Return of Lord's Poorly Managed Pregaming Thread

V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Return of Lord's Poorly Managed Pregaming Thread


Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

[+] Relationship guide
Best Friends
Medea Parth — Super nice girl, basically the teenage girl version of Fred Rodgers. She is just a big ball of unconditional love and is super tolerant of everyone and never has a bad word to say about people. If you are having a bad day, she'll be there to offer a pep talk and tell you about how unique and amazing you are, and that you shouldn't change cause you are already perfect. It is unusual for her to dislike someone, but if you managed to be one of the few people she dislikes then you must have done something seriously wrong. She is part of an old clique of friends that she has known for years and loves them all very dearly. While super nice, she is also incredibly lazy. She isn't much for doing anything, and would prefer to stay inside and LP video games than to go outside. If it weren't for her friends dragging her out of her house she'd likely not have much of a social life. It's not that she is anti-social, just that she comfortable staying in. She is also something of a tinkerer, enjoying taking tech apart, repairing it, or modifying it. She is truly talented, but her laziness often means her modifications/repairs tend to be pretty slap-dash, held together with duct tape and zipties. The fact anything she cobbles together works at all is a testament to her skill. She is actually really smart but her own sloth means she tends to put her school work off until the last minute and tends to complete homework assignments on the way to school more often than not. Is a very small time let's player/live streamer, with a fanbase that is measured in double digits. Uncharacteristically put a ton of effort into learning how to speak ASL just so she could understand/speak to deaf and mute people. Raised Christian, but her own personal religious beliefs put less emphasis on worshipping Jesus as the son of God and more focuses on His teaching of love and tolerance. She is asexual but is panromantic, and is perfectly fine with being in a polyamorous relationship.

Hobbies and Interests: Tinkering, robotics, programming, let’s playing/live streaming video games, online activism

Looking for:
-Maybe a romantic relationship or two. A few past romances that are still her friends.
-Other people who are on good terms but not outright friends.
-The rare super asshole who can make this all loving snowball dislike them.
[+] Relationships
Alec Lewis: Former boyfriend. Still on good terms and is one of her friends.
Laci York: Part of her close friend group!
Peyton Hoffman: Part of her close friend group!
Savanna Adkins: Part of her close friend group!
Kyle "K" Emerson: Part of her close friend group!
Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart: Part of her close friend group!
June Madison: Part of her close friend group!
Alex Avanesian: Friend of her's, they usually talk about techy stuff. Thinks his interest in SOTF is odd, but doesn't judge him for it.
Ashlee Donovan: Friend of her's! They get along really well and they've even gamed with each other!
Eunice St. Claire: Friend of her's! Had a bit of a rough go at first, but Medea kept being nice.
Jessica Lee-Smith: Friend! They watch each other's streams.
Kaede Tsurumi: She's nervous, but she is a friend to Medea! Medea for her part tries to make sure she is comfortable when they hang out.
Lorenza/o Araya: A friend of her's that really needed her positivity and friendliness. She also drags her out of her room sometimes to hang!
Matthew “Matt” Bittlesgate: Good friend to her! She loves to play with Toby and be a good "Auntie Medea" to Toby.
Suzanna Slaughter: fellow gamer! They've played games with each other, especially Mario Kart.
Aramina "Ara" Canlas: Get long well enough, but don't have a lot in common.
Benjamin Beecham: Friendly, but not particularly close.
Bethany Lyon: Beth doesn't know who Medea is. What a shame.
Elodie Hailey:Friendly to each other, but not particularly close.
Evie McKown: Not friends, but they are really friendly with one another and their positivity really melds well together!
Giselle Modisette: Is subscribed to Medea's gaming channel.
Kyoto Aizawa: He dislikes Medea's positivity, but they are not on bad terms.
Matthew Bell: Talked once or twice and get along just fine.
Max McCormick: Doesn't know him all that well, but she tries to be as friendly as she can be to him! Is unaware he has a crush on her.
Millie Miles: Is subscribed to Medea's gaming channel.
Stephan "Strawberry" Fields: While he is an asshole, he is generally pretty civil around her.
Tristana "Tana" Blanco: Medea has played tested some of her games, once even on stream!
Ty Hartley: Friendly to one another, but Medea frowns on her more aggressive actions whenever she hears of them.
Brook Peterson: She annoys him with her niceness. Actively wants to be friends despite his attempts to push her away.
Indigo “Indie” Howe: He is irritated by Medea's attempts to be friends, but she still tries!
Karin Min-Hye Han: While Medea is still nice to her, she doesn't appreciate Karin using ASL as a means to say unkind things about others.
Victor Grail: He is kind of dick, and an arrogant one that. She tries her best to think the best of him despite his... issues.
Danielle "Dani" Bird — Rich, popular, pretty, cheerleader, daddy's girl. Daughter of a CEO of a holding company that controls a number of local and regional business chains and a former pornographic actress, the former of which she utterly adores and the latter helped shape her views on sexuality and body positivity. Generally considered conventionally attractive and is fully aware of this, often flaunting what she's got with clothes that show off her body or emphasizes her figure. Loves fashion and likes to wear expensive jewelry. Has a deep passionate love for singing, opera and musicals thanks in part to the influence of her late grandmother. Her dream is to one day to become a famous opera star. She is rather talented and strives to be the best she can, whether it be for singing, acting, cheerleading, or playing volleyball. Has a bit of an ego because of her looks and talents, but is a total sweetheart to people and is rather fun loving. She is a great person to have at a party because she'll enthusiastically throw herself into whatever activity is going on. Has a love of cosplay and has an entire Instagram devoted to her cosplays, though she typically dress as characters from mainstream media and usually picks characters who would be considered "hot". As such, she is a very casual anime watcher and gamer who can reliably keep up with conversations on the subjects so long as they are about media she has actual experienced. Developed a massive interest in wearing suits after one of her cosplays. Heterosexual and has had quite a few boyfriends. Does not tolerate slutshaming.

