Marie's Eve

another one-shot

Chattanooga is bordered by the Tennessee River and the Appalachian Mountains, along with various other cities, towns, and rural areas nearby. If your characters want to go hiking, biking, camping, or otherwise exploring the area outside of the city itself, this is the place to do it. This board is also the appropriate location for any other events taking place outside the boundaries of Chattanooga proper that are set during the pregame time period; past trips, however, belong in Memories of the Past.
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Marie's Eve


Post by Melusine »

((Continued from here))

"Okay so," Marianne pointed the ninja girl with her index, "I'm playing her."

Willow was laying on her stomach inside of Marianne's bed. It was comfortable and she had a pink comforter. Willow usually slept in her step-sister's bed while Marianne had a similarly comfortable mattress on the floor. Her walls were also pink, but more on the salmon side. She had posters of K-Pop bands on her walls. While she didn't choose to listen to it, every time Willow came to visit, an unusual upbeat song would play in the background.

"What does she do?" Willow asked as Marianne scrolling through the different skins, "I assume she kills people with her..." she mimed reaping some wheat, "Scythe or whatever."

Marianna scoffed and finally selected the golden prestige skin. Willow didn't say it, but she prefered the base skin. She just found her prettier in the splash art. The prestige skin was way too yellow for Willow's liking.

"It's a kama," Marianne replied, "it's the weaponized version of a scythe but japanese."

"So I got it right?"

"Yep, she also has a kunai."

"Oh, I know that. That's the thing from Naruto."

Marianne squinted as she looked at her step-sister. "You watch Naruto, still?"

Willow shook her head and giggled. "No, but when I was 12, I was really into Sasuke."

"That's so embarassing," Marianne started laughing, but then bit her lip, "I was into... hum, whatever the name of the teacher was."

Willow made a slight exaggerated gasp. "You're the embarassing one."

"True." She turned back toward her computer and she started to move around her character. Her character was even more yellow in the game, and Willow felt like she was watching a lemon running around spouting one-liners.

"My only weakness are cute boys with black hair," Willow admitted while rolling on her back. She raised her phone and she started idly searching for Naruto characters.

"Shit, me too," Marianne replied as she started killing minions for their precious gold and experience, "Hinata's brother.... Neji? Ugh, choke me."

"Damn, is that what you do with your boyfriend?"

Marianne gasped, her face becoming red, "I'm basically a nun, we have kissed like once."

"First base is kissing and second base is anal," she was unable to stop herself from laughing. Willow genuinely enjoyed these moments with Marianne. "I just searched Neji, he's really cute," she said trying to change the subject of the conversation.

"But really, we've been dating for like... two months." Marianne sounded sad. "I wish he would... come over."

"What would you do? He would lay on the bed and watch you play video games?"

"Ouch, but... maybe? I don't know. I just want to spend time with him outside of school like going on a real date."

Willow raised her feets and started flapping them in the air, "I think... you should take the initiative." She scrouched her nose while looking at more pictures of Neji. "Maybe just go, 'hey, wanna' like go for a coffee this weekend?' and just... start from there."

"Yeah, he was my friend and now he's my boyfriend and I'm like... shit, are we going too fast?" Marianne shrugged while she was recalling back to base. She turned toward Willow and asked a rather personal question, "Do you have experience with this?"

Willow looked at Marianne and made a neutral face. "Kinda. Dated a boy when I was like 14. Hated it. I wouldn't do it again." She scoffed and she looked back at her phone.

"Aw crap, I died." Willow turned to the computer screen to see it was grayed out. "Whatever, why wouldn't you do it again?"

"It's like... I prefer the idea of dating than actually dating?" Willow wasn't sure she was making any sense, she wasn't quite understanding herself either. "It's not I disliked it, but more like..."

"Are you like... gay?"

"I don't-" she paused. It was Willow's turn to blush. "I don't know. It's like... maybe? I wouldn't say I would never date another girl, but it's like... do I even want to date anyone?" She felt uncomfortable, and she suddenly wanted out.

"Mhm, I feel the same. I just don't know." Marianne's words comforted Willow. "It's like," she sniffed and started attacking this other champion, "Guys are hot, girls are also hot, but... beyond that? It's complicated."

"Exactly how I feel." She bit her lips, "I mainly like boys... but like... girls? They are okay too. I wouldn't mind trying it out."

"Oh my God, you are going to have the lesbian college experience." Marianne's laugh was subued but it still made Willow smile.

"Yeah, I can't wait." While there was a bit of sarcasm in her voice, a part of her was yearning for new things. An experience to grow, something else than high school. She just hated everyone back there and she was waiting patiently for the year to end. That was wrong. She didn't hate everyone, but the strong majority of the school population weren't her friends. She did have friends, people she liked, but the overall feeling she got from the school was hatred. Willow struggled with explaining it, it was like the school itself was an entity and she hated it to its core. The students were the appendages of the monster, and Willow wanted to cut them off one by one, indifferent to their own personal characteristics.

"We could order some pizza." Willow changed the topic. She felt a sharp pain in her chest when she thought about her life at school.

"Totally, but we need to do it soon." Marianne pointed the clock in her room, "Before that the twins come home because I don't want them to eat it."

"That's a good plan, I'll make the call."

The bullet was dodged. Willow was going to sleep well.

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