Fred Hobbes

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Fred Hobbes


Post by midnight_twelve »

Name: Fredrick Stanley Hobbes
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Sports (Particularly Basketball), Video Games, Internet Culture, Films and Television

Appearance: Fred stands a lanky 6’4, with only about 150 lb. on his skinny frame. His skin is pale and nowhere near as prone to acne as it was in his young teens, though not without blemishes- two moles on his left cheek and a dusting of freckles over his nose.

Fred’s face is round and pretty, though not quite to an androgynous extent. He has narrow hazel eyes, often accompanied by bags from sleeplessness, a soft nose and thin lips. His large ears are slightly jarring on his otherwise more delicate face, and often flush red when he’s embarrassed or just hot; he’s used to being teased over them. His brown hair is cut short and currently styled in a perm, and he keeps his face and neck clean-shaven, with a naturally hairless chest and conversely hairy legs.

Fred dresses casually and rather plainly. His t-shirts- the staple of his wardrobe- usually sport the branding of sports teams or indie bands, and tend to keep to a subdued colour scheme. He tends to wear hoodies in colder weather and jeans or sweatpants year round, cycling between a few pairs of well-worn shoes. On the day of his abduction, this combination was a grey hoodie over a black t-shirt, light grey sweatpants worn just below the waistline of his boxers, scuffed-up navy blue sneakers and a black digital watch on his left wrist. He has a pair of prescribed reading glasses, but he tries to avoid wearing them when possible.

Fred’s posture is fairly poor, and he’s often hunched over or slouching in his seat. He has a few noticeable mannerisms, like wringing his hands when he’s nervous or embarrassed. At the time of the abduction, Fred was walking with a slight limp after spraining his left ankle on the court. It doesn’t usually cause him pain so long as he keeps his movement slow and doesn’t put too much weight on it, though it will sometimes experience a sharp, sudden pain if he steps on it the wrong way.

Biography: Fredrick Hobbes was born to Jackson and Mary Hobbes in Salem, Massachusetts on April the 23rd of 2004. The couple were already in their early forties when they had Fred, and he would remain their first and only child- a fact that would provide both greater attention from his parent’s and loneliness at different points throughout his home life.

Jackson is a construction worker, and the family consider themselves working class. For the first few years of Fred’s life, Mary was a stay-at-home parent. He was a shy but often clingy child who needed a lot of attention from his mother, and Mary began to struggle with the responsibility of caring for him, especially since she intended to return to her old job as a supermarket cashier at the weekends to help provide for the family. One of Fred’s favourite things to do at the time was watch cartoons, so Mary and Jackson bought a television for Fred’s room to keep him out of the way around the house.

This had the intended effect of keeping him busy at home, but the young Fred still yearned for affection. When he begun school, he looked for it from his peers instead. This forced him into socialising more, and despite being somewhat shy, he started making friends among his classmates. His parents were relieved to see him opening up to others and withdrawing slightly from his life.

In spite of this, Fred retained a positive relationship with both his mother and father. In particular, he enjoyed spending time with Jackson, who fostered his son’s athletic interests through father-son bonding time, playing sports and encouraging him to join various clubs and teams throughout his childhood such as baseball and soccer, with basketball eventually becoming his favourite. Taking part in team sports further helped Fred to make new friends, and he grew into a sociable, well-liked kid. Eventually, Jackson’s age put a stop to their playing together, but he made sure to watch his son play whenever possible.

Fred continued to watch a lot of television, and with the rise of streaming services he’d often spend evenings and weekends binge-watching series and films. He gravitated towards action movies, especially those that didn’t take themselves too seriously and he could enjoy without having to put too much thought into them. He also watched a lot of sports, keeping up with all the major American sports throughout the year.

Going into middle school, the crowd of mostly popular, sporty kids Fred had immersed himself in started to pick on some of the less athletic children. Though the bullying never sat right with him, Fred never found the confidence to speak out against the actions of his friends and even found himself joining in on occasion, pressured into mocking and taunting his less popular classmates. Whenever he was able to be kind without sabotaging his status, Fred took the opportunity, but he knew it was too little to redeem himself. During this time, he lost a lot of respect for himself, as well as most of the genuine friendships he actually had and fell into a period of depression. He retreated more into the internet and television, and lost a lot of the passion he had for his more athletic hobbies.

Things got a little better when Fred enrolled at John Endecott Memorial Academy and started to make new friends. He signed up for the basketball team in freshman year, but never quite regained his passion for the sport. At first, he was one of the better players on the team due in large part to his height, but as his teammates trained and improved many of them overtook him in skill. Fred recognises that he’s not especially talented and, not seeing any future for himself in sport, worries about losing the camaraderie of the team when he goes to college. He recently sprained his ankle whilst playing.

Another of Fred’s major hobbies is video gaming. This hobby came about as a way to socialise online; he prefers online games that he can play with his friends, with first-person shooters and sport simulators at the top of that list. He usually plays for several hours at a time, often late into the night and into the morning. He enjoys the escapism that they provide as much as the social aspect.

The internet is another hobby that eats up a lot of Fred’s time. He tends to surf aimlessly, checking the same few websites over and over again, with Reddit and YouTube as his favourites. The latter in particular offers some variety from the shows and films he watches, and he can spend hours on the site binge-watching videos.

He also frequents parties and other social events, though he tends to be more withdrawn at such gatherings than the other popular kids and attends them more to keep up appearances. Through some of these parties he was introduced to alcohol, and has since started drinking more regularly than is healthy. Both of his parents have struggled with alcoholism in the past, and Jackson in particular doesn’t tend to notice when the odd can of his beer goes missing. When he has been caught, his parents have been fairly lenient, but they do worry to themselves about his habit.

