If there's no one beside you...

The northern side of the island gives way to a sparkling blue ocean and a never-ending strip of white sands. Make sure not to get too caught up in the spectacular view, lest it be the last thing you ever see.
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Post by Namira »

Ric slowly smiled when he realised what it was that Neil was doing with the notebook. Clever, very clever. He had taken it for granted that they were observed and listened in on, it never occurred to him that there could be loopholes like this. Of course, it wouldn't be too long before somebody twigged what it was they were really doing, though Ric wasn't sure how the guys directing SOTF would deal with that... He felt sure that it wouldn't be pleasant.

Ric liked Neil's idea, but he did have some misgivings. Whilst it was good on the face of things, would Danya let them smash up his equipment with impunity? He knew that blowing the collars wasn't going to be so good for the ratings on the show, but surely they would only be able to get away with it up to a point...

The Spaniard took hold of the pencil, thought for a moment or two, then started writing.

Good plan, but I don't think Danya is just going to let us wreck all of his stuff and get away with it. Plus, if he sends people in, they're sure to be heavily armed, and I hate to say it, but some leaves, some bunny ears and a kid's toy aren't going to take down specialists with guns. We might need to get some help.
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Post by RePeate* »

Evan motinioned for the pencil and added to the already lengthy note.

Ric's right. If Danya caught on, he'd probably detonate the collars. I think we need to find the cameras and get enough people that we can smash them all in a short time. I know some people we can trust 100%. Do you know anyone?

He looked around in an attempt to spot the cameras. He could see one clearly nestled in a nearby tree, but didn't see the others.

"I like that lyric. That fits well there" Evan said aloud. He resumed writing.

Another problem. We don't know how many cameras there are. What if we miss a bunch?

He felt a bit better that the group was formulating a plan, but deep inside he was pretty sure the three of them were screwed.
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil took the pencil and said, "How about these chords."

He read over what the two had to right. Ric was right, Danya wasn't going to just sit back and let some kids destroy the cameras. Evan had a good idea though, if they had a lot of people and acted fast, they could pull this off. No, they would need the people to take out whoever was sent to the island. There had to be a way...

We know our main problem is the collars. There has to be a way to at least cover up the mic on the collars, or stop the signal so we're invisible or stop the signal so they can't detonate them. I don't know how we would find that out. As for the cameras, I have an idea. What if we put on a show for Danya? One of us pretends to go crazy, and just smashes up cameras, while the other two try to stop them. That way only one of us is doing the damage. The only problem is it's almost guaranteed Danya will retaliate. Evan's right, we don't know how many cameras there are, but if we destroy enough, we don't have to get them all. We could leave messages for other students, telling them to destroy the cameras, if everyone on the island started doing it, what could Danya do then? It would be nice if we could figure out these collars though, without them things would be easier. I'm sure there's a way...

Neil thought. There had to be a way. While Ric had a point, if Danya did send people in, they would most likely be armed to the teeth, and even if there was an ambush set up waiting for them, three kids with non existent weapons weren't going to do a whole lot.

There were others though on this island. What if they found people, other people to band up with? People with weapons, people with ideas. This was possible, this could really happen.

Neil quickly wrote down one more thing.

If we get separated for some reason, find other people, and meet back here at the beach. This will be our rally point.

They were going to bat this game. They we're going to show Danya what a group of kids could really do.
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Ric smiled sadly as he read what Neil had written down, nodding ocassionaly and adding somewhat inane comments which sounded vaguely music based. At least, he hoped that they sounded like that. Otherwise it would have been somewhat embarassing. Once again Ric took up the pencil.

Fuck. I'll do it. He's probably amazed I haven't thrown a fit already - I'm on pills to stop me from going nuts as is. Ric shrugged slightly. I can probably act being crazy best out of any of us. Maybe we shouldn't do that right away though. If we managed to find a couple of people with good weapons we might be in a better position to carry this out. On the other hand... us 'Three Musketeers' don't have any way of protecting ourselves. Tickle-me Elmo is not going to stop a bullet. Or anything, for that matter.

In Ric's mind, going out on the island wasn't really an option, and that created a problem. How could they enlist others into their group if they couldn't travel around the place? They would simply have to hope somebody stumbled on them, and that if they did, their intentions were good... This was quite some task. Deep down inside, Ric was almost certain that they couldn't succeed.
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Neil read what Ric wrote, and it hit him that their efforts to escape might end with one or all of them dying. Was he prepared for that? He had no choice, it was either die trying to escape or die by players. Neil was determined to make the escape though. He would make sure Ric and Evan got off this island with him too. Even though in school he didn't talk to the kids, right now he felt a sort of camaraderie with the two boys.

