V8 Concept Question Game

(it's never too early)

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V8 Concept Question Game


Post by VoltTurtle »

With V7's end approaching and the concept thread having gotten plenty of responses, I thought perhaps it would be nice to have another question-game like format with which to help everyone get a feel for their concepts before pregame actually opens!

So here's how it'll work: we'll start off with a basic assortment of questions (provided by me) that you can answer from the perspective of any combination of your concepts. When you finish answering, you can add your own question to the lot, which can then be answered by everyone following you. You don't have to add your own question, but it could be nice! Let's get some weird ones in there.

With that in mind, here are the stater questions (and any additional questions):
[+] Current Questions
  • What's your favorite color?
  • What's your favorite food?
  • What's your favorite hobby?
  • What's your favorite animal?
  • What's your favorite genre?
  • What's your favorite music?
  • What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
  • What's your favorite memory?
  • What's your least favorite memory?
  • What is your best subject?
  • Describe your own fashion sense!
  • If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
  • What's one of your secrets?
  • Five things you can’t live without?
  • How did this interview make you feel? (Answer after all others if preferred).
  • What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
  • If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
  • What position do you sleep in?
  • What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
  • What quality do you value to most in people?
  • Who is your favorite creator? (Singer, writer, streamer, etc. etc.)
  • If you had to pick a superpower, what would yours be?
  • If you could take a weeklong vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • Are you anyone's favorite person?
  • Hot dog?
(Don't feel obligated to answer all the questions if you don't have the time or can't think of answers! Answer as many as you want, with any of your characters.)

Finally, when you finish writing up the answers for your own kids, put up a new question of your own (asked by you or any of your characters) to be added to the list for everyone else to answer! I'll try to keep the OP updated with all the questions, so let's see just how ridiculous we can get.

(Also, if you can, please hide you answers in a spoiler, this thread will take ages to scroll through, otherwise. >_<)

With that, have at it!
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Post by BlizzardeyeWonder »

[+] Tenshi, Liya, Lydia, and Meena give an interview
What's your favorite color?
Tenshi: I like all metallic colours, but my favourite is rose gold! Like, it's pink but shiny and metally and more like gold, what more could you want? My parents got me a rose gold bracelet for my birthday and it is soooo cute.

Liya: Purple. Particularly darker shades. Darker violet hues give clothing all the edge of black clothes without being completely boring.

Lydia: I really like a lot of blue-green shades. Anything that reminds me of the ocean, really!

Meena: Pink! Any shade. Pastel is nice.
What's your favorite food?
I absolutely looooove lamb!

I don't have a favourite food. Honestly, I don't like the sensation of eating at all.

The marshmallows in lucky charms cereal.

Don't make me choose... there's too much good food in the world. Now I'm hungry.
What's your favorite hobby?
Singing? Duh?

If I had to be honest, the thing I have the most fun doing is lacrosse.

Pulling a blanket over myself, getting a cup of hot cocoa, and reading legendarily bad fanfic.

Creative writing of any kind, though I never publish anything, haha.
What's your favorite animal?
Golden retriever!

Uh, crows I guess.


Hmm... I want to say cats.
What's your favorite genre?
Oh, I don't read much.

Cyberpunk, for sure! Especially the modern versions, they've really realized that it's actually super cool to use tech to modify your body to do awesome shit.

Horror, especially the kind that really surprises you.

Haha... fantasy. But especially fantasy that does new things other than medieval european fantasy you know?
What's your favorite music?
I love songs with big orchestral bits, and mixing rock with it's never hurt anyone. And obviously, anything with some stellar vocal work is on my list.

I dunno, rock? Putting things in genres just needlessly complicates and restricts music anyway.

Jazz and electro swing. Catchy pop tunes too, people hate on it too much.

Yeah, electro swing is really nice. I like a lot of upbeat techno music though!
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
I want to go into the music industry as a performer, you don't need postsecondary for that, right?

University for robotics. I'm not getting my hopes up though.


University for computer science. I might take a gap year though.
What's your favourite memory?
Once during the summer in middle school, I went to the ice cream truck. Without my processors. There wasn't anyone else around, so I tried signing and surprise surprise, the guy actually understood! It was crazy.

I don't dwell on the past.

Reading My Immortal out loud with friends during a sleepover, for sure.

Finally submitting something I wrote a writing contest, and people telling me it was good!
What's your least favourite memory?
...going deaf, probably. I don't mind being deaf or having cochlear implants now, but at the time...

I. Don't. Dwell. On. The. Past.

When I found out my aunt was an antivaxxer. Bitch had actual toddlers.

Um... can we change the subject?
What is your best subject? (my question)
Music of course! Wish I could do better in ASL though.

Math and the various sciences, particularly physics.

English, weirdly enough.

Music, and accounting if that counts. Why did I take that class again?
Describe your own fashion sense!
Ooh! I love big, fluffy and frilly clothes. I want to stand out, but I also don't want to look gaudy while doing it.

Purple with tasteful amounts of black and sometimes red, leather jackets, and belts. Also, I really like floral motifs if I can work them into my normal style.

Eh, plain, sorta-formal stuff. Somebody once said I look like I'm going to an office.

Aggressively feminine!
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Why would I want infinite money? I can get everything I want with the money I already have.

Being a billionaire should be an actual crime.

I'd start my own show! And we'd never have budget issues!

I'd move to the beach and live there for the rest of my life doing nothing but like... chilling.
What's one of your secrets?
I prefer going to concerts without my processors.

Why would I tell you one of my secrets?

I don't keep a lot of secrets, sooo...

Five things you can’t live without?
Microphone, camera, music, my dog, and my lyrics notebook!

The internet, food, water, shelter, and air. Though I figure the last four won't be as important in an ideal future. Hah.

Yeah, internet access, my youtube account, my tumblr account, my discord account, my password notebook...

My stuffed dinosaur, and every single one of my notebooks. That's more than five things...
How did this interview make your feel?
I love giving interviews! Thanks for asking.

Can I go home now?

No problem, ask me anything away!

I didn't mind it. Now, where are the cookies I was promised?
[+] V8 - CURRENT

Meena Lalita Kumar
the dreaded SI
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Crying in the (music) club
>Homecoming Start: Dying Clean And Pretty
-->Homecoming Status: It's worse fresh (ish) off a breakup
>Game Start: It's Lights Out, And Away They Go!
-->Game Status (FINAL): The future sucks.

Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves
#1 princess and voca-tuber in the whole wide world
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Trying and failing to share manga
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: spawn more overlords!
-->Game Status (FINAL): A star has fallen.

Iliya "Liya" Polaris - DEAD
rebelling against a traditional Wiccan upbringing
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Some things are more important than a party
>Homecoming Start: Guys and Dolls
-->Homecoming Status: don't tell anyone this but she was actually one of the raccoons
>Game Start: A Question of Faith
-->Game Status (FINAL): The spirit was weak.

Daniel Ozanne
poker twink
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Uncomfortable questions
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha
-->Game Status: breaking down but trying to help
[+] V7
[+] Meilin
Meilin Zhou (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: life observes itself
-->Pregame Status: Waltzed out a party with her crush
>Prom Start: Fancy Meeting You Here
-->Prom Status: Taking a dance, taking on the world
>Trip Start: The Best of You
-->Trip Status: Running away from an eyeful of NSFW
>Game Start: Rise Great Undead Lord Dread
-->Game Status (FINAL): Stop hitting yourself

"No sun to rise would be okay with me... Everyday, every day is okay"
[+] Camilla
Camilla Bell (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: Who's Turn Was It, Anyway?
-->Pregame Status: Had more than her fair share of revelry
>Prom Start: Early in the Morning
-->Prom Status: Ditching the drama for blues
>Trip Start: When I'm Gone
-->Trip Status: Preemptively homesick
>Game Start: Bloom Nobly, in a Transient Life
-->Game Status (FINAL): Loved to death.

"A voice in her head, a voice in her head, screaming all the words that were left unsaid"
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Post by Yonagoda »

Welllp, I have a lotta kids but here's 3! I'm updating constantly with new questions!
[+] Erika Bets and Gabrielle
What's your favorite color?
Erika: Dark olive green. Reminds me of nature.
Bets: Pastel yellow! I like all pastels, really, but especially yellow.
Gabrielle: Uh… Gray? It’s got a lot of hues and mixes well with everything, I guess.

What's your favorite food?
Erika: Cornbread.
Bets: I like sushi. I’d only had it a few times but it’s pretty nice.
Gabrielle: Any type of citrus-flavored candy.

What's your favorite hobby?
Erika: Collecting bones and turning them into art. It's a niche, I know.
Bets: I like embroidery and sewing. It makes me look pretty and helps me earn some money on the side.
Gabrielle: I don’t know how to describe it… maybe researching? I just read through wikipedia articles.

What's your favorite animal?
Erika: Depending on your definition of favorite, but I’d consider it to be rats.
Bets: Bees, maybe?
Gabrielle: Desert rain frogs. They’re so round and ugly.

What's your favorite genre?
Erika: of books? Poetry might count
Bets: I don’t read much, but fantasy’s pretty cool.
Gabrielle: If wikipedia and blogs count, nonfiction. Otherwise self-indulgent high school cringe-comedy.

What's your favorite music?
Erika: I don’t know what its called but I stumbled upon Persona 5’s soundtrack and liked it.
Bets: Lofi hip hop.
Gabrielle: really profane rap songs but lofi-ed. Ayesha erotica's her own genre though, and I'll never forgive the people that fucking doxxed her.

What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Erika: Art school
Bets: I'll have to work a few minimum wage jobs and sell a lot of my work online, and then go to college for seamstressing.
Gabrielle: Take a gap year, and then go to college. It's gonna be a STEM job, but I'm not sure yet.

What's your favorite memory?
Erika: I don’t know. Most of my days blend together at this point but maybe the day i discovered what vulture culture is? I suddenly had a lot of information about my hobbies and realized that It wasn't that weird. (like hell i'll tell you the realmemory)
Bets: My first pool party! I've never been in a pool before and the diving board was super cool. They had three flavors of ice cream!
Gabrielle: I have no idea anymore. When I tested into the gifted program? That sucked in retrospect tho

What's your least favorite memory?

Erika: I had deer blood smeared on my face and had to bite into a raw heart. It was... odd.
Bets: When dad lost 2000$ gambling and mom threw a beer bottle at him. It was 10 when he came back and I had to sleep at a friend’s house because they’re arguing so loud. When I went back home the next day they pretended nothing happened. I’m not an idiot!
Gabrielle: Aw shit, uh, I have a lot of bad days. Maybe the first time I got a C? My parents fucking forced me to do 10th grade math until midnight when I’m, like, 11 or something and I was starving since they didn’t let me eat dinner. I think I’ve gotten through worse but that night’s vivid in my mind.

What is your best subject?
Erika: Biology
Bets: Art! It’s pretty easy.
Gabrielle: Creative writing. I think I freaked the teacher out a lot with my fucked up Ero Guro.

And my question: Describe your own fashion sense!
Erika: Comfortable. Mature, according to my grandma.
Bets: I'm a softgirl! I mean, sorta? I just love pastel colors and cute clothes!
Gabrielle: I'm just a walking reminder of my cringy emo phase. I'd probably still be emo/goth/embarrassingly edgy if I bothered, but I don't care about clothes anymore.

