Trying Hard to Breathe

The expressway traverses the entire island, running from end to end and leading everywhere and nowhere. This long and winding road once served as the primary route of transportation across the island. Now, it's become just another part of the fight for survival.
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Trying Hard to Breathe


Post by Megami* »

((Continued from In the Darkest of Times))


Matthias Kovalenko didn't make it a habit to swear very often, but the situation certainly warranted it.  He'd left the river when the crazy blonde girl with the axe had made her presence known in the area, and quite truthfully, he hadn't looked back.  He was so focused on finding Jodeen and making sure that she was safe that he honestly didn't even know if Penelope was still behind him anymore.

Eventually, exhaustion had gotten to him, and he'd inevitably decided to take a short rest.  He'd get nothing accomplished if he couldn't even function.  He'd opted to rest in a wooded area close to the main road, and he now sat there, staring intently at his map and carefully closing off the locations that Danya had declared dangerzones.  Slowly but surely, he seemed to be pushing them toward the center of the island.  It was both good and bad news, really.

It'd certainly be easier to find his sister in a smaller place.  Still... it also meant that he had less time to find his sister, and it also made the chances of him running into someone dangerous that much greater.  He let out a frustrated sigh.  It had been six days.  Six long, strenuous days... and he still hadn't seen hide nor hair of Jodeen.

According to the announcements, she hadn't been killed.  At least he had that bit of knowledge, and right now, that was the only reason that Matthias had any hope left at all.  He forced himself to his feet.  He had to go on.  He had to keep looking.  He emerged from the shrubbery slowly, checking the area around him to see if anyone else was nearby.
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Post by Megami* »

((Well darlings, nobody's responding to this and Matthias has places to be and people to get killed by.))

It looked like the coast was clear.  He breathed a sigh of relief.  The fact that the competition was dwindling was becoming more and more apparent as more time passed.  He'd came across the paths of several different people during the first few days on the island.  Well, not so much came across... more like, saw and skillfully managed to avoid.  Still, now, the island seemed like it was a ghost town.  It was a bit eerie.  The expressway in front of him seemed to stretch for miles on end.  Inevitably, it would probably run into a few dangerzones.  From his current position, he could either had west, which would eventually take him into the town, or he could head east, which would run him back through the river, the forest, and inevitably drop him off at the cliffs.

But they were a dangerzone.

Plus, the day was going onward, and Matthias had a bad feeling that by the time the next sunrise came around, the entire coast of the island would probably be declared a dangerzone.  Danya was boxing them all in, and fast.  Besides, heading toward the coast wouldn't do much good.  Jodeen was a smart girl, she wouldn't head somewhere where she could be in danger.  There was no shelter to the east.  If she'd gone anywhere, it'd probably be more toward the central area of the island.  She was probably holed up in a building or something.

So, where to now?

His eyes scanned the map in his hands.  There was just about an equal chance that she could be anywhere on the island.  He automatically ruled out the park and the garden.  Wherever she was, she wasn't foolish enough to be caught out in the open this far into the game.  The residential district was large.  That meant that there were ample places to hide, but that also meant that a lot of people would be roaming the streets in search of people who were trying to hide there.  The school building was another possibility.  It had lots of classrooms.  He continued to scan over the map.  The hotel was jumping out at him.  It seemed like it had the best chances of survival.  He'd passed it before.  He remembered it being pretty tall, which meant it had a lot of rooms.  The more rooms it had, the less probable it was someone else would occupy your room.

"Better get started," he muttered to himself before folding up his map, placing it in his pack, and heading off down the expressway toward his next destination.

((Continued in No Rest for the Weary))
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