Dr. Couse

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Dr. Couse


Post by Slam »

Name: Dr. Julian Couse
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Occupation: General Practioner of Regions Hospital
Hobbies and Interests: Tennis; Photography; Folklore

Appearance: Dr. Couse is a fairly average sized man, measuring in at six feet tall and weighing in at 162 lbs. When not wearing his doctor's coat, it can be seen that he keeps in a reasonably good deal of physical shape, as shown by his moderately toned muscles.

Dr. Couse's hair is very dark, short, and quite untidy: it doesn't fall much further than his ears at the sides, but the top is visibly unkempt, though not ridiculously so. His eyes are relatively small, in contrast to his large mouth. His nose and forehead however, are quite normal in terms of proportion, and his face is round and soft, with a box shaped jaw.

When not wearing his GP uniform, Dr. Couse will typically wear a variety of casual shirts and trousers, showing a particular fondness towards Hawaiian shirts. His footwear of choice tends to be stylish over practical, and he constantly wears a pair of thin black rimmed glasses.

Biography: Born to an average family in St. Pauls, Julian lived an average life for the most part, growing up in the seventies and eighties. Although he tended to hang out with the popular crowd, he eventually developed his own popularity through a kind, and friendly nature, not to mention his rumoured skill in bed that attracted his large amount of girlfriends, a fact he still jokes about to this day.

The younger of two children, Julian had a healthy enough relationship with his family. His mother, Janet Couse, a housewife, and his father, Andrew Couse, a partner at a law firm, always supported their son in earnest. His big brother by two years, Andrew junior, got along well enough with his little brother: the two had their disagreements every now and then, but like most brothers they never really held it to each other. Currently, both of Julian's parents are retired, and Andrew Jr works at the law firm previously owned by his father.

Attaining good grades in the sciences as well as literature, Julian decided to study medicine at the University of Minnesota. There, he joined the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, and managed to enjoy a healthy dose of campus life. He made friends, he had a few girlfriends, and he took part in his fair share of shenanigans. He also met his current wife, Amanda Lane, a philosophy student, whilst attending medical school, and married two years after his graduation. Whilst he still keeps in touch with a few of his former brothers, most of the relationships have moved on over the years and are no longer kept in touch with.

Currently, Dr. Couse works as a general practitioner at Regions Hospital, having worked at the job for the last four years now. When not indulging in his exercise of Tennis, his interest in photography, his indulgence of folklore and urban legends, or spending time with his wife, Dr. Couse works at the hospital and regularly attends to the many patients which range from all walks of the town's populace, including many patients from Bayview Secondary School. He enjoys his work greatly, as he likes to meet a variety of new people and faces, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that he's helping make people well again.

However, his job was not always in perfect condition. Only a year after being employed at Regions Hospital, the stress from the amount of work he had to take on resulted in Dr. Couse becoming an alcoholic to deal with the tiring career. Whilst he knew on some deep level what he was doing to himself, every evening after his job he would come home and down many cans of beer, despite Amanda's concern and protest. After his boss put him on leave after he attempted to drive to hospital drunk one morning (A situation that was thankfully kept out of the media's attention through sheer luck), Julian knew that he had to seek help and joined Alcoholic's Anonymous. After several long, hard months of effort and co-operation with his wife, Dr. Couse finally went thirty months without drinking any alcohol. Since then, he has managed to remain sober for the most part, although he does still have small amounts of alcohol during celebrations.

After three years without incident, there has been talk of things starting to move forwards for Julian in his medical career, although at this point it is mere conjecture and the director is far more interested to see his work in the future. Excited about the opportunity for a more lucrative job, Dr. Couse has began to become somewhat hopeful in advancing within his profession, and has began sucking up a little to his boss, much to the man's dismay, although he manages to look beyond his greed to the qualified, well meaning man beyond.
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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