Cody's arrival

Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here... who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
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Cody's arrival


Post by OnceForgotten* »

This is the last time I'll be writing you, if apologies mean nothing, neither do these photographs hanging on my wall..

Cody sat, head down, against a tree in a wooded opening in what seemed to be a large forest. He was listening to one of his favorite bands, a local band out of Michigan called THE WEAKEND. He got up and opened his eyes, his sight darting around, never fixing on anything for more than a few seconds. His left hand silently drummed against his well muscled thigh, and he chomped on a peace of gum loudly. He was thinking about his little predicament. He had been stuck in a game of survival, a game where he would have to kill people. That didn't necessarily bother him, what really was irksome was the fact that their was only one person he wanted to kill, and he wasn't here. He closed his eyes and imagined it. Sydney Crosby, alone in a locker room after a game. Untying his skates, he would not notice the pair of eyes peering out at him from a nearby locker, or when the locker opened slowly. He would not notice Cody creeping up behind him, and he would not notice the flicker of the knife against his skate blade. He WOULD however, notice the large red gash, and the blood that would accompany it in large volumes, exiting his throat. Sydney Crosby, hockey phenom, dead at the ripe age of 17 Cody smiled, noticing the growth in his pants. It was his one dream. It would end all confusion, Cody would then be the best. Cody sighed. It was not to be for a while though, first he had to get out of this shit.
He reached for the pack, and shuffled through it until he found his weapon. He pulled out a large, curved wooden boomerang, adorned heavily with Aborigonee designs. Cody almost laughed.

A boomerang was most certianly bush league.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Cody avatar by Kermit.
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Cody's eyes flickered as he woke up from his nap. With a yawn, he crawled out of the small hole that had been created by the falling of a large tree, and began surveying the small area that he had made his temporary "home". He had designed several traps to ensnare a bumbling oncomer, and he hoped that one of them would be tripped soon, ideally by a person with a gun. All he had to do right now, was sit and wait. He grabbed his headphones and flipped his I-Pod back on, leaning back against a tree.

* * *

(Coming from: Shelter from the Rain)

Marcus had been moving for some time. He had been quite lost since he was seperated from Hawley's group at the hospital, since he had lost his supply pack at the beginning of the game. He was becoming quite thirsty, though, and knew that if he could not find them soon, he would have to stop somewhere and get something to drink. He rounded a bend, and saw what seemed to be a fresh spring welling from a small mound in the ground. He almost jumped with exitement as he ran towards the clean flowing water.


All of a sudden, Marcus noticed that he had been suspended upside down, hanging from his left ankle. His head dangled about 4 feet off the ground, and he was about the same distance from the limb he was suspended by. He struggled to grab at the tree, the ground, anything to get him out of his current predicament, because he knew that someone was probobly on his way to check the trap.

* * *

Cody heard one of his traps spring, and immediatly jumped up from where he had been sitting. He began jogging towards the spot that he could hear the rope dangling from, but when he rounded the tree that gave him sight of his prey, he stopped in his tracks.

Did I catch a gorilla?

Cody began circling the large boy, looking at every possible angle, hoping to find a spot where he could execute max damage without the boy fighting back. Even upside down, Marcus was a menacing presence. Cody began by speaking to him
"What kind of weapon do you have?"

The boy gave Cody a whithering expression as he replied

"M-m-m-my f-f-f-fists"

Cody swore inwardly. This boy was not going to do him any good.
Cody finally saw what he was looking for. He grabbed a medium sized tree branch, and first tested it by flexing it by hand. It was still slightly malleable, so it was not going to break upon the first impact. Good.
As Cody walked foreward, he smiled
"You ever see the movie, The Passion?"
he inquired lightly.

((Marcus continued in: "Though We May Not Survive It..."))
((Cody continued in: Starting Place for B#100))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Cody avatar by Kermit.

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