Hobbies and Interests: Cheerleading, singing, acting, opera and musicals, modeling, fashion, cosplay, volleyball

Looking for:
-Past romances. Dani is the kind of girl to have gone through a lot of guys. Typically her type is athletic guys or just popular guys.
-Friends with shared interests. Other cheerleaders, girls who play volleyball, or people who like to cosplay.
-Some casual acquaintances.
-People who dislike/hate her.
[+] Relationships
Isaiah Flanagan: Current boyfriend.
Benjamin Beecham: They had a date, but it never really worked out between them beyond that. They're still on good terms.
Brook Peterson: The two dated one another and are still on good terms.
Matthew Bell: Had a casual hookup at a party once. Didn't have much of a relationship but they are good friends.
Tyler Slomkowski: Dated him once before. Still on good terms.
Kaede Tsurumi: Her insecure best friend.
Aramina "Ara" Canlas: Have plenty of shared interest and neither of them are mean to the other, so they have a solid friendship going on.
Ashlee Donovan: Pretty close friend and cheerleading buddy! They are both into cosplay and fashion, and Ashlee gives Dani recommendations for cosplays.
Jessica Lee-Smith: Good friend of her's that helps her out with her cosplays.
Jessica Romero: A fellow volleyball player and friend.
Laci York: Good friends with shared interests in singing and acting. Both are pretty prideful because of their talents and having a friendly rivalry between themselves.
Rebekah Hayes: Fellow cheerleader, Rebekah is considered a friend. Dani occasionally helps give her a make over.
Alec Lewis: Met a parties a few times. Get a long well enough! Can potentially be friends if they interacted more.
Calvin Rawls: Calvin has a crush on Dani.
David "Danger Dave" Cooper: Only knows him in passing.
Eunice St. Claire: Doesn't know her all that well, semi kinda doesn't even know who she is. Eunice is apparently jealous of her though.
Tristana "Tana" Blanco: Follows Dani on Instagram.
Ty Hartley: On the cheer team together, though they have a generally "cool" relationship with one another.
Matthew “Matt” Bittlesgate: Doesn't know him all that well, but he hits on her. Not that she minds, of course.
Morgan Whitney: Doesn't really know much about her, but they cross paths on occasion.
Stephan "Strawberry" Fields Looks down on Dani because of her mom and her cosplay hobby, but doesn't say anything to her about it. Follows Dani on Instagram.
Bethany Lyon: These two do not get along at all. Their parents know each other, but Dani is not interested in putting up with Beth.
Karin Min-Hye Han: They don't get along really well.
Victor Grail: Huge dickhead, would rather not deal with him.
Randolph Whateley — Very tall, lanky, ugly, albino kid that is pretty much a bundle of issues shambling around in a roughly-bipedal approximation of a man. Chronically depressed, hyper-sensitive to criticism, agoraphobic, and prone to horrible nightmares and nervous breakdowns. He is from an old money family, with his dad having past away after suffering serious mental issues. Was largely raised by his mother, who was mentally unstable following the death of his father, and though she loved him, she would mentally and emotionally abuse him. Currently lives with his wealthy, but incredibly eccentric grandfather in a old family manor ever since middle school after his mother past away. Has a deep love of reading and has a deep knowledge of the occult after consuming