Updating with new questions: If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Erika: Probably keep it to myself. (Infinite money is going to cause massive inflation if I share it with others.)
Bets: Oh my god, I'll, like, buy everything I have on my wish list, settle my family's debts, pay for my sister's college if she wants to go, maybe buy two mentions so that mom and dad can finally divorce and move to their separate homes and stop arguing, pay for grandma's hospital bill... oh! and donate it, of course!
Gabrielle: Buy overwatch? and some science magazine subscriptions.I honestly have no idea. Therapy would be nice, too.

What's one of your secrets?
Erika: I'm sort of glad that she- was gone from my life, if that's a way to say it.
Bets: uh, I shoplift? like, a lot?
Gabrielle: I've been drinking a lot.

Five things you can’t live without
Erika: Food, water, air, shelter, and good hiking boots
Bets: Money, clothes, money, my friends... Money?
Gabrielle: My computer, internet, wikipedia, drugs, my hats.

How did this interview make you feel?
Erika: You're wasting my time
Bets: Uh, Pretty nice? I hope no one knows about this because the rant was so out of character.
Gabrielle: I have nothing better to do right now. Who are you, though? What's the point of this?

What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Erika: I'm not really considered that "cool"
Bets: I'm popular!
Gabrielle: Friends? Uh, I'm a fucking loser?

If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
Erika: No idea.
Bets: Grandma. She's still in the hospital and I miss her.
Gabrielle: Hitler. I wanna know what's going on in that crazy head of his. Maybe also punch him in the dick.

What position do you sleep in?
Erika: On my back.
Bets: On my side, curled up.
Gabrielle: On my side, facing to the left where the phone and computer chargers are, curled up like a little baby with severe scoliosis.

What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
Erika: I want to be a better person
Bets: I don't like my dimples! That, or I want the ability to genuinely form close bonds with people without being so emotionally drained.
Gabrielle: A lot of things. I wanna be mentally healthy but that's a lot more issues than just one.

What quality do you value to most in people
Erika: Acceptance
Bets: Kindness... I think?
Gabrielle: to understand me and my weird hobbies.

Who is your favorite creator? (Singer, writer, streamer, etc. etc.)
Erika: If i was a less honest person I would have said my dad. But no. Not since the conspiracy theories. Ben Shapiro is either very right or very stupid and its interesting either way.
Bets: Uh... A lot of tiktok stars, really! I can't decide!
Gabrielle: Bo Burnham

If you had to pick a superpower, what would yours be?
Erika: Omnipotence
Betty: Creating things out of thin air!
Gabrielle: probability manipulation. Think of the possibilities. What are the chances that I'll die a virgin? zero. what are the chances that I'll be mentally healthy again? make that 100, please!

If you could take a weeklong vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Erika: Swiss Alps.
Bets: Tokyo! I love the fashion and the culture there!
Gabrielle: Hell lmao- no, actually? Area 51
Are you anyone's favorite person?
Erika: I don't know. Don't care enough to ask.
Bets: Oh, a lot of people! I'm popular for a reason, y'know.
Gabrielle: No...

Hot dog?
Erika: Define the question
Bets: Hot dogs are so-so, I like the sausage but not the buns. Franks cut up with ketchup and mustard drizzled over them are oddly delicious!
Gabrielle: Random doesn't equal funny, if that's what you're trying. If you want my opinions on hot dogs, it depends on how its cooked. School hot dogs are gross, though. I like the costco hotdogs with sauerkraut, onions and ketchup.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Stealing Blizz's color coding...

(Gonna update this ever so often with the new questions, last updated 6/29/2020.)
[+] Turtle Characters
What's your favorite color?
Katelyn: Crimson! Or white. :3
Natasha: Red. You know why.
Lucio: I like yellow. It's bright, sunny. Always good to see it.
What's your favorite food?
Katelyn: Chicken nuggets! Or bacon... or a nice steak... I can't decide!
Natasha: Southern style collard greens. My mom has got the best recipe.
Lucio: Pepperoni pizza. I'm a simple man.
What's your favorite hobby?
Katelyn: Writing! Or drawing... I like both. :3
Natasha: That's tough... I would say "the immortal science of Marxist-Leninism" as a joke, but if I'm being honest, it's hip-hop.
Lucio: Well, it's either practicing my comedy routine, working out with my club members, or watching anime. The jokes with that last one write themselves.
What's your favorite animal?
Katelyn: Kitties! Especially fluffy black cats like Mr. Whiskers!
Natasha: Hm... well, I've always been fond of birds, especially parrots.
Lucio: Dogs. Like I said, I'm a simple man.
What's your favorite genre?
Katelyn: Horror! Blood and guts galore!
Natasha: Hm... that depends on the type of media, but I'm partial to dramas, especially tragedies.
Lucio: I mean, it's obvious right? Comedies, my man.
What's your favorite music?
Katelyn: Death metal! 🤟
Natasha: Hip-hop. My favorite duo is the Insane Clown Posse.
Lucio: Call me basic, but I like Pop. Carly Rae Jepsen might as well own my ass.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Katelyn: Become a surgeon! Or a mortician! Or... I dunno yet. :3
Natasha: Likely join an activist group. In terms of who I want to sell my labor to in order to afford the necessities of life, I'm not sure.
Lucio: I wanna do stand-up. Be like John Mulaney or some shit, you know?
What's your favorite memory?
Katelyn: Um...... g-going hunting with my dad......
Natasha: Entering remission.
Lucio: Oh man, too many to name, really. Life's been pretty good to me.
What's your least favorite memory?
Katelyn: ...
Natasha: Nearly the entire time I had leukemia.
Lucio: Probably the time I accidentally pantsed myself in front of my entire gym class in middle school.
What is your best subject?
Katelyn: ...um, s-sorry, can I go? I uh... I'm sorry, I just... I need a minute... I'm s-sorry...
Natasha: English. I like reading, and I believe I'm well spoken.
Lucio: Man, I wouldn't say I'm good with any of them. Probably would be easier to name my least bad one, which is Art.
Describe your own fashion sense!
Katelyn: ...I like dressing like a cat...
Natasha: Hmmm... "modern gothic" is how I would describe my own manner of dress.
Lucio: I always try to dress like I'm about to go to a job interview, unless I'm hitting the gym. Suits are nice, but dress shirts and waistcoats are my favorite.

(My new question, earlier:)
"If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?"
Katelyn: ...money can't bring them back...
Natasha: Bring about global communism, so as to make my infinite money worthless.
Lucio: I might as well already be there, man, with my parents and inheritance and shit. Guess I'd just live the good life, you know?
What's one of your secrets?
Katelyn: ...I watch SOTF...
Natasha: I used to be a liberal, once. That's a joke, I'm not telling you my real secrets.
Lucio: Don't tell my folks, since they're hardcore Catholics and I don't want to lose my inheritance, but I'm bi.
Five things you can’t live without?
Katelyn: ...umm, Mr. Whiskers, my journal, my hoodie, my crossbow, and a pencil...
Natasha: My CD player, my collection of ICP albums, my grappling gloves, my weights, and my copy of The State and Revolution.
Lucio: Eh, I can go without most things, man, so long as I got me and my buds. Just go with the flow, knowwhatimsayin'?
What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Katelyn: ...that I'm lonely...
Natasha: That I have good taste in people.
Lucio: They'd probably think I'm funnier than I really am.
If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
Katelyn: .........my mom and dad. There are so many things I want to say to them... please don't make me choose just one...
Natasha: Ooh, so hard to choose just one... Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton... Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin would be good choices, if I spoke German or Russian... maybe Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope too... oh, but what about...
Lucio: The Pope, just so I can tell my parents I did it. Probably also tell him to get rid of the peds...
What position do you sleep in?
Katelyn: ...on my side, with Mr. Whiskers in my arms...
Natasha: However I happen to fall asleep.
Lucio: Fetal position, it's comfy!
What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
Katelyn: ...everything, I'm awful...
Natasha: I would like to be stronger, mentally and physically. I want to be the person that anyone and everyone can always rely on.
Lucio: Uhh, well... don't let anyone else know, but my jokes are kinda bad. Need some better material, you feel me?
What quality do you value to most in people?
Katelyn: ...kindness...
Natasha: Altruism. We could use much more of that in our society. We would have it too, if capitalism wasn't poisoning everyone's minds with individualism...
Lucio: I like people with a good sense of humor.
Who is your favorite creator? (Singer, writer, streamer, etc. etc.)
Katelyn: ...umm, Toby Fox..?
Natasha: Lenin.
Lucio: Gotta be me, knowwhatimsayin'?
If you had to pick a superpower, what would yours be?
Katelyn: ...umm, reality warping. If not that then control over death..? If not that then, umm... invulnerability...
Natasha: Hm... give me super strength and increased durability. That way I can lead the vanguard and personally crush capitalism under my heel.
Lucio: Invisibility. Imagine the pranks...
If you could take a weeklong vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Katelyn: ...I think I'll just stay at home in my room, it's safer there...
Natasha: Cuba.
Lucio: My parents' homeland of Brazil, man. Been there plenty of times, but I'm always down to go back.
Are you anyone's favorite person?
Katelyn: ...why would I be anyone's favorite...
Natasha: I think so, but cannot say for sure.
Lucio: Don't tell my brothers and sisters, but momma told me that I was her favorite.
Hot dog?
Katelyn: ...sure?
Natasha: No thank you, I am a vegan.
Lucio: I am hot, dawg.
How did this interview make you feel?
Katelyn: ...sad...
Natasha: My feelings are unchanged from when I started this interview.
Lucio: Feeling great, my man! Always happy to talk about myself, ya know?
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Okay, gonna do the three I have at least a teeny chunk written of somewhere. Will add more later when I pull them together.
What's your favorite color?
Gale: Green, forest green. Or maybe black.
Savanna: I like bright fun colors, pink or red but especially purple. Too bad I look terrible in it.
B. Black: Blue is my color.
What's your favorite food?
Gale: I like comfort food. I used to like macaroni and cheese more than anything else, but not anymore...
Savanna: Ooh, I'm not picky. I'll eat anything but especially cookies. I ate an entire package of Oreos in one sitting once but then I threw up.
B. Black: Tea. Salads—no, honestly. Those nachos you get at stadiums.
What's your favorite hobby?
Gale: Oh, okay! So there's a difference between the official competitive Pokemon bracket and the most prominent community version, mostly centered around singles vs. doubles, though there are also differences in tier lists and house restrictions. I appreciate the lower bar of entry on Showdown, but there's something about doing the actual breeding and training that's a lot more immersive and part of why I like the games in the first place is...
Savanna: Is going out partying a hobby? Is spending time with friends? It's less what you do, and more who you do it with.
B. Black: I'm definitely better at horseshoes than you are.
What's your favorite animal?
Gale: I really like newts and salamanders and also a lot of animals that don't actually exist.
Savanna: [Pushes nose up and oinks]
B. Black: Cats are both refined and clever.
What's your favorite genre?
Gale: Of what? Like of game? RPGs mostly. Or like in general I guess I like... fantasy?
Savanna: I mean I like romcoms and stuff.
B. Black: I like musicals.
What's your favorite music?
Gale: I listen to a lot of stuff. Vinyl is expensive but the older stuff not so much if you go to thrift stores. I have this suitcase player and it sounds pretty good. But I listen to a bunch of stuff.
Savanna: Something you can dance to! Something that makes you want to move, or something relaxing to help you come back down.
B. Black: My brother and I trade industrial music back and forth. It was really mostly his thing at first but I'm invested now.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Gale: Oh wow, I'm going to college and it can't possibly come soon enough. I've been ready to be done for, for three or four years, honestly.
Savanna: I guess more school probably? I've been thinking of maybe joining the Peace Corps but I don't actually quite know what that entails, but it sounds like a great adventure.
B. Black: I'm still deciding whether to take a gap year to travel.
What's your favorite memory?
Gale: I think something from when I was a kid. I don't know, probably I don't actually remember it. Playing games, being a kid. Just not thinking so much?
Savanna: Probably one of the times all my best friends were together, when, you know, when everyone still lived here.
B. Black: The first birthday party I can remember. I was four or five and everyone came just to celebrate me.
What's your least favorite memory?
Gale: Oh no, I have too many. Maybe, it's like... Um... 'one in a million,' maybe.
Savanna: Probably the first time my sister ran away . It was scary because it was new then.
B. Black: I wrecked my car and my parents made me take the bus or ask for rides for three entire months. It was like being fourteen again. Eugh.
What is your best subject?
Gale: Overall history probably. It cycles but I always come back to history, especially the ancient world.
Savanna: I'm kind of a generalist really. Can I say electives?
B. Black: I'm good at English but I might be better at cheating at math.
Describe your own fashion sense!
Gale: Unobtrusive? Just, normal and functional. I try not to be sloppy unless I'm just sitting at home.
Savanna: I want to have fun and I want people to notice me! That can mean a whole lot of things; you don't wear party clothes to school usually. You have a to have a sense of humor, too; if you can laugh at yourself other people can feel that confidence.
B. Black: Every day I decide on a look. Am I matching with friends? Are they going to be matching with me? It's important to have a concept, get a solid base, then bring it together with accessories. Moderation is important; high school isn't an actual carnival. Color theory, my plans for the day, how I'm feeling—really the unifying factor is looking good.
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Gale: I would drop out of school and go on a big adventure all around the world and then build an actual castle to live in.
Savanna: I'd divide it up among everyone in the world. If it's really infinite, then everyone's equal. World peace is achieved! Or the economy's absolutely destroyed. Either works, right?
B. Black: "If?"
New Question wrote:What's one of your secrets?
I bid you all dark greetings!
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Post by Buko »