The boy who was on the swim team right? And the boy with the messed up face. Details didn't matter now, here in this world they found themselves in. Escape would happen, Neil would make sure of it. He took the pencil, and talked about chords and lyrics, and wrote down his true words for Ric and Evan to read.

Ric, thanks man, but I'm not going to let you sacrifice yourself. We'll find a different way. If it comes down to it...maybe, but we'll find a way. You're right on us not having much in the way of protection. We can all pick through that debris farther up the beach and find some good sticks to use as clubs or something, other than that yeah, we're pretty screwed when it comes to weapons. That doesn't mean were out yet though. We can find others, we will find others, we will find a way. We just got to think of priorities. These collars. Maybe if we covered them with cloth it was cover the mics up? There's got to be a way to stop the signal. Then comes the cameras, if the cameras did stop functioning people would have to be sent in, with transportation and communication equipment. Even if we were out gunned, if we played it smart, we could beat them. I think we can really do this. I think we can really fucking do this."

Neil smiled, he was beaming with happiness. He for one, truly felt that escape was possible. That together, he Evan and Ric could work out a good plan, that could change and adapt with new people. Neil felt nothing in him but hatred for Danya and anyone who put him here.

There had to be other kids who would want to get off this island. Neil remembered watching the other survival of the fittest's on TV. He remembered kids talking about escape, but they quickly died off. He remembered a plan that came close in the first one. He didn't remember much from it though, it was so long ago it felt like.

This wouldn't be some plan that was just talked about though. He would make sure of it.

This was the real deal. The three musketeers. The number will probably grow, it didn't matter. People at home wouldn't be aware of their escape plan, but that was all apart of the plan. They would blindside Danya and this game, they would be the true winners.
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"Yo Ev, what's up?"

"Gabe... how come you didn't show up for your shift this morning?"

"Oh yeah, about that... sorry man, I totally had to quit. My dad wants me to focus more on my hockey."

"Dude, you can't quit. I'm gonna be so bored. Can't you do both?"

"Nah man... I didn't really like it there anyways. I don't want to flip burgers after school. It's lame. You should quit too. You don't need the money."

"C'mon man, you know my parents won't let me quit. They'll take my car away. I needs mah ride. You should see if you could work part time or something. I can talk to Joelle... she'd probably let you wor-"

"Ev man, I can't. Sorry bro. It's just not my thing. I know it's pissing you off because you got me that job and all, but I just don't wanna do it anymore. Sorry."

"Oh... ok.... we still hanging tonight?"

"Yeah man, I meant to call you about that. I can't make it. Kara's got this family thing I promised I'd go to. Sorry. Tomorrow though, kay?"


"M'kay... peace dude"

*sigh* "Later I guess..."

Evan flipped the page in the notebook to a fresh new one. He plucked the pencil from Neil's grasp and began to write more.

We need a game plan. Something laid out step by step, real easy. If we have something to do, maybe we won't go crazy on this damned little piece of hell. I think it would help if we found our friends.

He looked up to Neil or Ric's faces for a sign of approval. Sensing they might be unsure, he added:

Strength in numbers. We can do something if we have more people helping. I can vouch for at least three. Who do you guys know?
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil read the writing. He was right, they would need more people, more ideas if they wanted to get off this island. They would need to find people who were good with electronics, people with weapons, people with hope. Neil nodded and just wrote on the paper.

Yes, we got to find others.

He looked at Evan and Ric, trying to remember the first survival of the fittest he saw on TV. The cameras were out for a bit on that one...but was it cause of the kids? No, rain or something. There was a kid though wasn't there? People trying to escape? Didn't someone come close? He still couldn't remember the details, but it didn't matter.

They would find their own way off the island, but Evan was right, they needed people, people they could trust. Evan said he could trust 3 people for sure. Neil didn't know how many he could trust, he didn't know where his friends were, but as it was now, the three of them with the weapons they were given off the bat didn't stand a good chance of pulling off an escape attempt.

With others though, it wasn't crazy to think they could find a way home.
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Who do I know? My only friend is Vicente. God... I hope he's not here. Unlikely I guess, I haven't seen him around in a while. Maybe he transfered. Who else? O'Cann - like I can trust a guy who tried to beat my head in with a baseball bat, and Carvalho, who tried to do similarly with his fists. Jeez Ric, who really are a loner...

Ric kept quiet, neither offering any false conversation nor attempting to take hold of the pencil again. He looked down at his feet glumly as he sat there. Annoyingly, that little pestering voice from before (which had somehow convinced him not to play, he was a little surprised about that) was pretty much right. Ric had messed up half of his life by brooding and wallowing - well... maybe that wasn't fair, he had been brain damaged...

