Reflections on a Prom Night

This is the forum for post-Prom parties and other events that take place after the dance. If you want to tell what your character is doing on Prom night though they are not attending the dance proper, this is probably the best place for that, too. Basically, anything from when the characters leave the dance until the end of the Prom experience belongs here.
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Reflections on a Prom Night


Post by Aura »

((Matt Masters continued from Rationally Early))

Matt sat on a bench right outside the school doors.  He and Cassidy had just walked out of the prom, and it was beginning to get late.  He checked his phone, and the screen displayed the time as 10:45 PM.  He couldn't afford a limo, so Oscar had driven them to prom as a favor.  He hoped that Cassidy wasn't too disappointed about her ride to the prom being an old pickup truck.

He started to think, did he really give Cassidy the best prom night possible?  There was no limo and chauffeur, instead having a pickup truck and his boss.  There was no fancy dinner, instead just a modest meal with her parents.  Not much flash in what is typically seen on TV shows as the most extravagant night in a high school student's life.  Was she really okay with a relatively pedestrian experience?

He turned to her.  She was sitting next to him on the bench, still looking as gorgeous as ever in her dress.  "Oscar said he'd be here at 11 to pick us up.  We've got about fifteen minutes to waste."

He mentally kicked himself.  That was not what he meant to say!  He had been friends with her for months, and he still couln't stop being awkward.  It was pretty darn embarrassing, to say the least.  He took a breath and spoke again.

"So... what do you think?  About the prom, I mean."
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

((Cassidy Kant also continued from Rationally Early))

The warm air felt so clear after having been in a crowded room for so many hours. She'd been announced as a runner up for prom queen, and was shocked that so many people had voted for her that she could be in the running. She fingered her sash and smiled quietly, happy the night had ended with such a nice suprise.

"Oscar said he'd be here at 11 to pick us up. We've got about fifteen minutes to waste."

She interlocked her fingers with his, her palms feeling small, but safe in his. She snuggled closer to him. The dance was ending, but they were still together. They still had time to be with one another. The end of the school year made it difficult to determine how much time that was, but she was with him now, and that was enough. She was always suprised to gind how happy she was just being in his presence.

"So... what do you think? About the prom, I mean."

The insecurity in his voice was clear. He was asking if the night had been good enough. He was asking if he'd done enough to make her happy. He was asking if he was good enough.

She thought to simply reply yes and return the question. She considered sharing some of the kind words her parents had said about Matt before they left. But none of those things mattered. The dance was a dance, she had fun. But Matt probably knew she'd say she had even if she hadn't. And her parents had been friendly enough at dinner, despite their general indifference towards most people.

She smiled, knowing there was no way she could verbally express how overly satisfied she was with the night.

Her other hand moved from the sash and up towards the handsome face. Her manicured nail traced behind his ear and then her thumb brushed his jawline as her fingers gently pulled him towards her.

No more words for Matt, and no more worries. She kissed them away so he could be filled with new emotions.
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Post by Aura »

No response from Cassidy.  No verbal response, anyway.  She gripped Matt's hand and moved closer to him.  Matt tapped his fingers on the bench nervously.  Her silence was a bit unnerving to him, despite her obviously affectionate actions.  Was she trying to ignore the question?  Maybe she didn't have fun, and was just trying to distract him so that he would forget he asked?  Matt's mind was going through a variety of reasons as to why Cassidy hadn't offered a straight-up answer, most of them suggesting that she hadn't had a good time.

These thoughts abruptly ended when Cassidy pulled him in for a kiss.  All of his doubts vanished, and he was lost in the moment.  All he could think about for the next few seconds was that he was sitting outside on a calm night, kissing his beautiful girlfriend.  And he was perfectly content with that, at least for the time being.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Matt's body was tense for a moment, and then he relaxed. Now they were on the same page. There was something that especially enticed her about the scene. Maybe it was because it was so unexpected, so surreal. Cassidy had worked towards maintaining her sweet girl reputation, and anybody who knew Matt knew he was a gentleman. Now the two were making out on a bench near the road just outside a school-sanctioned event.

She turned her her body so her legs were on the bench over his lap. She wanted to get on his lap so she wouldn't have to strain her neck as much. It was that or laying down, but pulling her big boyfriend on top of her to make out on a bench would have looked a little too scandalous. She shifted a little more, hoping Matt would get the idea and help her onto his lap.

Acording to Matt, they had fifteen minutes until Oscar came. Maybe a five minute swing in either direction depending on traffic, and it would probably take a minute or two to turn down the hormones as well.

The feeling of Matt's lips diverted her attention back to the kiss, she hoped she hadn't locked up for a moment. She let go of worrying about when Oscar came. Matt would stop then when it was time, maybe. He was more responsible than her, it would be his job.