Mic Check 1-2 what is this! Lulu-Licious back to business!

What’s your Favorite Color?
Green! Money be green!

What’s your Favorite Food
Café con leche and a blunt.

What’s your Favorite Hobby?
Workin’ and twerkin’

What’s your Favorite Animal?
Killer Whales. Blackfish was sad yo

What’s your Favorite Genre?
Hoodrat shit.

What’s Your Favorite Music?
Hip-Hop! Hip-Hop! *folds arm over chest*

What do you plan to do when you finish high school?
Gotta small tour planned and gonna push this LP far and fuckin’ wide. Stream Lulu-Licious! The Fashion Nova Casanova available on Spotify!

What’s your Favorite Memory?
Hittin’ the stu for that first time and the stage right there after! Ya girl was born for that shit!

What’s your Least Favorite Memory?
Takin’ some dumbass uppity survey who couldn’t mind it’s goddamn business? Huh?! Who wants to know? How ‘bout that?! You writing a report on me or something? Least favorite memory? Maybe somethings aren’t meant to be shared! Maybe everybody should, just, like, shut the fuck up and move on!

But I guess that time we went to Popeyes and we had to wait 45 minutes for Spicy.

What’s your best subject?
Gettin’ head and gettin’ bread.

Describe your fashion sense?
Cleavage and the color black.

If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Buy a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss.

What’s one of your secrets?
One time I bit my nails after picking my nose.

Five things you can’t live without?
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Post by Cicada »

All my other characters aren't quite well-formed enough yet. Might stop by again at some point!

Edit - Will answer some of the newer questions as they get added.
[+] Cedar Dalisay
What's your favorite color?

Cedar - There's this really delicate color I always like using in palettes! Think of how a lush forest green looks when a sun ray falls right on it.
She checks her phone.
Hash... C7FFAA. Somewhere around that.

What's your favorite food?

Matcha jasmine. One shot of plain decaf coffee for flavor. Zero sugar no sinkers. Homemade- the store stuff will actually kill me even if they say it's no caffeine.

What's your favorite hobby?

I just love doing things with my friends. By myself drawings the most fun. Sometimes I forget to finish costumes because I'm too busy sketching new ones! Shut up, I know.

What's your favorite animal?

Elephants are just the sweetest. Ever watch the videos of how they pretty much mourn their own dead and stuff? I wanna like, walk with one trunk in hand. And also, my ants. Notice I didn't say ants in general, because ants in general are annoying and dumb. My ants specifically are my ride-or-die.

What's your favorite genre?

Of what though? Game? Book? Hentai? Turn based strategy, romance, consentacles.

What's your favorite music?

If I say K-pop how many other teen zoomers of America does that make me like? I also like rap a ton.
She grins while flashing the Run The Jewels fist and gun hands.

What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?

One of my friends mentioned she's gonna go into the music industry. Man, I hope they all glow up and do cool things. For me, I mean, I'm fine with whatever. Gonna go to community college to save money, then we'll see from there.

What's your favorite memory?

First time I ever stepped into a big con. All those people who are like, my people, right? You get bored of everyone shouting memes eventually but the first time it was like, exhilarating. Mom went with me the first time, she was like, definitely freaked out too.

What's your least favorite memory?

A long pause. She stares down at the floor, face neutral.
... I-...
Eventually, she mumbles something mostly to herself and waves her hand, signaling for the next question.
'di ko lang masabi. Sorry.

What is your best subject?

I mean I'm decent at school, I get my A's. Best has to be English because I like it the most? And the teachers always like me too. Helps that I have good handwriting, right?

Describe your own fashion sense!

Just like, casual geek. I can kinda do an Insta worthy look if I pay attention getting out of bed. Slutmogging is fun from time to time too, to be honest. I don't care if people look, it just feels like I'm hot, right? Sometimes I wished I looked a little older, but that's just how it is. Man. I actively have to try to be more modest when out with my boyfriend so he doesn't get accused of grooming me or something.

If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?

Couldn't even think of, like- what do you do with that much money? I've always thought that no matter how much you have you can't buy enough to really make yourself or others legit happy.

What's one of your secrets?

I trace sometimes. Not stuff I put up on my Twitter obviously, but really getting into like, the deets of how another artist approaches anatomy can be fascinating to like, walk through with my own pen. One Twitter post once mentioned that the human body is actually all convex lines. I tried it out tracing various mutuals and like... crazy how well it worked out, all I'm gonna say. Oh, yeah. Another thing that's all I'm gonna say. I draw lewds. Wait until I'm 18, right?

Five things you can’t live without?

Need the phone, of course. Uh... I'd hate my life if I didn't have my sewing machine. If I had to pick like one of my drawing things only it'd be pencils and paper because they're the most versatile. And I like carrying around hair ties- super practical.
A sigh.
And the pills, of course. The damn pillbox I carry around weighs like twenty pounds, I'm not kidding. It's the eczema, the IBS, the vertigo, the migraines, all that. Just how life goes, right?

What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?

Sorry, that was a bit too heavy. I thought it was appropriate given the intimate tenor of the interview... not like anyone's listening in right? Nobody I know, anyways. Anyways, my friends just specifically zero in onto my geekishness. Maybe, like, the fact that I prefer more introverted folks also says something? Not really sure what that is, I'd be lying if I tried to define it specifically.

If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?

This is totally out of nowhere but I have like, a knee-jerk reaction to that specific question. I think, like, no matter who you'd have dinner with you'd realize they're more mortal and fallible than you thought they were even if you picked your biggest ever childhood hero or so. I can't say I know who I'd pick personally. Honestly, just my friends. There's always more you can touch base on, deep and intimate things, if you're willing to pay attention.

What position do you sleep in?

Flat and narrow as possible. Arms tucked in and stuff like that. I got used to sharing a bed with people young so I still sleep like it even when I have my own room, I think.

What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?

Maybe... I wish I didn't feel so burnt out sometimes. I get the sense I might be hurting people more than I realize at those times when I'm like, more dismissive or apathetic. It's wrong of me. I should be able to be a better person than that for the people who care about me.

What quality do you value to most in people?

Should probably expand on that preference for introverted people I mentioned earlier... I dunno, I just have a lot of my own personal thoughts that I don't voice out loud? Outside of the context of an interview like this, I mean! So, I prefer being able to socialize that way too, where there's time for both of us to be quiet without feeling awkward. I like it when people are enthusiastic too, I guess. Other people's hyperfixations and passions are adorable and fun. Makes me feel like... I dunno, like I'm helping other people be themselves, I guess, when I get to engage in their thing. Even if it's not my thing specifically.
New Question - How did this interview make you feel? (Answer after all others if preferred).
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Post by Sunnybunny »

What's your favorite color?

Betty Dixon: Every shade of pink. I know "growing out" of the color happens, and a lot of people hate on pink because you know, it's girly. But pink is in sunsets, and my favorite pair of shoes.

Bunny Diana-Grace Price: Green, I'm always ready to go.

What's your favorite food?

Betty: Spaghetti, with enough garlic to kill a vampire and enough cheese to put a dairy out of business. Not just Parm, either. And don't buy the sauce, gotta make the sauce for proper spaghetti.

Bunny: My dad's ribs. I don't know how he's so bad in the kitchen and good on the grill.

What's your favorite hobby?

Betty: Lawn games with my girls, but also MTG with my brother. Dance isn't a hobby to me, it's more a... vocation? Which is unrealistic, but what can you do.

Bunny: Driving fast cars. However fast you're thinking, it's more than that.

What's your favorite animal?

Betty: Bears. They're so majestic-looking, and they hibernate, and they're so cute! Even the fact they can fuck up a person's day is nice, don't go hugging bears.

Bunny: Horses are dope, I miss trail rides. I don't mind the whole bougie equestrian thing my aunt pushes, but it ain't the same.

What's your favorite music?

Betty: Girl groups of all stripes, but I'm a super sucker for the Spice Girls... and Classical.

Bunny: N.O. bounce on a drive, rap when I'm running. The more vulgar and violent, the better.

What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?

Betty: I've been afforded a teaching position at the studio, provided I finish a few more classes first. I'm pretty sure I'm going to take it.

Bunny: I really don't know, and seeing as I hear this at "home" a lot it would be nice if we could drop it.

What's one of your secrets?

Betty: I've been following Misty Copeland's career forever, that woman is my hero. Oh, did you mean a juicier secret? Something that would make my girls look at me differently? Real dirt?

*laughs in "do you think I'm stupid"*

Bunny: I'm actually cool with my half-sister. It's a secret because our moms are mortal enemies over my old man as if he was worth all that.

Five things you can’t live without?

Betty: My Bettys and my brother. I know, they aren't things but... and yes, I can count. I could live without dancing if I had to, I've done it before even if I hated it.

Bunny: Air, water, food, shelter, sleep. That's what Maslow would say, at least.

New question: What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
G071 - Sakurako Adina Jackson - i'll be ready every day / for as long as i can say / here I am in the future with my friends

Dancing Shoes
Bare Knuckles
Wild Horses
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Post by MethodicalSlacker »

Four for now. Updated frequently with subsequent questions in the thread. Other characters added as their voices rise from the void.
[+] Amaryllis and Coda and Mai and K

What's your favorite color?
Amaryllis Perlman-Byrne: I have two. Red and black. And you can't make me pick one of them. No way. Nothing you can do.

