V5 Twentieth Rolls

Here you can find all of the announcements made during V5, as well as the previews of the island before it was unveiled.
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Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2720
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am

V5 Twentieth Rolls


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Hey, everyone! So, as you may be aware, only you final ten and staff can see these at the moment. With no further ado, then, the rolls:

1. Joe Carrasco (Violent-Medic)
2. Kathryn Nguyen (Arscapi)
3. Madeline Wilcox (Turtle Tyrant)
4. KK Konipaski (Rattlesnake)
5. Matt Vartoogian (BROseidon)
6. Gray Emerson (Deamon)

Three days for cards, and until the end of October 29 for deaths.

That out of the way, a few notes:

We're keeping this secret to add to the suspense and increase the engagement of the site as a whole, and it'd mean a lot if people would keep things hush-hush. We've also seen in past versions that the second one person is told anything, it starts to spread throughout the site, so we'd highly suggest keeping these quiet even from friends.

That said, we respect that this is all about the folks left in the game, so if you want to talk about your own character's status as rolled/unrolled, it is your choice. If you want to spoil everything, well, we'll be pretty disappointed, but this isn't a situation where we're making some rule or asking everyone to swear an oath of secrecy or whatever. It's just a request, for the sake of the game. Image

Heroes may still be played this roll cycle, but any cards not used now will become null and void in three days' time. They do not carry over to V6.

Soon after card time has passed, we will open a board for the Endgamers to discuss winner selection and Endgame planning.

Congratulations to everyone for making it this far. This is one of the most solid final batches of characters I've seen in all of SOTF and Mini, and I'm sure you guys are gonna make this final ten explosive and awesome.
[+] Logs
Richard Rooks
Roll #1:
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 3
Killer Vole
Joe Carrasco (Violent-Medic)
Richard Rooks
Roll #2:
Code is //roll-dice 1-sides 10
Killer Vole
Killer Vole
It's okay.
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 5
Michael Hansen
Killer Vole
Kathryn Nguyen (Arscapi)
Richard Rooks
Roll #3:
Michael Hansen
some levity is nice @_@
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 1
1 min ago
Killer Vole
Madeline Wilcox (Turtle Tyrant)
Richard Rooks
Roll #4:
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 9
Killer Vole
KK Konipaski (Rattlesnake)
Richard Rooks
Roll #5:
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 4
Killer Vole
Matt Vartoogian (BROseidon)
Richard Rooks
Roll #6:
V5 Rolls Chat
vkezra2 rolled 1 10-sided die: 8
Killer Vole
Gray Emerson (Deamon)
That's a wrap.
just now
Killer Vole
Endgame is Hansel, Mara, Zubin, Joey (assuming no cards are played)
I bid you all dark greetings!
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