White and Nerdy

The expressway may span the entire island, but the sewer system goes a step further by spanning the entire island underground. The smell down below may be a bit wretched, but by descending into the depths of the sewers, you'll gain leverage against your opponents. Be careful when standing near a manhole, who knows who might pop out of it.
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White and Nerdy


Post by Ares »

There was a pungent odor seeping into the young man's nostrils as he awoke. It was a smell of human feces and urine. Justin Moore had just woken up to find himself in a sewer. This was a kid who had never even taken out the trash in his life, and now he found himself nearly swimming in excrement.

The boy quickly slid backwards from the stream, until his back was against the inner walls of the tunnel. His stomach growled, letting him know its displeasure that there was no food inside of it. Assuming that the daypack left next to him would have some food in it, he quickly unzipped it. The first thing he noticed however was not a small loaf of bread, but the edged frisbee on a string. He had seen this type of weapon before. Was it in one of his strategy games?

Chra...no...Chaktham...no...Chakram. Thats it. This thing is a chakram.

A Chakram. A somewhat ancient type weapon, but its power was not to be underrated. A chakram in the right hands had the power to decapitate. Unfortunatley, as Justin now realized, this chakram was in the hands of a computer nerd with the athletic skill of a 4 year old girl.

Moore quickly put the chakram down, and picked up the book inside of the pack. Being the speed reader he was, he quickly finished the book, putting it aside in shock. The memories of how he got here rushed back to him. He really was on an island, here to kill his classmates.

No. I can't do it. It's inhumane to kill another person. I mean there have got to be people here who are thinking like me. I guess my best bet would be to try and find someone peaceful and think of a way out of this place.

Another wave of that horrible smell hit Justin, causing him to vomit. This vomiting episode made him realize he needed to get out of the sewer. He looked around and saw no immediate exit, so he got up looked to this right and decided to walk that way, hoping to find a ladder, or exit of some sort.

((Continued in Putting on the Ritz))
Stuff. Things. Stuff and things.
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