Coda Taylor: So this is a question that, as an artist, I've anguished over a lot lately, just the whole not knowing exactly what color I'm the most into thing, and I think honestly it depends on my mood. Like for most of the time there's a solid answer, and that's orange, right, I'm big into orange, I got all kinds of orange stuff, everywhere, right, that's a solid choice just based on how prolific it is I mean you can't disrespect orange, it's everywhere, it has a fruit named after it and is still the color that other fruits still are, like, Apples are Red, Cherries are Red, but there is no fruit that Red can truly hold up and say "This is mine, this is the fruit that I claim, this is my stake in the world of fresh produce and living things," no fruit for Red to precariously dangle over a cliff, no fruit for Red to whisper in its ear "Everything the 405-480 terahertz light touches is your kingdom, my child," it just isn't out there, it doesn't exist, Red isn't King of Color Valley, Orange is, so I think for now I gotta go with that.

Mai Onodera: Oh, that's a fun one to start with. I like most loud colors, like, um, reds and yellows and a few lighter greens. When it comes to darker colors, I can't help but feel like most things in nature aren't all that saturated. But maybe some purples would fit in with the rest of what I like, yeah? Maybe I could pull that off...

Kyle "K" Emerson: I'm not really into colors, sorry. Black, I guess. It's basically every color.... or maybe the absence of color? Of light? I can't remember. Sorry if my answer sucks. I like gray a lot too. I guess I can go with gray.

What's your favorite food?
Amaryllis: Food is fuel. I don't like the idea of having a "favorite food" to be totally one hundred percent frank with you right now, it just isn't very appealing to me. Not indoors or out do I spend much time considering how I emotionally feel about the gnashing of my teeth inside my mouth. Or what the mush inside used to be, at some point. I think it's weird that you do, to be honest. That people spend their time thinking about this. I just eat what I need to eat, and I don't say anything about it, because why would I? If the food you eat is "interesting," if that's where you want to find value, go ahead. I don't see the point in that, though. I just think it's a wee bit fucking wasteful.

Coda: Takis. Nothing tears through me like Takis do. That shit is violent. An invasion of the mouth, a full occupation of the intestine. Takis raze your stomach lining. They line your digestive tract with something like C4, detonate when they come out the other end like paratroopers, like "mission accomplished squad we absolutely tore up that poor motherfucker's guts so bad they'll have to wipe their asshole raw" as they plummet out the other end of the flesh chute, dutifully drowning as they land in the water below. I love Takis, dude. Nobody gets used to that shit. That's the kind of pain I live for, man. That's the kind of alive I want to feel all the time.

Mai: I've been into pork rinds lately, but my all-time favorite is a secret. Mainly because if I was vocal about what food I liked the most, I'd be thinking about it more too, which would just make me want to eat it a lot, thus ruining what makes the food special. I wouldn't even tell someone that I was eating this food with that it was my favorite, but they'd probably be able to tell anyway. I'm personally a bit more interested in what other people like to eat!

K: My older sister makes good Samosas but I think she gets them frozen from the supermarket so I don't know if they actually count. As food. I mean. I eat them? They count like that, I guess. Huh. I've never really thought about it.

What's your favorite hobby?
Amaryllis: If anyone tells you that I have any hobbies, they're telling lies. I don't have "hobbies" or passing "interests." I live what I do. I breathe it. Deep. Into my lungs. And I don't blow smoke when I exhale either. I zero that shit. I either love what I do or I don't do it. Simple. Why waste time on anything else?

Coda: Does fencing count as a hobby? Cuz like, I dunno, I was thinking that the music group is maybe too important right now to really count, like, that's what I plan on doing with myself, why would I tell you it's just my hobby, know what I mean, or even my favorite hobby. But yeah I think fencing would have to be it.

Mai: I'm a little too dedicated to most of my hobbies to pick just one here. Most of what I like is at least tangentially related to watching buff dudes fight, though, or myself becoming a buff dude and joining the Buff Dude Battle Squad, as a Buff Dudette!!

K: Nightwalking. It's pretty relaxing. You should try it sometime.

What's your favorite animal?
Amaryllis: Squirrels. They come in handy when there's nothing else around. Not a pleasant eats, but they can do for nutrition in a pinch. Plus, they're basically everywhere. Nature's energy bar. They even fucking eat nuts, for fuck's sake.

Coda: My brother is into birdwatching and won't shut the fuck up about it. It's basically all he can ever talk about, at any time, in any place, ever. So I feel like I'm being primed to say, "bird, my favorite animal is bird, all of bird, each bird is good, birds are so good, yes", like saying "bird" right now is what I'm supposed to do in a sort of cosmic sense, but I'm going to say crows specifically because they have three brain cells and I only got two so like, credit where credit is due, those birds are smarter than me. Maybe you should try interviewing one.

Mai: I think foxes are pretty neat! They seem smart and tough, more than, I guess they're closest to dogs? Huh, wait, I've never actually thought about this, are foxes in the canine family? They are? Really? That's crazy! I like dogs too, so that's even better for foxes.

K: Animals don't really like me for some reason. But I guess I like turtles. I can relate, uh, to the predicament, that they find themselves in, yeah.

What's your favorite genre?
Amaryllis: Let's say "punk" and leave it there. For your sake.

Coda: What's your favorite genre? That's what I wanna know.

Mai: Action!

K: Uh, I don't really do things that have genres in them. Or like, I don't pay attention to those that much. Classifications, I mean. I like stuff that I can relate to.

What's your favorite music?
Amaryllis: Mine. Specifically, this EP I've been working on. With my band, of course, I don't play every instrument on there, but I wrote all the songs. That's pretty candidly what I'm into the most these days. I sort of have to be, because I'm producing it, and I'm going to do a mix of it, and I need to find someone to do the art for it, and I want it to turn out good. So it needs to be my favorite. Here's some other shit I like though. Homework.

Coda: Mine. The stuff I've helped make. Not because it's the best, or anything like that, nah, to be honest some of that shit sucks and I have at least three flash drives worth that I need to like, toss out my window, or put in garbage disposal, or burn, it's just been a lot of fun to make music and beats and raps with my friends. That's all this is about, to me. I can't speak for anyone else I make music with, though. Success would also be pretty cool, but like, of course it would be. This is what I've been hearing lately. For inspo.

Mai: Mine, I guess? I don't really have a solid genre preference, mostly because I don't engage all that much with music. I kinda like rock more than rap, but I also like rap? I don't like country, though. Pop is also really good. I try not to listen to more women or men but I know I have to lean in one of those directions, right? I've been told that a lot of what I like was big on Tik-Tok at some point, which I guess is true? A retro feeling is good, occasionally? I don't like stuff that sounds too squeaky clean. Sometimes I throw on one of the default playlists that comes with Apple Music just like, while I'm working out or on a run, that sort of thing. I guess I don't mind my parent's music all that much, even if I don't understand most of the words to it. Here's some alright stuff that I've found, I guess.

K: Mine. I don't really listen to anything other than what the marching band plays, apart from a lot of, I guess you'd say "doomer" stuff. But that's just for when I go on walks. At night. Nightwalks. This kind of music. Kinda depressing stuff.

What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Amaryllis: Take a gap year to tour with the band, and then I'm going to... do something. Whatever the result of touring is, whatever makes the most sense at that time.

Coda: Drop out of college and die at 23. That's the endgame. Anything in between is a bonus. I don't plan that shit.

Mai: I've already been accepted to a few schools, since I applied early. Not sure which one I'm going to yet, but one of them, for sure!

K: Uh... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... come back to me?

What's your favorite memory?
Amaryllis: Did a show with the band a few weeks ago that went well. I try not to remember the old good stuff too much. I don't want to ruin it.

Coda: Coming out, uh, to my Dads. I never would have thought "Hi Nonbinary, we're Dads" is a sentence I would get to hear, from my own fathers. It was basically a formality at that point anyway—they knew, I knew they knew, they knew I knew they knew, I knew they knew I knew they knew, I just needed to tell them and get it out in the open and—well, it was good. Ask me tomorrow and I'll probably say something else.

Mai: I cherish most of the memories that I have. They're all really precious to me. Consequently, I try not to think too hard about them, because if I do that just makes me a little bit upset. Nostalgia can be a little upsetting.

K: We made semifinals last year. The last time we made semifinals the year started with a "1."

What's your least favorite memory?
Amaryllis: Some fucker tried to haggle for a T-Shirt at the merch table and held up the entire line. That's the half of the memory that I am legally allowed to disclose.

Coda: I walked in on my brother once and instead of saying sorry and walking out like a normal fucking human bean I said "Nice," dabbed so hard my wrist cracked, and slammed the door. I don't know why. I don't remember why. But what I do remember is that as soon as the door closed and I heard the silence from the other side I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in, and started bawling my eyes out in front of the mirror while I tried to drink hand soap. You would too.

Mai: Uh... that's gotta be Odessa.

K: My, uh, family has some, uh, issues from, uh, that aren't really good discussion topics. It's one of those times.

What is your best subject?
Amaryllis: I'm on the academic decathlon team. Used to be Honors, now Scholastic, but I could have stayed Honors if I really cared about it. I have no best subject. That's kind of the point. I guess music counts, if you consider that a "subject," though I'd have to ask, who do you think music is subject to?

Coda: Math or CompSci. This may come as a shock to you, given the whole rap group thing, but I actually suck at words.

Mai: Hard to say. I caught a nasty case of Senioritis midway through October and haven't looked back.

K: I'm not really fantastic in anything, to be honest. Is Marching Band a subject? No? Then I guess History is pretty good.

Describe your own fashion sense!
Amaryllis: Function over form, substance over style. A punk edge to everything, but if I'm hiking, I'm going to be wearing hiking boots, not combat boots. If I'm going on stage I dress on the other end of the scale. In my daily life, somewhere in between.

Coda: Streetwear-adjacent-dumpster-gremlin-core-with-Yeezy-sensibilities.

Mai: I've been told it's... boyish? Ha, whatever that's supposed to mean. Sporty, for sure. I do a lot of sports, and I like looking like I do a lot of sports. So what if that's 'boyish'? Who cares?

K: Whatever's comfy, I guess. Mostly dark colors. I wear hats sometimes. To be honest I'd rather wear my marching uniform than most of the stuff I have.

If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Amaryllis: Give it away. Make the world a better place. Reordering of everything. Don't tell me that there's no correct answer. I'm a rational human being. You would rather have me in charge than anyone else who ever has been, or currently is—no, I'm especially better than the fucking fascists we have in charge now.

Coda: Infinite money, infinite weed, baybee. Oh and I'd make sure everyone I ever knew was set for life, of course.

Mai: I'd let my parents handle most of that. They know money way better than I do. We'd probably hire a few financial advisors, create a charity foundation, stuff like that. Start investing it, maybe? There's no such thing as infinite money, really, so you mean like just a really large sum, right?

K: Probably get a nicer place for my older sister and I to live. I don't want to abuse my power, or anything like that.

What's one of your secrets?
Amaryllis: When I was thirteen I went to sleep every night hoping that my parents would get divorced.

Coda: I haven't answered a single question truthfully today. Not even this one.

