Question: You’re a slasher film villain. What is your weapon of choice; motivation; mask and costume?
Hades: Oh, this is a cool question. I'm big on the classics, so I'm going with machete for the weapon. To the point, simple, reliable, lots of creative things you can do with it, has its mundane uses too. Since that would probably break at some point, I might replace it with a crowbar. Hockey mask works... hmm, but let's not rip off Jason entirely. Maybe a burlap sack with eyeholes cut out, and the rest of my costume is like old farmer or miner garb. Coveralls and all that. Oh! So like, I was having a hard time coming up with a motivation because I don't ever like, see myself killing somebody, but maybe I'm a miner thought to have died in a cave-in, and I went insane and I'm out to get revenge on the town that left me to die. That's pretty cool. Maybe I'll start filming this...
Lynn: Lighting Lynn is already basically a slasher villain. Put the kids to bed, she's going to break their hero's neck tonight! I'm not a masked wrestler but later tonight I can draw up a few cool designs to use. Motivation? Do I really need a motivation beyond wanting to destroy everything in my path? That's what I thought.
Vladimir: My my, such an erudite question... pah. Horror is the lowest form of cinematic entertainment, the vast majority of which is beneath me. However, I admit there to be a soft spot in my heart for Psycho. The scariest monster, you see, does not wear a mask or a costume. They walk among us, and fit into society. So, very well, I will answer your brutish query: I will be akin to Norman Bates, except rather than be a lowly commoner running a motel, I would be a man of class and status. A count, even, and I would invite guests into my castle where I dazzle and impress with my hosting skills before puncturing them in the neck. With a small dagger, of course. I would never sully my hands directly.
Question: If you were a boss in a video game, what would your battle be like?