, something told him that was the case. Did she go in there? A quick glance inside just a few seconds ago made him question the possibility. It was dark, just enough to be a problem for people to just wander in. After all, it would be a lot easier to be killed, a lot more...

No. Reiko was going to live. He was sure of it.

Her and Reika.


Was she alright, as well?

She had to be. No one had reason to hate her, right?

But, Remy knew he had to look for her and Reiko. Heck, finding Reiko was a start. Why did she have to run away? Josée had bombarded her with questions, sure, but she didn't know Reiko that well, now that he thought of it. Then again, Josée was... Josée.

How long could he trust her, anyways? She had a reason to keep him alive, as she pointed out, but what if something were to happen, and-

No. Don't think like that. Paranoia was going to be the end of him, wasn't it?

Remy dropped his things, having picked them up in the process of looking for Reiko, but he had quickly regretted it, as his shoulder was starting to ache. Rubbing it, he walked to the entrance of the mine, looking into the darkness.

Was Reiko all alone in there?

He cupped his hands to his mouth once more, and took a deep breath. It was unlikely, but it was worth a shot.

"REIKOOOOOOO? Are you in there?"

His voice echoed from within the mine, as if there was another him in there. No response so far. Remy sighed. It wasn't too late for Reiko, was it?
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Post by SRJJJB* »

Josée walked behind her brother as they arrived at the entrances of what seems to be a cave. After searching in the general area they could not find Reiko. At this point Josée gave up all hope for Reiko. At this point they should think about defending themselves, not play the hero.

Looking around for danger and seeing nothing, Josée sat down to rest. She took the bag off of her shoulder and she gave a quick glance to Remy once more. What to do with him?

Well obviously you should tell him to be quiet.

"Remy... Remy... REMY!" She shouted. "Be quiet! Reiko is obviously not here! You're just advertising our position! Look if Reiko was around here we would of found her already. She obviously not. So how about we stay quiet and think of something?" With that said she pulled out her map. She was slightly irritated with her brother and at this point she had think of something to do. Might as well look for somewhere else to go. Somewhere safe.
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Post by banthesun* »

((Katelyn Wescott continued from There is a Light))

Running through the dark caverns and tunnels, Katelyn silently cursed herself for being so stupid. How the hell had she managed to lose the others? She'd thought they were right behind her; that they were all going on together. She'd gone and gotten caught up in her own thoughts, and now she'd lost the only two people on this damned island that she knew weren't going to kill her. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Someone yelling further down the tunnel snapped Katelyn back to her senses. There were other people here, and now she'd have to deal with them. All because of her stupid absent mindedness. If she'd just been able to concentrate on the situation she was in, maybe she wouldn't have to face these people. At the very least, she wouldn't have to face them alone.

Katelyn wondered if it would be best if she just turned back and ran, perhaps she'd missed Marion and Aston, and she'd be able to meet up with them again and it would all work out. Perhaps she should avoid these people entirely. But what if they were lost, or needed help? She couldn't just run from them if they needed her. They had been calling out earlier, after all. She had to decide what she was going to do.

Looking up, Katelyn realised the decision had already been made for her. Her torch beam was shining round the corner.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Close by, he could hear his sister yelling at him.

His head whipped around, looking at Josée with a mixture of confusion. According to her, Reiko was long gone.

Long gone?! She can't have gone off so easily! She shouldn't. She mustn't. She could have stopped to rest, or placed herself in another house, or-

Remy felt that warm sensation around his eyes again.

So close... they were so close...

And Josée was just sitting here, reading her map as if nothing was wrong. Didn't she have people she cared about? Like that OC guy, for example. Remy was never sure if they were dating or something, but in any case, he always hung around Josée like a large puppy. Why wasn't she worried about him? Did she think of him at all? And she didn't seem to be worried about the Ishidas either...

His hand cletched into a fist. Oh, it was so tempting, to strike Josée across the face right at this moment. But, he quickly decided against it. Things seemed fine right now, so there was no use reacting out of anger. Plus, the last time he did something like that upset Mom. So, he resisted the urge, and looked back.

So, now what? The tunnels were clearly not safe, were they? And so, he noticed something strange. A light? It was very small, like a flashlight.

Someone was in there.

But who?

Remy hoped it was one of the Ishidas. But, what if he accidentally attracted someone else? Someone who was going around, shooting people like it was nothing? What then?

"Uh... Josée..." he whimpered, staring off into the tunnel.

If someone could see his face right now, they could see a trail of tears starting to form.
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Post by SRJJJB* »

(I didn't forget about this >_> <_<)

Josée couldn't think of anywhere to go. Everything look like a death trap. Buildings? Probably already taken. Forest? Too open.

