Today's the Day, I Pray That We Make It Through

Formerly an Open Field. The crashed remains of the terrorists' helicopter lay in the middle of the field, providing some shelter to whomever prefers to use it. Fair warning, though, of all the lurkers around the area looking for the baddies.
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Post by Megami* »

Jill found herself nodding in agreement. At this point, it did not matter where they went, really, as long as they were a bit more secluded than they were in their current position. At least there, they would be near a fresh water source. Speaking of water, Jill was beginning to find herself quite parched.

Not to mention, she could hear a slight rumbling in her stomach. It had been quite a while since she had last eaten. The items she had found in her daypack did not look very appetizing. Perhaps when they arrived at their new destination, she could take a minute to recuperate, maybe eat something.

After what had happened not long ago, her viewing the brutalized body of Madelaine Shirohara and what was left of Amanda Jones, she had not really had much of an appetite. At present, though, she was not feeling well. In fact, she was feeling rather weak from lack of food or water. Despite that, she figured it best not to mention anything to Martyn, or this new boy, Jack.

Rubbing her neck lightly, Jill tried to put her current condition behind her. She did not want to mention it, it would just burden the others. Cracking a half-hearted smile, she finally spoke up.

"There is..." she responded quietly to Jack's remark, "Well Martyn... if you want to head to the waterfall, then let's go."

(Continued at the Waterfall.)
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Post by riserugu* »

"Oright then," He mused, reaching down and grabbing at his daypack throwing it back over his shoulder, and walking after where Jill had gone off too. Glancing back once to Jack as he continued moving, "Safety in numbers is true, so let's get a move on shall we? Jill pretty fast when it comes to moving, we don't want to lose sight of her."

Saying this, he turned to face forward again pushing off into a quicker pace of a walk in order to keep Jill in sight.

((Continued in: ?? ?? ??? ??))
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