The Coming Storm

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the parts of the abandoned and run down military base. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is trecherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane. Exercise caution, children, one wrong step here would most definitely be your last.
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The Coming Storm


Post by Zabriel* »

Julia made her way out of the caves, and while it was brighter, it was still very ominous. Julia normally liked creepy, but a sudden wave of dread washed over her, and she found herself wanting to go back to the safety of the caves, but she knew that she couldn't. She would die before she stepped inside. She feared that death was waiting for her at every turn. She needed somewhere to run to, somewhere to hide from the things she couldn't see. A tall hollowed out tree in the distance looked like it would be a great place to try to get back into her right mind, but who knew what would be in her way?

Gripping her scimitar tightly, she made her way through the jungle, slashing at vines and looking around in a state of paranoia. If she saw anybody, she would probably freak and attack them in a frenzy.

"Fucking creepy island...I hate this place..."

((I did give Chase my death rights, and since I'll be a bit busy this weekend, she has full permission to godmode with my character.))
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Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Paint it Red.))

Beads of sweat were running down Jordan Redfield (Male Student no. 62)'s forehead as he ran blindly through the jungle. These drops of sweat were, of course, obscured by the rain pelting his entire body. To some extent, the cool water was a welcome relief from the drastic heat of the island, but at the same time, the rain was a large inconvenience. Jordan's shoes sunk deep into the muddy jungle floor with each step he took, and he could barely see his hand in front of his face through the downpour.

Still, even being out in this mess of a storm was better than standing around at the lagoon with that Mort kid.

Jordan wasn't normally the type of person who would outright shun a classmate due to rumors and stereotypes placed on them. In fact, he was pretty much cool with everybody around school, and he had a lot more friends than enemies. Still, he'd spent several days on the island, and it had taught him a few things... namely, that you simply can't trust people in this type of situation. The announcements had been proof enough of that fact.

Names he never would've thought he'd ever hear on those announcements had been read off time and time again, but it never came as any less of a shock. Some of the most quiet, mousy students in his grade were killing classmates with no problem, and some of the friendliest people in class had bought into the game. That made it hard to trust anybody at all, let alone someone like Mortimer Jones who had always been solitary and an overall loner.

A voice echoed out from somewhere immediately beside Jordan and his heart nearly leapt up in his throat. He'd been so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the soaking wet form of Julia Lauper standing an uncomfortably short distance away from him. What had finally alerted him to her presence was her utterance about hating the island. He couldn't agree more with her on that sentiment. Then again, a mutual hatred of the island hardly made the two friends, and Julia? Well, she didn't seem like the most trustworthy person on the face of the planet.

Especially with that sword in her hand.

He remembered her from a class or two... Julia Lauper... that goth girl who used to rant and rave about how people shouldn't "be who society tells them to be". It was funny how everyone who fell into the goth or emo subculture seemed to have that philosophy, even though they clearly forced themselves to fit into a certain "scene". It was flat out hypocritical, that's what it was. Overall, she wasn't someone he wanted to actively pursue as a travelling companion. It seemed he was having all sorts of rotten luck in terms of running into normal classmates.

Mort Jones and Julia Lauper... I'm definitely 0-2 in the normalcy department.

He didn't have any more time to think before Julia's eyes fell on him and she let out a panicked gasp. This was most definitely not the way Jordan had wanted the scenario to go down. He should have just called out to her to let her know he was nearby. Now, it looked like he was sneaking up on her or something. They weren't exactly friends, or even associates, and with everybody going all crazy and giving in to the game, he definitely didn't want the girl to think he was lurking in the bushes just waiting to kill her.

Unfortunately for Jordan, that was exactly the thought that passed through Julia Lauper's mind.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Julia spat out nervously, raising her scimitar up lest she need to use it.

"Me?" Jordan exclaimed surprisedly before shrugging his shoulders somewhat nonchalantly, "Trying to get outta this jungle, and, ya know, not get killed in the process."

In a normal time and place, words so simple as those could have easily been taken at face value. In truth, Jordan was simply trying to get out of the jungle and find some kind of shelter to board himself up in until the storm passed by. In Julia's mind, though, he was simply making excuses, and his plans for her were much more devious. If the island had done anything to Julia over the course of the past few days, it had made her increasingly paranoid at every moment that went by.

"You're lying," Julia stated flatly, raising her scimitar up in an offensive position, "You were planning to attack me, weren't you? You still are, aren't you?! You can't fool me, I see through your lies!"