Mai: I'm pretty self-conscious, but I try not to let anyone find that out without me telling them first.

K: Secrets? Uh, I don't have any secrets. I like to live my life like it's an open book, that people can read if they want. I guess my name is sort of a secret? K stands for Kyle. Is that a secret? I hope that counts, because, uh, I don't have any other secrets. For sure.

Five things you can’t live without?
Amaryllis: Me, specifically? Music is one. Herb is another, for medicinal reasons. I need to get outdoors pretty often, getting outdoors is something I can't live without, though if you want a material object I guess that translates to "shoes". This is a tough one. I'm having trouble figuring out the last two. I'm trying really hard not to just say food and water. Can I just say food and water for now and figure out the real answers later? No? Fine, fuck you, then, in that case I can't live without my guitar or my backpack.

Coda: My neck, my back, my pussy and my crack, baybee. Number five is cocaine.

Mai: My phone, my headphones, probably my backpack, my track jacket, and lastly my water bottle. I'm pretty much set if I have these things. Not on a deserted island, maybe, but like, if I got lost in the city I'd feel pretty happy if I had this stuff.
K: I think I'd be pretty much done if I didn't have my older sister. I don't need much else. She kinda takes care of most things, most of the time. I guess otherwise I need headphones and a hat. Maybe also my clarinet. And, uh, a water bottle.

What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Amaryllis: I don't like pretentious people. I don't like people who usually fit the mold of "success," because that's boring, to me. It's boring and self-important. I don't hang out with hipsters, I don't hang out with try-hards, and I don't hang out with people who don't try, either. I don't fuck with fascism, or libertarianism, which basically leads to fascism so it's the same fucking thing, or authority in general. I don't fuck with the whole party crowd, or people who have weird takes and tastes for the sake of it, or people who don't know better than to fuck around and find out. What does that leave?

Coda: That I enjoy not taking things seriously. When I need to explain to someone that I was just joking, I feel like shit, so I prefer it when the people around me can tell that I'm goofing. Uh, they'd also find out that I'm a pretty non judgemental person. I try to get along with everyone for the most part, to be honest. The friends I've chosen are the friends who I like talking to the most.

Mai: Hopefully that I'm pretty cool because I have a lot of friends? I don't know why people would want to figure things out about me without talking to me first. I try to be pretty approachable, which is hard these days.

K: I don't think I chose my friends. They kind of, uh, adopted me, over time.

What position do you sleep in?
Amaryllis: On my back. There's no other valid way to sleep.

Coda: I curl up into a little bit of a fetal position is what I guess you'd call it, yeah.

Mai: However I land when I jump on my bed after a long day.

K: I don't get that much sleep. Usually I fall asleep sitting up. When I get the chance to sleep, uh, or feel the need to do so voluntarily, I usually sleep on my back. Sometimes on my chest. Never my sides. You can only wake up on the wrong side of the bed if you sleep on you were sleeping on one side to begin with. So you gotta go straight down the middle. Up or down, whatever. It's the sides you need to watch out for.

What is something about yourself that you would like to improve or change?
Amaryllis: Everything. I want to improve everything about myself. Why stay satisfied, at any point? Why give up? Contentedness is for a body that works perfectly. Mine is not. It cannot be. Ever. So if perfection is unattainable, then constant improvement is the next best thing. To be the best one can be, iteration is key.

Coda: I wish I was better at talking to people without feeling like I need to make everything a joke. And I wish I was better at not needing constant attention. But, like, that's not something you can really improve at by working at it. It kinda just happens with time, I think.

Mai: I could always be a bit stronger, I guess. I dunno, you probably wouldn't be interested if I started talking in terms of like, how I plan to modify my workout routine in the future. I guess I could stand to be a little more... polite?

K: My step size is a little uneven, erring on the shorter side. I need to take wider strides, and become more flexible in general.

What quality do you value most in people?
Amaryllis: Again there are two. First, empathy. Second, loyalty. In that order.

Coda: I don't know the exact word for it, but I really value when people don't take themselves too seriously and are, err, good humored let's say, about shit that goes on.

Mai: I like strong people! People who have been through a lot and come out the other end to tell the tale! Dedicated people! Determined people!

K: I think I'm fine with most people as long as they're willing to talk and hang out without getting too intense. I like relaxed people, yeah, that's the words.

Who Is Your Favorite Creator? (Singer, writer, streamer, etc. etc.)
Amaryllis: There are a few bands on the local circuit that I've enjoyed lately. I don't like attaching people to the artwork that they have done, after a certain amount of time has passed. It's not really them that you're giving credit anymore, but their ghost. A previous version of themselves. Can you truly say you are the same person you were a year ago? Half a year ago, even?

Coda: Jon Bois.

Mai: I've got too many to list, but also too few. I don't engage enough to have a solid opinion, so my favorite is just gonna be whoever I know.
K: Uh, I dunno, I really like a lot of creators, in a lot of different, uh, mediums is I guess what you'd say. Too many to name just one, but, I guess I like watching CallMeCarson sometimes.

If you had to pick a superpower, what would yours be?
Amaryllis: Blood magic would be pretty sick. I've always admired the aesthetics of occultism, but it's all bullshit, so I've held it at arm's length. If it was real, though... well, anyway, I just think about blood magic as the manipulation of blood. There's a lot of magic in blood. It's full of iron. You could concentrate enough blood into a weapon. Sharpen the blood into knives. Imagine fighting someone and their arm explodes into a hundred crystallized daggers of their own hardened blood. I'd shit myself, if I was fighting myself.

Coda: Time travel. Then I could go back in time and get another superpower.

Mai: Super strength!

K: Being invisible would have its practical applications. Shape-shifting would too. One of those, I can't decide for this one.

If you could take a weeklong vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Amaryllis: I want to go to Dublin. No particular reason. Just seems like an interesting, historical place, but without all the tourists.

Coda: Anywhere in the world? Easy, then—the moon. There's an American flag there that needs, desperately, to be set on fire.

Mai: I'd like to get back home for a bit before I go to college. Home is Fukuoka, by the way. I've only been a few times, but that's where home is for me.

K: I've always wanted to just wander around Tokyo, or Seoul, or Singapore—any of those big mega-cities with all the nooks and crannies to disappear into. That always sounded pretty comfy to me. But I wouldn't want to go unless I could bring my friends with me, and they'd want to do other stuff, so I guess I'd never get around to exploring like I want to. Rats.

Are you anyone's favorite person?
Amaryllis: Yes. I'm several people's favorite person. I'm actually the most popular person at school. Everybody loves me. People really can't get enough of my whole "anarcho communist hardcore post-punk perpetual admonishment and aggression with holier-than-thou implications" attitude. It's a real hit, at all the parties that I absolutely would get invited to, where people greet me with only the friendliest words, such as "oh, hey, it's you" and "Amaryllis? What the fuck are you doing here without my money?" Stuff like that.

Coda: I believe that I am at least two people's favorite person, but I also believe that those two people simultaneously hold two other people to be their favorite people, so the distinction is worth a little less.

Mai: I'm my parents' only daughter, that's for sure! Uh, otherwise, I do have a best friend. I hope I'm her favorite person too.

K: Nah, but I'd like to be. One specific person's. Favorite. That would be. Nice.

hot dog?
Amaryllis: Is this an offer, or a request? I don't have a hot dog for you, and I wouldn't want to have one either.

Coda: Hawt, dawg.

Mai: Ugh, tastes like plastic. Much better with relish, though.

K: Ah, not my, uh, favorite of foods. But it's filling. It'll do in a pinch.

How did this interview make you feel?
Amaryllis: The last question was the most interesting one.

Coda: I had fun. Did you? Did I contribute, to your sensation, of fun??

Mai: I feel like I was a bit shorter on my answers than most other people probably were, but I don't know that for sure. Overall, putting that feeling aside, this was only a little interesting. Think it's about time for my evening run.

K: Not very different than before I took it. Maybe a little hungrier.
And my question for the pile: If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
[+] Recommended Reading Order
—The Heaven Panel—

Image / Image - G051: Lili Williams: 1. Hope springs eternal. Kidnapped from her school trip and thrown into a horrific death game, Lili wanders the wasteland in search of her past life before it slides away from her for good.

Meanwhile 1. From Here On Out [Complete] Marie Bernstein eats ice cream with her friend and gets a text message.

Image / Image - B043: Arthur Bernstein: 2. Blood is thicker than water. Seeking his sister's comfort, Arthur takes up the spear and walks alongside another.

Meanwhile 2. Colorless [Complete] A family reunion under less than ideal circumstances. When trying to unravel the mystery of her brother's death at the hands of esoteric serial terrorists, Marie discovers more than she bargained for.

——The Earth Panel——


Image - G026: Liberty "Bert" Wren: 3. It is happening again. To make things right, Bert must understand where things went wrong.

Image - B049: Max Rudolph: 4. The words we use to construct our realities often also make up the links in our chains. Fleeing a vision, Max builds his most elaborate prison yet.

Image - B032: Lucas Diaz: 5. A life lived through the views of others. In pursuit of revenge and his own death, Lucas Diaz interrupts the falling of many dominos.

Meanwhile 3. Because We Love You [Complete] Selections from a Google Drive, never to be logged into again.

Meanwhile 4. The Lines We Draw [Complete] In the process of collecting his brother's memories, Milo Diaz has a fitful morning.

Image - G007: Violet Schmidt: 6. The stars in the night sky do not make pictures. Breathing on both sides of the water, Violet Schmidt journeys to escape the confines of her own mind, and her reality.

Meanwhile 5. Years of Pilgrimage [???] Dana Schmidt is dreaming.

Meanwhile 6. Colorless II [Ongoing] Charlie Bernstein returns to the desert and finds it empty.

Meanwhile 7. Writing the Enigma [Ongoing] Randy Rudolph provides lodgings for Marie Bernstein as she investigates Survival of the Fittest, the city of Chattanooga, and the meaning of water.

———The Hell Panel———

S080: Kyle 'K' Emerson: [?]. You can never really know a person. Determined to return home to his elder sister, K. Emerson tries to wait it out while he still can.

