Attack Of The Fifty Foot Cliche!

Boasting some of the best popcorn you could ever get your hands on, Sunset Cinema is a prime dating spot for local couples around the area. Couples, or even just large groups of friends, can usually be seen flocking into this theater on the weekends, while the more cash-conscious viewers seem to stick to the matinee. The ticket cost in this place is a little outrageous, but the snack bar more than makes up for it.
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Attack Of The Fifty Foot Cliche!


Post by ThoDuSt »

((Samantha Ridley continued from Watch the Sky))

It had been awhile since she had gone out to see a movie, on the rare occasions she wanted to see a movie she usually stayed home and rented a DVD. Today, however, as soon as school let out, Sam's best friend, Ash, called her asking to go to the movie theater. Since Ash is her best friend, and since she had nothing better to do, Sam had to agree.

The movie was some kind of romantic comedy or something, not her favorite genre in the least, so Sam hadn't really paid much attention to it. Still, being with a good friend made the outing plenty enjoyable. She had always enjoyed hanging out with her friends, but lately she'd lost track of so many. When she talked about it with an adult they always said the same things; "It's not unusual for this to happen, especially around your age," or "Just be glad they only moved away, imagine what the friends and family of those taken for ‘Survival of the Fittest' must feel," but Sam just couldn't help feeling down about the whole thing.

"Did you like it?" The question snapped Sam back to attention, and she looked up at the girl who asked it, her friend Ash. Sam shrugged, "Not really, it wasn't really my kind of movie…"

"I know, but I don't like to watch movies by myself." Ash responded, Sam nodding to show she understood.

The girls began their walk out of the theater; discussing, and laughing about, what little of the movie Sam could remember.
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Post by landlocked* »

((Justin Corrigan and Frankie Fiametta continued from Eating Out (Cleanly)))

Justin was feeling goooooooood.

It was really all he could think about as he and Frankie ambled along from their spot in the parking lot up to the theater. How good he felt, that is. ...Although, that guy walking by was kinda cute, too, so now he was thinking about that. Could he be gay? Maybe he should yell to him. Well, maybe there was a more subtle way to find out than that. Umm, maybe the way he walked? Speaking of, he was walking pretty fast... there probably wasn't time anyway. Or was there?

"Frankie..." Frankie would probably know what to do. But then, could she really tell whether a guy was gay or not just by looking at him? Maybe girls could do it better somehow. Heheh. Do it. He doubted Frankie could "do it" better. Or maybe she could. He wasn't sure. Who wanted to hear about how straight people did it, anyway. Ugh. Wait, shit, what was he going to ask her? "Frankie, uhhh... hehe... never... never mind." It probably was a bad idea to ask, anyway. Smoking a blunt in the parking lot, though, that had been a good idea. Justin felt so gooood. ...And holy shit, that guy walking by was cute! "Wait! Wait, do you think that guy's gay? Like... like he totally could be, right? That guy walking by. Right there."
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Post by Mimi »

(Sorry for taking so long, guys.)

"Him? Oh, fuck yeah," Frankie grinned, "I mean, look at his hair. Straight guy don't get shit like that done, actually y'know what? Let's just fucking ask him. HEY, HEY YOU," Frankie yelled as loud as she possibly could, making sure to cup her hands around her mouth to amplify her voice. "YOU QUEER?" Was her single question, which only received an annoyed glare from the kid.

"Don't think he's a fudge-packer," She said with an exaggerated frown, "Sorry, Fairy-boy. Dude. You could totally fucking be in The Outsiders. Like, their fucking cock-jockey. I can so see it. I mean, Pony-boy and that little Mexican kid were gay for each other, right?" A yawn escaped after she spoke, reminding her of the imminent come-down.


Being high was the bees-fucking-knees and if they somehow made a drug that made you perma-high, she'd be the first to fucking get that shit. Maybe she'd just have one more and then stop for the day. Yeah, that sounded good. Stay high for as long as fucking possible.

Reaching into her pocket, Frankie pulled out the plastic baggy she had grown so fond of, only to find that it had been robbed empty- only a small amount of strewn out buds sticking to the sides of the plastic.

"Hey, cunt, did you use the last of my shit?" She asked angrily, "That shit ain't cheap. My daddy doesn't give me drug-money like yours, Princess," She spat.

Oh boy.
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Post by ThoDuSt »

Sam and Ash walked into the Parking lot, which was filled with cars, but not with people. Maybe a guy here, maybe a girl over there, and a... What the hell?

