Some Peace and Quiet Would Be Nice


Salem's central square features a wide open space with paved brick surface, ideal for hanging out after school or on the weekends for those who don't wish to leave town. There are benches placed a generous distance apart from one another, as well as dining tables placed conveniently alongside the various shops that surround the square. A statue of Bewitched star Elizabeth Montgomery sits in the middle of the square; simply dubbed the 'Bewitched Statue', it serves as a hotspot for tourists wishing to take pictures and as a landmark for meetups among locals.
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Some Peace and Quiet Would Be Nice


Post by Ryuki »

“Yes mom, I’m at Washington Square,” Karen spoke into her phone, “I’ll be waiting by the statue.”

Karen sat on a bench near the Bewitched Statue. Her mother called wondering where she was. The pair had game out for a bit of shopping downtown. They were looking for a new outfit for Karen to wear to an upcoming campus tour. The college apparently had a successful curriculum in law studies.

Karen had managed to convince her mother to separate for a while. Karen said she wanted to visit a bookstore to check out a book she claimed was needed for said curriculum. Karen had actually used that time to look at the bookstore’s manga section. After that she went out for a walk. The air was nice out today.

“I’m okay mom,” Karen said in a calm voice, “I’m not going anywhere. Okay, see you soon.”

She put the phone in her pocket and sighed.

“So overbearing,” she said.
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Post by Primrosette »

((AION RHODES: Pre-game start))

Aion was listening to a Mozart piece with a sense of calmness taking over his mind and body and he was on the way back from fixing up of his dad's friend's car engine. It had only needed a little bit of work here and there. He could still smell the odour of the car's engine oil on his hands that he had clean up and he didn't really care or give a fuck about it much. He just wanted to get back home and chill out with one of Nora Roberts' books that had piqued his interest. His taste in romance would really be trash sometimes, but he loved keeping it a secret all to himself. Mostly since his parents and Sammy knew about them anyway. He had caught Sammy trying to sneak into his room sometimes to steal, well, borrow, some of his books. Thankfully, Sammy was good at keeping secrets and he didn't have to worry about anyone teasing the hell out of him for such an embarrassing hobby.

Aion found himself stopping by the bewitched statue when the classic piece had stopped playing and he took off his headphones briefly, staring down at his phone screen. Should he give a call to Matt? Also he will never understand how he had this whole big love for ducks, but he wasn't hurting anyone with it so Aion guessed it was fine for the dude for being a duck lover weirdo. Eh, the dude was possibly busy trying to flirt with some girl (or guy, he had seen him do it for fun) and as much as Aion wanted to be a cockblocker, he was feeling a bit too cheery for that.

He then heard the end of the girl's conversation on her phone and he glanced over at where she was sitting at. Ah, it was Karen. What an unfortunate time to be a Karen. He felt bad for all the Karens that were not bitches or pieces of fucking trash. Still, it looked like she was down or some shit. Aion wasn't friends with her at all and he did feel like he should get a move on. However....

"Hey, Karen." He said with a small grunt coming out of his throat while he was tucking his phone and headphones into the small opened part of his bag that was hanging over his left shoulder and he was slowly making his way over to her. Why the hell not? Maybe we'll find something in common.

I wonder if she likes boxing. Likely fucking not!

"You all good over here?"
[+] V7
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ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
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Post by Ryuki »

Karen looked over and noticed a boy with dyed hair. Aion Rhodes was one of the sporty types at the school, from what Karen could remember from her limited info on him. He was also gay from what she heard, not that she was interested in dating him. She could smell an odor coming off of him, something akin to oil from a car. Guess he visited an auto shop, or maybe he just naturally smelled like oil.

"Hey there," Karen said, "I'm fine, thank you. Just enjoying the nice weather. Really clears the mind."

Karen looked up at the sky. There were few clouds. It was bright and sunny. She wished she could take her mind off of things like her parents' expectations, picking the right college, or the thought of defying her parents' wishes to become a lawyer and choose her own career. She wished those thoughts were like those little clouds in the sky, while the rest of her mind was clear like the rest of it.

"So, what brings you here today?", she asked Aion.
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion felt his eyebrow almost raising, but he forced his face to keep itself under control. He didn't want to make any expressions to come off as "judgmental" or "negative" or whatever the fuck his friends would say about his face sometimes. He actually didn't mean anything by how his body language or his facial expressions. Well, sometimes. A scowl, a sneer, a frown, a smirk, etc, etc. He didn't mean shit by any of it.

Unless it got serious. Real fucking serious.

"Oh, hell yeah. The weather is pretty cool today." Aion nodded in agreement as he glanced at the sky as well and he shielded his eyes with his head. He wasn't really a summer boy that much, he actually preferred the winter season for some reason. Sammy always looked at him like he had lost his mind when he told him that he preferred winter but he didn't really care that much. "I normally prefer music to help me relax and think things through. It's a comfort personally. Makes me less stressed and angry as hell at the world and other people, you know?"