S089: Amaryllis Peszek-Byrne: [X]. Rise from your grave. Witnessing herself at her worst, Amaryllis tries to sustain her belief that a better world is possible.
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Post by Kotorikun »

[+] Althea, Matt, and a little bich
What's your favorite color?
Althea: Yellow, orange, that’s what I vibe with.
Matt: Maroon’s nice! It’s like, calling to me, y’know? That’s why I wear it often. You simply can't ignore the things calling out to you.
Indigo: I disliiiiiike this questionnnnnnnnn.
What's your favorite food?
Althea: Caesar salad. But the true answer is Summer’s lips. Next question.
Matt: Oh, oh, hmm. Sooo, after having a chocolate soufflé that one time I am no longer the same man I was before that. I know. I considered marrying the chef so I can have it every day.
Indigo: Hot dogs! But! No fancy stuff on it. I like it plain and simple.
What's your favorite hobby?
Althea: Checking out places that are long forgotten.
Matt: Y’know, just hanging out. Having a good time. Oh shit, you know what? Building forts is super fun. Both inside and outside the house. Toby, my son, is still too young but I built one for my pet duck recently and listen...
Indigo: I’m starting to wonder if this is what a police interrogation feels like.
What's your favorite animal?
Althea: Bitch please. (howls)
Matt: Okay, listen. (takes deep emotional breath) Ducks are fucking good.
Indigo: Tigers.
What's your favorite genre?
Althea: Historical and fantasy merging is always the best.
Matt: I think any genre can be done well, but I tend to be a sucker for psychological anything.
Indigo: ??? Genre of what? ...... Ahh, this is boring, not gonna lie! It was from the very beginning. Let me find out or whatever and by that I mean bye bye. (leaves)
What's your favorite music?
Althea: Lofi hip hop. It takes one to another world, doesn’t it?
Matt: Something that gets me pumped! I’ll listen to anything. I’m thinking about uh, EDM, for example. I found some cool J-pop/rock songs recently too.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Althea: I’d love to travel more! Preferably with a group of people.
Matt: College!
What's your favorite memory?
Althea: Being on a rocky beach in Ireland a few years ago. It was just that the whole day was nice and something about sitting there, reminiscing, got me good. I highly recommend.
Matt: Seeing Toby for the first time.
What's your least favorite memory?
Althea: Probably the day we lost our family cat.
Matt: Now, love, why ruin a fun game by forcing others to think about their worst memories? No bad thoughts allowed here.
Describe your own fashion sense!
Althea: Aesthetic.
Matt: Handy? Casual? I don’t really spend a lot of time choosing my outfit in the morning as long as the colors work in my favor.
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Althea: Donate, donate, donate. As for myself, there’s this big gemstone I’ve been eyeing. And when I say big....
Matt: Infinite money?! Man, make sure I and those close to me have a comfortable life, and then see how far I can go with it.
What's one of your secrets?
Althea: I'm not going to howl again. (grins)
Matt: Here’s the thing... I love my mom. Her food though is... yeah! But to be fair, I’m no cook either and how could I say a single bad thing when she looks so proud?
Five things you can’t live without?
Althea: My girlfriend, and she can choose the other four and that’s how we’re gonna go on with life.
Matt: Skipping the obvious, I will say the internet, because we live in that time, baby. Chocolate, my favorite pen that I’ve had since 8th grade, fast food, and uber. I know you totally want to know about the pen but another time perhaps.
What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Althea: That I’m a lesbian.
Matt: I don't necessarily agree that my friends reflect who I am BUT one would probably be able to tell that I like to have fun.
How did this interview make you feel?
Althea: Somewhat exposed. But it's all good.
Matt: Happy! Let’s do it again sometime. I'd be cool to compare.
additional question: What position do you sleep in?
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Post by Ryuki »

What's your favorite color?
Dominiqua: Anything that reminds me of nature, so greens, browns, blues, earthy tones, all that good shit.

Don: I guess black, blues, and reds.

Chester: I tend to favor neon colors, kinda fits with my interest in dubstep.

Karen: I don’t really have a favorite, though if I had to choose, I’d say red.

Wendy: I love pastels, especially pink.
What's your favorite food?
Dominiqua: I’m a vegetarian, so salads are a must.

Don: Whoppers.

Chester: I loves me some pizza!

Karen: I have a weakness for ice cream.

Wendy: I. Love. Ramen.
What's your favorite hobby?
Dominiqua: I like going on hikes, and nature photography.

Don: Streaming video games.

Chester: I like coming up with new dubstep beats.

Karen: Studying. That’s all I ever seem to do.

Wendy: Watching anime and drawing animals.
What's your favorite animal?
Dominiqua: I love birds, especially hawks and eagles.

Don: Cats. They don’t bother me much.

Chester: I’d say I’m a cat person. Dogs are still cool though.

Karen: Whatever I find cute.

Wendy: Bunnies!
What's your favorite genre?
Dominiqua: Of movie? Uh, fantasy.

Don: If it’s movies, then superhero action flicks. Video games, platformers, fighters, RPGs, and I’ve dabbled in FPSes.

Chester: Dubstep if we’re talking music. If it’s movies, I’m a big fan of comedies.

Karen: Romance? This question is kinda vague.

Wendy: I’m a sucker for romance.
What's your favorite music?
Dominiqua: I like some nice hip hop.

Don: Classic rock.

Chester: Dubstep, duh.

Karen: My parents make me listen to classical. They say it helps my focus.

Wendy: I love pop music. And I love a lot of anime soundtracks.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Dominiqua: I’ll probably got to college and major in photography.

Don: Probably keep doing what I’m doing right now. Maybe I’ll go into business for myself.

Chester: I’m hoping to make a career in music. I could sell my songs for download online.

Karen: My parents want me to major in business management.

Wendy: I’ll go to art school and expand on my artistic abilities. I can’t keep drawing anime forever.
What's your favorite memory?
Dominiqua: I remember capturing this perfect shot of a hummingbird in one of our feeders. It was perfect.

Don: I took down a griefer in Smash. It was satisfying.

Chester: Someone once called my music inspired, and original. Anyone who compliments my music makes my day.

Karen: I remember reading this shojo manga at the library. I felt like I could escape my daily stress when I read it.

Wendy: I remember being exposed to anime for the first time. I had a lot of fun watching. Thanks sis.
What's your least favorite memory?
Dominiqua: I found a dead deer along a mountain trail with my parents. I nearly puked my guts out.

Don: I was about to win against a top ranked Brawlhalla player when the game disconnected. I still get pissed thinking about it.

Chester: I remember the day we had to put our dog to sleep. We haven’t had any pets since then.

Karen: My dad found out I had brought home some manga from the library. He scolded me for distracting myself and returned it immediately.

Wendy: My younger sister caught me sneaking a peak at some furry art. She hasn’t told anyone about at least.
What is your best subject?
Dominiqua: PE. I’m part of the track team in fact.

Don: Science, I guess. There’s some interesting stuff there.

Chester: Social studies.

Karen: Math. I have to do my best in everything I do, really.

Wendy: Definitely not PE.
Describe your own fashion sense!
Dominiqua: Light and practical.

Don: Gamer nerd chic.

Chester: I dress pretty casually.

Karen: Business casual.

Wendy: I like to dress in a way that is cute and comfy.
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Dominiqua: Give it to environmental causes and charities.

Don: Retire early. Buy all the latest consoles and games with no worries.

Chester: Buy a new surround system.

Karen: Use it to buy my own place and get away from my parents.

Wendy: Pay my way into college and commission any artist I want.
What's one of your secrets?
Five things you can’t live without?
Dominiqua: Oxygen, flowers, sunlight, water, and wind.

Don: Games, superheroes, air conditioning, good food, and computers.

Chester: Music, a livable wage, a roof over my head, friends, earphones.

Karen: Books, my bed, ice cream, tea, and my phone.

Wendy: Anime, games, my art supplies, cute animals, and my computer.
How did this interview make you feel?
Dominiqua: Pretty good, I guess. It was nice sharing my interests.

Don: Meh.

Chester: Good. I thought it was kinda fun.

Karen: A little irritated.

Wendy: Kinda embarrassed, honestly.
What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Dominiqua: I like staying active and energetic.

Don: I’m pretty chill.

Chester: I’m passionate in my hobbies and beliefs.

Karen: I don’t like dealing with unnecessary crap.

Wendy: I’m a nerd.
If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
Dominiqua: Bob Ross. He’s a chill dude and I like his paintings.

Don: Scarlet Johansson. She’s pretty cool

Chester: Martin Luther King. I respect what he did in his lifetime.

Karen: My grandfather, because, well, I miss him.

Wendy: Tara Strong, because I love her voice work.
What position do you sleep in?
Dominiqua: Face up.

Don: I usually sleep sideways.

Chester: I always wake up sideways, but I go to bed face up.

Karen: Kind of a weird question, but I sleep sideways.

Wendy: I tend to sleep face down.
New Question: What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
[+] V9
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Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
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Post by Polybius »

What's your favorite color?
Mo: Black, baby. Classic, classy. Sure makes me look good.
Ernie: Uhhhh... red?
Chloe: Not black, shockingly. Purple, but a dark purple. What's that called?
Kirsten: Sky blue. It's calming.
Dalton: I've never thought about it. I suppose it's green.
What's your favorite hobby?
Mo: I spend more time workin' out than anything else.
Ernie: Vlogging, handing out with friends, playing pranks, partying... wait, did you say just one?
Chloe: Film making. Calling it a hobby feels like devaluing it, but I guess it is a "Just" hobby right now. It's more valuable to me than anything.
Kirsten: Hard choice. I think reading... or singing? Reading. That's my answer. Wait...
Dalton: Hunting.
What's your favorite genre?
Mo: Old school rock n' roll. Pre-Beatles shit.
Ernie: Of what? Movies, video games, music, tv shows, YouTube videos? ...Books?
Chloe: Horror, if it wasn't obvious. Mostly movies, though I read short stories sometimes.
Kirsten: Oh wow. You're talking about books, right? Or can I decide? If it's books... I don't think I have a favorite? I like more down-to-earth works. Did you mean books?
Dalton: Non-fiction.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Mo: Putting me on the spot. I'm gonna take a break from schoolin', find a job. Might go to college or trade school later. Mo will figure it out.
Ernie: I just want to put everything into my career, but Mom wants me to go to college. I'm gonna convince her, don't worry.
Chloe: I've got my sights set on the NYU film program. Fingers crossed.
Kirsten: Oh, I'm going to a local school. I'll study... uh, education. Unless I change my mind...
Dalton: Work.
What is your best subject?
Mo: PE. Learned more useful stuff there than in math.
Ernie: My skillset is sorta outside of academics, y'know? I like study hall, most of the time the teacher doesn't bother me for using my phone.
Chloe: Film class, obvoisuly. If you're talking about core subjects, math or English.
Kirsten: Okay, I'm pretty certain about this one. English.
Dalton: Biology
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Mo: I'd do the same stuff I do now, but oh mama, the girls would be all over me.
Ernie: I'd move with all my pals to LA, and we'd devote all our time to making music. Oh, and I'd become a business mogul. I would sell- I don't know, but I'd have an awesome business.
Chloe: Jeez, I don't know if having all that money would be a good thing. I could make whatever movies I want and never have to worry about anything again. But could anyone make good art if they don't have worries? I don't think so... I'm probably thinking too hard about this.
Kirsten: If I had infinite money, I could just keep donating it, right? I could give billions to charity and still never run out. But- wait, would that destroy to economy? Would the money lose its worth if I gave it to everyone? Oh no, this is one of those monkey's paw questions, Isn't it? Give me more time to think of a good answer.
Dalton: I would buy a house near the woods, far away from any towns. I'd have supplies delivered, but otherwise I would be alone. I could spend all my time hiking, or hunting, or reading.
What's one of your secrets?
Mo: Alright, don't tell anyone. My success rate with chicks is... lower than I'd like. I'll pound you if you squeal, got it?
Ernie: Okay, in fifth grade I peed my pants in the middle of class. Drank too much apple juice that morning, I thought I could hold it but... nah. Just sat there for like three hours, nobody noticed. When it was lunch though, I didn't know what to do so i just tied my coat around my waist and ran to the nurse's office. Didn't come out for the rest of the day. Swore the nurse to secrecy.
Chloe: I'd rather not answer, sorry.
Kirsten: Umm... I faked illness to get out of school and church a few times when I was little. MAybe that doesn't seem like much, but there's no way I'm ever telling my mom about it. It goes to the gra- wait, what are you using these questions for, anyway?
Dalton: I don't have any secrets.
What position do you sleep in?
Mo: Hopefully with my arm around a woman, heheh. But usually my back, yeah.
Ernie: I move around a lot.
Chloe: On my side, usually.
Kirsten: My... back? Now that you're asking, it's actually harder to remember...
Dalton: This question is stupid. I'm not answering it.
What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
Mo: I'm happy with myself. If anythin', I want to change everyone else.
Ernie: Uhhhhhh... nope, can't think of anything.
Chloe: I wish I was fearless, sometimes. Sometimes i tell myself that I wouldn't be where I am without that fear... but, it's hard to convince myself.
Kirsten: I'd make my mind more orderly, if that makes sense. Remove all the doubts and nagging worries.
Dalton: I'd like to be better at moving quietly.

