Fade Into You

A solitary cottage that sets off by itself, away from the main settlement. It's a simple place of only four rooms, and it was probably the island home of one of the higher-ups on the military base at one time. Outside sits a small well that it's hard to see the bottom of, even in the middle of the day. Overall, the place has a peaceful atmosphere... one that begs to be destroyed.
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Fade Into You


Post by Theseus* »

((continued from Fuck the Game))

Neil saw the old fence first, and he started to crouched down. Sunlight was flooding from the horizon, and he was happy to be able to see again. The sunlight cast a calm red glow on the cottage up ahead. Neil continued to stay crouch through, right in front of the fence, looking ahead for sign of anyone. He had led the way to the cottage, and luckily it hadn't taken him long to get here. He quickly glanced behind him waiting for his group to reach up.

They were here. The cottage. The place they chose as their headquarters for their escape.


There would be no smiling at that name right now though, for Neil was focused on if anyone was in the house. If they were, he had two choices, either confront them, or run. He didn't hear anyone though, so he decided to risk moving closer. With that thought, Neil thought of hopping the fence. It would be much to difficult with his duffel bag and guitar slung over his shoulder, he would have to go to the natural entrance where there was a break in the fence line.

Not the safest way in, or the most sneaky, but it was a way and that's all that mattered at the moment. So Neil, walking as quickly as he dared in a low crouch, entered the cottage yard, listening for sounds, waiting to be shot and killed. When nothing came, he continued slowly taking in his surroundings. A well was to his right. The door was ahead of him. He walked to the side of the door and stopped and held out his hand to signal to his group to wait behind the fence.

Neil wasn't brave by any means, he never saw himself as saw hero back at school. He was just a guy in a band who liked to drink and do drugs. While that's who he was, a rocker at heart, he felt responsible for his group now.


The group he named. The group he hoped grew into larger numbers. The group that would escape from this island. He felt responsible for their safety, and while his heart felt like it was going to explode out if his chest, he was the lead anyways.

He stood there by the door listening for what seemed like forever. When he heard nothing, he slowly reached over and turned the knob on the door. That's when two options entered his mind.

Did he go in like the cop movies, rushing in screaming? or try to slowly turn the knob, and just sneak in? It didn't matter either way. If anyone was in there they would have saw him through the windows by now. He slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door.

Neil tensed up, waiting for the bullets to fly, and after a brief moment of shock that he was indeed still alive, he peered inside the cottage. Empty. At least the living room was.

So with that, Neil stepped inside, and held his hand out to his group, still motioning for them to wait for his signal to come inside. He slowly walked in, and decided if anyone was in the cottage, it would be better to call out to them instead of surprise them.

"Hello? Anyone here? I'm not playing."

No answer.

So Neil slowly checked every room. Which there weren't many of. He noticed there was no back door. Only one way in. Easy for defense bad for escape. They could always use a back window if it came to that.

It won't though Neil told himself. They could start working on their plans on the tables he saw in their and maybe others would stumble upon the cottage, good others who would join S.A.D.D.

Students Against Destructive Decision.

The group which Neil now felt himself in charge of. The group that would prove to Danya that his game was beatable, and not just by killing your friends.

Neil stepped outside the door and smiled to his group and he waved them inside and said, "all clear."
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((Continued from The Legend of the Flower of Woe))

Nadine made well sure that the meadow was well behind her before she finally took a moment to rest, crouching against the old fence, as a cover of sorts while she got her bearings.

That kid...what was he thinking? Was he on some kind of high, or was he just simply delusional? Well in any case, he didn't really matter right now. If he died? So what. He wasn't worth her time. She didn't need to hang around an instable kid...

...What wouldn't she do for a weapon like that though.

She remembered listening to the announcements as that Mister Danya person's voice came on... Well, Galen's name wasn't among the ones killed, so she supposed that was good enough for now at least. Quite a few people dead already... people were sure getting into the game rather quickly.

...If her name was EVER to come up on the announcements, it WON'T be in the list of the dead, Nadine assured herself of that.

Where was she now? That was the most important thing. Well it appeared to be a cottage... and it LOOKED empty, but appearances can be deceiving, yes?

Well, Nadine didn't WANT to be alone. She wanted someone beside her at all times... preferably someone with a good weapon and without ANY sort of homicidal intent whatsoever. If Galen had gotten his hands on a good weapon, wherever he was right now, that would be just ideal. Of course, Nadine would have to find him first...

