Life Is Just A Memory

(Open!) Day 5 About Midday-ish.

Unlike the east side of the village, the west side of the housing has remained in much the same condition it was left in. The houses here are all in the same state as they were when they were first built, the identical houses all sitting in identical rows with the only difference being their color. The interior of the houses all share the same layout, with a shared living area/kitchen and a separate bedroom. The state of these rooms is surprisingly clean and consistent throughout the western side of the village as well, with all the beds appearing to have been made and the houses tidied, with chairs tucked into the kitchen table before the residents departed.

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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett stopped walking just outside of the door of the house and he was off to the side a little, leaning his head back to rest against the wall. He was strangely feeling a bit better and that he didn't need to hide himself behind a barrier of negativity with Cecil now. Heck, maybe that little argument was just what they needed to clear some of the tension that they had between each other. Fuck, maybe he would stick around once they had found Declyn.... Then he still would have to go after the people that didn't deserve to go back home and he was going to fucking wreck their days.

Emmett heard Cecil talking to someone inside and Emmett couldn't help but laugh at what he had say. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Cecil really went there and Emmett peeked his head around the door to see who had come out. Jonah. Emmett wasn't gonna lie.... Jonah was looking very cute with his messy look and Emmett had to hold back another laugh, smirking all the while.

"H-Heh.... Fuck me..." He shook his head a little and he moved the gun out of sight, knowing that he was not breaking the rules because it was outside of the place. "I hope you're not about to ask us to join you two in there. I'm too fucking exhausted for that shit right now." Emmett was trying to make a good sex joke and he hoped that Jonah got it without making things awkward.


Emmett couldn't take it back now. He was in a better mood anyway.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Deamon »

Arizona caught the clothes Jonah tossed easily enough. She was relieved that Jonah had agreed with her in the end. While she had been hoping he would she had been worried. There wasn't any intention in her mind not to try and find Quinn. So it felt good knowing she wouldn't have to do it alone. But then he did still immediately fall back into his habits as he rushed from the room.

"Hey that's-" She started but gave up. He had already left the room wearing her top. With a disappointed sigh, Arizona put her bra back on and pulled Jonah's shirt over her head. Grabbing Jonah's gun from where she had discarded it she headed to the bedroom door. Being careful to avoid stepping on anything. As she emerged the beginning of the conversation reached her ears. She hated it straight away. Who the fuck were these two assholes anyway? Obviously, what she wanted to say wasn't a good idea. But hey, Jonah was still falling into his bad habits. So it only seemed fair she got to as well.

"We didn't fuck, you morons."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Oh, no. I -- uh," he said, looking at the couch rather than Cecil. His foot was still bleeding a bit. Then Emmett starting going in on him too.

"N -- no. We -- um -- Well -- " he stammered, now looking an an absolutely fascinating table and turning pink.

Arizona came in behind him and her flat statement helped ground him a bit. He took a deep breath and he looked at her fondly for a moment, though also had to stop himself from saying something like "language."

"What I mean to say is..." he restarted, "...Arizona and I talked about it and we agreed to go after Quinn. I don't want to risk more people and I think it's better for us to go on our own since a smaller number of people means we can move faster. I want to thank you guys for trusting us and I want you to have as much luck possible."

Jonah sat for a moment to put a bandage on his foot, then slid his socks and shoes on to prepare for their departure.

"And you can have the cabin if you want since you know there's no one in here."
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Post by LeslieFranc »

The corners of Cecil’s lips twitched upwards, surprising himself that he was somehow highly amused at Jonah’s flustered reaction. A light snort escaped him when Emmett chimed in with some teasing of his own, which probably brought out a satisfying result, considering poor Jonah’s blush and averted eyes. However, that small moment of playful fun quickly ended with Arizona’s quick shut down.

Cecil smiled, and didn’t even try to stop himself from blurting out what had been in his mind. “Good,” he primly assented. “That would’ve been terribly rude of you to do with guests in the house.”

Looking back at Jonah afterwards, his neutral smile soon turned thoughtful once he realized that these two actually had found a way to resolve their fight from earlier. His eyebrows raised up at the fact that they were now given free reign of the cabin, turning to look at Emmett in wonder.