the contents of his grandfather's personal library. Socially stunted and eccentric, he lacks in friends due to his rather unusual and non-conventionally attractive appearance, stoic and odd behavior, bizarre halting and verbose manner of speech, and his difficulties in reading social cues. He is an animal lover and greatly prefers the company of his black pet dwarf pygmy goat named Helen to actual people. he aspires to be a vet, but his own fear of dogs (which came about after a childhood incident where one bit him) has him believe that will be difficult. Greatly enjoys birdwatching, a hobby he developed when attempting to do augury. He absolutely loves to swim and is considered quite the athlete and would like to join the swimming team, but he is too self-conscious and insecure to actively attempt to. Bizarrely likes to collect Funko Pops, spendings an ungodly amount of money to get new ones whenever he can. His sexuality is... unclear.

Hobbies and Interests: Swimming, occultism, reading, collecting Funko Pops, birdwatching

Looking for:
-Friends. Not too many, but enough people who can actively look past his oddities and accept him or have shared interests.
-People for him to crush on. With someone looking like he does, he isn't exactly a ladies man.
-Lots of people who are just weirded out by him.
-Bullies. Provided they are as weirded out by a 6'7" fish man to do so.
[+] Relatuionships
Erika Takahashi-Schaff: Is one of her buyers and has a huge crush on her.
Evie McKown: They are fellow animal lovers with a love for swimming. She is nice to him and he appreciates it. Crushes on her, but he keeps it to himself.
Althea Drummond: One of his few friends and she seems to accept him despite his appearance and quirks.
Kyoto Aizawa: Loner buddies. Kyoto is willing to protect Randolph from bullies too.
Rebekah Hayes: Odd friendship of sorts. They have a shared interest in bird watching.
Aramina "Ara" Canlas: Is nice enough to him, but they don't have much in common.
Alec Lewis: Occasionally talk with one another when Alec chooses to approach him.
Alex Avanesian: Casual acquaintances who share a love of reading.
Bethany Lyon: Kinda get along? She only puts up with him because her parents want her to be nice to him.
David "Danger Dave" Cooper: Complicated relationship.
Jessica Lee-Smith: Both are from old money family's, so they have encountered each other a few times in the past.
Elodie Hailey: Occasionally run into one another while out in the woods.
Eunice St. Claire: No idea who she even is. She's just another person who is weirded out by him and talks about him behind his back.
Giselle Modisette: She finds him as inspiration for her art.
Max McCormick: Don't have much in common and Randolph's occult interests don't mesh well with Max, so they don't hang out.
Tristana "Tana" Blanco: Occasionally get together to summon spirits, but don't do much outside of that.
Brook Peterson: Doesn't know him too well, but has noticed Brook actively avoiding him.
Karin Min-Hye Han: Doesn't really know her that where and doesn't interact with her.
Drake Byers: Gets bullied by Drake. This causes Randolph a lot of emotional distress.
Stephan "Strawberry" Fields: Use to bully Randolph in the past, but now just takes badly about him behind his back.
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Super Weegee
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Post by Super Weegee »

Medea: "I've never met a bigger goody-two-shoes."