Jordan simply looked at the gothic girl, a perplexed expression overtaking his features.

"Are you outta your mind or something? If I was gonna attack you, don't you think I would've done it instead of standing here in plain sight like an idiot?"

"That's what you want me to think," Julia accused, "You wanted me to think you weren't playing, so then you could attack me when my guard was down."

"... That's more trouble than it's worth, isn't it?" Jordan inquired, obviously not seeing Julia's logic.

"Enough!" she shouted loudly, "I don't wanna hear your lies anymore!"

Jordan barely had time to react as the girl ran blindly at him, swinging her scimitar into the air. In some attempt to save himself from getting chopped to pieces by Julia's attack, Jordan threw his daypack up in front of him, allowing the barrel-like object to catch the brunt of her attack. The scimitar cut a deep gash into his daypack before Julia pulled it back and immediately swung it again. Fortunately for Jordan, he was much faster than the small girl, and before the scimitar could come down again he had rolled out of the way and retrieved his hunting knife from the hole in his daypack.

"You don't have to do this!" he called out toward the girl, "You can stop now, and I won't even hold it against you! I swear! Killing one another is stupid, it's exactly what they want us to do!"

"SHUT UP!" Julia screeched before running at him again, still waving the sword violently in the air.

What am I supposed to do now?!

He was reluctant to start running. After all, turning his back on someone who's trying to stab him with a sword wouldn't be the smartest move Jordan had ever made. Still, Julia seemed like she couldn't be reasoned with. If he could disarm her somehow, he could probably restrain the much smaller girl with little effort, but even then, what would he do with her? Take her weapon and leave her to fend for herself against other players? That was practically signing her death sentence himself. He was thrown from his thoughts as Julia swung the weapon again and he rolled sideways to dodge.

In that moment, Jordan saw some sort of opportunity, and before he even fully realized what he was doing, he lunged forward, knocking Julia off her feet and on to her back. At least if she was laying in the mud, she couldn't keep running at him with her sword. The moment she fell back, Julia started screaming again, letting her sword fall to the side and scratching at Jordan's arms with her nails. The reaction caught Jordan completely offguard and caused him to drop the hunting knife in his hand. Julia seized the opportunity and grabbed his knife, planting it violently in his shoulder and causing Jordan to yell out in pain.

He stood up, immediately backpeddaling away from the girl and pulling the knife out of his arm. A large spray of crimson erupted from the wound, but quickly faded into a light pink stain running down his arm as the rain washed it away. Julia was immediately back on her feet, and Jordan suddenly found himself back to square one, except this time, he had a fresh wound to show for it. Julia ran for him again, but this time, he didn't see her coming... at least, not until she was immediately in front of him. She'd regained her sword in the process, and now, Jordan was certain she'd have no qualms about landing a death blow on him.

What the hell am I supposed to do?!

At that moment, Jordan did the only thing he was capable of doing. He used his own physical prowress to overpower Julia, grabbing her, spinning her around, and wrenching away the weapon in her hand. Julia screamed loudly and tried to pull away from his grasp, but neither of them had counted on one thing. The way Jordan's arms had wrapped themselves around her form, the knife he was holding was poised directly toward Julia's chest. When she lunged forward to escape his grasp, she inadvertantly impaled herself on the knife and the screamed in agony as it buried itself deep in her chest.

Her eyes grew wide and frightened like those of an animal caught in a cage, and Julia immediately backpeddaled into Jordan before lunging forward again in some wild attempt to get out, impaling herself a second time on the knife. Frightening and not entire sure what was happening in front of his eyes, Jordan immediately let go of Julia and she stumbled forward a few steps before falling face first in the mud. And then, she didn't move any more. Jordan's eyes went wide and he ran over to the fallen girl, shaking her hysterically in some attempt to rouse her from her sleep... except it didn't work.

"Hey... hey goth girl, wake up!" Jordan urged her as he shook her, but Julia returned no response.

The deep pool of blood that was starting to form underneath her was indicative enough of what Jordan had just done, and his eyes grew as wide as saucers as he stared at the body. He had just killed her. Nevermind that she had been the one who had inadvertantly stabbed herself with his knife, he had it in his hand, he was the one who was pointing it at her, and now, he was the reason she was dead. Horrified at what he had done, Jordan backed away from the corpse, scrambling to grab both his and her packs and the weapon she'd been holding before dashing away from the area in a horrified stupor.


((Continued elsewhere.))
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