Across all aspects of his life, Fred lacks much willpower. He easily gives in to peer pressure and seldom stands up for himself or others, and struggles to commit himself to work. His grades are average, and he tends to procrastinate assignments and do the bare minimum to get by. His favourite subject at school is PE, and he doesn't particularly enjoy any academic subjects, with maths as his favourite and English at the bottom of the list.

Socially, Fred exists on the periphery of the popular crowd. He is a kind and gentle person, though his disposition can be quite variable depending on who he’s with at the time. In general, he’s much more confident when surrounded by friends or charismatic leaders, and far less so when he’s on his own. This has made it practically impossible for him to pursue any romantic relationships or even friendships deeper than those he has with his teammates and others in his circles, and he isn’t anyone’s best friend despite his relative popularity.

His general lack of self-confidence has also convinced him that no one he knows is, or could ever be, attracted to him, so he regularly feels hopeless in regard to his romantic prospects. In particular, he’s very insecure about his weight and has tried on several occasions to put on weight and build up muscle mass, but has failed to commit to that each and every time.

Fred’s time spent online, particularly in gaming spaces and on Reddit, have occasionally brought him into contact with the Incel movement. Though he’s never found himself consciously agreeing with the often misogynistic viewpoints espoused in these circles, the stories of young men’s loneliness and frustration have resonated with him more than he’d like to admit. Fred doesn’t have much of an interest in politics outside of memes but would consider himself a centrist if pushed, and is generally more sympathetic to the Democrats than the Republicans.

Recently, his parents’ relationship has deteriorated, tarnishing his perspective of romance and further dissuading him from pursuing it. Currently, Mary and Jackson remain married and continue to live together, but the atmosphere at home is tense and hostile. Fred has also started to suspect his parents of neglecting him, and relationships between the three are growing strained. Fred does not enjoy his life, but feels it is out of his control.

Fred doesn’t have a concrete plan for the future. Somewhat dispassionately, he looks to study computer science at university, seeing it as the safest career choice in the modern world.

Advantages: On a good day, Fred’s relative athleticism puts him at an advantage against many of his classmates. His friends, coming mainly from the school’s sporting circles, have similar skills which could lead to strong alliances.
Disadvantages: Fred’s ankle is all but guaranteed to put him at a severe disadvantage, and might even single him out as a target. His general lack of hope for the future is unlikely to improve with his imminent death almost certain, so he’ll likely continue to exhibit negative traits like lethargy and frustration that could disadvantage him in survival situations. Finally, Fred’s teammates know him as something of a pushover, a rather non-confrontational guy who isn’t likely to pick a fight, and might exploit this nature.
Fredrick Stanley "Fred" Hobbes
Born 23rd April 2004 - Died 13th December 2021
“Do you think we were bad people, before we came here? Or just like, weak?”

Chloé Margot Delacroix
Born 21st November 2003 - Died 13th December 2021
“I am going to get everyone off of this island.”

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Post by Buko »

Hey midnight_twelve, the people’s crustacean! My name is Chad/Buko and I will be taking a look at Fred. You may have seen me do the schpeal before but here we go again—the profile process is just that…a process! Anything said here is said with the idea of getting the best version of Fred out into the game proper! I might bring up something in subsequent reviews that I neglect to bring up here but fear not! It’s mostly done because I am human and miss things as opposed to any maliciousness!

With that out the way, let us get cracking!

Because the Hobbies & Interests is done in list format only the first listed thing needs to be capitalized.

Fred stands a lanky 6’4, with only about 150 lb. on his skinny frame.
We’re gonna want to go 6’4” here and then 150lbs.
He tends to wear hoodies in colder weather and jeans or sweatpants year round, cycling between a few pairs of well-worn shoes.
Year round is a bit clearer in intention when we put in da hyphen so year-round.

Aside from these little things in the biography, Fred seems to look good in the looks department! Solid job!

Jackson is a construction worker, and the family consider themselves working class.
Be careful with tense! Remember we want to stick with the past tense. This is somewhat of an issue that comes up a few times in the profile in odd places and so I would suggest being your own editor here and putting this through a reread and review, just to iron out any and all kinks with tense and clarity in specific.
He was a shy but often clingy child who needed a lot of attention from his mother, and Mary began to struggle with the responsibility of caring for him, especially since she intended to return to her old job as a supermarket cashier at the weekends to help provide for the family.
Might want to make this section two separate sentences since it reads a little long and lacks some clarity because of it. At a basic level it would be ‘on the weekends’ as opposed to ‘at the weekends’.

As far as content goes, you knocked this biography out of the park and I found myself really feeling for and gaining an understanding of Fred while also being curious of his direction going into the game proper. I think you really nailed here the conceit and concept of the profile being a quick reference and sort of “abstract” for a character and it is good to see sort of Fred’s struggles articulated so explicitly. Very good job!

This goes onto the Advantages & Disadvantages which seem clear and to the point! I would say that since you pretty much negate and take away his physical advantage with the ankle injury in the disadvantage, you might benefit from giving credence and credit towards one of Fred’s mental or intellectual strengths or even communication abilities or people-pleasing abilities. Something to give a little balance to that section.

Give this thing a reread and review, handle the typos I pointed out and try to get everything on the same page tense wise and with clarity as the mission—and then I’ll take another look at Frederick! If you have any questions or seek any guidance, feel free to reach out to me via Discord, PM, messenger pigeon, MySpace, astral projection or smoke signal (in my preferred order!).

Good luck and happy editing!

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