"Is that even human?" Sam asked pointing at vaguely human-shaped figure moving about in the distance.

"Sam, it's just a guy in a costume advertising something," Ash responded, "Please don't get so worked up over nothing."

"There is no way that's 'just a guy!'"

"Oh? And how can you tell? You're too far to get a good look, and I had to walk past him on my way here!"

Before Sam could come up with something that she thought was witty to say, the pair heard a voice yelling to someone in the parking lot... And asking if he was gay? Sam looked at Ash in confusion. For some reason, the other girl had a look on her face as if something bad was about to happen.

"You know Sam," Ash began, sounding a little worried, "Why don't we go back in and watch another movie? Maybe find one you'd like better?"

Sam eyed her friend suspiciously trying to think of what had prompted that reaction. Eventually it hit her; the voice sounded similar to that belonging to one of Corrigan's lackeys and had questioned a man about his sexuality, which meant that there was a chance, even if a slim one, that he could be there.

"Fuck! That asshole Corrigan is here!" Sam said, taking off to confirm whether or not he was actually there.
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Post by landlocked* »

((Sorry about the wait, had to check whether I should GM Frankie or not. Incidentally, I have permission to GM Frankie lawl.))

Frankie seemed upset. Well, she usually was when she wasn't high. Guess that's why she got high so often. It made sense, but still, Justin liked to think he was okay to be around when he wasn't high, too, not like her. Well, not everybody thought he was... But who gives a shit about them, anyway... people need to learn to like... not be... whatever. His train of thought once again having lost... track of the... um...

The derailing of his... the conversation had been...

Something... uhh. Some metaphor with trains. Whatever, he didn't remember.

...But Frankie was definitely upset about something. He should probably calm her down somehow. Offering her a vague smile... and a giggle... he told her... shit, he couldn't stop laughing. GOD, being high was awesome.

"F-frankie, re-LAX... Hehe... It's, uh... you don't have to freak-"

Frankie cut him off with a shove, far from the playful one the two of them often shared - his pansy ass was going to hit the fucking pavement. Unfortunately for her, he was able to keep is balance, so she had to settle for glowering at him. Yeah, Justin was one of the few people she didn't have too much of a problem sharing her stash with, but that didn't mean he could have it ALL. At the very least, though, her push seemed to snap him out of it somewhat.

"Hey, what the fuck?" he whined, the calmness in his voice steadily diminishing. Justin had seen Frankie give him that look before - she was always cranky like this whenever she came down a-

...SHIT. Now he was coming down too. Great. Right at the moment he'd really NEED to be stoned to get through. ...Oh gross, his mouth was dry as fu-

Who just said his name. Someone definitely just did. He whipped his head around - somebody was talking about him... Oh god, please let it be a friendly face, he really needed some help right... Oh GREAT. It was the bitch that hated him for no reason! Even BETTER! JUST who he needed to see! The weed briefly taking hold again, Justin decided in a moment of calm that it would probably be better to just ignore her for now. In fact, maybe they could avoid all contact with her entirely. Don't even look at her when you pass her.

"Okay, okay, gawd, I'm sorry. Look, I can pay you back for it, let's just... can we move, please? Quickly?"
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Post by Mimi »

Frankie's fingers worked in unison as she rubbed her temples in a feeble attempt to ward off the massive migraine that was quickly settling in. She honestly had no clue why she did the shit when she knew perfectly well that coming down was a bitch and a half. Honestly. Weed was lucky that she was whipped like a choir boy, ‘cause she'd be the first to fucking ship all the weed in the world to some remote island or something and just get it out of her life. Buuut, she enjoyed it far to much to ever abandon it. Not yet, at least.

Frankie's sour-apple attitude went right down the toilet when Justin spotted that blonde bitch from school, whatever her name was. Blondie had beef with Justin for whatever crazy ass reason and, though Frankie didn't get off on drama, it was pretty fucking funny to watch Justin squirm like a little girl.
"Hey, Princess," Frankie said coolly, "She looks like she's about fucking twelve and you're about to piss your fucking panties over her. Grow a pair for Christ's sake."

Tara, or whatever the hell her name was, and her teeny-bopper friend slowed their pace as soon as they saw Justin, who Frankie was sure was about to go into Cardiac Arrest. She wasn't really in the mood to mess around with a bunch of PMSing, crazy as fuck bitches, but hey- what the hell

Giving an exhuberent wave, Frankie called over to the girls in a voice that could only be described as valley-whore chic, "Hey guys! Did you guys see a movie? I LOVE movies! Oh my God, have you guys seen A Bugs Life yet?! It blew my mind!"