It was a bit of a struggle to climb over the old, rotting fence, and she frowned slightly as her sundress was snagged slightly. Was there a back door? Approaching the cottage to the front seemed a bit well...indiscreet to her.

Well, no backdoor... but there was window left open. Looking through it, she crawled into the frame and climbed into the room...which appeared to be a bedroom of sorts.

...Nadine hoped the plumbing here worked, though it was probably too much to hope for.

Just as she went over to rest on the bed, sitting on it, she heard voices...and the sound of footfalls coming inside.

.... Ooh. Other people. Maybe they had some good weapons on them? Then again, Nadine personally hoped that they weren't playing... she crept carefully to the door that lead from the bedroom to the living room where she'd heard a voice, and poked her head outside.

"Um...hello? Am I intruding? ...One of the windows in the back was open."
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Neil jumped at the sound of a voice behind him, as he stood in the doorway of the small cottage motioning for his group to come on him. He had just told them it was all clear, then he heard a voice. A girl. Asking him if she was intruding.

Neil spun around, fear swelling inside of him, sure he had messed up. The windows. He forgot to close one of the back windows. That was it. The leader of S.A.D.D Neil Sinclair would die because he forgot something as simple as closing and locking a window, now he and his group would pay for it.

What he saw though was a girl who didn't look too intimidating.

Neil looked at her, who was she? He searched his mind for her name, Nadine? Maybe. She stood in the bedroom and he looked at her and said loudly enough for his group outside to hear, "depends, are you going to try and kill me?"

Neil's mind raced with thoughts and options. He could make a run for it now, or continue to talk to the girl. One would guarantee his safety unless she had a gun and could shoot good enough. The other though could potentially end up with this girl joining his group.

The group he named S.A.D.D.


The group that he was bent on escaping the island with. He didn't want to give up the cottage either, despite his ignorance in the windows, he knew well enough that it would make a good place to hold up as the 'headquarters' of S.A.D.D.

He chose to stand there, waiting for the girl to answer him back.
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Post by RePeate* »

((Continued from Fuck the Game))

Evan made sure to follow in Neil's footsteps, not because he was scared of getting lost and being alone, but because if someone were to go in first, it damn well wasn't going to be him. As bravado as Evan tried to portray himself, the truth of the matter was that he was far too vain to shed his sense of self-preservation. There were times when he'd openly refer to himself as "God's gift to the world". His friends found it unamusing, and it was the likely reason Evan couldn't get along with just anybody. It took a strong person to deal with his mighty ego.

His thoughts turned to his friends, and he wondered what they were up to at this very moment. He wondered if Gabe had found Kara and Steve already (as he had no doubt he'd go off and be the first to find them). He wondered if they were hurt, or scared, how undoubtedly Kara would be freaking out about the whole situation. He thought of Viki, and how much he'd enjoyed their single night of Lazer Tag together. He wondered what his parents were doing at home; if they were scared shitless at his disappearance. In a way he felt guilty for undoubtedly causing them such grief. His relationship with his parents had visibly been pretty shallow, but deep down he loved them more than anybody.

His mind was distracted at the appearance of Nadine; a student Evan knew quite well from school, but didn't particularly care for much. Evan was the type of guy to make snap judgements based on first impressions, and to him Nadine seemed to be pretty ordinary, if not a bit too ordinary for his tastes. But then, he didn't REALLY know her. He moved over beside Neil, attempting to overhear what the two might have been talking about. As he did so, he spotted yet another camera mounted in the corner of the room, it's lights silently flickering to show it was recording their every move. "Hold on guys, let me take care of this one" he said, more so out of affirmation that he wasn't about to make any sudden threatening movements for the sake of their new companion. He reached up and grabbed the camera mounting with both hands and tugged hard. It came off with a jostle, taking some pieces of paint from the walls with it. He then turned to the others and said "What do we want to do with this?".

He held the camera in his hands. It was about the size of a grapefruit, and he could hear the lens auto-correcting from the movement. No doubt these things were pretty expensive, what with being wireless and pretty decently automated. He stared into the lens, wondering if somewhere one of Danya's associates was looking back at him. Maybe this was being broadcast on the internet or something, he didn't know. For all he knew, the world could be watching him right back. His natural vanity got the better of him, and he adjusted his hair and smiled into the camera, turning his face every so gently to the right (to show his good side). He then threw the camera hard to the ground. It didn't break, unsurprisingly. Danya must have picked something he knew would survive any harsh weather or unconmitted collateral damage caused by students. Still, Evan grabbed the heaviest thing he could find (which happened to be a nearby fire log), and proceeded to smash the camera. "Sorry about that guys... another one down, right?"
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Post by Cyco* »

((continued from Fuck the Game))

Nigel began to notice (with some bemusement) how hard Neil was trying to establish himself as the leader. It wasn't that he had any real desire to lead the motley crew of doomed highschoolers, by no means, but when Neil had cut in front of him to lead them out of the marsh he'd nearly tripped the larger boy up and sent him into the nasty grey muck. Was it that big a deal who was in front? And naming the group; was he taking this as seriously as he should've been?