New Question: What quality do you value to most in people?
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Only doing my four I'm at least sorta sure about for now, and naturally doing Ifelewa in gloss 'cuz I can use the practice.
[+] My Kids
What's your favorite color?

Hayleigh: I like fall colors. Orange best, I guess.

Jimmy: You're teeing me up, man. It's gotta be green.

Clara: White. Obviously.


What's your favorite food?

Hayleigh: Dad's deer sausage.

Jimmy: I fuck with a steak and cheese dude. Peppers, onions, mushrooms, shit. Never whiz, gimme the real American, you get me?

Clara: There's a blueberry pie recipe that has been in our family for generations. It was my grandmother's favorite, my mother's favorite, and it will be my daughter's favorite when the Lord sees fit to bless me with her.


What's your favorite hobby?

Hayleigh: I dunno. Taxidermy's pretty cool. Feels like I'm putting things back together for a second uh...life's not the right word. Purpose, maybe? Purpose works.

Jimmy: The rush on a good flip sends me. Taking something you got for dog shit and turning it into gold? I'm an addict bro, I need it.

Clara: I enjoy the choir. I'm not called to serve in the arts professionally but my voice is a gift from the Lord to His flock through me. When the world is tearing apart our rights every day, we have to do what we can to comfort each other, don't we?


What's your favorite animal?

Hayleigh: Rats.

Jimmy: My dog, dog.

Clara: Doves are beautiful.

Ifelewa: TURTLE.

What's your favorite genre?

Hayleigh: Of…? Horror, I guess. I like thinking about how to beat the monsters.

Jimmy: Jimmy B loves a good mystery, 'cuz nothing gets past me. Nothing.

Clara: Historical fiction.


What's your favorite music?

Hayleigh: Classic rock.

Jimmy: Everybody knows I'm a hip hop head. Mod me cowards.

Clara: You probably expect me to say something like gospel or classical. We are of course promised we will not belong to this world, but to understand it we still have to dwell in it. Luke 5:31, Mark 2:17, Matthew 9:12, take your pick. As Christ spent his time with whores and lepers, so I spend my time with the pop charts.


What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?

Hayleigh: Dad wants me to come with him awhile. Mom thinks Orion will send me to college but I dunno if there's a point. Maybe mortuary science.

Jimmy: I got some plans. Music production or business maybe. Far away as I can get.

Clara: Continue to build our women's ministry projects. There are so many services we can provide still.


What's your favorite memory?

Hayleigh: There was...okay this sounds kinda fucked up, maybe, I dunno. I was thirteen. Dad usually doesn't see me after the summer but he worked out to take me turkey hunting. He missed and I, I barely remember the shot. Just that I got it. First time I brought anything down. He was proud. My dad was proud of me. I kinda forgot what it was like.

Jimmy: Fuck the past dude. I'm about that future.

Clara: My first volunteer sermon to my youth group.


What's your least favorite memory?

Hayleigh: The woods we don't go back to anymore.

Jimmy: Alright. You wanna get into the past? How 'bout when that slut tried to stick me with a kid?

Clara: My father telling me a woman would never lead his flock. He was so casual, he didn't mean to be cruel. I won't forget though.


What is your best subject?

Hayleigh: Biology.

Jimmy: English.

Clara: History.

Ifelewa: SCIENCE.

Describe your own fashion sense!

Hayleigh: You sound like my mom.

Jimmy: Fresh.

Clara: Modest.


If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?

Hayleigh: Charities, I guess. I don't need a lot more than I have, and I wanna help people. So I'd, I dunno, cure cancer, lobby assholes out of government, fund humantarian housing and stuff, it's infinite right? I'll be okay with an RV and a trailer.

Jimmy: Pay off my folks debts, and their expenses forever. All of 'em. I want them to remember I made it every time they buy fucking milk, you get me?

Clara: Establish my own foundation for advocacy against the rapid moral degeneration of our nation. With that much money I might re-educate this entire country on the word "restraint."


What's one of your secrets?

Hayleigh: I watch videos of people dying. A lot. It's not like, like I like it it's like, I mean, I think about how I coulda saved him. Them. I said them.

Jimmy: Sometimes? I don't put the seat down. Fuck my sisters.

Wait that don't sound right come b-

Clara: If God is real, he's just another old man in my way.


Five things you can’t live without?

Hayleigh: My computer, my rifle, my smoker, my...ugh, can't narrow the rest down. A lotta tools.

Jimmy: My phone, my beats, cash, a gamble, and this million dollar smile baby.

Clara: Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Was that more than 5? Ask the Apostle Paul for revisions.


What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?

Hayleigh: That we're weird goblin people.

Jimmy: That I got pretty good taste.

Clara: I think it says more about them than me. If they make the decision to stand with me against the tide of popular opinion, they must have some character.


What position do you sleep in?

Hayleigh: My side.

Jimmy: On my back starfished.

Clara: This feels like fishing for some sort of perversion.


What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?

Hayleigh: I could take better care of my looks.

Jimmy: My bank account.

Clara: My focus. I have the big picture, but the details get away from me..


What quality do you value to most in people?

Hayleigh: Hustle.

Jimmy: Loyalty.

Clara: Respect.

Ifelewa: KINDNESS.

How did this interview make you feel?

Hayleigh: It’s whatever. Nobody asks me this kinda stuff usually.

Jimmy: Won’t here me complaining about listening to myself, dude.

Clara: I trust this is all confidential, yes?

New question: Who is your favorite creator? (Singer, writer, streamer, etc. etc.)
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[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Post by KamiKaze »

Ta-da! Kami answers. Some of these are unanswered or only answered with some kids due to me not knowing the specifics at this point. Will go back later and edit.
What's your favorite color?
Laci: Purple. Very elegant, very classic. I prefer to wear neutrals, though. Looks more… polished.
Elodie: Green! Specifically, like, a dark earthy green? I like a lot of green things.
Ashlee: Uh, may be kinda a cliche, buuuuuuuuuut I like pink!
Ty: Hahahaha. Metallics. I like silver in particular, but I try to aim for gold. ;)

What's your favorite food?
Laci: I try to eat healthy, and I’m vegan. That said? It was a happy day when I found a recipe for vegan green tea cookies. That was one of the foods I’d been missing.
Elodie: Breeeeeeeeeead. Bread bread bread. I can make a lot, you know? Maybe I can make some for ya!
Ashlee: Oh! Spaghetti. Like, it’s easy to make, filling, and gives you plenty of energy. Also, I’m gonna be a cliche and say… I unironically like Pocky and Shrimp Chips. Favorite junk food, bar none.
Ty: There’s nothing like a plate of chicken after spending an entire day working out. Put some herbs and spices on that bad boy, and you have a good meal full of protein. Pretty versatile, too. Want it in stir fry? Want it in a salad? Burrito? It’s all possible.

What's your favorite hobby?
Ty: Cheer isn’t so much a hobby as it is a lifestyle. That said, though? I play lawn games with the crew all the time. Also, working out.
Laci: It’s always nice to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea when I have the time.
Elodie: I like to hike, and bake, and sew, and do astrology, and all sorts of stuff.
Ashlee: Uh, I typically like to watch anime to unwind. But also! Cosplay. I’m working on one right now. You know Danganronpa? I’m doing a Junko Enoshima right now. I know, lots of people do her, but like, I’ve been meaning to do her for a while now.

What's your favorite animal?
Laci: … Horses. Happy?
Elodie: Oooh, uh! I get to pick? There’s a lot. Uh, toads? No, salamanders. Chickens? They’re much smarter and funnier than people think, and they lay eggs! But what about snails-- *Elodie lists animals for the next five minutes*
Ashlee: Cats! Cats are so cute~
Ty: Dogs! I’m a big dog person, you know. But also, like, monkeys. Apes? Whatever, not my lane. Did you know of these ones called gibbons that like, swing from tree to tree super quick? That’s me. I want to be a gibbon in the next life.

What's your favorite genre?
Laci: Of what? I typically enjoy historical dramas, if that’s what you’re asking.
Elodie: Fantasy! Swords and magic, that sort of thing.
Ty: I’m a sucker for sports dramas and action movies. People pushing themselves and their bodies against the odds? Yes please.
Ashlee: Of fiction? Oh wow. I like dramas, magical girl anime, and mysteries.

What's your favorite music?
Ty: That’s easy. Not specifically a genre, but a vibe. I usually listen to music when I work out, so I like songs that get you pumped. Slim Shady songs are good for that, I’ve noticed.
Laci: I don’t listen to Top 40s a ton unless it, how do I put this? It’s something I actually find enjoyable. But there’s a few I enjoy. Also, classical music.
Ashlee: I like Top 40s! Also, uh, yeah, can confirm I do listen to weeb music.
Elodie: Oh! Uh, I occasionally listen to Celtic music.

What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Laci: Go on to a good university, get a degree, get into a postgraduate program, network. I’m getting it sorted out already.
Elodie: Weeeell… I’m applying for community college, and I’m supposed to meet my family over the summer, which I’m looking forward to.
Ty: Oh dude, yes. There aren’t a lot of scholarships for cheer, but I’m getting scholarships in general. That hard work paid off.

What is your best subject?
Ty: *spends five minutes laughing* What do you think? I’ve always been good at that sports shit.
Elodie: Earth sciences? Like, bio and natural history and stuff.
Laci: It’s good to be rounded and as best at many things as you can. For me, it’s social studies, though.
Ashlee: Literature and P.E.!

Describe your own fashion sense!
Elodie: Earth tone thrift store chaos?
Ashlee: Preppy and occasionally a little weeby.
Ty: Comfortable, easy to move in, but still nice to look at, right?
Laci: Business casual. I try to look professional and polished no matter what. I’m not a slob.

If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Laci: Well, what’s the precise definition of ‘infinite’? If I came into a large sum of money, the first thing I’d do is take into account taxes and fees. Then, from that point onward, invest it, and have a talk with an accountant. I’m well-off already, but it’s good to be smart about this, obviously.
Elodie: Ooh ooh! I could buy a lot of things! Get my own house, buy all sorts of delicious food, you name it. But it might be fun to get like, a huuuge amount of farmland? And raise all sorts of rescued animals.
Ashlee: Host my own anime convention? Cheer convention? Anime and cheer convention? It’d be unique, at least.
Ty: Kickstart my career as an athlete, duh. Like, cheer still needs a lot of rec as an actual sport, yeah, but if I had a lot of funds? You know I’m boosting my cred.

What's one of your secrets?
Ty: Okay, now I know one of my friends is behind this. Give up, I’ve figured it out.

Five things you can’t live without?
Elodie: Food, air, water, blood, and sunlight. *high-pitched giggle*
Ty: Cheer, my crew, my dad, a good workout, and a good meal.
Ashlee: My friends, my family, my grades, and my social media! Also, info on the next anime season. Need that. *grin*
Laci: My family, my friends, my grades, my ambition, and my pride.