God it was frustrating her to not be in control. Her brother was next to useless at this point and any potential ally was obviously nowhere nearby. She just wish something good would happen.

Then her brother whispered her name. Annoyed she looked up to see him starring at the tunnel. He was starting to tear up.

What the hell?

Looking at what her brother was starring at she saw some kid coming out of the tunnels. She didn't seemed to be armed but Josée wasn't going to take any chances. Standing up she pulled out her blackjack from her pocket and stood ready to face the girl.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She asked instinctively. She glanced at her brother. This would be the right time for him to man up and pull out his weapon. Because honestly Josée wasn't too keen on fighting. Especially considering how unskilled she was.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Posting to avoid Remy going inactive. Sorry!))

His sister lifted herself off the ground in a very... irritated manner.

But, soon enough she went to check it out, taking out her weapon and asking what the person in there wanted. Was that a blackjack she was holding? Sure. Looked like it. This was the first time he really got a good look at it, but there it was. At least he had an idea of what it was, now.

Should he take out his own weapon?

A quick glance at Josée's expression, and, well, it practically screamed "YES!". And so, with a hurry, he quickly removed the switchblade from his jacket pocket.

"Look, whoever's down there?" he called down. "We're both armed, so, you know. It's not a good idea to uh... attack us?"

At the word "attack", he flipped open the blade, causing it to slightly gleam in what little light there was. Okay, what just came out of his mouth sounded kind of pathetic. Remy prayed he didn't have to use it. And what if the other person had some kind of ranged weapon, like a gun? Then again, what if it was one of the Ishidas after all, or Sarah.

Sarah. Oh SHIT. He spent all this time worrying about the Ishidas, and not one second about her. To make matters worse, although the Ishidas could easily fend for themselves, Sarah was a bit of a... space cadet, shall we say. And he could remember the first day they met, when they dissected that frog in Bio a few years back. The poor girl had ran outside to vomit all over the ground. And that was a frog. She really wasn't going to react well to a real human corpse, judging by that. Heck, even though he didn't vomit, he didn't react well to that either.

So, she was another person to look for.

Easy, boy. Don't try to save everyone in one sitting. You'll find them... right?, he reminded himself.

In any case, right now he and Josée had to deal with however the hell was shining that light outwards. Oh god! He hoped it was someone who wasn't playing!
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Post by banthesun* »

((Eek, sorry!))

Katelyn heard the pair call out, and she pulled her torch tight to her chest. They sounded so aggressive, or at least the girl did. The boy sounded somewhat scared, which was only human. They may have sounded aggressive, but Katelyn didn't think they sounded like they were going to kill her. She hoped she was correct.

Trying her hardest to look strong, Katelyn stepped into the tunnel and faced them. Before her stood Josee and Remy. Retroactively, Katelyn recognised their voices. She knew they were siblings, but they'd never really seemed to get on at school. Now they were together Katelyn could really see the resemblance. They didn't seem to have guns, which was good. Katelyn wondered whether she should have checked that bit earlier. She could be pretty sure she wasn't cut out for this game.

Now she could see the siblings' faces, Katelyn felt a lot calmer. Now she could see them as people, instead of products of a panicked imagination. With a gentle smile she raised her arms to show she didn't mean them any harm before realising she still was holding her megaphone in her hands. It did look a little bit like a gun.

"Uh, it's just a megaphone!" Katelyn called down the tunnel at the siblings.

Wow, that must've sounded weird.
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Post by SRJJJB* »

Josée relaxed at the sight of Katelyn and her microphone. This has somehow become quite the potential situation for proving herself to her brother.

She knew Katelyn from her high school. Smart, popular and kind. You either loved her or hated her. Josée herself didn't mind the girl. Someone who was smart and talented with logical puzzles. Something she admired out of people. To add she was kind. Someone that's nice will probably stay nice for the first few days.

In other words she was a kind yet intellectual type. Someone who Josée could use. Someone who could support Remy with his childish behaviors. To be honest Josée wasn't quite sure how to comfort her brother. But this girl probably knew how. She was a near perfect ally.

To add she seems pretty weak... Easy elimination if it ever comes to it...

No she couldn't think like that... Not yet anyways. She had to keep Remy's trust for now.

She smiled at the newcomer and gave a sigh of relief.