“Oh.” Just like that, his feelings and thoughts weren’t so easy to translate into something a bit more coherent for another person. Unsure, not really displeased, but anxious.

“I see,” he could only say, trying his best as he could. “Thank you.” And he meant it, to some extent. “Good luck to you, too.” He really meant that.
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Post by Primrosette »

Holy fucking shit! I actually made Jonah blush and he looks so fucking cute. Alright, Emmett, calm your dirty mind! This isn't the time to be oogling a pretty boy that you hardly know personally.

Emmett's slight smirk didn't even waver when Arizona had ruined the moment and he thought that it had been worth it this one time on this forsaken island. He was slightly surprised that they were both planning to leave already and he knew that he couldn't do anything to stop them from doing so. They had their own goals in mind and he knew what it was like to have plans that others would want to carry out. Cecil was saying good luck to them and he knew that he should do the same shit as well.

His face was trying to not show the slight disappointment about people that kept on leaving and then he wouldn't see them ever again. "Just make sure to be careful around Quinn. I don't want to ever hear your names on that stupid announcements on the victim's side because of her.... Okay?" Emmett said as he was trying his best to be supportive to them both and he was glancing at them with tired, sad eyes. "Yeah, thanks for letting us morons stay. I know I'm not the best guy to trust but... Fuck, seriously. Good luck to you both."

Shit. Am I being nice enough? God, I hope to see them again in the future. I'll be really fucking cursed if people keep on dying because of me....
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"Thanks, we're probably going to need it!" he said to both of them. His voice was its characteristic cheerful with a chilly under-layer of pessimism. It was a tone that said, "I'll try, but..." and was covered with a smile.

He was ready with all his gear and double checked to make sure Arizona had the Desert Eagle. It reminded him of packing to leave their hotel in Washington D.C. Did you remember your toothbrush? Phone charger? Handgun?

Jonah looked over and saw that Arizona looked ready to go. It was best that they get on their path before they could change their minds.

"Stay safe. Watch after each other. Maybe we'll meet again," he said, waving at the boys before opening the door and exiting the small house.

He wasn't sure where they should go next, where they should start to look for Quinn. But the house next to the house that had been theirs had a door slightly ajar. Maybe there could be supplies or something useful inside? There probably wasn't anyone inside if the door wasn't sealed shut.

Arizona and Jonah walked up to the next house, which looked identical from the outside from their old house. The difference of the inside was evident immediately. Brown, crusted blood was soaked into the couch. It had dripped and smeared up to the interior side of the door they had just opened. Along the blood path from the couch to the door was also a set of muddy shoe prints that became clearer the more they walked. They walked from the door to the bedroom next, along with some different, less muddy footprints. Some went over a small throw rug that the occupants had laid down, presumably to brighten the place up.

On the bed there was the shape of a body under a white blanket. If they had uncovered the blanket, Jonah would have had no idea who the girl was. Luckily, she'd been labeled.

"Don't touch. Liberty Wren," he read out loud. He looked at Arizona, lips pursed. "This was Quinn, right?"

He hurriedly opened up his bag, dug for his first aid kit, and brushed away the last few errant marshmallows to pull out the pair of scissors in the kit.

"I've got an idea of how to find her," he said, waving the scissors.

((Jonah Heartgrave continued in Flagrant ))
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Post by Deamon »

"Yeah," Arizona said as she peeled the sheet back and took in the destruction her teammate had wrought. After a few moments she placed it back down, her mouth set into a grim line. "It was."

((Arizona continued elsewhere...))
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Primrosette »

And that was that as Emmett watched Arizona and Jonah leaving and it was leaving a bad taste in his mouth. He thought back to Demetri and he just fucking hoped that he would be able to reunite with him again. He just needed to get Cecil to Declyn and then he could see them getting all lovey-dovey and shit. Then he would find... Adonis. Dear god, he really hoped Adonis' mind hadn't got too fragile and that they could just talk things through about everything. Even Tristan. He wanted to know the truth of what happened. He didn't give a shit about the terrorist's words and he wanted to hear everything from Adonis' own mouth.

"Well, looks like we got a lucky break for once, huh?" He said to Cecil with a big grin on his face and then he was feeling like he was about to fall asleep while he was standing. "Shit.... I'm so fucking exhausted, man. You take the bed, Cecil. I'll take the couch."