'Whatever,' he shrugged to himself as they reached the cottage. 'Let him play captain. He's got some good ideas, anyway.'

However, when Neil decided to signal them all to wait Nigel simply scoffed and headed in after him, giving the others a shake of his head. Someone was in the house, and he approached the doorway to see what was going on with her and Neil.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

At Neil's question, Nadine immediately shook her head, and in the moment that followed she stared at him as she stayed partially hidden behind the door, as though using it as some sort of protection. The look she gave him was of fear and vulnerability as she watched his every move, as though ready to run if he came any closer.

"No! I'd never kill anyone….never," There were tears in her eyes as she said this, and she even drew back, looking rather affronted that the other boy could suggest such a thing, that this harmless-looking and petite girl that was Nadine could ever be capable of such an act.

She continued to stare in fear as two more boys made their way into the room, cringing abit as the camera was thrown to the ground and smashed to bits. "What…what are you doing? You're not going to kill me are you? I don't have anything! …I swear. My boyfriend's missing, everyone's dying, and I don't know what to do! Just please don't kill me…"

Her face turned away to press against the palm of her hand, tears flowing from her eyes as they shut tight. Her narrow shoulders shuddered a bit as she started sobbing, the picture of utter helplessness.

…By God and all that is holy, she had BETTER win an Oscar for this…
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil watched as Evan destroyed the camera in the house. Good, but they would have to start taking out more cameras in a bit. Maybe they could just go throughout the house and destroy all the cameras. Neil also noticed Nigel approaching. The only reason Neil had told the group to stand back was in case of a shooter and they had to run, but he was really relived that Evan and Nigel had come up to him. He wondered if Ric and Braden would come up now.

Neil watched as the girl stated that she would never kill anyone. She was scared, her boyfriend was missing, people were dying, then she started to cry. Neil immediately felt a tinge of remorse for her. The game was effecting a lot of people in different ways. He said, "Don't worry we won't hurt you."

He slowly approached her, but not getting to close to the room she was half hidden in. Neil set down his guitar and his duffel bag. Opening up the bag he went through and took out his notebook and pencil and flipped to a blank page. He quickly wrote down some words.

We're going to escape. We call ourselves S.A.D.D. You in?

Neil slid the notebook to her hoping she would say yes. The more people the more ideas and the more power they had. He hoped she understood the meaning of the notebook and why they couldn't speak about escape at all. That anything involving their plans had to be written down, which was why they needed the small cottage as their 'headquarters' of sorts. So they had a place to gather their ideas and decide on phase one of their plan.
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Post by Namira »

(Ric continued from Fuck the Game)

Ric felt very much like a spare part, albeit one which was hanging off the edge of whatever machine he cared to add to the metaphor. He was slow compared to the rest of the group, merely meandering through the jungle, just barely keeping in sight of the others. Eventually, he caught up, which he was relieved at, only to see a girl talking with Neil, which he was not.

Ric didn't know why, but tears irritated him. The reason for this seemingly inexplicable dislike was in fact, a rather selfish one, by all accounts - he didn't believe anybody else deserved tears. Few, he felt, had life quite as bad as he did. On the other hand, this was SOTF, and people were dying, so perhaps he should allow some sympathy for her...

Entering the room, Ric looked at Evan, then Nigel - whom he had barely even met properly, then wheeled and narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"I'm going to 'bed'," he said shortly, walking through the front room and into a likely looking seprate room before collapsing onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. So what if everybody thought he was weird or antisocial? It was the truth.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Nadine appeared to cringe slightly, as though in fear or in apprehension as Neil suddenly approached her, though he still maintained a distance a bit. She looked at him with a certain wariness and nervousness in her eyes, as though she wanted to trust him, but was too afraid of what he might do.

Surprise came for her though as she blinked at the notebook being handed to her. Her eyes widened as the read the words, and she stared at him, as though not knowing what to make of this.