"You could put your weapon down Remy. Katelyn isn't dangerous. Come on you should know her from school." She said and walked towards Katelyn. She put her weapon down and raised her hand so Katelyn could shake it. "My name is Josée Trembley. Me and my brother aren't playing the game and doubt you're playing. So what has the island been like to you lately." She said. "You know if you can ignore the whole kill each and other for the pleasure of the American audience."
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Post by KamiKaze »

And soon, the other person revealed themselves.

Josée seemed to recognize the other girl. And he thought he did, too. Why, it was... well... what was her name again? Katelyn! That was it!

She called up, saying she just had a megaphone and nothing else. Remy felt himself calm down. A megaphone. What was she going to do, blast their ears until they bled? It was a silly thought, killing someone with a megaphone.

And Josée seemed to know her, too. He never thought he would ever say this, but that was a good sign. He could remember Katelyn too, now that he thought of it. She was one of those people you either loved or hated, based on what he knew of her.

Remy slowly put his knife back into the "resting" position, and placed it in his pocket. Thank goodness Josée actually knew people. Of course she would. He wasn't surprised. Again, she had that OC kid, too.

Josée immediately started drilling Katelyn for information, just like she had drilled Reiko just some time ago. God, how long was it since he had woken up and meet up with her? Probably a few hours, at the most.

Oh god. Josée just reminded him. Some sicko out there was probably watching everything, and laughing about it. Heck, they were probably having a chuckle over how he threw up, and then minutes later had an episode over the Ishidas. Why would someone like such a thing? It was weird. Actually, it was beyond weird. It was disturbing as hell. He could remember some of his classmates talking about the show and wearing T-shirts and stuff like that. He shuddered. What kind of mind would find this entertaining? It was practically a snuff film! He hadn't thought too much of it before the island, to be honest, but now that he was here and thinking about it, it brought him the chills.

But, in a strange, sick way, it was exactly what he wanted. He always wanted to be in film, right?

He sighed himself, hoping that it was indeed a megaphone. But a close look did tell him that was it.

Did they have themselves an ally, then?

For now, Remy let Josée do all the talking. That was really her area of expertise, it seemed.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Alright, since it's still Day 1 in here, it's probably a good idea to wrap this one up))

But, Remy thought it was probably a good idea to get a move on.

The Ishidas and Sarah could be anywhere, and frankly, he would be upset if anything happened to them. So, he had to remind them. Maybe he should speak up?

Plus, it was probably a good idea to find shelter soon. It was getting dark, and god know what could happen.

"Hey guys? We should find some sort of shelter. You know... find someplace to go to sleep? Protection from the elements? That sort of thing? I don't think the tunnels are the best place, though. Hopefully there's a good place to rest nearby..."

He turned, but looked behind him for a few seconds.

"Well? What do you say? I really don't want to die here..."

And then he picked up his things, hoping Josée and Katelyn would follow. They were really the closest things he had to allies right now, and frankly, he didn't want to lose them. Yes, even Josée.

He just had to hope the Ishidas and Sarah were okay.

((Remy Kim continued in Too Late))
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Post by banthesun* »

She was so thankful that it was them, instead of...

Was there anyone in their grade that could kill? Regardless, Katelyn was glad the siblings were being friendly. Josee was being rather frank, but she was making it clear she didn't want to fight. Perhaps this was how she protected herself from the situation.

Smiling, Katelyn walked over to them.

"Thanks, I'm glad I ran into you."

As Remy started to leave, Katelyn followed him by instinct. As they entered the woods what was happening began to sink in. Pausing and looking behind her, Katelyn realised that Aston and Marion were still back in those tunnels. Had she abandoned them? Were they in need of her help right now? Lost in her thoughts, Katelyn stared back towards the entrance.

But she couldn't go back to find them now. She was lost, but she knew where some friends were now. It hurt her to have to choose between the two groups, but it was something she had to do. Doing her best to smile for the twins, Katelyn turned and ran to catch up.

((Katelyn Wescott continued in Too Late))
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Post by Limisios* »

((I would like to note that from this point onwards, I have taken over Josée Trembley from SRJJJB))

"Hey guys? We should find some sort of shelter. You know... find someplace to go to sleep? Protection from the elements? That sort of thing? I don't think the tunnels are the best place, though. Hopefully there's a good place to rest nearby..."

Remy promptly left the cave and Katelyn quickly followed suit. The last thing Josée wanted to do right now was obey her brother but she didn't exactly want to stick around in this dank and gloomy cave either. "Leave me behind why don't you?" Josée hated that her brother seemed to be making decisions without her input; even though she was about to make the exact same suggestion, why did Remy have to be the one to suggest it first?

Slowly, Josée moodily wandered out the cave.

((Josée Trembley continued in Too late))
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