Wash Away My Pain

Dark, dank, and dreary, the caves snake across the island, leading deep down into the depths and surfacing in multiple locations. Some areas have been declared hazardous, while others are just downright scary. Forty years ago, the soldiers used to tell ghost stories about these caves, saying you could hear children crying if you ventured far enough into their depths. Of course, they'd always make good shelter, but you'd better not venture too far underground lest you never return.
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Wash Away My Pain


Post by Mitsuko2* »

((From: Them vs. You vs. Me))


Rain is a type of precipitation, a product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that is released on the Earth's surface. It forms when separate drops of water fall to the Earth from clouds. Cultural attitudes towards rain differ across the world. In the largely temperate Europe, rain metaphorically has a sad and negative connotation — reflected in children's rhymes like "Rain, Rain, Go Away" — in contrast to the bright and happy sun. Though the traditional notion of rain in the Western World is negative, rain can also bring joy, as some consider it to be soothing or enjoy the aesthetic appeal of it.

Kyrie was one of the people who believed rain was calming and enchanting. Running through the island with the rain pouring down on her body was by far one of the most wonderful feelings she'd feel in the days to come, so she attempted to enjoy it as much as possible.

She slowed at the approach of a small caver in the rock near her position. She stared at if for a few seconds, deliberating the possibility that someone else had decided to take shelter there. The odds were in her favor, so she quickly ran over to the entrance. The icy chill the rain gave her felt amazing, but she couldn't afford to get pneumonia here. She had to keep up all her stamina.

She entered the cave and shook off, droplets of water spraying every which way. She leaned against the warmness of the rocks, and figured there must be a heat source somewhere in the depths of the cave for it to be so extremely warm and comfortable.

Kyrie peeled off her wet T-shirt, and laid it on the ground of the cave. reaching in her daypack, she pulled out the towel she had brought with her to take on the trip, and began to dry her upper body., then soon, she moved on to her lower body, attempting as best as possible to dry her jeans.

‘I guess I should be glad it's at least warm in here… I wonder why… Maybe I should check it out later.'
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Post by Ciel* »

(Continued from: Them vs. You vs. Me)

Joey McHaimond (Male Student no. 54) wished he could sleep, if only for a second. He was tired, so tired...

And the rain, oh lord the fucking rain. It certainly wasn't helping matters. It was keeping him awake, but only just barely enough so he wouldn't pass out as he walked. His eyes were groggy, and he was as tired as... well, probably everyone else that were in the same boat as him. An added problem was that the rain and wind combined were messing his hair up something awful. His hair had been the only thing that wasn't completely obliterated by those monsters who kidnapped him, and now that was messed up too.

... Jesus'. Why can't I get a goddamned break?

Shivering from the coldest of colds (Joey really, really hated the cold), the cave that appeared just a few meters away from where he was seemed to shine with a light that was brighter than the sun itself. It was calling Joey, beckoning him to come inside and he wasn't in any condition to complain. Heh... it wasn't like he WAS going to complain, he wanted somewhere to lay down and this place was as good as any.

Without even thinking twice (because thinking required energy), he rushed inside the cave and shook his body off. At first he didn't notice anyone else inside the cave (due to the fact that he's was quick to put himself first, no doubt) and put the bag down, but then he got a strange feeling in his chest that he really wasn't alone. He looked around and didn't notice the half-clothed figure farther in the depths of the cave since there was a serious lack of light inside, but when he did take notice... his eyes became transfixed. Stuck on the figure from afar, and no matter what he did he couldn't turn his sight away.

Now... Joey wasn't such a lecherous kid but when the sight of bare skin from a girl were involved... hell, he was like a kid in a candy store. He certainly didn't want to be rude but given the circumstances he really didn't care a lick if what he was doing was sensible in the least.

Gah... who IS that?

He didn't see that it was Kyrie, mainly because his body was not even focused on her face. Even when he did take a brief glance upwards, he still didn't recognize her. Even when he stepped closer and took an even closer look at her face, he couldn't remember. It was until he was about twenty feet away and was looking at her completely did he notice who it was, and the moment he did notice... he was surprised, although it took another minute to figure out that he had stepped forward like a complete idiot without realizing, and he cursed himself out for this too. Wow... this was a bad predicament he had gotten himself into, but like all the other situations he just forced a smile and tried to bear it.