Brook believes that she is genuinely nice, but I can see him also believing that a large chunk of her personality is exaggerated for her image. After all, in his mind, nobody is that positive and nice, right? Overall, he'll probably get really annoyed at her tolerance and niceness. If Medea ever tried to offer a pep talk, for instance, he'll try to push her away.

Dani: "We're not really dating anymore, but she's still a great friend to have around."

Brook's definitely her type, what with him being an athlete and all, and Dani's is quite attractive in his eyes and, combine that with her fun loving and sweet personality, I can see him falling for her. As for why they went back to being friends, or why they got together in the first place, I honestly have no idea! It's up to you, really.

Randolph: "Christ, I'd hate to see the rest of his family."

Since Brook's probably not going to be able to get past his ugly appearance, I don't really see them being friends. Although they both love to read, Randolph's various issues is just going to turn him away on the off-chance they do talk. While Brook's not going to go out of his way to torment him, he's likely just going to try to avoid or ignore him as much as he can.
V8 Relationships Thread
Brook Peterson
Lula Gray
[+] V7
V7 Appearance Tracker
ImageMatthew Hunt drawn by Ryuki and Kotorikun - Profile
Memories: 1 2
Pregame: 1 2 3 4
Trip: 1 2
V7: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Image Blake Davis - Profile - "...You knew..."
Memories: 1
Prom: 1
V7: 1 2 3 4
Any thoughts or criticisms on my writing are welcome and appreciated! Feel free to message me on Discord.
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Post by decoy73 »

Eric Reid - Eric would probably grab Dani's butt without her permission. This will get him suspended and nearly charged.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Applesintime »

Medea: Matthew has probably talked to her once or twice, and appreciates her general friendliness and cheerfulness. Alex would probably know her a lot better; they don't really share any specific interests, but Alex wants to be an electrical engineer when he's older so they've probably talked techy stuff at some point, and might be friends if she can overlook the SOTF stuff.

Danielle: Matthew's probably hooked up with her once or twice at one of his parties, being both athletic and popular, although I wouldn't say they had a relationship; more of a casual hookup thing. Outside of the parties I imagine they're pretty good friends. Alex has no idea who she is.

Randolph: Matthew's probably joked about him at some point, although to avoid the wrath of the weird tall guy he wouldn't do it in front of him. Alex, also kind of being an outcast, shares an interest in reading with him, so they might have met in the library a couple of times. Maybe casual acquaintances who sometimes read together?
[+] V8
S002: Alex Avanesian - 10/20/2003 - 12/10/2021

S056: Madeleine Molliqaj - 05/29/2003 - 12/13/2021

S078: Matthew Bell - 11/19/2003 -
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Super Weegee wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:30 am Medea: "I've never met a bigger goody-two-shoes."

Brook believes that she is genuinely nice, but I can see him also believing that a large chunk of her personality is exaggerated for her image. After all, in his mind, nobody is that positive and nice, right? Overall, he'll probably get really annoyed at her tolerance and niceness. If Medea ever tried to offer a pep talk, for instance, he'll try to push her away.

Dani: "We're not really dating anymore, but she's still a great friend to have around."

Brook's definitely her type, what with him being an athlete and all, and Dani's is quite attractive in his eyes and, combine that with her fun loving and sweet personality, I can see him falling for her. As for why they went back to being friends, or why they got together in the first place, I honestly have no idea! It's up to you, really.

Randolph: "Christ, I'd hate to see the rest of his family."