Ack. Too personal, Aion.

"Ah, anyway...." He turned his head to look right at Karen and he gave her a small smile. "Well, I was on my way back home. But I noted that you seemed down about something and I just wanted to check up on you to make sure that you're okay."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
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Post by Ryuki »

“Well, thank you for the concern,” Karen said.

She looked back up at the sky. A couple of birds flew by and into one of the nearby trees. All these thoughts on her parents’ expectations and selecting a good college for their set path for her made Karen want to groan. But she figured venting to Aion was a better option.

“Have you ever felt like a puppet your whole life?”, she asked Aion.

She turned her head, looking him in the eye, prepared to engage in conversation.

“I was out clothes shopping with my mother,” she began, “We’re going to visit this college that’s said to have an excellent law studies program. She wanted me to look my best, so we came here hoping to find me a new blazer or something.”

Karen put her head in her hands and continued.

“Thing is, I’d rather choose my own field of study, rather than follow what my parents tell me. They’re dead set on me becoming a lawyer like them, but I don’t know if that’s right for me.”

She might have been over sharing, but it felt good to get that off her chest.
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion thought about the puppet thing and in a way, he could understand Karen. In a different way. His parents hadn't forced him into a college or anything like that. But sometimes trying to be a better person for his younger brother was hard and a bit stressful. The worst thing that hang over him for years was his deceased brother and people who hated him had never let him let go of those memories that still made him sad and angry at times.

Puppets.... Aren't we all just that?

Having a parent who wants you to do a path that they want or had always made Aion feel annoyed. Like he thought that parents should be happy with whatever career that their teen kids would want to do.


He clicked his tongue lightly.

"That does sound rough." He admitted with a slight nod and then he kicked at the ground, looking right at the girl with a thoughtful glance on his face. "What do you have in mind that you want to do? Have you thought about telling them about not wanting to be a lawyer?"
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
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ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ryuki »

“Well,” Karen said, “I always had a soft spot for animals, but my parents wouldn’t let me have a pet. I’ve been looking into being a veterinarian in my spare time.”

She paused to think for a moment.

“I don’t know why they want me to be a lawyer so much,” she continued, “Maybe because they’re so successful as lawyers, that maybe I’d inherit their intelligence and naturally become a successful lawyer myself.”

Karen thought back to the day she expressed interest in being a veterinarian. Her parents were irate, saying that she’d have wasted all those years they spent having her study law.

But, they weren’t the ones studying law. She was. If anything, they were wasting her time.

“I mentioned my interest to my parents once,” Karen said, “But, they didn’t want to hear any of it. They’re dead set on making me becoming a lawyer.”
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion felt himself smile for a few moments when Karen mentioned some animals and that she would like to be a veterinarian. He thought that helping out animals was one of the sweetest things that someone could do. Although, if he was having this conversation with any of his dick-headed friends, they would call him a softie bitch. Ugh. Shit, he really did hate being wound up, but Karen was being genuine with him and there was nothing for him to worry about.

"You should still go for it. If it's your big dream, you shouldn't give up just because your parents are trying to make a path you don't want." He said with a hint of distaste coming from his mouth and he knew that he would have to leave soon. "I can't understand why some parents are like this. Shit, I'm like the worst person to ask about this kind of advice as I would just rebel if my own parents had gave me a goal to a job I didn't want."

Aion let out an awkward laugh.

"Still... You can still go for a veterinarian career and if your parents don't like it." Aion gave a small shrug. Fuck them honestly. He wasn't going to say that as that wouldn't help matters. "Well, it's their loss honestly. Your happiness comes first, Karen."

Making yourself happy is the best fucking thing that you could ever do.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
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ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ryuki »

As encouraging as Aion's words were, Karen couldn't help but imagine the worst case scenario. If she were to pursue an education in veterinary instead of law, would her parents be disappointed? Would they cut her off financially? Cut her out of the family dynamic? She couldn’t go to college without some support.

“I wish I had the courage to think like you do,” said Karen.

Just then, Karen could see her mother walking up to them.

“Karen! I’m here! Let’s get going!”, her mother shouted.

Karen sighed, got up from the bench, and and turned to Aion.

“Well, I better get going,” Karen said, “It was nice talking to you.”

Karen gave a small wave goodbye, and walk towards her mother, who was keen to visit shoe store.

(Karen Nguyen, continued elsewhere…)
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
[+] Past Characters
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion felt slightly pained to hear Karen's words like that and he wanted to tell her that he wasn't as courageous as she thought he was. He turned his head as he heard Karen's Mom calling out to her and he pursed his lips briefly, frowning for a few seconds. He then put his attention back on Karen and he gave her a small smile.

"Nice to chat with ya, Karen." He nodded and he gave her a wave in return, watching her leave with her Mom.

He let out a tired sigh and he sat there for a while before heading home.

((Aion Rhodes continued elsewhere))
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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