Sub-Area Description: The Lighthouse

Situated at the northernmost point of the island stands the lighthouse. The large white monument stands tall and proud and offers one of the better views of the island, topped only by the peak clearing. The first floor is dedicated to the sea museum, while the second is host to a living area comprised of three beds and end tables, a kitchen with a large dining table, and a small bathroom. The higher floors contain several seats of stairs leading up to very top of the lighthouse. While a key is needed in order to reach the beacon, the circular balcony surrounding it is accessible. Outside is a small maintenance shed with the essential tools to run a lighthouse.
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Sub-Area Description: The Lighthouse


Post by SOTF_Help »

Sub-Area: The Lighthouse
Description: Situated at the northernmost point of the island stands the lighthouse. The large white monument stands tall and proud and offers one of the better views of the island, topped only by the peak clearing. The first floor is dedicated to the sea museum, while the second is host to a living area comprised of three beds and end tables, a kitchen with a large dining table, and a small bathroom. The higher floors contain several seats of stairs leading up to very top of the lighthouse. While a key is needed in order to reach the beacon, the circular balcony surrounding it is accessible. Outside is a small maintenance shed with the essential tools to run a lighthouse.
Status: OPEN
Assigned Staff: Rattlesnake

Notable Changes or Damage:
A pool of vomit and shattered glass from a broken snowglobe litter the floor. (Day 2)
Michael Whaley (Day 2) - Propped against a wall, bled out from a glass shard embedded in his neck.
Michael Whaley's bag (Day 2) - Abandoned on the floor.
If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this sub-area or any actions taking place therein, please contact the assigned staffer by PMing them. This staffer is in charge of keeping track of changes and damage within this area and updating this post accordingly. However, to help out, please feel free to reply to this thread noting any damage or changes.
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