"Uhh... Hi Kyrie." He laughed nervously. "Uhh... it's pretty nice to see you're a-alright... Haha?"
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Post by Crash* »

(Alexis Machina continued from Searching For a Fire to Light the Way)

A few hours had passed since Alexis Machina had begun her long trek away from the Northern Coast, but once her collar had stopped beeping she'd slowed her pace down considerably. In the process she'd lost Keiji and Trinity somewhere along the way, but she was fairly sure that they weren't too far ahead or behind. The trail she'd managed to find really only had one obvious path, anyway. It wound along the outer edge of the jungle dangerously close to the coast (albeit without setting the collar off), and eventually broke off to where Lex now found herself.

She was standing at the mouth of an open rock formation which seemingly led into a cave system, which she could only assume would lead throughout the majority of the island. The map seemed to have illustrated as much earlier, anyway. Lex had exhausted herself considerably during the long walk along the trail through the jungle, but the rain had managed to mask any visible forms of sweat or unpleasant scents that she'd worked up as a result. Her long, normally thick and flowing auburn hair had become a tangled, matted mess of murky brown. Her clothes were soaked through to the bone, and that combined with her exhaustion made the caves seem like the ideal resting place for the majority of the day. They didn't appear too inviting to most people, which Lex hoped would keep others away.

As she made her way towards the cave, she couldn't help but let her thoughts drift back to Keiji. She'd thought about him for almost the entirety of her walk along the trail, too. It was a positive prospect, and it kept her distracted while the rain had beat against her incessantly. He was unique, and that was the most important quality in any person, in her opinion. Lex detested conformists and representatives of any sort of social stereotype, and Keiji didn't fit the bill for any of that. Then there was the fact that she found him physically attractive, and combined with having unique physical features, the two were almost a knockout combination for her. She even found his bumbling and stammering amusing. It was obvious to her that she was definitely the more intelligent of the pair, but perhaps together, that boasted some potential for escaping or surviving the horrors of this island. And if that ended up resulting in some sort of connection between the two...well, who was she to complain? If these were potentially her last days to live, she genuinely wanted to make them as tolerable as possible. And if she was destined to survive, which she fully intended to do, having Keiji around would drastically increase her chances. Not to mention, the prospect of having a boy pay attention to her wasn't exactly something she was familiar with, and the potential it possessed made her smile inwardly just thinking about it.

Lex boldly made her way across the rocks once she'd entered the cave, and it didn't take her long to notice that some sort of scene was unfolding. She became visibly happier as, with some effort, she recognized that the female figure in front of her was Kyrie Joseph, one of the few people at Southridge that she genuinely considered a friend. Kyrie had participated in many protests and rallies with Lex, and through their support of the same causes the two had formed a pretty strong bond. She was almost as much of an outsider as Lex was, which had been the foundation of their friendship.

The boy, however, disgusted Lex. His name was Joey, and that was all she cared to know about him, other than the fact that he was a surfer. His very presence made Lex cringe, and combining that with his pretentious attitude and horribly manicured appearance (although seeing his hair and clothes soaked from the rain pleased Lex slightly) was simply revolting. What she had walked in on and heard next, however, both frightened and angered her.

"Uhh...Hi Kyrie." His speech was interrupted by a laugh, whereupon he continued, "Uh...it's pretty nice to-..."

Lex was no longer listening. The surfer asswipe was approaching Kyrie, whom she noticed appeared to be in the middle of changing, and that nervous laughter set her off the wrong way. Lex hadn't done many things that could be considered righteous over the course of her life, but she wasn't about to watch what she assumed was going to happen transpire. Cutting Joey off, she quickened her pace and got in between the two of him, staring daggers at Joey.