"I-" She covered her mouth, her mannerisms indicating that she realized why exactly they were writing in a notebook instead of making their statements audible. Nadine appeared to deliberate somewhat, hesitating, before she slowly nodded, then smiled at him. She looked relieved, and somewhat reassured.

"Um...I don't think we've met...I'm Nadine Willowbrook. Your name is...?"

She quickly wrote a number of words of her own, and passed the notebook back to him.

Can we do it? Can we really escape? She looked to him, eyes wide with hope.


Inside? She was laughing in derison.

Were these people stupid? Hasn't that been done and tried in the last two games several times with all instances ending with misery and failure?

Ridiculous....you can't win a game if you don't play.

Still...she'd rather much hang around these people than a bunch of killers, anyways...
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Post by Theseus* »

Neil watched as Ric trudged past to go to sleep. Neil was tired as well, and understood Ric's need to go lay down. He let him go, knowing they were safe in this cottage, at least for now. Neil watched as Nadine read his words, and then she introduced herself.

Nadine Willowbrook.

Neil smiled and said, "I'm Neil Sinclair. You might know of my band? the Headless Heroes? Nah you don't look like the rocker type."

Neil smiled at her, and then read the words she wrote in the notebook. She asked if it could really happen. Neil was glad, she could be another member of S.A.D.D. He looked at her and nodded and wrote in the notebook.

Yes, we'll make it. Welcome to S.A.D.D Nadine Willowbrook.

He passed the notebook to her and yelled out for his group.

"Hey everyone! Meet Nadine! She's in with us."
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Post by RePeate* »

Finally, some tail in this damned sausagefest....

"Hi Nadine... I'm Evan. I think we had math together", Evan said, extending a hand out of instinct. He knew formalities were trivial in their present situation, but decided to be courteous anyways. Hopefully he could shake his reputation as an asshole long enough to get off this island in one piece. "Uh, welcome aboard... I guess" he said, somewhat at a lack of where to take things conversationally. "So, uh, guys... we need a plan. I think we should rest here a bit, maybe eat something and then move on. A place like this is prime for people wandering around."

He unslung his bag and let it fall to the ground. He unzipped it and pulled out what seemed to be a bag of trail mix, or some such thing, and a bottle of water and began to snack. It wasn't until he'd eaten the first handful of dried nuts and fruit that he realized just how hungry he was. What's it been? A day since I've eaten anything? Jesus... this game... I can barely function. Speaking of which...

"Hey guys, I'm going around back to take a leak. Don't leave without me", he said, laughing slightly. In all honesty, he felt Neil was probably too keen to have his little team together to leave without Evan anyway. Evan left his pack inside, and popped around back, where he promptly undid his fly and relieved himself on the side of the cottage. He sighed loudly in relief. It had been a while since he'd last gone to the bathroom. In fact, he hadn't done so since arriving on the island. He finished up, gave it a few quick shakes, and zipped back up.

Wow, I hadn't realized what a pleasant day it is...
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Nadine looked towards Neil, frowning in confusion at the name of the band, then shook her head. "No, sorry, I don't..." She smiled a bit apologetically, she hadn't heard of the band at all before now. She looked towards the notebook, raising her eyebrows. Well, they seemed rather hopeful about escaping....

But we'll see... She thought to herself mildly.

Casually, out of curiousity it seemed, she began flipping over the previous pages of the notebook without asking, reading exactly what has been said amongst the group before now. All of it. Her lips twisted slightly, it was an interesting read, really. It was little surprise why they wanted it hid away from Danya.

Wonder what would happen if it were to be revealed to the cameras, or read aloud? Nadine milled over the possibility as she thought. Could it be that certain people....would get killed? This notebook could be just about another card she would have to play carefully.

She didn't give back the notebook, though she seemed complacent enough to hand it towards anyone who asked for it. Looking towards Evan, she smiled a bit. "Yes, we were in the same math class, I think." She took the hand shyly. "And a plan would be nice, I think."

Nadine looked back towards Neil, who seemed to be the leader of the group...for whatever reason. "...By the way, I'm looking for my boyfriend, Galen...have you...seen him anywhere yet? I really need to find him..."

Another thought came to her. "...By the way. What weapons do you guys have on you?"
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Post by Namira »

Urgh... Just shut up... please...

"I can't handle this," Ric said aloud to himself softly. Every sound set his nerves on full alert, and he couldn't relax for even a second. Despite the fact he was in a seperate room to the others, he could still hear them loud and clear, and for some reason, that didn't sit well with him. The fact was, Ric was an antisocial person, very much so, he didn't like being around people, especially in this kind of situation.