Since Brook's probably not going to be able to get past his ugly appearance, I don't really see them being friends. Although they both love to read, Randolph's various issues is just going to turn him away on the off-chance they do talk. While Brook's not going to go out of his way to torment him, he's likely just going to try to avoid or ignore him as much as he can.
Alrighty, these look good! I'll add them to the lists. :)
decoy73 wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:44 am Eric Reid - Eric would probably grab Dani's butt without her permission. This will get him suspended and nearly charged.
I've seen the inspiration for this character, decoy. Messed up shit, but whatever. I will allow this because of potential story hooks.
Applesintime wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:00 pm Medea: Matthew has probably talked to her once or twice, and appreciates her general friendliness and cheerfulness. Alex would probably know her a lot better; they don't really share any specific interests, but Alex wants to be an electrical engineer when he's older so they've probably talked techy stuff at some point, and might be friends if she can overlook the SOTF stuff.

Danielle: Matthew's probably hooked up with her once or twice at one of his parties, being both athletic and popular, although I wouldn't say they had a relationship; more of a casual hookup thing. Outside of the parties I imagine they're pretty good friends. Alex has no idea who she is.

Randolph: Matthew's probably joked about him at some point, although to avoid the wrath of the weird tall guy he wouldn't do it in front of him. Alex, also kind of being an outcast, shares an interest in reading with him, so they might have met in the library a couple of times. Maybe casual acquaintances who sometimes read together?
All this looks good. :)
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Post by LeslieFranc »

Eunice: Familiar with her LPs. If she tries to befriend her, Eunice will probably end up saying something angrily rude in her surprise. If there are more attempts to be nice, she might soften up just a bit a few times.
Alec: Alec would think of her as a very nice and sweet girl. Maybe they've dated but are still on good terms?
Ara: Would like her on principle just for being an all-around nice person, but they don't really have much in common.

Eunice: Jealous of the good looks and attention, but would be consistently up-to-date with whatever Dani is up to. Might end up seeming like she totally dislikes her, which Eunice would say that she does rather than admitting she put her on a pedestal. Eunice probably doesn't perceive her as a real person.
Alec: They might've met at parties. Alec would admire her confidence, and probably wants to be her friend.
Ara: Well, Ara also likes singing, acting, volleyball and fashion, and is usually nice to anyone who's not an immediate asshole, so that's enough material for a friendship to form between them.

Eunice: Weirded out. Almost fascinated that someone could look like that and continue to exist. And a lot of other mean stuff she either keeps to herself or whispers to her friends.
Alec: They don't really have any shared interests, but Alec would think he might be lonely and try to go out of his way to have a nice and friendly conversation with him if there's a chance.
Ara: Tries to look past appearances and be nice to him, but they just don't seem to be too compatible.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

LeslieFranc wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:53 am Medea
Eunice: Familiar with her LPs. If she tries to befriend her, Eunice will probably end up saying something angrily rude in her surprise. If there are more attempts to be nice, she might soften up just a bit a few times.
Alec: Alec would think of her as a very nice and sweet girl. Maybe they've dated but are still on good terms?
Ara: Would like her on principle just for being an all-around nice person, but they don't really have much in common.

Eunice: Jealous of the good looks and attention, but would be consistently up-to-date with whatever Dani is up to. Might end up seeming like she totally dislikes her, which Eunice would say that she does rather than admitting she put her on a pedestal. Eunice probably doesn't perceive her as a real person.
Alec: They might've met at parties. Alec would admire her confidence, and probably wants to be her friend.
Ara: Well, Ara also likes singing, acting, volleyball and fashion, and is usually nice to anyone who's not an immediate asshole, so that's enough material for a friendship to form between them.