"Back the fuck away from her, you washed-up little cockmongrol!" Lex's interjection came with even more force than she expected from herself, but her booming voice made the command seem absolute. Lowering her voice a bit and without looking behind her she whispered, "You okay, Kyrie?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie was running her towl over the jeans furiously, trying as beast as she could to get rid of the disgusting damp feeling. Wet denim is probobly the most uncomfortable feelings in the cosmos. She thought she heard a sound not far behind her, but blew it off as the rain splashing against something. She shrugged and moved the towel to her hair, scrubbing gently at the wet folicles. She wiped her face as well, the wetness leaving and letting her body basque in the warmth of the cavern.

However, things were not to last. She had the distinkt feeling that someone was watching her. She definatly didn't like it. She spun around quickly, only to be met face to face with the one male she didn't ever want to see again on this island.

Joey McHaimond.

Kyrie scowled at the boy. She opened her mouth quickly to tell the little pervert off, but was cut short at the arrival of another student. This student was one whom kyrie was almost extatic to see. Alexis Machina. One of Kyrie's truest friends.

"Lexie! You're a sight fo' sore eyes!" She squealed. Kyrie pulled an extra tee-shirt out of her bag and threw it on. "I'm fine… Joey here jus' caught me at a bad time. Glad you're safe love." She hugged the other girl from behind then looked outside, to make sure noone else was around.

"Right then. Joey. I don't like you. In the least. Lexie doesn't like you either. You annoy me to the deepest part of ma' core. BUT, I'm willing to keep you with us, only because I really don't feel right about throwin' you out there to the wolves. Understand?" She said as she glared at the boy.

"You okay with that Lex?"
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Post by Crash* »

"You're too soft," Lex replied somewhat uncomfortably, but didn't make any further protests. She was just glad that no harm had befallen Kyrie over the course of the many announcements she'd missed, and right now not even scum like Joey McHaimond could destroy that feeling for her.

Lex set her day pack and duffle bag on the ground in front of them and took a seat on the rocky surface, somewhat distracted by an half-familiar scent. It smelled a lot like that really pungent odour they got when they were working with the bunsen burners in science class. It wasn't a pleasant smell by any stretch of the imagination, but since she couldn't determine the source from where she was sitting she decided to brush it off.

Lex unzipped the day pack and removed a package of crackers. She opened it and made rather quick work of them, and was about to nonchalantly toss the wrapper aside when the sight of Kyrie caught her eye in her peripheral vision. The protester probably wouldn't take kindly to her littering, even given the scope of her situation, so Lex grudgingly set the tiny wrapper inside her day pack and removed one of the loaves of bread.

"You really should eat something too, Kyrie. It doesn't get this quiet all that often around here, from what I've seen on TV." It was an ominous warning at best, but Lex couldn't help but worry about Kyrie. She did strike Lex as the type that could handle herself pretty well, but Lex didn't get the opportunity to show her nurturing side very often, and thus took every opportunity she could in some feign attempt to re-assert her humanity on this cruel island. The smell of the caves still bothered her, but Lex blew it off, continuing to eat some of the bread and hoping silently that Joey would make his exit soon. The air was awkward and uncomfortable with him around, and she wouldn't bother to show him any particularly warm reception.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"Hmmm… I guess it wouldn't do me any good to die out of starvation…" Kyrie said as she pulled her cracker box out of her own daypack. She munched on a few, and continued to look outside of the cave. After all, as soon as the rain let up, she and Lexie would have to make tracks. Joey could do whatever the hell he wanted. It wasn't her problem.

"So Lexie… where do you think we should go from here? I wanna get some smart people together, and get these gad-dammned collars off!" She sighed and looked to her friend for suggestions.
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Post by Ciel* »

(Don't really have time to write a long reply. I've literally lost interest rping as Joey. XD Just wanna get Joey out of here, so neither Cara or Joey go inactive. I'll probably add to this later though. :\)

Joey ran away at the sight of Lex, literally scared for his life.

