The Gift of Giving

Have a thread that doesn't fit neatly into any other category? Want to recount a weekend trip or a wedding out of town? Found a niche the staff forgot to fill? This is the board for it. Please only use this for threads that truly don't fit in any other area.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Cassidy passed the phone between her hands. It was late, and they both probably had things to do. She glanced at her phone again just to confirm the time in her head. The rightmost digit changed, and urged her to wrap up the small talk.

"I really like talking to you, too."

There was her signal.

"Well, I really gotta head home. It's getting dark and I got things to do."

The phone stopped in her palm. She felt silly for having had it out for so long. Her hands silenty moved behind her back. Her free hand grabbing her elbow as she stretched her shoulders.

"Maybe we could talk again some other time?"
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Post by Aura »

"Well, I gotta head home.  It's getting dark and I got things to do."

Matt nodded.  It looked like the conversation was wrapping up.  After all, the sun was setting and the streets weren't particularly a safe place to be at night.  Besides, he had some things to do, too.  Well, more like things to watch, but still, he was on a schedule nonetheless.

"Maybe we could talk again sometime?"

Cassidy actually wanted to talk to him again.  Matt didn't take a lot of time to think about his response, because he already knew what he was going to say.

"Yeah.  I'd like that."
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Cassidy smiled. The kid was sweet. Maybe not incredibly good at taking hints or flirting, but even that made him seem cuter. He wasn't a wannabe bad boy. He wasn't trying super hard to impress her. He was real.

I guess being eight feet tall eliminates the need to act big.

She pulled her phone out one last time, taking matters into her own hands this time. She got to the "new contact" menu in a second, pinched the sides of her phone with her index finger and thumb, and extended it out to Matt.

Social norm usually dictated that the male was supposed to initiate any potentially flirting.

Ugh. Get out of my head MOM.

They weren't even flirting. Yet. No! You just met him, Cass. You aren't doing that to yourself again.

She just liked talking to him. And maybe looking at him. Now or never:

"So... Could I get your number?"
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Post by Aura »

Matt watched as Cassidy pressed a few buttons on her phone before holding it out to him.

"So... could I get your number?

At that moment, Matt realized that she had been dropping hints that just flew right over his head.  Seriously, what kind of idiot wouldn't know that a girl wanted his number?  Matt shrugged off that thought.  The fact that he didn't get the hint didn't make her not like him.  At least, he didn't think it did.  Refocusing his attention on Cassidy, he smiled and answered.


Matt entered his number into Cassidy's phone, being careful not to hit two buttons at once with his large fingers.  After around ten seconds, his number was set in Cassidy's phone.

"There you go."

Matt pressed a few buttons on his phone, sending it to the New Contact screen, and handed it over to Cassidy.  He was a little nervous, since he had never asked a girl for her number before.

"Um... can I have your number, too?"
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

She could only smile at him. She'd met this boy just minutes ago, but already felt she knew him very well. And now that she could easily contact him anytime now.

She reached for his cell, having tucked her own under her arm. She punched her own digits in before handing it back. She put her last name into the contact, unsure if he'd know it.

She handed it back, smiling and holding her eye contact. She looked over her shoulder and back. It was time for good bye.

Handshakes are formal. And lame. Hug? Nonono.

She quickly conjured up some middle ground.

"Well, it's been great. But I really gotta get going."

She stepped off the stairs without turning away. Her left foot swung around the back of her right. Her legs rotated, followed by her hips, and then her shoulders too began to turn away.

Her free hand raised off the railing, she wiggled her fingers towards him.

"I'll see ya later!"
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Post by Aura »

Matt watched as Cassidy entered her number into his phone.  Once she finished, she handed the phone back to him and smiled.  They had a great time talking to each other, but it was time for them both to go home.  Cassidy stepped off of the stairs and didn't turn around until she reached the sidewalk.  As she turned, she waved to him.

"I'll see ya later!"

Matt smiled and waved back at her from the steps.

I'll see you, too."
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

His goodbye call came over her shoulder and into her ear, making her smile. Matt was an interesting kid, but maybe not the best at small talk. Social uneasiness was refreshing for a cheerleader who often found herself around confident athletes.

She glanced at the screen if her phone one last time, just to make sure all ten digits were present. Once she faced away from Matt, she tucked the device into her bra, and began running.

Walking away would tempt her to turn around and wave. Running kept her focused on the way home. She'd have to stretch everything out before crashing. And shower, and brush out her hair. And then there was physics homework, which shouldn't take her long, but she always found ways to distract herself.

Eh, forget it.

She had at least a B, and it probably wouldn't get checked regardless. She could get home, clean up, and laze around till she fell asleep. Today had been productive enough anyway; She'd crushed the Antigone test, got a little work out in, and she made a friend. Cassidy slowed her pace to a walk as she rounded the last corner, tired, and ready to lounge.

(Cassidy Kant continued elsewhere)
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Post by Aura »

After Cassidy left, Matt was alone with his thoughts.  He had met a new friend, and that was something that didn't happen every day.  It was something to be cherished.  He checked his phone to make sure that Cassidy's number had been saved.  He was relieved to find that it was.  Matt went back to the home screen on his phone, and was unpleasantly surprised by the reading on the clock.

It was now only ten minutes until SmackDown began.

Matt hastily dismounted the steps and ran home in a full sprint.

((Matt Masters continued elsewhere...))
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