Eunice: Weirded out. Almost fascinated that someone could look like that and continue to exist. And a lot of other mean stuff she either keeps to herself or whispers to her friends.
Alec: They don't really have any shared interests, but Alec would think he might be lonely and try to go out of his way to have a nice and friendly conversation with him if there's a chance.
Ara: Tries to look past appearances and be nice to him, but they just don't seem to be too compatible.
Oh them are added to the lists! I chose to say Alec and Medea dated and are on good terms.
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Post by decoy73 »

Victor Grail is probably going to be one of those guys that Madea doesn't like. He's just a dick.

Kaede Tsurumi, for all her nervousness and social anxiety, is probably one of the girls she'd love to hang out with.

Tyler Slomkowski could be a current or previous hookup. He does hockey and lacrosse, and he does the prom fundraising game show.

Morgan Whitney could be an acquaintance - she does basketball and lacrosse, so I don't know if she would be close enough to be a friend

Victor Grail can go either way - he's a jock, but he also is a complete jackass.
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Updated my relationships with what I know I've got confirmed.
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Post by Gundham »

Medea - May not be a "relationship" per se, but Cicada's character Soo-Bin speaks ASL, and my gal Karin knows a small amount. The two of them often use it to talk smack about other people or teachers during class, so it'd be pretty funny to have Medea "listen in" on their conversations if she shares a class with them. I'm not sure how Medea would react to that, if she'd think it was funny or scold them for being unkind, but it'd definitely make for an interesting dynamic.

Dani - I could see her being a good friend to Rebekah. Rebekah's a cheerleader who also tends to be a bit of a follower type, so if Dani's friendly and engaging then Rebekah would respond positively to that, and would probably become a tagalong fairly shortly. Rebekah also usually dresses like a tomboy, with grass stains on her clothes and flannel shirts, so it could be fun to have Dani try to work some fashion magic on her.

Karin almost certainly wouldn't like her, and would probably mock her quite a bit.

Dave might have a passing interest in Dani, but he'd probably see her as well out of his league (especially if anybody jealous has ever paid him to prank or otherwise humiliate her), and just sort of casually admire her. He attends a lot of parties, so he'd probably be fairly aware of her presence.

Randolph - Could have an interesting dynamic with Rebekah as well? When she's not cheerleading she's usually out hiking in the woods, and she'd probably have run into him at some point and recognized him from school. If she spotted his birdwatching gear she'd probably want to compare his notes with whatever she's been seeing around, and might even show him a few nests that she knows. It's possible that they could become birdwatching buddies, and just sort of run into each other infrequently to share new birds they're seeing. If Randolph's still looking for crushes, that could also be an option. Rebekah would probably be uncomfortable and not reject him outright, but she's definitely afraid of relationships and all that they signify, so she would have a hard time moving beyond the "slightly more than friends" phase.

Karin probably nicknamed him Ghost Boy or something, but probably doesn't actively rag on him outside of girl gossip time.

If Randolph's been bullied it's almost certain that Dave will have been dispatched to do things to him at some point or another. Because Dave's not a total asshole, he'd do it in a Robin Hood sort of way. He usually does when he's being paid to do obvious bullying. "Here, someone paid me to put this worm in your spaghetti. Done. Contract filled. Isn't that disgusting, the way it wriggles? Anyway, here's another plate of spaghetti, and some garlic bread. Enjoy." It could actually be pretty funny if this was an ongoing thing, with Dave just showing up every now and again to mildly bully Randolph and apologize, and then offer him discounted revenge services. If Dave ever figures out that Randolph has money, he'll definitely make it known that Randolph can ask him for as many favors as he likes. Could be an interesting dynamic, I think.
V9 Characters:

Zara Mohammad
Alexis Keller
Wyatt Latimer
Stephanie "Radical Steph" Raddison
Xiomara Ximenez
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Gundham wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:30 am Medea - May not be a "relationship" per se, but Cicada's character Soo-Bin speaks ASL, and my gal Karin knows a small amount. The two of them often use it to talk smack about other people or teachers during class, so it'd be pretty funny to have Medea "listen in" on their conversations if she shares a class with them. I'm not sure how Medea would react to that, if she'd think it was funny or scold them for being unkind, but it'd definitely make for an interesting dynamic.