((Continued in Thread of the Manatee))
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Post by Crash* »

When Kyrie asked Lex about their destination, she was surprised to realize that she hadn't actually thought about that. Her thoughts had been too preoccupied recently with Keiji, scum like Joey McHaimond, and worrying about the situation she thought Kyrie was in. Of course, it hadn't even occurred to Lex that she was overreacting, but none of that mattered now. Joey packed up and left rather quickly, and he looked terrified. Lex reveled in this - in fact, she was quite used to it. A satisfied smirk played across her lips, and she turned back to face Kyrie.

Withdrawing the map from her daypack, she scanned the island for possible locations. Lex wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of meeting other people. She was more than convinced that they wouldn't be able to escape their fate, but if they could in fact remove their collars, that would be a bonus. Lex didn't want to betray Kyrie, and right now, she decided that that was all that she could think about. Kyrie, however, struck Lex as the type that wouldn't lift a finger if somebody attacked them, whereas Lex had little to no qualms about eliminating the competition. Deciding that it wasn't in her best interest to reveal that, though, she piped up and changed her train of thought.

"Uh...I don't know about where to meet people, but right now, I could honestly use a shower." It was an honest remark. The trek across the island in the rain had left her in terrible shape, and Lex didn't have the best body odour to begin with. "There's a shower facility a bit of a ways from here, so if you don't mind, I'd kinda like to head there first."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie nodded to her friend. The shower facility sounded as good as anywhere else. Kyrie could probably use a shower too by this point. 5 days on an island could do that to you, and by this point, she was living on pure adrenaline. A shower would probably help clear her mind.

"Right then. As soon as we hear the announcements, we get moving toward the showers. We'll figure out what to do from there when the time comes I guess." She smiled at Lexie. It felt good to have someone she trusted completely by her side right now. She knew that survival came first and foremost, but escape was also plaguing her mind. She had to figure out a way to get these collars off… maybe if she could get a laptop…. And someone who was good with computers… she needed to figure out a plan of action.

"Yeah… that's a good plan… hmmm…." Kyrie began to bite on the nail of her left thumb in contemplation.
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Post by Neuphim* »

((Vera Lang/G56's Start))

Vera Lang, who is usually strong enough to get through a 5 km run with ease, is starting to feel the strain of 5 days worth of escapes and wandering. Her legs, one badly scrapped from a nasty fall suffered earlier that day, felt like useless meshes, just barely keeping her up, like they were Atlas themselves. On top of that, she was tired; she was wet; she was cold; she was alone. And that one is worst to Vera.

I just don't get it... why can't I find anyone?

She lays against a fairly stable sapling, gasping for air as a earth-trotting fish.

I need to find someone. Anyone, so that we can figure this out like a team. Yeah, I know if we team up, we could beat this game!

Vera lifted herself with all her strength from resting spot, limping slightly, but still moving forward. Due to the rain, it was impossible to see with her glasses, which she put into her handbag. Everything was blurry though, and this made today seem like running in circles, no progress types of days. Well until, she started to hear lots of splashing coming from her right.

Could that be someone right now?

She looked over to the aforementioned noise, and noticed despite the interference of trees, a cave opening.

My that'd be the perfect gathering place! Maybe I'll find a few people in there that'll help me out!

Rushing through the rain, splashing along, the days of being alone, of possible attackers, was evanescing away. Even when getting to the mouth of the cave and climbing down, this hope was not ceasing. Upon reaching the bottom, she spied upon two others, though she couldn't make out any details of their physical characteristics. Still, from the conversation that she heard while climbing down, it sound like she would do some true good with group. Not at all being subtle, Vera Lang vigorously exclaimed what she believed was right.

"HI! I'm Vera Lang! And I'd be happy to be part of your team, friends!"
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Post by Crash* »

"Hi! I'm Vera Lang! And I'd be happy to be part of your team, friends!"

Lex turned around, having just finished her meal. She had to admit, if there was one thing Vera Lang was good at, it was catching you off guard. Her appearance and demeanour seemed to almost completely contradict each other, and that immediately didn't bode well for her. On an island where everyone had to kill each other to survive, who was actually capable of being this nonchalant without having some kind of ulterior motive?