Time had passed. It was the next day and Emmett was feeling antsy as he knew that the announcement was going to come up at any moment and he had just finished eating a bit of bread. It had gone a bit hard and stale but Emmett didn't give a shit about that. Food was food. He was sitting on the couch and he had put the gun beside him for safekeeping. He really needed to know how to use it sooner or later. It shouldn't be too hard for him to use, right? He had no fucking idea whatsoever.

He didn't even get a good sleep last night as Emil and Sapphire had been haunting his dreams and all he could see was Lorenzo with a bloody maul and laughing at him for being a failure and not stopping him from hurting them both. He knew that he shouldn't think about how it was his fault for dragging Sapphire into the fight with Lorenzo and how she ended up saving him with her own life as the cost. Emil.... He still blamed himself for distracting Emil by calling out to him and then Lorenzo got the jump on Emil because of him. Emmett needed to avenge them.

Or do I just want revenge on Lorenzo..? Fuck, it doesn't matter! I just need to end things once and for all!

"Did you get a good sleep last night, Cecil?" He asked, glancing over at the other boy in the room. "I'm dreading what's to come. The announcement...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Cecil could only say a small but still grateful "Thank you" to Emmett before plopping himself down on the bed comfortably. That comfort was short-lived however, as he was suddenly reminded of having left Camila's body in a dirtier, more worn down bed than this before he forced that thought away into the back of his mind. However, it would always be harder to get rid of that image the more he closed his eyes and pretended not to see it, trying to forget, except he already had engraved it into his mind as he cried and shook beside her.

Cecil laid on the bed but did not close his eyes yet, his hands shaking. He barely let the tears fall again, but didn't stop himself from wallowing in grief. Emmett was there. The door was closed. It' should do for now.

The pain in his head, on his body, in that untraceable part of his chest that always stirs up from every bad memory...he stopped ignoring it and embraced it in silence.

He soon exhausted himself and slept.

Cecil had woken up around early evening, and didn't try falling asleep again. Instead, he blankly stared at the ceiling as he laid there, his grip on his knife loose for some time. When the sun rose, he pulled himself up, somehow still tired. Groggily combing his hair down, he helped himself with the shitty breakfast he was resentfully getting used to.

Carefully drinking water that was also starting to somehow taste like shit to him, he didn't glance back at Emmett, but he did incline his head to show that he was paying attention.

A good night's sleep? Sounds like a dream.

"I've slept," he curtly replied.

"Anytime now," he sighed about the announcements before reaching for his bag, returning the bottle and food back inside.

Anytime turned out to be right after he had zipped his bag close, and he froze.

It always felt like time froze every morning when that terrorist's voice would greet all of them, bearing them the news of death and murder. He sat on the bed with his shoulders hunched, head bowed, and both hands holding onto his ballistic knife. Slowly closing his eyes, he listened attentively.

Gervais is dead. A small dose of satisfaction and relief flooded him. Good. Someone had decided to kill their student council president, and Cecil barely held a wince despite not knowing him. Quinn Abert also had killed another. Meilin Zhou, Cecil remembered that she played the clarinet. Either way, Jonah and Arizona are coming for her. Good luck to them. One of the Carters was dead too apparently. Shot by Camila's friend—don't think about that now. Focus. Okay. Dane Lennox? Lennox! Cecil thought back at the haughty-looking bespectacled boy at the beach. ...killed by Lorenzo Tavares. Shit. Briefly opening his eyes, he turned to Emmett in concern before quickly averting his gaze. I can't recall a Diego Larrosa nor a Mike Brown. Cecil thought it shouldn't probably matter. Drew Woods—

Cecil felt his fingers go numb.


His grip on his knife loosened.

"—Declyn Grayson-Anthis shot him. Simple, effective and—"

His whole body was numb. He was floating. This isn't—This is...what' shouldn't be—can't be real—Not...

The knife clatters to the ground.


He heard nothing. There was nothing. Nothing. But...


Nothing at all.
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett felt his heartbeat racing faster as the announcement came on and he just listened to it as quietly and patiently.