Dani - I could see her being a good friend to Rebekah. Rebekah's a cheerleader who also tends to be a bit of a follower type, so if Dani's friendly and engaging then Rebekah would respond positively to that, and would probably become a tagalong fairly shortly. Rebekah also usually dresses like a tomboy, with grass stains on her clothes and flannel shirts, so it could be fun to have Dani try to work some fashion magic on her.

Karin almost certainly wouldn't like her, and would probably mock her quite a bit.

Dave might have a passing interest in Dani, but he'd probably see her as well out of his league (especially if anybody jealous has ever paid him to prank or otherwise humiliate her), and just sort of casually admire her. He attends a lot of parties, so he'd probably be fairly aware of her presence.

Randolph - Could have an interesting dynamic with Rebekah as well? When she's not cheerleading she's usually out hiking in the woods, and she'd probably have run into him at some point and recognized him from school. If she spotted his birdwatching gear she'd probably want to compare his notes with whatever she's been seeing around, and might even show him a few nests that she knows. It's possible that they could become birdwatching buddies, and just sort of run into each other infrequently to share new birds they're seeing. If Randolph's still looking for crushes, that could also be an option. Rebekah would probably be uncomfortable and not reject him outright, but she's definitely afraid of relationships and all that they signify, so she would have a hard time moving beyond the "slightly more than friends" phase.

Karin probably nicknamed him Ghost Boy or something, but probably doesn't actively rag on him outside of girl gossip time.

If Randolph's been bullied it's almost certain that Dave will have been dispatched to do things to him at some point or another. Because Dave's not a total asshole, he'd do it in a Robin Hood sort of way. He usually does when he's being paid to do obvious bullying. "Here, someone paid me to put this worm in your spaghetti. Done. Contract filled. Isn't that disgusting, the way it wriggles? Anyway, here's another plate of spaghetti, and some garlic bread. Enjoy." It could actually be pretty funny if this was an ongoing thing, with Dave just showing up every now and again to mildly bully Randolph and apologize, and then offer him discounted revenge services. If Dave ever figures out that Randolph has money, he'll definitely make it known that Randolph can ask him for as many favors as he likes. Could be an interesting dynamic, I think.
Added. I had a hard time thinking of good descriptions in the relationship lists, but they are added.
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Post by Dr Adjective »


Evie definitely jives with this positivity and loving! They don't have an awful lot in common beyond that, but depending on what Medea streams, Evie might be a fan?
Beth probably doesn't even know she exists, and that might be for the best.

Awkward one for Beth here, I imagine their parents know each other. I also imagine Beth sees Dani as somewhat of a threat, but also grudgingly respects her for the same reasons. Maybe they're the sort of "friends" that don't actually like each other, or maybe Dani just isn't interested in putting up with Bethany?
Not really much to go on with Evie, I don't think. If they knew each other I guess they'd have neutral-to-positive impressions though.

A fellow animal-lover and afficionado of swimming, so maybe he has a crush on Evie? Their relationship could go a lot of ways depending on his approach, so I'd defer to you on what he's like there.
As for old money, Beth's family probably knows his. They probably want her to be good to him, but... this is also one I'd be interested to talk at length about if you're interested too, she could just see him as a freak to put up with, have a complex but genuine friendship, or some weird mixture in between?
[+] V9 - Las Vegas
Heather Klein
"So fuck off with your rainbow-striped American flags / the only colours that I need are the pink and the black."

Last Seen: Red Rock High, Parking Lot

Memories: 1 2
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Heathercore 🤘

Hope Hynes
”Maybe someday, they’ll see a hero / is just a man who knows he is free.”

Last seen: Karaoke!

Pregame: 1 2


Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell
“I can’t deny I’m begging for attention / dropping hints hoping for some tension,”


Mercedes “Mercy” Myers-Prescott
”You can fight this all you want / but tonight belongs to me.”