Her fingers gripped the short hair on the back of his head gently and she pulled back a little bit and turned her face downward. Her eyes surveyed his neck for a good spot, and she moved in for the attack.

She pictured Matt examining the red spot the next day in the mirror. There was no way he could convince himself prom was a failure with that in his face.
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Post by Aura »

A short amount of time passed, and Matt and Cassidy's liplock was still going strong.  Cassidy put her legs up in an apparent attempt to get onto Matt's lap, and he helped her along the way by lifting her onto his lap.  The kiss continued as though they hadn't shifted position at all.  The lip contact only broke when Cassidy gently tugged at the hair at the back of his head.


Matt saw as Cassidy looked slightly downward for a moment before virtually lunging at his neck.  The result was Matt recieving an odd tickling sensation on his neck, no doubt on the spot where Cassidy's lips had planted themselves.

... Well, this is new...

He really didn't know what to make of the new development.  Having his neck kissed was a new feeling, and a strange one at that, but it was also a good feeling.  Despite how comfortable his current situation was, he knew that saying pretty much anything could potentially kill the mood.  Even though he knew this, something posessed him to open his mouth to speak anyway.  However, he couldn't think of anything to say, so all that came out was an awkward "Uh" sound.

His face flushed.  He hoped that he hadn't ruined the moment right then and there.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »


Matt was feeling something. And she was feeling it too. She kept her composure, but continued on with her passionate attack. Her blood was starting to boil, she could feel herself radiating heat. She maintained a steady pace, not wanting to lose herself in the passion.

Oscar's coming soon.

But what did that mean. Matt wpuld be caught making out by his... Oscar? Who the hell was Oscar? He'd been around the Masters home often enough to have been a resident. He treated Matt like family, and was warmly accepting to her into whatever life he and the Masters shared. But his relationship to the family was still unclear.

He was definitely a father figure. But was he an unofficial stepfather?He and Matt's mom always embraced when they greeted each other. Sure, jolly Oscar was a hugger, but it was still suspiciously friendly. The fact that Oscar usually said "Love ya!" to her before leaving was also a factor.

Even if Oscar was Matt's stand-in father, how would a father react to this? Her father, who while adoptive had still raised her, would be very unomfortable by the scene. But maybe fathers and sons could bond over seeing the son growing up...

The mental rant had caused her to slow the necking. It was probably for the best too, given the setting. She moved back to his lips and slowly, and slightly regrettably, eased away. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she shifted closer to him to cuddle until Oscar came. Hopefully her weight wasn't cutting off circulation to his legs. She laid her head on his shoulder and gazed up in his general direction, admiring the starry background behind his profile.

"So what did YOU think? About..."
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Post by Aura »

The kissing continued.  Matt could feel himself beginning to sweat.  He felt it as Cassidy slowed down and went back to kissing him on the lips, which was also good.  Once that was over, Cassidy snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.  He liked that, even if it did make him feel kind of like a glorified pillow.

"So what did YOU think? About..."

Matt had to think for a moment.  Was she talking about prom?  Maybe the prom pictures... or the food at the prom... or maybe it's about... the kiss!  Of course!  What else would she be talking about!  At least, that's what Matt thought she was talking about.  Unfortunately, Matt's thoughts were still a little cloudy from the make-out session they had just engaged in on the bench, so he had an understandable bit of trouble trying to form a response.

"Huh?  Oh, um... it was good.  Yeah... good."
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

"Huh? Oh, um... it was good. Yeah... good."

That was Matt. Low key and easy to please. Never had terribly much to say, but that was enough. He never interrupted, he never argued, and he never complained. Sure, Cassidy wished he would be more excited sometimes, but maybe they balanced each other out that way. He was certainly several steps better than Owen.

Imaginary slaps to her own face. How dare she compare this perfect example of a guy to Owen. Owen was a sneak. Though he might not be as scummy as she would have liked to imagine him, Matt was on a different level of gentleman. Cassidy felt like she was a princess in his company, even if he couldn't give her everything, he'd work with what he had. Hopefully the comparison between the two was the result of Matt glorification rather than angry-ex-syndrome.

She let out a relaxed sigh, feeling totally comfortable and peaceful. If there was a movie about her life, it would end now. The credits would roll and she would live happily ever after. If it were a story, the epilogue would just be a flash forward in her life to show she was still the same girl, just older and with her own family.

"Yes, good indefinitely."

But this was not literature. This was her life. After this event, she would go on to the next one and the next one. She had actually been so excited for the prom itself, she'd skipped out on making after prom plans! What was she going to do all weekend?! A few cheerleaders had talked about their plans to party, and that seemed to be the general post prom thing to do. Would Matt be up for something like that? Would be be upset if she was and he wasn't? Would she be pressuring him by inviting him?

Prom was over, and she was starting to get over basking in the post prom sensation.

"Is there anything else you want to do this weekend?"
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