A wide, toothy smile plastered itself onto her face before she continued, "Like woah! I totally saw the JoBros go that way! Maybe we can like go and get them to show us their chastity rings! OHMYGODICOULDN'TEVENIMAGINE!!!!"
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Post by landlocked* »

((Sorry, TDS :C I know we had plans, but I have to get Justin's party started and this is taking way too long.))

Shit. Now the headache was setting in. So much for coming down gently. As Frankie ragged on him, Justin groaned in frustration, hand on his forehead. Sure, the two of them pretty much ragged on each other all the time, but this wasn't exactly the time he wanted to hear it. "No, Frankie, I know this chick, she's got like a vendetta or some shit..."

It wasn't that he was afraid she'd want to fight him or something. Or that he didn't think he could take her. Fuck, he knew he was in kickass shape. He had BETTER be in good shape after all the exercising and the dieting and the running and the... other ways he found to work out. It was just... he didn't want to have to get too close so that he... could avoid... ...okay, he didn't want to fight her. The thought of her clawing at his clothes or trying to drag him down onto the gritty parking lot pavement didn't appeal to him, no matter how easily he could have beaten her. That bitch was crazy. And this shirt was new...

Frankie yelling at them probably wasn't helping the situation, either. But it was pretty fucking hilarious. Classic Frankie... Now THAT was why they were friends. Yeah, the teasing got annoying at times like this, but when she was on his side, he felt a lot more comfortable. The two of them could take any shit that came at them. Samantha or Samara or whatever the fuck her name was wouldn't want to take on more than one person, anyway. He was fine.

"Oh my god the JOBROS!! Can you just FEEL yourself getting wet? You better get the fuck out of here and FAST if you want to see them!"

Justin couldn't help but laugh again, this time from genuine amusement as opposed to anything drug-induced. And he had been worried... Unfortunately, the laughing also made his head throb even harder.

"Yo, if I don't get some water or something right now I'm gonna collapse," he said, prodding Frankie, "Come on, I'll pay for food to make up for the weed."

((Justin Corrigan continued elsewhere))
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Post by Mimi »

(Still nothing TDS? :{)

"Oh my Jesus, my one-of-a-kind Hannah Montana undies are just drenched!" Frankie coo'ed, clapping her hands feverishly against her cheeks. Words couldn't describe the frustration boiling inside her. At first, the whole situation was pretty fuckin' funny, but it crossed the line to frustrating almost immediately. Immature fucking bitches who had nothing better to do than have pity-parties for themselves. That was exactly the reason she didn't hang out with her age-group. The noticeable lack of a high didn't help her nerves much, either.

Hell, she could have all the fucking pit-parties in the world over Junior and her so called 'daddy-issues'(says her shrink, but that's fucking bull anyway), but it wouldn't change a damn thing. He'd never stop favoring Ily and she and Rosa would just have to get over it. He was a shitty ass dad, anyway, she didn't fucking need him. She only needed her goddamn self and some good pot.

"Yeah, fuck this," Frankie muttered, walking over to the passenger side, "Cunt-face over there needs to pop a few pills and calm the fuck down."

[[ Frankie Fiametta continued in Where Do You Draw The Line? ]]
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Post by ThoDuSt »

((I was having writer's block hence the delay.... that excuse would have been better if this post came months ago, but...))

"SAM! SAM! Listen!" Ash yelled as Sam raced toward the voices she had heard. Finally Corrigan was in view... his friend said something, but Sam wasn't really paying attention to that. Her anger focused her vision on Corrigan, she drowned out all sound until...

"Sam, If you fight here I will never speak to you again." Sam stopped walking, her friend's words had broken through the fog that was clouded her mind, if only for a moment.
She turned around, "Why Ash? Aren't you angry at what Corri... what Justin did?"
"No... I doubt Justin knew the problems he caused. You, on the other hand, have ignored the friends you still know to angst over the ones that have left. If you keep it up you'll drive us away too... Let Justin go, we'll go get something to eat."

Sam took a quick glance behind her, Justin and Frankie were long gone anyway. Returning her gaze to her friend, she let out a hesitant "...Sure..." before they both walked out of the parking lot towards their next destination.

((Samantha Ridley continued elsewhere))
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