Riic shuddered, he could imagine right now... just as they had concealed their planning from Danya with the journal, even now they could be silently plotting to kill him. Neil, Nadine, Evan, Nigel... it was just a trick! He had to get out, had to-

Hello again. It was the same voice as before, just as annoying, even more intrusive, if that was even possible, which Ric couldn't believe was true. How could you get more intrusive than the inside of your own head? His reply, needless to say, was emphatic.

Oh FUCK off! There was a suggestion of a snigger, which irritated Ric more, and the voice, when it spoke again, was decidedly smug.

I'd tell you that talking to yourself was the first sign of madness, but it would be like telling a blind person looking into the sun was bad for your vision...

Terrific, not only am I hearing voices in my head, but they seem hell-bent on pissing me off more than I actually am. Tch... If I wasn't crazy before, then you're most certainly sending me on my way to become insane. If being in SOTF wasn't enough, Ric had to contend with an incredibly irritating voice which, according to itself, was actually a past version of Ric. He paused to contemplate this for a moment: no wonder people thought he was crazy... it was true.

...No gratitude? That's what I get for helping you Ric. Not a word of thanks, a complete lack of appreciation... Ric heard that with no small degree of incredulity.

What have I got to thank you for!? Making this whole ordeal even more difficult than it already is!? The Spaniard, as Ric had come to think of him (stemming from his initial introduction as 'Super Spaniard' Ric), sounded somewhat affronted when he replied.

How about allowing you to retrain any vestiges of sanity you had left? Believe it or not, you were about to throw a fit. The pressure's getting to you Ric. What's your choice? You can take the voice in your head and the attendant irritation - since you don't appear to like my company very much, or you can go completely mad. Your choice.

Ric thought for a very brief moment on this.


Yup? The Spaniard sounded intruiged, as if he had not entirely expected Ric to make a reply so quickly.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Ric roared, then cut himself off, eyes springing open wide. Had he just...? Had he just shouted that out loud? How the hell was he going to explain that kind of outburst!?
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Post by Theseus* »

What weapons do we have?

Neil looked at Nadine and said, "The only thing me, Ric, and Evan have of any use is our sticks we got from the beach. I'm not quite sure what the other two have."

Neil looked around the room. He looked at the desk in the corner. Soon he would have to start drawing plans, assigning tasks to the group.

"I'm sorry, we havn't met a Galen yet. We'll find him though, don't worry. S.A.D.D sticks together." He smiled at her, then realized he would need the paper to begin his plans. He held out his hand and said, "Oh, can I have the notebook back please, I need to brush up on my lyrics."

That's when he heard the shout.

Leave me alone!

It was Ric. Was he in trouble? He was in the other room sleeping wasn't he? Neil raised his stick and burst into the room where Ric was, looking around for trouble, for a sign of danger. He saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Neil looked at Ric and said, "What's going on? What happened?"
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Ric's mind had been running at a thousand miles per hour - desperately attempting to come up with some kind of rational explaination for his outburst, but none of them were favourable. Strangely enough, he didn't particularly want Neil, or indeed any of the others finding out that he was embroiled in a blazing argument with a voice in his head.

Now look at what you've done! Ric told the Spaniard in an accusatory fashion, before silently cursing. Not only was he hearing voices, but he was acknowledging them and blaming them for things he was doing.

Excuse me? If you hadn't decided to get all mouthy then you wouldn't have got yourself in this situation in the first place. And for your information, I don't appreciate being referred to as 'The Spaniard' make it... Juan.

My brother? Screw you. I know that technically you're a part of me, but so help me, if you keep dragging those memories up I'm going to kick your ass.

Right, because that really makes sense, doesn't it? Besides, it's my job to bring up uncomfortable memories, stops you going mad...

If you have a real job up there in my head I'm firing you right now.

Ha... we'll discuss terms of my 'employment' later Ric, you have to deal with Neil first.

Ric blinked, then focused, realising that Neil was indeed standing before him, and had directed a quesiton at him. Ric knew that he had to lie, at least for the time being. He doubted that Neil would responde positively to the news that one of his group was becoming severely unhinged...

"Sorry," Ric said softly. "I'm so tired, I think I started hallucinating. Either that or it was some kind of nightmare. Sorry man, won't happen again, I just need to catch a few, then I'll be fine," Ric harboured a hope that 'Juan' had been brought about by a lack of sleep and sheer fatigue.

I should be so lucky.

Shut up.
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