[+] V8 - Salem
Evie McKown 08-03-2003 - alive
“Do it or do not do it — you will regret both.” - Søren Kierkegaard

Bethany Lyon † 05-07-2003 - 11-12-2021
“God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist.” - St. Augustine

Andrew Lapson † 12-03-2003 - 12-12-2021
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." - Victor Hugo
V9 PLANNING THREAD, mildly outdated will start updating again when LK and Mercy are done...
[+] The Future in Shorthand
🇳🇴 Erika Bloom the girlfailure femcel hellgoblin
🇮🇹 Danielle "Dani Daggers" DiAngelo the obnoxious goth
🇫🇮 Ansa Kosekela the party-time skater
🇺🇦 Tamara Tymurivna Lomachenko the HEMA horse girl
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Post by Deamon »

Dani and Jessica would know each other from the volleyball team and would probably be friends from there.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Dr Adjective wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:44 pm Bonjour~

Evie definitely jives with this positivity and loving! They don't have an awful lot in common beyond that, but depending on what Medea streams, Evie might be a fan?
Beth probably doesn't even know she exists, and that might be for the best.

Awkward one for Beth here, I imagine their parents know each other. I also imagine Beth sees Dani as somewhat of a threat, but also grudgingly respects her for the same reasons. Maybe they're the sort of "friends" that don't actually like each other, or maybe Dani just isn't interested in putting up with Bethany?
Not really much to go on with Evie, I don't think. If they knew each other I guess they'd have neutral-to-positive impressions though.

A fellow animal-lover and afficionado of swimming, so maybe he has a crush on Evie? Their relationship could go a lot of ways depending on his approach, so I'd defer to you on what he's like there.
As for old money, Beth's family probably knows his. They probably want her to be good to him, but... this is also one I'd be interested to talk at length about if you're interested too, she could just see him as a freak to put up with, have a complex but genuine friendship, or some weird mixture in between?
Deamon wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:15 am Dani and Jessica would know each other from the volleyball team and would probably be friends from there.
Yo, added your kids to my lists! All of these look good to me! Thank you for offering your kids up to me!
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Got some ideas, if you're up for them!

Kyoto: Probably dislikes how unendingly positive she is, but other than that he's probably a "good terms, but don't talk much" relationship. He's uncomfortable with the positivity, but it doesn't make him hate her or anything.
Tana: If she's up for play testing games for her, she's happy to be of her acquaintance. Maybe Madea played one of her games on a live stream? Up to you, but I'd definitely be up for it.
Stephan: He is probably this close to being one of the few on her shitlist, but alas! He's an asshole, but he has limits to his cruelty. Probably the one person that can make him shut up and be civil, if only because he just feels uncomfortable being so negative around her. Definitely thinks she needs to be less lazy, and that video games are a waste of time, but again, probably doesn't voice it near her or anything.
Suzanna: If she wants anyone to game with, she'll probably be willing. Especially if she plays Mario Kart, and she may be willing to play up some trash talk if Madea is up for it. May have also tried convincing her to be less lazy, but gave up long ago.

Tana: Follower on Instagram, but not much else.
Stephan: The first person that he doesn't bully specifically because of their class. Looks down on her because of her mom and her cosplaying, but has never said a bad word to or about her lest something bad happens. Probably still a follower on Instagram, though.

Kyoto: Maybe sort of loner buddies? Sometimes people don't want to sit alone at lunch, but also don't want to talk, and he is a perfect candidate for that. Also may have tried defending him from bullies, if he thought Randolph needed it.
Tana: Has definitely tried summoning spirits with him. Their shared interest in that is probably about it, though. She may've tried to hang out with him more, but more or less realized that they're better off meeting for raising the dead and all that.
Stephan: Talks shit behind his back. Yeah, he actually doesn't bully this kid. Like I said, he's an asshole, but an asshole who has limits, and part of them includes the possibility of watching someone have a nervous breakdown. May have bullied him to that point in the past, but after that has pretty much steered clear of him and only been rude when he isn't in the room.

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