He grimaced as he heard of Nathan's death at the heads of Madison and he couldn't even fathom how anyone could do something so inhumane to a kid like him. Quinn had killed once again. Ace's girlfriend if he remembered correctly and he hoped that Jonah and Arizona can finally put an end of Quinn's reign of terror. Bret Carter was dead and Emmett was not looking forward to the wrath of Wyatt rampaging around the island. Emmett's mouth twitched involuntarily as he hear that Dane had been a victim of Lorenzo and it was giving Emmett more ammunition to go after Lorenzo for all the shit he was pulling. He frowned as he heard Diego's name and he was sure that he was a friend of Declyn's. He wondered what Declyn-

"Drew Woods was the next to go when Declyn Grayson-Anthis shot him. Simple, effective and some good enough first steps on the path to victory."

Emmett felt like someone punched him in the gut and he heard Cecil dropping the knife to the ground. Emmett didn't even realize that he got up to his feet and he was making his way over to Cecil, trying to keep himself calm. Trying hard to not freak the fuck out over Declyn killing his best friend. He just wanted to know why Declyn would do something like that. He had to have a good reason to put a bullet in Drew Woods of all people. He couldn't jump to the worst conclusion about Declyn. Now they really needed to find him. Especially for Cecil's sake.

Marco has killed again. Dammit...!

Emmett took a step closer to Cecil, feeling his heart sinking more.

I.... I can't fucking believe this. Erika.... Ericka just won't stop.... D-Demetri.... Why didn't I stop you from leaving? I should have made you stay with us, Demetri.

Emmett's eyes were getting blurry and he held back his tears. Cecil needed him right now. He couldn't be a selfish bastard about his self-pitying.

Lucas.... Fuck, he really....? I don't understand...?

Emmett stopped right in front of Cecil and he put a hand on his shoulder to give him some comfort, wondering what the hell he could even say to the other boy. What could he even do...?

"Cecil. It's-"

It's not okay. It's not fucking okay...!

He let out a shaky breath. "....I'm sorry." Was all that came out of his mouth. He didn't know what to do for Cecil and he was feeling more and more powerless as time went on.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Unresponsive, Cecil was silently having his own breakdown. Everything was numb. Nothing registered. Not Emmett’s well-intentioned words nor the supposedly comforting hand on his shoulder.

Silence and nothing else but his loud mind.

Declyn. Declyn killed. He killed Drew. Drew.

I didn’t want him dead. I really didn’t want him dead. He’s dead now. I didn’t want him dead. Oh God he’s dead.

Oh God Declyn killed him.

Why did Declyn shoot him? How did it happen?

Drew left me. He had a busted arm. And I let him. I couldn’t even have managed to try fixing him. Now he’s dead. Declyn killed him. I should’ve chased after him. I should’ve found Declyn faster. Maybe he would’ve lived a little longer…maybe Declyn wouldn’t have killed…

But for what? Why?


Declyn shouldn’t have shot him. Not right, it’s not right. What happened? He wouldn’t have done that. Not to Drew. They were…

Cecil shakily curled into himself on the bed, his hands on his head and pulling his own hair in frustration. Hiding his face, his whole body was trembling. His mind was in shambles, hurriedly trying to piece all of the pieces together, but none of them fit at all no matter how much he tried, and he didn’t know the consequences if he failed to complete the puzzle, if there was even a time, but it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming—

Finding Drew on the pier. Fucking Gervais. His golden glittered hands at prom. Bloodied arms. Black and blue fabric. Never saw him again. Never sought him out again.

That time on the pool. Our time together in DC. His green hair. Drew’s blood on him. The night at that party. Sweet, gentle and kind…how would he even…

Shit happened and he wasn’t fucking there to do something. Camila—

Cecil sniffed, and he belatedly realized that his face was wet. Besides the tears and the trembling though, he was almost still in his position.

I wasn’t there when Camila died.

Swimming together on their pool. Her cold dead body. Her blood. Shit.

But I was with Drew. I could’ve been with Drew. We could’ve found Declyn together. This wouldn’t have happened. I could’ve been there. But he wasn’t.

And because of your abandonment issues, you let that decide your actions and threw that future away and here you are now. Cecil gripped his head tighter, feeling his nails roughly drag on his scalp. All your fault. Pathetic. Useless. You’re not enough back home nor you’re enough here.