How did this interview make you feel? (Answer after all others if preferred).
Laci: *clearly biting her tongue for a moment* Superb.
Elodie: Kinda weird, to be honest! I guess this is some yearbook thing?
Ashlee: It’s always awkward doing this stuff, but also kind of fun!
Ty: *just laughs*

What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Laci: Honestly? No idea. I usually try to spend time with people who are worth it. That said, my childhood friends? Worth it.
Ty:... I love my friends. I couldn’t imagine a moment without them. We’re bad bitches, and we rule.

If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
Elodie: Might be a weird choice, buuuut… can I pick Jesus? I’m not a bible freak or anything, but like, we need Jesus’ input on everything! Does he approve of anything that’s going on? Does he not? What advice do you have, Jesus? *boisterous giggle*
Laci: Hedy Lamarr. She was an actress, but she also was revolutionary in communication technology. If not, then Eleanor Roosevelt.
Ashlee: Hayao Miyazaki!
Ty: Oh dude! I’d love to go have dinner with like, a famous world-changing athlete. Williams sisters, Mia Hamm, you name it.

What position do you sleep in?
Laci: I try to sleep in a neutral position. Helps reduce back pain.
Elodie: I get up every morning from my cave and get a big stretch. *laughs* No, I sleep pretty normally, nothing crazy. I kind of bury my face into my pillow and drool a lot, though.
Ashlee: Side’s nice, right?
Ty: Who cares? As long as you get a good night’s sleep.

What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
Laci: Honestly? Self-improvement is a goal each and every person should aspire to. You get smart, you work hard, and you succeed. Everyone should do it.
Elodie: Could I be taller? I want to be taller.
Ashlee: Sometimes I wonder if I annoy people? Because I get enthused about stuff easily. But I try not to let it worry too much. I am what I am, and I wouldn’t change it.
Ty: Admittedly… I do wonder if intimidating people so often turns them off. But who cares?

What quality do you value to most in people?
Elodie: Kindness!
Laci: Diligence!
Ashlee: Being a total sweetheart.
Ty: Loyalty!
And now, for the question:
If you had to pick a superpower, what would yours be?
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

[+] My kids answers
What's your favorite color?
Hades: I know what most people think, but my favorite color is white. I like how clean it looks. In some cultures it's a color of purity, and in others it's a color of mourning. I think that's beautiful.
Lynn: Gold. Gold is strong and bold, and it's the color of winners!
Vladimir: Red, the color of blood and passion.
What's your favorite food?
Hades: Tacos, I guess?
Lynn: Ranch marinated chicken, mashed potatoes and biscuits.
Vladimir: Our chefs prepare many delicacies from across the globe, and I never have to eat the same thing twice if I don't have to, because variety is the spice of life. But if I truly had to narrow it down to one thing, I would say... the finest delicacy this world has to offer are honeyed saffron cakes. You couldn't possibly afford them.
What's your favorite hobby?
Hades: Gardening. I especially like cultivating hybrid flowers. It's cool to bring life to something that didn't exist before you. You get to name new strains, too, so I'm looking forward to that.
Lynn: Wrestling isn't my hobby, it's my passion and my life's pursuit. A 'hobby' is something you do for fun. So, I guess I like dancing!
Vladimir: When I have time for such frivolous pursuits, I take... mild amusement in caligraphy and poetry.
What's your favorite animal?
Hades: Deer! No reason. I just think they're cute.
Lynn: Snakes! ... ... (Okay, it's bunnies, but please don't tell anybody, or I will hurt you. I will cause you so, so much pain.)
Vladimir: My favorite 'animal' is the human being, because we are the peak of adaptability. We've developed societies and enjoyed a global spread that no other organism on this planet could hope to achieve. Think of all the wonders of the world, modern and ancient. Could pandas create those? Or whales, mayhaps? No, they could not. Humanity is truly fascinating and indominatible. Did you know that humans were designed to be pursuit predators, not needing to outstrength or outspeed other creatures... no, they merely needed to outlast them, and there's something so poetic about that as a philosophy, I feel. And we- ... what is it? ... Humans don't count? Fine. Ants: altogether insignificant, like you and your questions, but fit most of the same criteria aformentioned.
What's your favorite genre?
Hades: I love horror movies! Legendary monsters of cinema like Freddy, Jason, Michael Meyers... that stuff's awesome. Also it's really cool how like, in horror movies, you never know if you're getting a happy ending or not. Anybody can die!
Lynn: Action. Doesn't matter what we're talking about, don't fucking bore me.
Vladimir: I couldn't help but notice your failure to qualify your statement, specifying what we are classifying into genre. But I assume you mean music, to which I'll so generously offer you my answer of 'classical'. I especially love Vivaldi and Dvorak, pedestrian as those tastes are, I admit.
What's your favorite music?
Hades: Rock, but I'm not picky.
Lynn: Rock. Metal. My favorite bands are Shinedown and Fozzy.
Vladimir: ... Are you kidding me? I just answered this.
What do you plan to do when you graduate high school?
Hades: Man, I really haven't put as much thought into this as I should have. I'm probably looking at a couple years of community college, or a trade school or something. Getting a degree isn't the answer it used to be way back when.
Lynn: I'm going to go straight to wrestling school full time!
Vladimir: Naturally, I'm going to Harvard as my father did before me. Once I graduate with honors, I'll assume my place on the board of directors, primed to take over our empire. ... As in, business empire.
What's your favorite memory?
Hades: One time, I was just hanging out at the park and this kid was crying. I walked over to her and I guess maybe I thought she might be afraid of me and get freaked out or something but she calmed right down and told me she was lost, so I helped her find her mom.
Lynn: My first live show as a spectator where I got to meet my heroes for the first time... and my first indy show, where I got to wrestle one of those same heroes! *points at the ceiling*
Vladimir: I am pleased every day of my life simply by virtue of knowing my standing. If I want to make a happy memory, I just have to look in the mirror.
What's your least favorite memory?
Hades: It's kind of a bummer whenever somebody makes an assumption about me based on my appearance. It's happened a lot and normally I can shake it off, but I remember when I was... fourteen, maybe fifteen, some older lady took one look at me and called me a 'fucking faggot'. And there's just... like, so much wrong with that, you know? Like, it's 2016... 17, lady. There's really no need for that.
Lynn: When the cat we had when I was a kid got out and was hit by a car... and my grandma died that same week.
Vladimir: Don't waste my time with such pointless questions.
What is your best subject?
Hades: I'm pretty good in science. I think I'm a little better in math, so that's my 'best' but I love the sciences more. Oh, and Lit.
Lynn: Drama. What can I say? I'm a dramatic bitch.
Vladimir: They're all my best; I don't HAVE a worst subject.
Describe your own fashion sense!
Hades: *gestures at himself* Uh, pretty much just this! Haha... I just do whatever feels good, whatever's ME that day.
Lynn: Lynn Sweeney is classy, yet casual. Lynn Lightning is a badass, she's the best, she KNOWS she's the best, and she ain't afraid to fucking show it!
Vladimir: You're never fully dressed without a waistcoat. And of course, in the evenings, I'm sporting one of my tuxedoes. What do you think I am, a farmer?
If you had infinite money, what would you do with it?
Hades: I'd buy lots of land and live out there in the piece and quiet with my family. And go to the occasional concert in the city.
Lynn: I... I don't actually know. I feel like the whole point of my dream is to make it big, so it gives me a goal to work towards. If you just drop infinite money on me, it feels like I don't really have a reason to DO anything because I can just... use that money to buy myself like, all the comfort and happiness. So I definitely don't want that. But- oh, maybe I could use it to start my own fed!
Vladimir: Implying I don't already basically have infinite money.
What's one of your secrets?
Hades: Ha, uh, alright. I'm kinda scared of thunder.
Lynn: I love being strong, but I wish my features and shape were a little bit more feminine, because I do have some body issues and sometimes I don't FEEL pretty.
Vladimir: You expect me to just TELL you? Ugh. Oh well, if I must for the purposes of this little... exercise, I suppose I can part with this. I'm not a fan of Bach. I find him wholly uninteresting, and I sharply disagree with his purported value to the world of music.
Five things you can’t live without?
Hades: Like five single objects? My phone, for sure. My PS4, too. My desk - sounds weird but like, I need that familiar space. Those are kinda the essentials so I'll just add my drum kit and... my shoes?
Lynn: My two bunny children, my replica ECW belt signed by Sabu, my phone and my sports headphones.
Vladimir: Air, water, food, shelter, and sleep. It's like you never studied the hierarchy of basic human needs, you fool.
What could someone figure out about you by the friends you've chosen?
Hades: I like to be friends with everybody I meet, so I guess they'd figure out I'm pretty easy to get along with! At least, I hope I'm easy to get along with.
Lynn: Family is who you choose rather than who you're born to and born with. So you look at the friends I keep near me, and you know that what matters to me more than anything is loyalty. I don't like snakes.
Vladimir: You don't need to look at my friends to figure out that I'm a man of high society, but it only makes sense that I keep company with those of similar standing.
If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would you have dinner with and why?
Hades: I'd really like to meet Neil Gaiman, so maybe him. Mister Rogers is my pick for a dead person to have dinner with. He was a good man.
Lynn: Not to be a downer but like, probably my grandma. Just so I could... ... Shit. You know, get to say, u-uh, goodbye. Properly.
Vladimir: President Canon. Do you know the connections a dinner with the president of the United States could lead to? Of course not, because you let your blind criticism of the man get in the way of a tactical business decision. And that's why all of you are poor, and I am not.
What position do you sleep in?
Hades: Head to the side, one arm under the pillow, knee up. Totally the best way to sleep. Try it, you're missing out.
Lynn: I used to sleep on my stomach but I find I can't really do that anymore, so... on my back?
Vladimir: On my back with my arms crossed over my chest. One of my shoulders must be braced against something; ideally, both.
What is something about yourself you would like to improve or change?
Hades: I can't think of anything in particular, but I think we should always be trying to improve ourself and be a better person than we were yesterday.
Lynn: I want to work on my balance, flexibility and agility. I don't mind being strong, but I wish I was a little taller so I could carry the weight better.
Vladimir: ... My complexion is a bit pale, wouldn't you agree? Choose your next words carefully, by the way.
What quality do you value to most in people?
Hades: How they treat others.
Lynn: Honesty. I don't like liars, like... if you got something to say, just say it. You can be up front with me, I promise.
Vladimir: What use they are to me.
Who is your favorite creator?
Hades: It's a tossup between Wes Craven and Neil Gaiman.
Lynn: Chris Jericho, bay-bay!
Vladimir: You mean like my favorite artist? A surprisingly cultured question for once. I've spoken at length about my musical tastes, so now may be a good time to mention my appreciation for Van Gogh. Sure, he may... somewhat ironically enjoy mainstream success, but how can one resist the allure of the perfect example of a tortured artist painting his agony on the canvas?
How did this interview make you feel? (Answer after all others if preferred).
Hades: Mnh-hnh. It was okay, I guess. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
Lynn: This is an interview? Shit, I should have cut a promo. Give me like, an imaginary opponent...
Vladimir: It was a wonderful waste of my time. I do hope you can compensate me in some fashion.
My question: If you could take a weeklong vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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