She opted to say nothing, for she knew that nothing she could say at the moment would change their situation. Kyrie's infinitely benevolent nature would kick in and she'd probably invite Vera to join the two of them, and nothing Lex said or did would really change that, unless she wanted to lose the one and only friend she really had on the island. Now that Keiji was nowhere to be found for almost an entire day, she really only had Kyrie to count on.

Instead, Lex zipped up both her packs and gathered up her belongings, taking another quick look around. The smell she thought she'd traced earlier was beginning to bug her again, so she decided to take a few steps further into the cave. Sure enough, the source of her curiousity was fairly easy to spot; Lilah Morgan's corpse lay strewn across the rocks a few meters away from the girls. She'd never enjoyed Lilah's company, but that didn't make the sight any easier to bear.

Deciding that she didn't want to scare Kyrie, she moved back over towards her and nodded her head towards the exit, and Vera. "We should get out of here."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie was snapped out of her thoughts when the sound of another feminine voice broke the relaxing silence. It was Vera Lang, as she so introduced herself. She seemed to be glad to see kind faces, and Kyrie smiled at the other female. She was glad that Vera was at least SANE.

"Hey Vera! I'm Kyrie, and this lassie here is Alexis, but I call the girl Lexie. We'd be happy for you to join us. We're just glad you're not a raving lunatic." She said happily.

Lexie came up behind her and told her that they should leave. Kyrie looked at her confused.

"Lex…. I thought we decided we'd wait for the announcements. Why? What's wrong?"
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Post by Crash* »

Looking concerned, Lex turned her attention back over towards Kyrie. She had expected her to invite Vera along, and Lex really wasn't in the mood to rebuttle at this point in time. She was exhausted, she was dirty, and her patience for being on the island was wearing thin. The game was starting to take its toll on her - seeing Lilah's corpse only served as a painful testament to that.

Carefully choosing how to phrase her words, Lex lowered her voice a little and spoke re-assuringly. "I just found something back there that I don't want you to see. Trust me, Kyrie, we can't stay here. We're not safe."

Concluding her warning after explaining the situation as best she could, she turned back towards Vera. They'd never really talked much around school, so she found it almost necessary to introduce herself. "Call me Lex. We're heading to the showers. Follow along if you want," She finished up somewhat bitterly, then exited the caves and headed back into the foreboding jungle.

(Alexis Machina continued in Rinse, Repeat)
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Post by Neuphim* »

Vera was glad that they excepted her. After being told their names, however, she still doesn't recognize them. They have must been people she just didn't hang out with on a regular basis, making them less trustworthy. Nonetheless, at least somewhere on the island there is some good people, and she couldn't have asked for more at this point.

Vera nervously chuckles , "Hello, Kyrie. I'm glad I'm not raving lunatic. And I just hope you very well aren't either." She realized that the two were talking about leaving this place all of the sudden.

Whoa, did something just happen? I just just freakin' GOT here and I'm tired to boot! And we are just LEAVING!? ...Sigh, well it can't be helped. Plus at least these girls are friendly and nice. I can trust them, undoubtably.

After the pair's, Kyrie and Alexis ( I should ask her how she wants to be referred ) little discreet discussion, Lex introduced herself( Well, I guess I don't need to ask anymore, hehehe. ) she left with a haste, leaving her and Kyrie behind. Vera started off, "Well, I guess we better be off. To tell you the truth, I'm quite exhausted after days of try to find... well, normals. But I'm used so it's no big deal." Before she would allow Kyrie to respond, she sliced in with a quick, strong hug which caught Kyrie off guard needless to say, "Thanks for trusting me, man."

With a quick wave, she was off.

(Vera Lang continued Rinse, Repeat)
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie watched as Lexie and Vera left the cavern. What on earth could she have seen that would make her so… bothered? Nothing bothered Lexie. It must have been something terrible. Kyrie's curiosity took over. She stepped back into the cave a bit. She looked around briefly. A shiver ran up her spine. What if she got left behind? That wouldn't bode well. She had to do the right thing.

"C'mon Kyrie. Get it together. Ignore curiosity, listen to fear." She told herself, before walking out of the cave, following after the other two girls.

((Continued Elsewhere))
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