Ric chuckled softly to himself: maybe he still was. Maybe this was some weird, sick fanatasy he had dreamed up whilst lying in a hospital bed somewhere. Ric so badly wanted that to be true. If he could just wake up, and discover none of this had ever really happened...

Face it Ric. It ain't gonna happen. You fucked up your life by being too competitive and too prideful. This is just the icing on the cake. If you hadn't refused to admit you weren't as good as O'Cann, you'd have graduated by now, and would probably be watching this show in horror. Heh... fucking SOTF...
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Evan was glad to see things were starting to turn around. There could be worse company to be had than these two. I guess I've been wrapped in my own little clique that I didn't realize I could have been real friends with some of the other kids. Hmmm... come to think of it, I don't even really get treated well by my existing friends. Wait! Fuck that, they love me. Everyone loves me! I'm so damned amazing, they'd be crazy not to. They're probably looking for me right now. I gotta find those guys.

He felt that their situation now didn't need to be kept confidential from Danya's ears, and so said aloud "C'mon guys, I think we should get off our asses and go find some people. Wait a sec...". He put his finger up to signify that he'd just take a second, and went over to the tree where the camera was mounted. He looked around the ground for something heavy, and saw a smattering of medium sized rocks. he picked one up, judged it's heft, and let it fly at the camera. It missed. Shit! He grabbed another one and threw it too. It missed again. Aw fuck! C'mon Ev... think baseball team... you played a lot in grade 10, you can hit that camera. He grabbed yet another rock, throwing it as hard as he could. It connected, not breaking the camera, but at least sending it tumbling to the ground.

He walked over to where the camera lay, grabbed a large rock, and pounded it into oblivion. "Ok, now then, where to go..."
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil stood up, watching as Evan threw a rock, missing twice at the camera, the third time it hit the camera, knocking it to the ground. He watched as Evan then destroyed the camera with a rock. Neil smiled and said, "Good going man. Yeah let's go." Neil put his notebook and pencil back into his bag then picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder, and started to walk down the beach to a bunch of logs and branches. He went through it, breaking off pieces until he had three heavy sticks which were once branches. He tossed them to Evan and Ric and said, "Better than nothing."

He kept the third one in his hands, and used it like a walking stick as he moved down the shore. He turned around to face them and said, "Ok, so where are we going to go? What looks like a good place to you guys?"
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Post by Namira »

Ric smiled a little upon seeing Evan pulverise one of Danya's security cameras. Even if they weren't going to make it out of here alive, they still would have done something, and Ric had a feeling that the guy running the show wasn't going to be too pleased about the costs such damage would incur. However, that thought made Ric's mood darken. Was that what he was reduced to? A financial anomaly? He had to set his sights higher than wrecking a few cameras. He couldn't resign himself to just being killed...

Ric took the stick that was offered. Really, it was only a very slight bit better than his bag of leaves. Sure, you could bruise somebody if you dealt them a hefty whack, but it was just as likely to break than deal any significant damage. Still, it was better - as Neil had said, slightly better than nothing. Ric thought for a moment as both of his companions asked about places to go.

"Well..." he ventured. "We can't set our sights on somewhere too far away, it's getting a little dark - and I wouldn't want to be out there at night... who knows..." Ric trailed off, yet to make a concrete decision on a destination to suggest.
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Post by Theseus* »

Ric was right. It was getting dark, real fast. Neil could barely see now, and moving off the beach seemed like the best idea so far. Where would they go? Just keep walking until they found a place to hold up for the night, or some people. Neil looked at Evan and Ric and said, "Alright, let's just start walking and see where we end up."

Using his stick as a way to feel out what was in front of him, Neil stopped at the tree line of the jungle and sighed. He couldn't see in it, and he didn't know what fate lied ahead for him and his group, but he was determined. That was all that mattered right?

Neil stepped inside the jungle, disappearing into the darkness. He called out for Ric and Evan to follow him.

So the three musketeers left the shore, towards a fate that none of them knew for sure, all holding on to the small thread of hope, the hope of escape.

((Continued at Fuck the Game))
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((EVAN has accompanied, and can be found in the sdame thread as listed above))
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Ric hesitated for a moment or two - did he really want to venture out of this relative haven? He dismissed the though almost instantly - he was in this now, he couldn't just walk away from Evan and Neil. Ric followed along after them.

((Ric Chee continued in:Fuck the Game))

(My word... I need to recharge some rp batteries...)
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