Not his grandparents. Mom and Ma. His siblings. His actual birth parents. Everyone. His friends. His closest friend. A scared boy who tried to give him a happy memory in high school.

What’s the point? All your friends are dead. What’s left? Declyn has gone on without m—

No. Fuck. No. He can’t. Not when Cecil hadn’t found him and seen him and touch him and—

That then brown-haired boy on the pool that easily endeared himself to Cecil’s heart just by a few words in that short time. The green-dyed haired boy who for some reason didn’t forget him and still talked to him despite the changes he went through, never distancing himself when it was something Cecil had already been used to. Patient but unwavering. One of the kindest people he had met. The person who gently pushed him to let himself be happy without any guilt for a moment. Someone who was happy with Cecil, and Cecil was happy with him, and he wanted them to be happy together.

Cecil still did.

It’s all nothing now FUCK—stop!.

Balling his hands into fists and gripping his hair tightly one last time, he finally loosened up. Lightly combing his hair down to a more proper state and ignoring both of the superficial and other pain, he finally sat up.

Okay, he shakily sighed. Focus. I can stop. Stop stop stop stop stop. So. What’s next?

First off, Declyn was still alive. He’s still alive, fuck—

Declyn made his decision from the choices everyone was given in this island before Cecil made his. Okay, but Drew was his—stop.

And he was still alive.

That’s more important. Most important. Declyn’s alive.

Cecil needed to find him now.

Like he was struck by lightning, Cecil’s next moves were sudden and quick.

He patted Emmett’s hand absentmindedly in appreciation before firmly removing it from his shoulder.

Wet-faced but determined, he snatched his knife from the floor and slung his bags over his shoulder and back. He stood up and swiftly went for the front door, his sleeve messily trying to wipe his cheeks and eyes dry as he stumbled his way through. There was an abrupt stop to his movements just as he was about to reach for the doorknob, and his currently maniacal energy was visible as he did a full turn and strode towards Emmett, having momentarily forgotten his existence, stopping in front of him just as abruptly like stepping on the brakes of a fast speeding car.

“We have to go,” he blurted out, loud and quick, almost an engine revving up to start running once Emmett showed signs of moving on.

He was out of breath for some reason, when he was just about to start the day.

“I—I need to find Declyn,” he choked desperately.
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett didn't have time for his own sorrow right now and he realized that Cecil needed his help. Emmett wanted answers from Declyn about what he did and he just hoped to God that Declyn hadn't gone off the deep end like Erika or Marco or.... Adonis. It wasn't right. Declyn killing someone felt so abnormal to him. He also thought that Adonis would never hurt anyone and now he was fucking wrong about that. He needed to find Declyn with Cecil and then he hoped that the reunion wouldn't turn out to be a messy one that turned into bloodshed and death. He hoped that Declyn was doing okay after- after Drew.

"Of course." He said simply with a nod of his head as he stared up at Cecil with a look of determination and he knew that they had no time to waste anymore. "Let's find him as soon as possible."

Emmett picked up his own bags, gripping onto his gun more and he stepped back over to Cecil. Getting ready to move on. He had another person on his list to kill after they have found Declyn and he knew that he should have just shot her that day they reunited on the beach.


((Emmett Bunnell continued elsewhere))
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Cecil had been undoubtedly scared ever since he woke up in this island, and there had been moments when he would wind up enveloped with the paralyzing fear of death and loss during the past couple of days, but he always tried to get over them on his own time, exhausting them of the worst waves so he could return back to being at least calm enough to move on. Camila's death had been sudden, and as long as he was in this island, he would never stop mourning for her. However, that situation was final, a definite thing that he had already failed. Drew's death was another failure on his part. So was Declyn having to kill him. But Declyn was still alive, and so that meant Cecil hadn't failed him yet. But the possibility that he might fail him brought out that anxiety that made that aching sense of dread to settle in his stomach, his legs to wobble and yearn to drop, and him to want to start sobbing. All of it was overflowing.

But he couldn't take care of that now.

He will just have to brave through it and hope that it will cool down to a simmer by the time he arrived to where Declyn was. That was what he was going to do.

Yeah, I could do that, he sniffed as he wiped away his eyes.

((Cecil Salazar-Loveless continued in Among the Sef))

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